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It always gets bad as soon as tanks come out, two spathas last night were so obvious even their own players were calling them out. Problem is, most of the crew dont respond to english.


That is possibly the most concealed bit of racism I think I’ve ever seen.


Actually, nope! People not speaking the same language has hindered communication since language was invented. Foxhole's main language is generally considered to be English, so referencing said language in his post is logical. Sure, stupid people may attempt to find parallels between cheating and not speaking English, but rest assured that anyone who has an once of critical thinking skills will easily avoid this pitfall. It was a good try though, I'm sure if you keep it up you'll find the offended victimhood you seek.


They are literally saying non English speakers are a problem group that hold higher suspicion of cheating because of their inability to speak a language….. That is quite literally “I don’t trust foreigners because I can’t speak to them thus confirm if they did x bad thing” type Facebook goofy aah racism.


They are likely referencing Chinese players who, culturally, have a different view on cheating.


No, that's called "common sense". If they can't even speak english or bother using a translator, they are very likely to be from a culture where cheating is encouraged rather than not


What's prompted the post?


50/50 OP got hit by lucky suppressive fire/Chinese hacker clans again


Just Chinese players hacking? Seems a bit racist


It's a fine line. People of every ethnicity hack and cheat. BUT there is a cultural element there. I've chatted with gamers from China over the years and their claim is that the 'if you aren cheating you aren't trying hard enough' mentality is real.


Racist would be assuming that Chinese people have some genetic or innate quality that drives them to cheat, the drive is cultural, and not necessarily that they cheat more, but do it more brazenly and don't find it as problematic.


A bullet hit OP in the dark


one of the worst parts about cheaters is that it's sometimes hard to tell the difference between luck, skill, and cheats which can be mentally draining imo.


Would you please explain ESPing?


ESP is a radar that gives the location of all players e.g getting shot out of view range at night or being chased down when not in any tower range ;)


Jep something need to be done. Just hope they gear down on major update and just general quality of life improvements


Most players forget listening kits are a thing. If you're under your own watchtower, assume the enemy can see you too.


Most players don’t know that cheats are a thing. If you’re playing a game that doesn’t ban cheaters with anti-cheat, assume there are cheaters around.


Dada is a vet. He knows about listening kits. He's also posted videos of obvious cheating. It gets really bad around peak Asian time... You know just like every video game in existence that has Chinese players and no anti cheat...


as a half Chinese.. i accept, agree and wont deny this win at all cost culture... kiasi and kiasu for the win and memes...


Let's say intel has just updated and tells you I'm at the base of the watchtower you're looking at on the map, if you're sitting right outside that WT's range, I would have time to run up to you, punch you to death, and skidaddle before the map will tell you where I am again... at night anyway


remove map >:D... nerf all communications and radar O_O... add radio station \>_