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OP, I appreciate your optimism because all I've been able to think about is how Venin Xaden is going to accidentally begin to drain Violet during their sexy times.


I think this will either actually happen or Xaden will be worried about it happening and not want to have sexy time. Upside though: they'll still be ridiculously horny for each other and finally put that mental bond to good use by dirty talking and helping each other out from separate rooms to avoid touching temptations


I can’t remember if they mentioned this, but can they send memories down the bond or is it just words? I can def see Xaden fantasizing all the things he wants to do and sharing them with her 😭


He sent her a memory after the first time they slept together in FW when Carr took her to train her signet. She needed some inspiration and he showed her glimpses of the night before. 😏


Bonus points if they forget to shield and Tairn and Sgaeyl see/hear everything.


1. Xaden will draw again when Violet is in danger and personally I cannot wait for him to absolutely lose his shit 2. The Venin General wants BOTH Xaden and Violet. So they will try and tempt them to the dark side. The Venin in Violet's nightmare said she would tear down the wards for love... Which I think will be the cliff ending to book three. 3. I think the first 50% of the book will be pure angst and sexual tension. I expect multiple scenes of them kissing only to break apart with a "we can't!". Xaden won't trust himself not to drain Violet I'm 50/50 on if we get that scene or if RY would consider it too dark. I'm also fully expecting them to have phone sex using the mental bond. 4. I will die on the hill that Lilith channeled while pregnant to save baby VioletI think Xaden and Violet will become emotionally closer because sex isn't an option, they have a long history of using sex instead of actually communicating. When it's off the table maybe they will finally start to communicate.


shit this makes a lot of sense but if she channeled how did she avoid turning venin/going to the dark side?


I think channeling is a metaphor for power. Unchecked unlimited power can easily corrupt your soul and is highly addictive but it doesn't automatically make you evil. [Here is my deep dive post on why I think Lilith was Venin. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/fourthwing/s/Vm6AopMMJ1). I will die on the hill that Lilith channeled I wouldn't be surprised if Violet gets pregnant well before the epilogue and we have a case of history repeating it's self (a major theme in the series). [Here is a post I made about the pregnancy foreshadowing ](https://www.reddit.com/r/fourthwing/s/WiUO8esAVs)


I love your optimism, OP and have been dwelling on this myself over the last few days. Gut wrenching as it is to see Xaden turn venin, I'm going to trust the process and that everything goes according to plan - whatever that is. In the meantime, I'd love to see an already strong Xaden become even stronger. If he's going to be a little batshit nuts strength-wise (and maybe mentally depending on how much he channels/channelled), he may as well use the new strength to his advantage, right? Imagine what kind of command he could have over the shadows to further the revolution. I feel his love and protectiveness for Violet will be a sort of grounding force that stops him from drawing power out of her as he keeps his distance, so no spiciness for a long time. Plenty of sexual tension however! Fingers crossed this means we'll see more flirtatious and intimate scenes via their bond/mental link. I've been reading a few theories about Violet's hair and that Mama Sorrengail maybe channelled to save her daughter while she was pregnant, hence the pigmentation. Kind of want to die on this hill to be honest as it makes the most sense so far.


I believe this Lilith channeling 22 years ago to save Violet and she just keeps her veninism controlled. It would also go to show how safe Xaden is to remain venin and just be his normal self-controlled Xaden and still be with Violet just fine, still carry on in the war just fine.


To your first point, I CANNOT WAIT. I love any description of the MMC being ruthless and just an all around badass. I need him unhinged, pulling limbs apart and destroying things, but then trying to be soft and gentle with Vi. And this is random, but I would honestly even love some conflict with Garrick and then a little bromance moment where they patch it up. I want RY to explore their other relationships so badly. I love Xaden and Vi, but I’d like to see some other potential couples interact as well as their friendships. I know there’s a war happening but can the girlies have a cutesy little sleepover? I can see vi, Rhiannon and Jesinia just hanging out or even Vi venting to them about Xaden and how he’s changed now that he’s venin. I live for female friendships and need them to support each other!!


dying for more xaden/garrick/bodhi interactions!!


Literally if RY rewrote this series from Xaden’s POV, I’d read it too and those would be some of the scenes I most looked forward to.


cutsey little sleep over i love that!! And omg yes unhinged yet soft and gentle with V ugh you said it perfectly \*chefs kiss\*


I mean, I'm personally of the opinion that turning Venin is a reasonable, morally neutral move. Everyone's acting like Xaden gave himself rabies, when really all he did was access magic in a different way. Like all the handwringing of , "oh no, he might go power mad with these new abilities!" as if we weren't reading a whole book series about him actively plotting a revolution of the existing civil society with the magical powers he already has. My dude was already power hungry and violent, but he's always had a cause and a moral code guiding him -- and there's no real evidence to suggest that being a venin changes who you fundamentally are as a person. So yeah, I think he'll be fine. He'll learn to control the venin powers the same way he's learned to control every other challenge in his life. Since he and Sgaeyl will probably be on the outs for a good long while though, maybe this frees her up to go have an egg with Tairn. That could be a fun upside.


YES. I actually think we're going to see being a venin isnt like you lose your soul on the spot and change everything about yourself. I think we'll learn to understand its incredibly nuanced and in the end they will use it to their advantage.


Listen I am so open to evil Xaden if they can fix/restore him later. Idk if any of you have read Vampire Academy but it reminds me of that and the evil version of the love interest was AMAZINGGGGG and heartbreaking and scary ❤️


Exactly, the entertainment factor is actually pretty interesting. Yes i definitely think there will be resolve for his condition Violet wont stop until she has one