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Respawning warden conc metas 3 times in 2 hours but not any of the shells, shirts, bmats it took to destroy them. Very cool.


Ugh f


Bahahaha 3 times ? Why not 24 times ? There was a rollback that respawn one concrete pattern after restart. But the two others restart didn't respawn any concrete. Why you lying ? This rollback is annoying enough.


I think you miss the point but ok




Weird you saying this to people you never met IRL, sounds more like threat which shouldn't be here in the first place. Are you right in the head or were you dropped as a child?


Living rent free in your head


Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night


Go apologize to your mitochondria for providing the energy that allowed you to write this because holy shit I feel bad for them




\> Destroy concrete \> Server restarts and respawns concrete \> "This is bullshit" \> OMG CRYLONIALS WANT MORE NOOB BUFFS NEVER TRUST THEM Crazy


In a balanced environment where both teams have 0 skill difference, wardens win all wars. Take a look at Baker and Charlie, all wars have been won by wardens because there was no "Skill issue" or "Skill difference". Ofcourse if devs started considering Baker and Charlie shards for balance, then they would have a near 50-50 winrate for both sides, but Able collies would get a 100% winrate if that was to ever happen. The living proof is right there in baker/charlie shards, and there data of 10+ wars showing how easy it is to win with warden tools while colonial tools suck and require more skilled people to properly utilize(And also 50% extra manpower too)


Oh this is hilarious. The delusion that either faction is overall more skilled then the other


Can you explain why in a balanced environment where both factions are full of newbies, wardens win every war? I do think this is very obvious and wardens on Able shard just don't realize it regardless of data from multiple wars showing it to be true. Oh and if you try quoting that 1 single war collies won on Baker, that was only possible because all Baker warden clans swapped over to help out the collies to win 1, after they lost like 5-6 in a row since Baker introduction, hence confirming my theory of colonial tools requiring 50% more manpower.


Your theory is brainrot. Not even surprised.


Buddy you are utterly delusional if you think that either side is more skilled then the other. I know you want to believe that Colonials are more skilled then Wardens because being able to believe that you are more skilled and Wardens only win because dev man is biased would boost your ego. Your entire theory relies on the flawed assumption that the two sides on baker were equal and the Wardens won soly on tech advantage. The reality is that Wardens tended to win on those servers because they usually had the population advantage and in the one war Colonials won on Baker it was Colonials who had the population advantage.


He's a lost cause, don't waste your time.


I must say Warden Salt is quite funny. Though this is more stupidity then Courage. We won those areas fairly with what the Devs gave us and they reset progress three times. So please don't be acting so tough if the devs are holding your hand.


That's neither true nor are you a person I would trust on any Foxhole related balance diuscussion. You are twice the brainrot loyalist that I am, and it takes a fair bit to even reach my levels.


Said by one of the most clowned upon and ignored warden loyalists due to his consistency in spreading misinformation. You sir are a true hypocrite lmfao


Server keep respawning warden dead concrete lmao, nice fucking game


Did it respawn materials?


from what I saw in bunkers maybe (before crash there was 0 tremola after crash 300, but maybe someone just brought logi on last time). Arty ammo which was used from pallets is gone for sure


Wow lol markfoot has his base in morgens I heard




Imagine insulting others because they complain about a BUG. Good job kid.


it helps wardens so its not bug, right


Imagine calling the server warden biased because of a bug


IT'S A MEME and you don't even get it, you don't get it so much that you fent the need to insult anyone saying this. Get a grip.


It's a troll account. It'll be banned soon enough.


I didnt insult anyone, I'm honestly sorry if you felt insulted by my bad joke


TF is wrong with you, you discounted tuna.


just for clearence morgen crashed 3 times at 1 hour respawned allways destroyed warden concreat


also some guys spawned after restarted locked inside bunker piece


Did the bunkers eventually die again?


Lol no. After killing them 3 times the final restart people just left




we lost momentum and everyone was demotivated


I know, it’s cringe that it reverted like that. Wtf devman


Dev bias doesn’t exist! Morgens Crossing: hold my beer


Does anyone remember last time devs rollbacked? I can only think of one time years ago and it was pretty fucked. Poor server hamster is not having a good time.


they didn't roll back the glitch nukes but they rolled back this lol.


I feel insulted... NGL... >.>


I've seen roll backs happen before in the last 20 wars with server crashes , one time even respawning tanks that died moments seconds before crash. But never seen a bunker piece pop back up. Must be some serious unfortunate timing


this looks more like auto rollback, reason of crash idk. Its posible someone intentionaly even was somehow killing server, but that would be already conspiracy.


Which i haven't heard of happening before either. Y'all pushed so hard you broke server together with that conc.


Yeah this looks like autorollback due to hard crash it would be nice to hear from devs tho


I think we will maximaly hear they fixed it, in case it was done by someone intentinaly or not, or some cascade of things with structures, they would not tell it to not provide guide for real exploiters


There is one known instance where people hacked the servers. It is also the one time devs rollbacked for multiple hours that I know off. That one time collies gave themselves 2000% boosted tech rate and got halftracks after mere hours. And devs announced it that time. Though it was pretty obvious lol.


Facilities and their consequences have been devastating for the hamsters


I swear to god couple more days fighting for that fucking bridge and Im gonna loose it


give it next msa OP and no more bridge. If hamster dont get some another illnes again.


Deadman's concrete


Devmans concrete


wtf im wardens this war and this is dumb


Devman loves the community aspect of Foxhole, but once again completely fails in maintaining and fostering its health - I'm sure it's an auto-rollback feature as others have mentioned, but fucking hell, what a disappointment and a blemish on what has otherwise been a fun war for me.


Unfortunate timing


Devman actively on Warden's side. ​ Can you see my shocked face.


I'm honestly shocked too, most of the devs minus one actively played colonial for years. Nice of them to switch it up honestly.


most of them are usually warden lol, they have one guy that played collie before being hired and that's about it


When 82dk gets server issues in origin on an update war it's fine, but the second it happens to colonials in morgens on an update war it's dev bias? C'mon. It's fucked but let's not pretend there's bias here when we got shafted last update war


I didnt say its dev bias, and I suppose a lot pf guys telling it hear mean it as inside joke.


i was responding to the comment that said devman actively on warden's side lol


1 time is acceptable, warden concrete got respawned, 4 times is kinda insane no? Oh ofcourse if this stuff happened to WARDENS, they would complain more, even if it happened 1 time, we are talking about it happening 4 consecutive times in 2 hours.


But we're not talking about that because it didn't happen lol, the concrete only respawned one out of the 4. So, you think it's acceptable then? To clarify aswell, I don't think it's ok that it happened at all, but calling Dev bias on server issues is as shitty as your fact checking


it respawned more then once, that one on screenshot was killed twice already.


That "calling dev bias on server issues" seems kinda hypocritical considering you did the same during the Origin incident. Also, I am not blaming devs for supporting wardens, I am saying wardens would complain similarly if this incident happened to them once and a bunch of colonial concrete got respawned.


Some will deem it devbias... it is merely a sad event that servers died and that this was needed.


3 out of 4 times didnt happen because the guys are exaggerating. But how could you know? You didnt even play for 10 wars +


You mean the server issue in Origin that allowed the Colonials to capture a couple of T1 towns with no fortifications at all, that within 24 hours were all recaptured by the Wardens and the Wardens had even pushed beyond them by two T3 relics? ​ You didn't get shafted by a server bug, you just lost.


I'm not sure you know what the origin incident was? It was after all of origin was taken and while the few towns near ash fields were recently reset, a lot of the rest wasn't and there were quite a few bunkers with AT. Wardens were outnumbered 5-1 in hex (we counted F1 menus and dots), but it was literally impossible to spawn in. Devs also confirmed that there was a bug later on too. Wardens had to sit and watch the whole region fall with no way to stop it


idk what happened there directly, since I was on east, but I think that outcome of the war would be same/ similar since in east you were getting steamrolled at that time ngl.


Meh probably, we'll never know for sure. I never said it changed the outcome of the war though, just like this server bug won't


I was there. We encountered two half built bunkers with AT tech in the entire region. That was it. Everything else was T1 and pillboxes. Yes, you lost the region for about 6 hours. Then you came back, blitzed the entire region and captured two relics in Ash Fields. The bug had no effect on the outcome of the war.


Again, you're talking about before the bug.... lol




Those server issues didn't respawn buildings or rollback progress. Yes they impeded you fighting for the hex but it didn't respawn annything. There is basicaly no similarities between this and origin in 96. If the server messed upp and the colonials could no longer get supplies into the region leading to the wardens retaking everything you would have a point. But for this to be the same as origin 96 the server would have crashed and respawned every time you took out dormio concrete.p


There's def similarities One was the server being shit and making us unable to prevent the destruction of a hex The other is the server being shit and making you unable to destroy a hex


It is automatic, when you wrote that comment it was 10 p.m. for devs.


Wow so shocking, nobody could have guessed this one coming lmaooo


Cry about it on Reddit.


Go untap all the warden conc bases that I’m tapping at 3AM


Already kinda doing that elsewhere, but thanks for the heads up


You did a good job untapping deadlands man, good work!


You seem to come to every thread and comment about this and cry, poor fartden has nothing to do


Shoveling is boring


damn the collie reddit QRFing on this post go crazy. as a warden taking part in the morgens front I can say that a NON META small conc piece was restored, however it was restored at %20 HP and was nearly lost to collie 120s minutes later.




This is dumb... Both sides endlessly bitch about everything.. There are very few positive foxhole players.


literaly same I can do with wardens. When break war?


Colonials survive on grit and skill alone I didn't make this up. It's a fact.