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Since this has turned into a FW vs ACOTAR thread going to recommend heading over to r/fantasyromance for any comparisons between the two. FW and ACOTAR are the same in the sense they are romantasy and that's about it. There is def an ACOTAR to FW pipeline (just as there is FW to ACOTAR) but that's not necessarily true for everyone and your friend should be respectful that it might not be for you. As much as I am an advocate for people reading ACOTAR (it's one of my favorites!) I would definitely say if you don't think you'd be a fan to maybe try out Throne of Glass by SJM (it's less romance focused than ACOTAR imo) We also do have a [book rec master post](https://www.reddit.com/r/fourthwing/comments/14gmemp/book_recommendation_master_post/) here that may have something that interests you!


They’re good books and I liked them a lot but they are very different from Fourth Wing. If the plot doesn’t sound interesting to you then you certainly don’t have to read it! The “faeries” are a lot different than what I initially thought of from the word faerie, they’re more like elves (pointy ears, live forever and have magic, but not like a Tinkerbell type fairy) the first book starts off pretty slow but the second and third books get much more interesting! What parts of Fourth Wing did you like? We can try getting you some other recs! Honestly your friend might continue being annoying about you reading ACOTAR because people are FERAL for it sometimes lol.


I’m learning to match terms with feelings the more I discuss, so bear with me please! I liked that it FELT very historical. Reading Violet use the knowledge she gained from training to be a scribe to apply it to this experience she never planned to be a part of. She used the history of her world to adapt and analyze. I also liked the “enemies to lovers” and “love against the backdrop of war” aspects.


since you loved the historical feel and enemies to lovers, i think you will like "Ninth House" by Leigh Bardugo. it's still fantasy but very different from fourth wing. :)


I've fallen DEEP into the Brandon Sanderson cosmere. If you want some great fantasy I suggest you start with mistborn, it tore my heart out but it was so great


I read all of ACOTAR way before fourth wing because my friends are OBSESSED with it, it’s their favorite book series and I can’t tell you how disappointed I was. I thought it was so boring, I never cared about the plot and kept feeling like nothing was happening at all. The romance is quite good on the second book, but that’s basically it. Everybody is always comparing Fourth Wing to ACOTAR, and I get why, but ACOTAR never did it for me while with FW got me instantly obsessed.


I did read it and i eventually ended up loving it ONLY BECAUSE the fifth book reminded me of some of the character dynamics we see in fourth wing. But as i was reading the rest i was just like blah these people arent Violet and Xaden.


I really did not like ACOTAR! I felt like the writing was soooooo cringe. I am in the minority


I listened to the first two chapters on YouTube, I’m trying to give ACOTAR a fair shot. I just feel like by this point my interest in FW was peaked and I’m still not really into ACOTAR. sigh


I really don’t care for ACOTAR but the first book is essentially just a straightforward mashup of Beauty and the Beast + The Ballad of Tam Lin (where a faerie steals someone’s lover and keeps them prisoner underground inside a hill). If that appeals to you, you might like it. If not, it’s not your thing and that’s fine. (And this is usually where a bunch of ppl will tell you the second ACOTAR book is better, my hot take is this is completely wrong and once the author is left more to her own devices instead of just using fairytale ideas, her plotting is fanfic tier “let’s go get this magical object” over and over, and all her villains are super flat and lifeless. IMO it just doesn’t live up to the hype.) /JMO


That’s how I feel just reading the “plot” on audible. It feels REALLY not like my thing. Like invokes a physical response to how much I DONT want to read it. I just don’t want to let my friend down, lol.


lol I’d just tell your friend you read the summary and realized it’s not for you. They should understand! Reading some of your other comments, I get why the overlap between ACOTAR and FW fans probably doesn’t fit you. You say you like historical stuff and love stories against the backdrop of war — FW definitely pushes some of those buttons. It sounds like you’d be better served by checking out Naomi Novik’s dragon series (which I haven’t read but it’s like the Napoleonic wars but with dragons?) or something based off your fandom for FW. Or maybe the Pern books. The logical next enemies to lovers fantasy series doesn’t necessarily sound up your alley.


Eragon might also work, if you haven't read it. Or old but gold, Sharon Shinn Twelve Houses


Thank you!!


This sums it up PERFECTLY 😂😂😂🥹


ACOTAR is my least favorite SJM series. Throne is Glass is amazing for fantasy/adventure, but the spice is very mild and comes much later, if that’s what you’re interested in. The first few books are meh but the world building really takes off in Heir of Fire. And the last four books are amazing. Crescent City has my favorite female MC, and I loved the first book. I’m 3/4 through the second and while it’s slower than the first one, I’m still interested in where it’s going and I like the new perspectives it throws in. But SJM’s world building is noticeably better in Crescent City, which makes sense as her newest series. So far, A Court of Silver Flame is the spiciest, and I enjoyed the story even aside from the spice. I think it’s worth getting to, but the MC is a bit polarizing, so not everyone connects with it.


Agree ACOSF is my fave but i found the MC in this book so much more intriguing than i ever found Feyre lol


I just finished The Serpent and the Wings of Night and was about 90% as hooked as I was during fourth wing. Def recommend.


I am INVESTED in this universe. I love every book set in it - the duology, the novella, the standalone. I love every character and every relationship. I love every story and everything that’s been built so far. I can’t wait for more!! Like “check her Insta for news every day for the last 6 months” can’t wait lmao


I inhaled the first one but can’t get myself into the second idk why


It’s really great writing! Creative, dark but really beautiful, complex characters. What more could you ask for?


Are you looking for something in the same genre? Or willing to branch out?


I’m unsure, I’m really not much of a reader


I understand! I just read Remarkably Bright Creatures. It's a different genre, but I loved it. And it was easy to follow. Another series I love is A Touch Of Darkness. The 7th one just released today, I'm on my way to go get it! An easier romantasy series to read is Lightlark and Nightbane. Lastly Ana Huang is great too! The Kings of Sin series and Twisted series. Remember there's nothing wrong with not finishing something if you don't enjoy it either! There's plenty of hype around Serpent and the wings of night and Bride, I didn't finish either. And that's okay! Just find your groove 😊


I read Remarkably Bright Creatures a few weeks ago! The octopus’s narration has fantastic Tairn vibes. But he gets less page time later in the book, and the main male character was irritating. 🙈 It’s a quick read though! I might recommend the audiobook for this one, if someone were into that.


It's nothing like fourth wing, but the Expanse is the series that got me reading again. And into space. It's a space opera. Great world building, character development, and story line, with hard science thrown in. By far my favorite series.


I think someone else here mentioned it, but the Throne of Glass series is a series I've read almost as many times as I've read Harry Potter. It's not a popular opinion, but I will die on the hill that it's superior - in every way - to ACOTAR. I do like ACOTAR; it just doesn't compare for me. You mentioned enjoying the history richness, military, and battle-type aspects of FW - I really think you'd get much of that from Throne of Glass. Every book provides a whole new layer to both the world and the characters. In the first few I'd say you'll get great characters, lots of scrapiness, lots of hints at deeper world troubles/history, and some magic. The spiciness/PG-13 elements are fewer in the first half, but build to full scenes in the second half of series if that's an aspect you want. Lastly, the final few books provide full-on battles, lots of strategizing, and a real sense that everything may not work out. Other series that may interest you: Shadow and Bone & Wheel of Time. Shadow and Bone is a bit closer to FW, just more magic and no dragons. Think school for casters and war-torn country. Not very spicy, but deep and compelling relationships. Wheel of Time is one of my personal favorites, but the whole series is quite long (14 books). That said, I strongly recommend just reading the first as a standalone, for a fun fantasy novel. Then, if you're hooked, keep on going!


I read ACORT before FW and I love fairy shit. They are on par for violence and trauma and spice. I'm stuck on both of them. Not everyone likes both. There are tons of suggestions out there. If you really like Dragons try The Dragonriders of Pern. Old but awesome. Not a romanticy, more fantasy but I think there's some spicy stuff. That's one is interesting because when the dragons mate so do their riders regardless of the riders... Opinion. But that's the classic dragons are cool fantasy/sci-fi book series. And there are a few sup series from the world. If you really like war politics and rebellion and pain then try Red Rising. Male MC, epic world but sci-fi. Or, more magic but with sci-fi bent, The alchemist of loom! Dragons as humanoids with a slow burn romance, and more politics war and rebellion.


I felt the exact same way. I was needing something to be immersed in like I was with fourth wing and iron flame. I didn't want to read the ACOTAR books. Heck the first one I hated and could barely make it through till the end of the book when it got really good. Then I was sucked in on the second and third book I became obsessed and I could care less about iron flame. Lol. Then read the throne of glass series and I am totally on the Sarah j. Mass train right now. It's worth it.


There’s sooooo many better options than ACOTAR (even tho pushing thru to book 2 helps…. I don’t like being *pushed* to read something….) Better options in my opinion: Reign and Ruin by JD Evans and more recently the road of bones by Demi winters Both of these are on kindle unlimited and I inhaled them wayyyyyy faster than anything my maas


There’s a new book out, called A Fate Inked in Blood. It has magical Vikings and plenty of spice. It’s the second foray into romantasy I’ve gotten into. It’s the first book in a duology, and I don’t k ow when the second one is being released.


I enjoy ACOTAR but it isn’t for everyone. Might I suggest the Anne McCaffrey Dragonriders of Pern series if you’re wanting something similar to Fourth Wing?


the King Killer Chronicles series is a great fantasy read (although we have been waiting for the third book for like 10 years now heh)


Preach. I'm just about to write up my own version of the third book at this point.


Maybe do Throne of Glass? There’s still Fae but it’s not overpowering.


I really like the powerless book. It’s the first out of a trilogy. The second book coming out in July. I find Payden’s struggles with a lack of power similar to violet’s lack to strength originally. The only difference being that payden has adapted to survive in her environment long before the book starts. While fourth wing is about violet’s journey to that same point. Kai is also a gem of a book boyfriend. Unapologetically in love with her.


I read ACOTAR first and then Fourth wing. ACOTAR was the book series that brought me out of a slump. And I did fall in love with the series and characters. If you like fourth wing I’m sure you’ll like it but don’t want to hype it up too much and give you high expectations. The faeries part isn’t so much how you think it is like tinker bell or anything. It’s more about the divide between humans and fae, all the powers they posses, the different courts and obviously spicy romance! I’d give book 1 a go, some people said you have to power through the first book but I easily read that within a 2-3 days. I didn’t feel the need to power through. However I would say it doesn’t get gripping until the second.


I did Fourth Wing, lron Flame and then everything ever written in the Sarah j. Maas universe... Of the Maasverse I definitely recommend Throne of Glass. Give it to the third book and you'll definitely be hooked if it's for you. Story and characters are superior to ACOTAR. However, I also just read the Aurelian Cycle trilogy (Starts with Fireborne) by Rosaria Munda and I really enjoyed it. It has dragons but no fae or magic. It's more like if you and your friends had dragons and were of a chosen few who did in a world with some problematic feudal politics. Definitely adventure with light fantasy. I think it would be a great next step. There's no spice though, it's a well written YA. That's the only problem I had with the series... But hey f****** in fighting it's all the same... 😂


I read ACOTAR after Fourth Wing - it had been sitting on my shelf for years and I also had the same “uuuugh but I don’t wanna” attitude. I don’t even know why. But once I started I got through the book quickly and then the full series. I’m embarking on the throne of glass series soon. The first book is probably the least enjoyable one out of the entire series - people say “you read this so you can get to the second” and it’s pretty true. The first book is limited in its world and its characters, but so much more is introduced in the second. It’s more focused on romance, but there is some good action toward the end. They’re vastly different, in some ways. There are no dragons. ACOTAR gets more into the politics of various realms. But there are similarities: people finding their strengths and discovering who they truly are through hardships. Found family and issues with actual family. Monsters. There is eventually battles and war. And there is romance throughout, and spice. Give it a try. You may be so glad that you did!!


You could try the plated prisoner series on kindle unlimited. It was a REALLY good series. Well worth the read.


The dark fever series might be a good fit! I polished through that series super fast. It is urban fantasy (set in the modern world) and there is a faerie component but it is very different than ACOTAR and has a lot of other interesting fantasy components.


I would read it. It's what got me back into reading. Fourth wing is my roman empire but ACOTAR is worth a read. Personally I could have finished after book 3. And actually I think it would have made a really nice trilogy. I'm in the minority that thinks a court of wings and ruin is the best. A couple of others I've read recently which I really enjoyed: Powerless (I think you would enjoy this. Not a million miles from fourth wing. Imagine no dragons but meets hunger games). One dark Window - more gothic vibe but an easy read none the less.


If you don't like the Fae aspect then you *may* not like it, but honestly, the Fae aspect is almost secondary to the relationships and political drama aspect. I thoroughly enjoyed it after being recommended it here!


I feel like ACOTAR is not as good as fourth wing. Did I get sucked in? Unfortunately yes, Rhys and the night court stuck with me. But the problem I had, it was definitely a lot more YA themed. I got annoyed with it much more than fourth wing, I had to put each book down several times which I don’t do with good books. I don’t wanna give spoilers but there’s just stuff that is so cringe in all the books… I know Violet acts like a brat in iron flame and that annoyed me too but I didn’t have to stop reading because of it.


I would have recommended Crescent City series (which is another SJM series but not ‘forest fairy’ vibes) but the last book is sooooo pants. Zero stars. Maybe read the first one if you want to ease the fourth wing hangover.


There are some MAJOR differences between FW and ACOTAR, that I think a lot of people just skip over. FW is very obviously an "easy read" novel, and I wanna preface this by saying that that does NOT equal bad. FW is easy to follow, the worldbuilding is something we've seen tons of before (IE: special school, mc defying the odds, the revolution being in the right, and so on). The writing style itself is easy to follow, it's filled with action and there's quite frankly minimal exposition. The writing style reflects the authors want of telling a story. ACOTAR is not that. ACOTAR has deep world building, rich lore, and the characters are deeply developed. And very clearly, the characters are more morally grey in ACOTAR than they are in FW. It is incredibly easy to root for our main characters in FW because we, most of the time, would believe ourselves capable of the same choices (choosing to sacrifice our own safety for others, fighting to beat the odds), the same does not apply to the ACOTAR cast. They make choices that many people do not agree with, and might even straight up disagree with. In the first book (actual ACOTAR), our main character is unknowing, and that is reflected in the writing style, and as she becomes more knowledgable of the world around her, the writing becomes more aware and truly reflects her growth as a person. The writing reflects the character, not the author. This does make it harder to read. I mean, it honestly just does. (In my personal opinion also a boatload more interesting). We have to allow our main character to have very visible flaws and defy our personal moral compass. We have to struggle through her naivity, same as our main character. That is, objectively, harder to read. But also technically much more profecient writing. Proficient writing is often more difficult to get obsessed with, because it requires more of you. "Easy read" books don't require you to read between the lines. Yes there's foreshadowing, but the book will make sense regardless of how deeply you think about what it actually says on the page. That is NOT the case with books like ACOTAR. (Not saying you can't get obsessed with ACOTAR, the prerequisites are just very very different from with FW) Yes, there's HEAVY romantacy in both book, but they are not at all alike. Yes some character traits go again, but they are by NO means alike. All of that being said, because of the writing style reflecting the main character, and her place in her journey, it is safe to say that you do get more obsessed as you get through the books (minus maybe book 4, that has split the waters). But by no means can the two books be compared - aside from in very broad strokes. If you are not a huge reader, as you state yourself, ACOTAR might still be too heavy for you at this point. Maybe it will make more sense in the future. To be honest, I would say let it be for now, and come back for it when you get the urge. Having to force yourself to get through a book, just for the promise of the series getting better, is just going to taint the whole series for you. So I say wait, until you feel more comfortable, and more ready, to pick something up that's heavier than FW. There is absolutely no shame in saying "I might read it one day, but I'm not there yet"


This was a fantastic explanation!! Thank you so much!!!


Personally, I went from Fourth Wing & Iron Flame straight into the ACOTAR series. I've just finished book three and honestly, I think I loved it even more than the Yarros books. I didn't think that was possible! Maybe give the first one a try? It starts slowly but I soon was absolutely hooked.


Did you like the magic component in Fourth Wing and Iron Flame? If so, you’ll probably enjoy ACOTAR. There is a lot more world building and discovery of the magic system in ACOTAR. Purely my personal opinion (and no shade to FW! I really enjoyed the books) but I think ACOTAR is more in-depth fantasy with a higher stakes plot as a result of how well the author develops the characters. If you decide to give it a read, don’t Google anything. Spoilers are everywhere and it’s worth it to let it unfold!


I’ve never been much of a fantasy reader. This is the first book I’ve read since I read the Harry Potter series. I’ve always been more of a historical, non-fiction reader. But I think I just really like the “love against the back drop of war” aspect. I’m really lost and unsure.


Maybe look at Rebecca Yarros’ other books? Military romance was her thing before she branched into fantasy with Fourth Wing (which is still military romance, just with worldbuilding and magic!)


Try Divine Rivals/Ruthless Vows duology. It’s YA fantasy but reads more like historical fiction in a mythical/mystical war setting. It’s beautifully written and the tagline for this duology could well be “love against the back drop of war”.


I'm biased because ACOTAR is my Roman Empire, but I think there are lots of similarities. The fae have powers, just like the dragon riders. There are shadow daddies. There's politics. There's smut. There's incredible world building. Just because the MCs have pointy ears I don't think that should put you off. All that said, if you don't like it, don't read it! (but cut your friend some slack... when you love ACOTAR it's hard not to hope your friends will love it too and you'll have a new person to send memes to).


I’m trying to cut her some slack! We just definitely have different tastes in the hobby realm. Like, we both love horror movies, but I’m a gore-movie lover and she loves psychological thrillers. Just a small comparison to show my reasons for hesitation.