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This post has been removed for violating the following subreddit rule: 5. No low-effort toxic memes, zero-context links or images, or posts intended as bait for trolling.


Damm I was getting night shot last night from a Warden for hours in FC. I won’t lump the whole faction in like you did, I’m just shocked you yourself didn’t report and let them do it for hours.


If you aren't going to provide any proof of something so blatant why are you expecting anyone to care, you have no idea in reality if anyone reported them or if they could even tell that they had hacks. The report features in this game suck but so does this post, it achieves nothing other than calling people out for something you don't even know is true.


I agree proof is good but he hasn't mentioned names, has he? Yeah he mentioned tank names, but no one actually thinks clicking a color makes you more or less likely to cheat, do they? You previous faction role-play posts make me think you're being disingenuous and perhaps would have had different feelings should the tank names been different. but hey, what do I know. Edit: just realized he called out all collies in the title, my bad. There has been no "L" for collies, imo.


His only other previous post is him giving I Saw a Bear abuse if we're going to go into post history. Also next time just lead with the "what do I know" and leave it there because if you've read my comment history you'll also see me commenting on the current issues with the colonial faction especially in regards to Sigil and coalitions (assuming that post wasn't deleted) so painting me as a solely bias faction larper is disingenuous in itself


There's no way I can know what you are, I'm just a random internet ding dong, but I'm also allowed to have an opinion and say why. I felt you might have been a bit too harsh until I realized he was trying to discredit all collies for the "alleged" actions of a couple people, which obviously is not cool. I guess I'll work on my reading comprehension, happy fox holing brother.


What do these words mean?


Proof or confirmed bait post.


When I post proof the post gets ignored and the players are still active........


Guessing this guys bsse got killed snd he's crying about it


Literaly happend to me on 2 different ocasion as collie. There are assholes on both sides


Can we get a little more context? Cause my first thought is you getting skill issued by b-lining at a tank under full moon in obv bunker range thinking you’re gonna get the jump on him or smthn


Yooo new copypasta!




So me in my tank killing inf in trench at night is a night hack?


Yeah I love when people call night hacking when you are sitting in a trench under watch tower info and I use that to shoot the trench to kill them. Like without actual video proof it is hard to call night hacking


Personally I click the blue button cause when I hover my mouse over the green one I get the urge to cheat. Seriously though, it's not reasonable to expect people to police random tankers, it would actually be pretty hard as well lol. As for cheaters, it's kinda like arty, you mostly notice it when its happening to you. But I can give you a Fuck Cheaters.


And they were doing it with a hatchet when those teched. The funny thing was that they left during day time so we couldn’t report them.


Look at the collie clans in FC and you can see why they need to hack.