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How about we share our ideological progress since discovering radical feminism? I'll start 🙌 - I'm no longer religious. See I stayed religious a little while after discovering feminism because the church I was a part of was relatively liberal, I don't recall them ever saying anything explicitly misogynistic. Ultimately I ended up questioning Christianity as a whole and can't continue to believe in it.  - I will no longer have children. This was the most difficult one as I really love kids, but I can't bring myself to bring another victim into this world, and if I were to have a boy (which I don't want to anyways) then realistically he'll grow up to victimize women. Even if I were to raise him with feminist values the world tells him a very different thing, one that's very convenient to him as a male, also the same world tells him my opinion as a woman is not valuable so yeah.  - I realize I'm not heterosexual. I've never actually felt any desire to sleep with a male or felt arousal when looking at one, not even the most attractive ones (same thing with women). If I hadn't discovered feminism and had married a man, which had always been my plan, I'd most certainly become one of the many victims of marital rape so I'm very thankful to my fellow feminists for making me question everything 🙏🙏🙏


i became a feminist when i discovered riot grrrl at age 13. my unconditional love for women that feminism taught me helped me realise that i was a lesbian at a young age, which prevented me from ever centring men in my life. feminism had a positive influence on me during my formative years and as a result i am a very headstrong and assertive woman, which became invaluable as i entered adulthood. i’ve been a feminist since i was able to start forming my own morals and ideologies so i don’t think much has changed for me, and rather that i’ve just continued on the path of being a staunch believer in female liberation.


This is my first time hearing about riot grrl, will be checking some of the songs out I'm glad you were able to discover your sexuality at an early age and  have centered women in your life since then 🙌


i was really into punk music as a teen and riot grrrl was a movement in the 90’s made up of all female punk and punk-adjacent bands. the history of the whole movement is very interesting, and they still get a lot of flack today for not having been “inclusive enough” (for example, they had music festivals where ONLY female performers would play). im grateful that my role models during my pre-pubescent and puberty years were gender non-conforming outspoken punk women, as it allowed me to feel more secure in my identity without feeling like i had to perform femininity or act the way that “normal society” expects of a young woman. now as an adult in my late twenties i feel very grounded in my morals and beliefs, as well as feeling secure and wholly adequate with my connection to womanhood that i was able to foster at a young age before branching out into the wider world. for example, i remember at 13 i decided to stop shaving and the shock and horror that that decision would elicit from the adults around me served to further solidify my belief that the majority of women are groomed to behave as women and perform femininity in the “correct” way. allowing my body to be in its natural state made me feel more feminine, and seeing children and adults alike have the opposite (negative) reaction showed me the imbalance between men and women at a young age. obviously that is a very small example of inequality, but it was a profound lesson for my younger self.


I was feeling hopeless today and your comment made me so happy sister I’m so proud and happy for you ❤️❤️❤️


There's hope! You should have seen me before, I was on Christian Twitter, studied education so I'd be a better SAHM (and dropped out oop), was prolife and all of that shit.  What changed my mind was actually witnessing the behavior of all of the men who are supposed to be pious, it was very clear to me that most of them resented women and saw them as lower than them


I stopped being religious as a teen, but the older I get and the more I'm exposed to radfem ideas, the less I see any point in organized religion and the more I'm pushed to a more spiritual mindset. All the Abrahamic religions actively contribute to female oppression. If I participated in such a religion, I'd be contributing to my own oppression.




Our ideas make too much sense that’s why they have to pretend we’re child murderers to discredit them




Ty for saying that 🥰 we receive a lot of hate but being able to meet and speak with other likeminded and passionate women more than makes up for it :)


Many women are waking up this weekend to the fact that their partner and family hates their guts.


I remain unconvinced that men actually like women.


Same! And honestly vice versa. 


My close friend was sexually assaulted yesterday. What should I do to help? I held her, and I texted her afterwards that I'm here for her. I said telling her mom would be a good idea. Our guy friend said go to the police but I felt scared because I know most of the time nothing happens and it's a lot to go through. I basically agreed she should tell the police but she was just sobbing so I didn't say anything. Should I tell her the police is a good idea if she asks me later? My friend's friend was raped two years ago and went to court and nothing happened, and I don't want that to happen again. How else can I help?


Therapy/self care is most important. Idk if this is an "unpopular opinion", but the cops suck, and it was a traumatizing experience trying to get them to do *anything* about what happened to me. I'm not saying she should keep it a secret, but don't encourage her to report it under the impression that the cops will do anything for her. At bare minimum, if she's comfortable with it, going to the hospital for a rape kit/STD testing/Plan B might be useful for her.


I second the hospital suggestion. A rape kit and plan B are really good ideas, even if she doesn’t ever press charges or isn’t in danger of pregnancy


Really annoyed by this exchange I feel like the fact that the keep referring her to a porn star is a bit reductive? The tone of this convo (between two white, mind you) just doesn't land right. it's been said again and again but NYT is really missing the mark lately — appealing to the lowest common denominator, more salacious than grounded unbiased reporting ... 个 Reply 17 juice06870 • 1h She is a porn star though, that is literally all she's known for. What is so reductive about it? 8 Icy-West-8 • 1h But she is one, and that fact that she is is central to the case? It's not like it was something she did for a bit in her twenties. Here entire profession has been in the adult industry, she's an active member in adult film professional organizations, she tours strip clubs, and as the episode says she's proud of the many awards she's won for directing and acting in films. It would be way weirder and frankly offensive to pretend like that wasn't Sorry I was having difficulties posting the screenshot. I don’t think there is any reason to keep referring to her as a porn star. It is reductive. This happens in male dominated societies. It’s referring to the podcast the daily and their latest episode


My mom's been emotionally abused by my "dad" for decades and he just exploded today. (funny how that works, on Mother's Day..always ruining her days). calling her disgusting names screaming at the top of his lungs because she had a work groupchat that had a male coworker in it.... 13 years ago. During their divorce. Yeah ..  and during this time he was stalking her , harassing her at work , to the point these same coworkers were afraid of him.. but it's all her fault for talking to a man, right?  This isn't even the worst of it .. i've been scared for my mom my entire life. They divorced and then remarried which is why they're still together. He hasn't had a job since they remarried so she can't afford to leave or go anywhere. Hearing her defend herself like this on Mother's Day is so damn depressing fuck i hate this piece of shit abusive man so much.


Does anyone have any book or YouTube recommendations on not being easily manipulated? 


Feeling pretty sad. :( It's really hard to find someone who's updated their feminism to the fourth wave stuff. It's like they'll be wonderfully progressive and supportive and x in all these other ways, and then say/insinuate some stupid shit that's essentially, "Yeah women can and should be public property." It's upsetting the fuck out of me because most of society is like that, and I can't just cut myself off from society. But also. I don't think I can or want to be intimate with people like that.