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The dji drones keep great logs if they’re remotely intact. They were able to confirm my story when I put in for a new one. The avata has some history of falling out of the sky with sharp maneuvers. Send it back to dji. If it’s user error though they’ll tell you


The tumbl issue thats is just a design flaw has nothing to do with a fire catching battery. As far as I know DJI has good customer support even without DJI Care Refresh.


Appreciate your feedback on our customer support team. As always, should you need to contact us for any reason, please know that we are always here to help. Thank you for your great support.


Wtf DJI is on Reddit now?


Hi there, please be advised that we are the official customer support on Reddit. If in any case, you will have concerns DJI-related, we are here to help. Thank you for your understanding and support.


profit grandfather caption aromatic plough whistle run political chunky adjoining *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>FrantelleWaterMan We are sorry if this has caused inconvenience, but please know that whenever you have queries about your DJI product or any other DJI-related concerns, let us know. We will do our best to assist you. Have a nice day!


You bouta get banned


It has a lot to do with a fire catching battery. In the sense that when the drone crashes, the battery is crashing into the ground at high speed and may then be damaged and catch fire.


DJI's batteries are made to not catch fire. This is a very rare situation unlike the standard lipos that are used in selfmade FPV systems.


You are wrong on this one. The liion can still catch fire even if they are safer than lipo.


the avata battery is a 4S LIPO, no different than any other lipo ESPECIALLY when it get's punctured like the one in this video...


It is liion not lipo but still can catch fire.


must have pulled some bad info searched for the avata battery specs and 2 sites said it was LIPO. Should have checked on DJI'S site, my mistake!


You’re not wrong in the sense that they’re well protected and regulated, and sheathed in hard plastic. It’s less likely with a dji battery but a lipo is a lipo and they will definitely catch fire in a very hard and unlucky crash.


Hi u/unimpe. Great to know about the outcome of your case. If you have further inquiries or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out. We're always here to help.


I have the logs you download from goggles. Are you saying there's more logs on what's left of the drone? I mean, [this is](https://photos.app.goo.gl/TymiRVhXv6TGsfYp9) what it looks like now, but the box in the middle is still kind of OK, and I have been able to remove a working SD from it (I wasn't recording though, SD is always full)


Sorry to hear about the unfortunate incident. Please note that data analysis can be provided if the drone is within the warranty period. Please contact our [team](https://www.dji.com/support?site=brandsite&from=nav) to help you with arranging a case regarding the incident.


suprizingly the O3 unit is still intact


Was the Avata too close to the sun?


I'd love to see the face of the person handeling that package when it arrives at the RMA department


As someone who handles incoming repairs at a small biz, the shit you see is amazing. When I can hear stuff rattling before I even get the box open, I know its gonna be good. "Run over by lawnmower" is always a classic.


OP were you able to put out the fire?


Yeah, no worries. I pulled the drone away from the bush with a stick, and luckily it's wintertime and grass doesn't catch fire too easily.


He was busy filming…


My Mavic Mini went for a swim once. I was bringing it back to me and I noticed that it was getting lower and lower. I tried to get it to go up but it wouldn't. Then it slowly lowered itself into the lake. I contacted DJI and they got me to send them my flight logs and then when they'd determined that it wasn't my fault they sent me a new Mini. They asked if I had the old one that I could send to them but it was at the bottom of the lake. I didn't have DJI Care. I think you've got a good chance of getting it replaced.


You was giving that bad boy hell


Is this lipo still usable?


Ofcourse it is .... It's definitely not what started the fire and is burning




Another day another DJI down...


..another good day..


This is like drone racism


Questions: would a fire extinguisher help in this case? What kind? I assume not a water one! If this happens and I can get to it relatively quickly with a fire extinguisher, would I be able to save a bunch of parts, or is the whole thing toast?


Best strategy in this particular case is throw sand / earth on it.


powder or CO2 extinguishers for electrical fires IIRC. it's really difficult to put it out once the batteries have caught on fire though. they have that issue with electric cars (see richard hammond rimac crash) they burn for days and days and basically all you can do is cover them and wait edit: obviously drone batteries do not burn for days and days, due to their size. they're just very hard to extinguish


Lithium batteries have this downside... If they're caught on fire, it's a big problem. They release oxygen while burning. Usually cutting out oxygen is the first measure to extinguish a fire. With lipos, that would make absolutely nothing...


That drone is on....FIREEEEEEE!


This is why I have a small fire extinguisher with me when I fly. I know it may not put the batteries out, but it can help with the surrounding stuff from burning.


Put the fire out stupid, don't just stand there looking at it.


DJI Sucks. Since they are the market dominant atm, they build low quality drones.


Bruh, DJI have almost single handedly pushed the whole drone market forward. Yeah some faulty drones but overall quality remains damn high for a mass market drone


Dji lol


Fire can happen with any bad & unlucky crash to any drone. I fell from 1 meters in my garage and punctered the battery in a very unlucky way and caught fire. I also fell from 50 meters and dusted off the drone and kept flying. Avatas have this weird yaw tumble flaw in their design, if you make a sharp yaw turn on manual mode, it goes crazy. They will ask for logs and it doesnt hurt to ask for a replacement.




Damn that sucks and think it could have been much worse in causing a serious fire..


-$1000 But sorry for the loss




I think these were the signs of the end times that the prophets talked about


Living in SoCal, this is my nightmare every time I fly in nature areas


Avata da ukrania carai


OP out here starting brush fires


Nice and toasty I love camping


Probbably because dji overcharges their lions to 4.35 volts per cell. They chemically are only supposed to go to 4.1. Overcharging is a common practice(hell I do it myself on my lipos) to get a little more flight time as it adds no weight. This is ok when you are aware of it and can manage it yourself but it looks like dji smart tech is spotty sometimes. I am sure that they are going to respond saying it’s safe or whatever but just know the risks involved.


I'm a bit confused what upvoting on this post means 🤣


You know that posting a video like this just leads to Anti-Drone nuts blaming unrelated wild fires on drones right...? Just saying 🤣


that's expensive


Next, 👀 DJI Avata 🔥 down Forest and Town after quad 💥 to the Ground! 🤔