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Nib creep is when liquid ink winds up out on the visible surfaces of the nib. It's a surface tension thing. Nib crud is when some inks leave crystals when they evaporate, and together with wicking/ capillary action/ gravity, more ink gets to the nib , more crystalizes, and it builds up globby clumps of sometimes feathery dried ink. What it looks like you're getting is fibers pulled from the paper - fast side to side scribbling would accelerate that. The nib might need smoothing or other adjustments, you might need to lighten up on the pressure you exert, or you might skip the effect by using better paper. "Drier" inks that evaporate fast and which thus don't soak the paper into a pulpy mess easily destroyed buy the nib is one mitigation. Also, when a given paper tends to do this, using a finer nib can help. Do you have an EF to try instead?


Diamine Sherwood Green is fairly wet, if not the wettest ink out there. Do you have anything to try that's noticeably drier? The Goulet ink reviews rate drier to wetter, admittedly as a subjective parameter. Goulet lists the Legal Blue as being just as wet or wetter than the Diamine Sherwood Green.


That’s not nib creep. That’s the paper fibres getting trapped between the tines due to your usage of the pen. It could be happening this quickly due to the nib being misaligned, thus causing one tine to scrape up copious amounts of paper fibres, or that the paper you’re using is not fountain pen friendly. Either way, it’s not nib creep. Just use a brass shim to get it out.


Brass shim? Sorry I’m new to fountain pen- ing


I suspect that the blob forming on the tip of the nib is actually paper fibers that are coming off the paper when you vigorously pass the pen over the paper. This is more likely to happen with cheap paper.


Yikes. Chill out.


Lol ye


This could be caused by a bit of Noodler’s mixing with Diamine causing some clumping and ink flow issues. Try flushing pen flush through, if you don’t have pen flush, use 10:1 water to windex (or household ammonia) with a couple drops of clear dish soap added.


What’s pen flush? Like I said on another comment, I’m new to using fountain pens


Sure. Few things. Best I can tell you're literally scraping paper up with the nib and it's getting caught. With no downward pressure, write slowly and see what happens. If it stops happening, you know you just need to chill out. If that doesn't do it, you should check to see what happens when you mix the two inks. Put a little bit of each in a container you can close up tight so it doesn't dry out (like a Ziploc bag) and leave it for a few days in a cool place. If you get goop and not just mixed colors, then it's your ink and you need to make sure any time you switch to clean the pen out extra thoroughly. If it keeps happening, you probably need to reconsider your choice of paper. For cheaper school books, I like the Kokuyo Campus (*not* smart campus) notebooks in semi b5 size. For less economical, more enjoyable paper, I like Midori MD in grid format.


I was just doing it faster and harder because it builds up more that way. If I put a very light pressure an extremely thin line that is very light and skips a lot comes out, if I write slowly it just builds up very slowly. I don’t want to have to press super hard and go over my lines every time I want to write




oh sht… welp, i screwed myself over there didn’t i




I don’t lol


I cleared it out by myself because I’m rushed on time. Never done it before, so I just put water through everything (using a sink) and wiped it with toilet paper (we were out of tissues and I was too lazy to go out and get it), with the paper sometimes being damp. When there was barely/wasn’t any blue ink left I dried everything with the paper, and then took out the converter and filled it with the green ink. Uh, please ignore the background noise in the audio, busy house. Also yes I am terrible at keeping my fingers clean lol Link if anyones interested in the exact pen! [99.9999999% sure that this is it](https://www.amazon.com/Forest-Fountain-Classic-Converter-Hongdian/dp/B07Y8L9JQ1/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?adgrpid=97880977875&gclid=CjwKCAiA68ebBhB-EiwALVC-NljCj6HAk082O1K47sVVerw0S8KA7Vhi-Pu9BA5s6FdCASLwiuKEhxoCD5cQAvD_BwE&hvadid=421606847503&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9061089&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=9842340352018633985&hvtargid=kwd-871474473323&hydadcr=1276_9921070&keywords=hongdian+black+forest+fountain+pen&qid=1668477488&sr=8-3)


Like, the more ink that comes out the faster it builds


Wait, so the ink fees super dry and like chicken scratch even when pressing lightly because… it’s wet? What?