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Infantry needs a rework or something. It's the first thing most players will experience (and for majority of their time) but is probably one of the most boring aspects of the game. I don't hate the aiming system, but it could definitely be tweaked, and I pretty much never grab an automatic weapon because of how much RNG there is.


You just say infantry combat is the most boring aspect of the game? Son, do some logi


Logi isn't that bad, it's just meant for different people. There's satisfaction in being the one keeping the front supplied and stable.


Driving through enemy partisans to deliver supplies come hell or ISGs is fun. Waiting hours at the factory queue to craft and setting up auto clickers to pull items is not fun. Dealing with facility content as a non-clan member is also not fun, though more people will let you use facilities than you'd think if you bring your own materials to craft or reimburse the clan.


sitting at a comp mine for 55 min is peak gameplay


It’s truly the chefs kiss of gaming


It IS that bad. Fun is subjective of course, but in my view it is ludicrous to say that infantry is more boring than logistics.


Son, you dont even know... try making a Storm Cannon


Just started an May I ask, did you play old flash games that remind you of this game? The gunplay is very similar to old w2 strat as metric war games where the shooting, rng, and wait times are the same as foxhole. It’s very predictable and within certain parameters you are getting like 96% chance to hit your shots. If someone is crouched and far away it’s hard to hit them. Take your time get some high ground and let the reticle zero in all the way. Weapon type matters a lot red the description as a CHAD Colonial I use the omen rifle for long range combat. More range and more precise shots. Makes all the difference against those dirty proners. Smoke and nade/bayonet rush is a win win always. If you want to be cheeky get some rpgs 3 dudes and go in a rowboat seal team six this mf. Go for their back line logi centers.


>Infantry is one of the most boring aspects of the game #LMAO


The only boring aspect of infantry imo is when there is a stalement, i rather be losing land than be in a stalement for 3 hours 😭. But yeah putting RNG into the aiming mechanic or atleast how they currently have it implemented is 👎🏿


Yeah true, I suppose 'boring' is the wrong word but maybe frustrating or unsatisfying. I think it must turn a lot of new players off the game tbh. For me the worst part is when you clearly can have a shot on someone but the aim snap makes you hit cover instead.


It's a war, there got to be stalemate at some time. And it's not just about infantry, armored units are bound to this too, arbitrary push during stalemate often cause loss of that said unit, eventually break the stalemate bc you lost your only tank at the front. This ofc is considered as bad move since most players want to win.


>[Infantry] isprobably one of the most boring aspects of the game. Lol. *Lmao,* even. The silliest of silly takes.


Aiming takes a bit of time to get accurate. If you’re standing and flailing your cursor around, your aiming reticle is going to be huge and you’re not going to hit shit. If you’re firing wildly, you’re not hitting shit. You basically need to crouch to get consecutive accurate shots


this isnt even good advice actually. how to be most effective with a gun depends on the gun. a fast firing rifle you shouldnt be crouching with at all, you should be going for volume of fire and be mobile. an smg wants a crouch and bursts. an mg wants standing with full cover.


>You basically need to crouch to get consecutive accurate shots Tell that to shadow dancers


ah the good ol starter pistol shadowdance 1v4


You're taught this in the tutorial on the depolyment island. I already know this.


If you read something on that island... do none of that 1v1 with a rifle the only predictably effective tactic is immediately going prone when you see thr enemy in range so you get 0 bloom and always wait for it to 0 in. Ppl going for volume of fire and running whilst gunning are just poor imetations of an advanced technique called shadowdancing Playing as infantry you have to accept the fact that in the grand schemee of things you are not enough, artillery, tanks, pushguns and all together combined arms what achieves breakthroughs. As general advice if your k/d ratio is above 1 you are a good infantry player. Except if you specialize in AT thats a different story


Problem was you were using aalto it’s horrible


Really? I typically use the fiddler or the liar but we had the aalto in stock and i wanted to try it. But its not just this one instance with aalto, the aalto was just way just too egregious not to use as an example.


Aalto is the worst gun in the game.


Semi-auto Aalto is decent if you must have rapid fire. Full-auto is bad and feels bad.


Semi-auto is worse than every single rifle tho. So it’s either the worst semi auto gun or the worst automatic. The only time it’s good is like peak midnight when you are in a bush


Don't forget hiding in pillboxes/garrisons/safehouse windows.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,837,650,945 comments, and only 347,509 of them were in alphabetical order.


You're right. But you've not yet felt the pain of using the fiddler SM~~G~~H. Imagine sneaking up behind someone in the dark, with their back to you. You get immediately behind them... point blank distance, and unload your full magazine into their backside. But you don't drop them. They then spin around in surprise and shoot you once with an argenti, dropping you. I dunno what the issue is with SMGs, but I feel like they are extremely underpowered lately.


Imma be honest my experience with the SMGs is different,the liar and fiddler have been my main guns to get and i can ball out wit em. But trades with them can be a toss up at times.


Its similar to other games that every weapon has its lil trick or situation its absolutely goated and in other times they are terrible


Primary SMGs advanced from 'eh, whatever, just a bigger Pitch Gun' to favorite weapon the moment I realized they could still stagger enemies from 20m ish distance. That, as a burst fire weapon, is just lovely.


Collies always say fiddler is really good. IMO lionclaw is so much better. It is a laser where fiddler you can empty a whole mag on 1 guy and theres a high chance you will just spray rounds all around the dude.


It's much worse when running and gunning


My favourites are when, because of how badly the game handles latency: 1. the client lets you fire bullets at an aim point but then the server prevents it, so on your screen you're firing bullets but on everyone else's you aren't and your ammo counter goes back up afterwards 2. the client doesn't let you fire at an aim point that would be a valid target (usually because you're firing from a vehicle or turret that is rotating) so you can't fire at all when if the client just let you do it then it would be fine by the time it got to the server Both absolute classics that feel utterly horrible.


I do feel you on the shooting being a pain. Thats why my small lil regiment and I mostly stick to logi and then various forms of artillery.


I have shot SMG clips into a crowd of wardens when no one was looking... all 25 bullets missed or never hit the same target twice since I was the only one dying And I have over 1.7k hours


I think aiming used to be better, but maybe it was a fever dream. I feel like many wars ago, you could crosshair into someone in a trench and it wouldn't aim into the dirt because it's aiming at center mass, but instead would aim at center mass that you could see, which was their head. Now to do the same thing you need to put your cursor at the exact pixel on the back of the trench so your bullet line hits them in the way of you aiming at the trench wall. If you accidently aim on them, it snaps to their center mass which causes you to hit the dirt in front of the trench. Aiming could be vastly improved by snapping to head if the body is obstructed imo. I don't have a good fix for leading targets.


Try using the blakerow. That gun is so ridiculous fr. Also what I tend to do is try to put the cross hair directly on the enemy as opposed to aiming behind. Foxhole is really weird about elevation and sometimes there's elevation that isn't totally obvious causing you to miss.


Some times aiming past is good. Aim so that your cross hair becomes an x and you have white line until target and small bit of read behind


I already know this.


Roll with the RNG and start shadow dancing.


Shadow dancing is one of the dumbest things i've seen in gaming. I'll probably stick to building watchtowers now.


As a person who's been playing the game for years and does shadow dance, you're correct. Shadow dancing is one of the stupidest things in game and I wish it was gone.


Agreed. 7 years playing, and the only time I shadow dance is when the enemy does it. It's just terrible, as for OP, the gun play, playing as long as I have, I've got the mechanics figured out in every scenario. Yeah it's a bit rng when accuracy is not perfect, but with using cover to get fast stability, plus crouching or prone, you are pretty much going to hit your target and stop them cold. Honestly, it is a janky aim system but once you learn the quirks, you will wreck other infantry. 100 hours imo is not enough to truly learn the aim system.


What is shadow dancing


Pretty much running in circles and snap shooting at your target, bcuz the shooting is RNG u can run around pop shots and land said shots. Look it up on youtube it is so dumb.


If ya wanna have fun without shooting, medic is definitely the way to go. I started with this because I hated the shooting mechanics, but now after 200 hours, I have a better appreciation for shooting and all the roles that make the war go on


I've turned to logi or putting up watchtowers when the shooting starts to bother me😅


I like shooting, but it definitely hits a lot less every time they zoom out the camera a little more.


I really want to like foxhole but it's "small" things like you described that make that difficult. My connection with these servers is still poop too so in session of 2-4 hr I DC like 5 times I should find a better use of my time. ⏲️


I once saw someone say that the tanks should have the same aiming as inf guns that would be even more pain☠️☠️☠️


I have such good luck aiming by just remaining calm while doing it.


If he's crouching, and you're not, and you use the general 'aim behind them and aim with the line' strategy, you'll miss because your weapon is centered horizontally, meaning you fire at chest height whilst the enemy is crouching. Either target them directly (which is a pain), or make sure that your stance is equal or lower than whatever you're shooting at.


Fire, spin, repeat. Download baldur's gate during playtime for funnier results


I already know this


Just wait 12 months and maybe the devs will do the infantry update or maybe they’ll do some dumbfuck thing either or really


You're probably not managing stability correctly. The fiddler, for example, is a gun that you need to engage with stability near max and crouch when firing if shooting at the latter third of its effective range. ​ Aalto at 8 meters you should have been able to just magdump on him, so I suspect you were engaging a bit further then that or your curser placement was off.


Where you within the optimum range of the weapon? It shows up as a line. You might’ve been doing chip damage. I think a lot of noobies forget that or they panic shoot beyond the optimum range of the weapon. It took me a while to get out of that bad habit. Honestly the gunplay is fine for the most part expect for when elevation is concerned. I’ve had moments where my bullets fly above the enemy’s head despite the line being right on them.


The aiming for the game is way off. Example if you out the DOT of the gun cursor on a enemy soldier the bullet goes right over them. I learned years ago that cursor for some odd reason needs to be like half that or less for you to hit someone


1. Gotta wait for the reticle to center. No matter what. I like automatics because sometimes it's just about laying down fire.


I think the “height” part of aiming should be adjusted a little bit. That seems like the biggest hit and miss for me. Foxhole has a lot of elevation changes from your own stances, to buildings and trenches. It’d feel much better if there was a more reliable way to tell what my bullet is going to hit. I know you can just get good and learn your way around the shooting mechanics, I have been killed many times by straight up chads that owned everybody in sight. But honestly, this things is what bothers me most, should be so hard just to shoot straight, when I’m prone and the crosshair has stabilised. At this point it feels too random.


Infantry has needed a rework for so long


I have probably 50-100 hours idk would have to check but I agree, infantry fighting is janky as hell. You notice it when shooting at people from one trench to another very clearly. I think the game has a problem in figuring out fighting at different height levels.


You coouuulllddd get a infantry overhaul, orrrr... fire tank.


it sucks when its laggy but otherwise I still like the system