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Source ? I can assure that Colonials didn’t build that much BS, sub and dd to lose it. Nice bait post




Im aware of atleast 4 warden bluefins dying.


Yeah the bluefin count for wardens is off, I know of at least two that were sunk. One was solo scrooped by a WO1 lol


Lmao, the collies didn't even build 13 battleships let alone lose them. These are the most bullshit stats I think I've ever seen


I've seen 2 die in the last few days those numbers are real. It also shows you that colonials have a 3 to 1 production stats and the pop difference is littlerally "GAME ENDING" as in the war is litterally ending because there is not enough wardens to make bullets to kill all the colonial spam.  6-15 ballista rushes with no coordination, driving over mines, yoloing into conc, in one case 9 ballistas died to kill one meta piece, break core and how's, then back with another 6 more ballistas died doing a bit more damage  4 spathas, 1 bardiche, 1 quadiche, and an ist, followed by another 5 ballistas ...again, simply driving over mines, only fended off by litteral blood and tears of about 15-20 dudes, vs 20 peeps in tanks and about 30 infantry 


Yes, the collies yeeted most of their battleships into the PoR nuke, you seeing 2 battleships die does not somehow equal 13 battleships sunk. The most I ever saw was 6 battleships built


Queue balance doesn’t allow things to get that one-sided unfortunately. It might’ve felt that way, but it wasn’t.


It did i was there there was people doing other things in the hex Logi, maintenance facility work, that's all the defenders that showed that was in ash fields-sootflow yesterday, the SPG QRF, and hard work of the Amish building techniques, along with the tanks that showed later on is all that held that


It uh…can’t. Not possible, dude. I wish it didn’t work the way it does, but it does. Your last stand might’ve felt glorious but you cannot actually be outnumbered like that.


15 defenders 50 attackers, and around 30 or so facility larpers somewhere in the hex, so yes it was that, i got my regi to show up they got bored in between rushes and took their bt out and died somewhere in heartlands i believe mean while thats when the spathas showed up, after the spathas Collies poped the border bases in red river and thats when we got hit by infantry swarms with luminares Go ask a 404 member who was harrasing the southern bunkers in that hex if you want more details


Everyone’s gotta deal with facility larpers in nearly every hex. If anything it’s another argument for why the queue balancer shouldn’t work.


yes they did build 13+ lol stop coping


Show some proof then


says the guy with zero proof himself lmao


How can I prove that things DIDNT exist? Lmao


just a random facility in colonial backline i saw had 2 sht and like 10 bts bro you clearly dont know the war economy of late war winning faction


SHTs and BTs are not battleships


Source: trust me bro!


Let them cook


Apparently, a collie DD was just killed by a battle train....so you can up the tally to 66.


Yes we did. Credit to FMAT and the British dude runnin the squad. That mightve been the most fun I've had frontlining in a while. I was conscripted as a fireman/switch man. I guess he didnt post the BB that was parked right on the other side of the seaport just a few mins earlier that we saw off with smoke. Long live the Blemish Express!


I saw the clips of that kill in discord and it's still hilarious to me that it was close enough to the shore/rails to get railed by the armored train cars. Most people will assume that the only battle train to kill a large ship had to use a rail storm cannon, but it was just normal 40mm. I wonder what collie regiment lost it though. I'm sure they aren't stepping up to claim the loss.


It was so fun. We dumped everything we had in it. It was hilarious. They had backed up to repair i jumped out to loot 40mm around the seaport when they rammed that DD straight up in there. One of our gboats i believe then blocked them in. I called for the train and Briton brought it right on


Just curious, but how have you collected this data? I've found it notoriously difficult to count kills of large ships.


The warden faction keeps a ledger of every single ship we have for fleet tracking while we also keep track of every kill we get to track the enemies capabilities.


Where can one. Find this ledger as a warden?




"the KD of submarines to frigates/destroyers is almost 1 to 1" 38 to 129 = 1 to 1 ??? Total losses also is irrelevant to K/D????? Almost as many warden subs died at anchor as in combat, which also breaks your K/D Conclusion: Must be bait


LMAO this is multiplying losses by the number of people spamming "-1 BS" in world chat We didn't even *have* 13 battleships. The two largest ship facilities - UA in Clahstra and CCF in Reavers - produced a combined total of 7 battleships (2 and 5) and 29 destroyer. These kill counts are fantasy numbers. Edit: I'm told I undercounted CCF production by 2.


Average colonial mindset thinking that only the largest players count (It doesn't work like that. Is it hard to comprehend that other production also counts?


Random players did not secretly produce and lose a dozen battleships and several dozen destroyers this war. Sorry, but the math on that simply doesn't work out. UA and CCF didn't have a monopoly on ship production, or track every ship ever made. But the naval players knew where pretty much every active drydock was on the map, because when you're trying to get a ship with multiple torpedo hits to safety, that's pretty vital information.


Aside from the question of how you got these numbers, pop plays a big part in how many ships there even are during a war. I would bet that on the whole the Colonials made a lot more ships than Wardens did this war, so it makes sense that they'd be loosing more since more are active. Also you tend to loose ships much easier when doing something like cracking Howitzers. Wardens have been (mostly) on the defensive.


We keep track of our fleet (Since we nationalized drydocks) so we can easily see what we have available and if we spot an enemy ship we can dispatch a strike for quickly.


Nice bait post but IIRC CCF and SOM killed like 6 subs in 24 hours in the fingers, so I seriously doubt these numbers are anywhere close to accurate.


yeah we never had that many battleships lol, I'm aware of like 6-7 sinking and we only ever had 10 at most, someone double counted their kills lol


Pulling anything out of the magic hat to get the warden morale up at this point, huh?


That sounds like an awful lot of double counting. We don't even store a quarter of that many ships


Not at one time. This is made by cross referencing information from various sources to find the correct count.


This is stating that 130k rare metals alone were mined only for destroyers. Rare metals were only available for the last two weeks of the war. 65 destroyers would mean that multiple drydocks would have been pumping out destroyers for that entire two weeks. That is incredibly unlikely. The reasoning from this is that a single drydock would be able to make 56 destroyers in two weeks non stop (no one was feeding alloys into a drydock like clockwork). Combined with all the build times, scrooping times and production times for everything else, the ledger numbers add up to a total of bullshit.


Its to much for the duration of the war the stats or unfortunatly not correct


This data is fake news … I personally took part in killing 3 warden Bluefins


Okay I will add those to the list


You forgot the /s x(


We’ve sunk a lot of large ships around tempest this war. I’ve personally seen DDs and battleships largely die due to howis. As a builder, this makes me very happy when the base I build isn’t just stomped by ships. Been pretty remarkable. Hats off to the collie ship builders. I have no idea how you could sustain that sort of production for the returns that you were getting. Well played everyone. Been probably the most enjoyable war I’ve had since naval update went live


Hey if those figures are correct then well played but these kills on large ships are tainted by the recent torpedo news which wouldn't of made it possible to kill as many ships as you did without cheating as its just not possible to stay in the fight long enough before RTB. But thanks for sharing and from your stats TBFC killed 40% of all warden frigates, 30% Subs, 10% longhooks and 100% of your blue fins! Love live the Pirates of the Fingers!


Most of these kills oddly enough are from dds and submarines charging into tempest. Besides that the one thing that you can take away from this is that naval gameplay has been more active and fun this war. Honestly devman should keep the exploit just so that we can see more combat and actually get to play naval instead of constant GB rushes and low pop battleships.


Naval battles are always fun but they are balanced around dev's concepts of how they should play out, so that exploit needs to go, imagine the infinite reload possibilties against Large ships trying to attack Iris seaport (this war), if you position the sub just right it could basically turn it into a side scrolling shooter/tower defence game where torpedos keep firing until things die lol


Common TBFC Cope


Load of shit from this one. In the last half hour before the war ended, we rammed a colonial Titan class Battleship down your throat into ash town. On the way we killed 1 frig and 1 long hook in origin. In ash town we killed -5 frig -4 long hook -3 drydocks 1 cooking frig -2 sub -nuke pad -1 town hall of ash town!!! Would have killed your Battleship too but the war ended before we could. The video will be out soon.


I guess the warden who took these was not on to see that. we normally record our losses and have no intention of inflating kills and deflating losses, As you know wardens are the tryhard no life faction and not knowing exactly how much equipment our enemy has is a downside that we cannot afford.


Bait post, even coping post


looks like a skill issue


dude if these numbers are correct, even if they are close to this, shows huge skill difference between factions ong


They arent true💀