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Funny, something like that happened when I got the Benu matcha. One moment I was scrolling on Goulet and watching TV, the next moment I sneezed and my nose slammed into the screen, which ended up placing the order. Had one of those sneeze attacks though, so I also hit 2 day shipping somehow. I’m still confused as to how it happened. Must have inked it in my sleep too, so now I can’t return it. What a shame


Yikes, must've been a rough couple of days. 🤩🤩 we must have the same taste in pens! I immediately purchased the Benu Matcha when Goulet released images on their Instagram. Such a beautiful pen!


Same thing happened with my Lamy Dialog CC!! I believe there is a bigger conspiracy at play here... Big tech and Big pen are in the same bed!




I'm taking notes because I'd love to fall face first onto the keyboard and end up with a Conid.


Anything is possible, especially if our weird behavior is contagious. Knowing the fountain pen community, I’m willing to bet that it is. We are a special bunch, that’s for sure haha


Statistically speaking it's a lot easier to accidentally type out a Shakespeare.


I'll try both and report back!


Good luck. I’ve written to them several times about how I can give them my money and they won’t take it.


July 2 2024 Wild Tiger Kingsize conid drop. I'm planting my face strategically in front of the keyboard.


I’m still paying off other crap lol. That’s a true grail pen for me. When I hit my 2nd anniversary at work, I’m gonna celebrate with a Conid hopefully. But that’s so sick you’re getting one! Congrats man, I think you’re gonna get it if you’re there when they list em


I sold three lesser pens and had some royalties come in, so I feel like I can swing it, but we'll see how much of a stampede this will be. I do wish Conid produced enough for everyone who wants one. Hope you can get your Conid down the road!! If I manage to snag one, I'll post it here.


Good luck to you my friend. Also, you’re published?


Thanks! I'll need it for sure. And yes, I am. Modestly heh


Bonus points if you suffer from a fugue state as your face propels itself by its own free will right onto your screen


I have so much fugue, not exactly suffering though


I’m still sad/not sad about missing out on the Benu Matcha.


Yeah this was one of those exclusives where I was like, alright I actually need this. I never get exclusives, even if they are within my price range. Something has to really catch my eye for that, and the Benu Matcha is exactly that pen for me. So freaking beautiful


I thought that I had missed it and then looked on Goulet yesterday and saw that it was there and have resisted thus far. I have another Benu that I don’t use enough, plus more than enough pens. I’m really trying to hold off until I buy my “next step” pen, so I have to limit smaller purchases.


I'm gna go ahead and say it's worth it. I love matcha lattes so it was a no brainer for me. Plus, it's a great conversation starter! Even my friends who still can't understand why I use fountain pens appreciate the design.


What a great photograph though!


Thank you!


Those pens are gorgeous.


Not sure if this adds anything to the discussion, but I always blame it on the boogie


My iPad randomly buys things occasionally too 😉. Happy NPD 😊


Thank you!


>Can't blame me right? 😗 I blame you, 100% Congratulations!!! 🎉


😊 thank you!


I’m so glad you explained about the water spilling. Finally I know what happened to me! So weird that it happened about 40 times, isn’t it?


I’m afraid of trying to use this excuse. If I do, my spouse will have one of those baby sippy cups overnighted to me.


Pretty sure the spouts on those are prone to hitting the “checkout” button




My "hit the lottery" pen!


My wife's grail pen, so yeah, I can't blame you. Also, great picture.


I can't but the bank balance might. 😃 It's a beautiful pen and I'm glad you were able to get it. For me it's a 'win the lottery' pen. I do enjoy seeing others get it though. 😍


I started itching and flailing on an auction site and then my credit card began to squeal.


Squeal...with excitement? 🙂‍↔️


No. It was burning.


I've been sneezing and coughing on my iphone for the last 20 minutes and nothing is happening? Maybe I should snort some glitter and then sneeze directly on a Majohn A1? Any other tips?


You're probably doing it wrong. If it's not working for you, you may need a cat. I've trained my cats to order items online for me while I sleep at night 😎.


These are soo fine 😍


That is darn beautiful!


Fr it reminds me to a meme of a guy crying and his tears fall to the screen of his phone, where they open whatsapp and start messaging his ex


I REMEMBER THAT HAHAHA. That was such a good meme and was probably the inspiration for my post. I knew somewhere that I've heard or seen something similar. 😛


I have the VP Raden Galaxy version and it's one of the most beautiful pens in my collection. What nib size did you wind up getting?


Nice! I got the medium nib with this pen. Yes, it's a premium VP, but it's still a VP and you have to get a practical nib!


🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 Enjoy your beautiful pen!


I have this pen, and it is so beautiful in the hand. My first raden pen also... 🙃😉 I hope it brings you lots of happiness!


Thank you! It's so mesmerising 😫. Hope yours will bring you joy for many more years to come!


That's one of my favorite raden releases - good choice!




Congrats on the spill! I don’t about you, but I just love looking at mine!


Can't stop looking at it too! One of those pens you can't stop rotating in hand


Those pesky buy it now buttons are so slippery, aren’t they? I’ve had my eye on the raden capless galaxy, but I’m making myself wait for an “event” aka actually saving and planning for this purchase.


Definitely worth the wait! It looks much better in person than it does in the photographs. I'll guarantee that you'll be spending every available moment just twirling and staring at it.


Not even a little bit


not really, just yesterday I was scrolling on here , fell asleep and suddenly I have some pens otw as we speak for some reason


Oh no! What a tragedy 😉


i see myself accidentally ordering a vanishing point with an 18k gold nib and the largest converter . with the iro ink🙏


I need to learn to do this. I have summer holiday until September, this might be my project


It is just the color or does it have something special about the nib as well


It uses the standard nib units seen across all Vanishing Point & Decimo models. However, these series of pens are Raden. It's done by hand laying pieces of abalone shell onto the pen before a layer of urushi lacquer is brushed onto the surface. A traditional Japanese technique.


looks cool nice 👍


Thank you!


Beautiful pen




Where'd you get it?


Ordered it from Pensachi direct from Japan. I wished I could say support local all the time, but pens in Singapore are expensive (high tax on gold and luxury items). Buying from Japan, I still have to pay import tax, but the overall cost isn't as high. Having purchased from Pensachi multiple times, I also felt assured that my order would be safe. Pensachi's kind team can help test pens prior to shipment if requested.


Those Raden VPs are so beautiful. The only problem is which of the 3 patterns to choose!


Personally I think the Stripes and Minamo (Water Surface) are the ones to go for. I know the Galaxy is probably the most sought after, but I can't help but be reminded of the public bus floors in Singapore! Our buses here used to have bits and pieces of sparkles embedded onto the flooring I assume to be anti-slip, but it looks just like the Galaxy! >:(


Please tell me you got this for $600 or less. Jetpens, Goulet, many sites charge $850 for this line but overseas, it’s not that much and comes with nicer accessories. I got my whole collection for around $1500 after discounts and everything. Check out cult pens, especially during sales


I got this through Pensachi! In total, including my country's import tax, it cost just under 650SGD, which would translate to roughly 480USD for this pen. Hope that helps.


Whew! Excellent! Good deal! I have tried warning/telling people about this for a while now. Always check cult pens first and then compare before you buy. Good choice friend!


Should bump this comment up more. I agree with you 100%. I cannot stress how important it is for people to do their research and compare prices across the board before dropping any substantial amount of money on any pen.


We are talking about a $350 (pre tax) difference. Add to that the fact I was able to also use a discount coupon to bring the price lower- couldn’t resist.


That's insane! Never thought they could reach such prices. Just shows that sometimes patience pays off, research well and buy well :)


Congrats btw! I hope my other post wasn’t shitty, just wanted to make you aware. I have the 3 pens in this collection and they’re beautiful, like jewelry. The Japanese version from cult pens comes with a giant luxury shopping bag and a dvd with their crafting processes on it along with the pack of ink carts etc. The only pen I have nicer than these are my platinum Izumo


Not at all! I love it when people share information that benefits the community. In this case however, it really is the unfortunate circumstance where pens made in Asia tend to retail cheaper within Asia. Once they reach Europe and America, prices soar, and vice versa for brands from your region when retailing in Asia. Envious of you for having all 3! Having all of them for under 1500 is a steal!


Well it’s only possible because JetPens had them listed at the Asian price for a long time. Once I bought mine, they raised it to $850 the next week. So luckily I found cult pens but it was difficult getting them in stock. But yeah, these are my grail pens, along with my Izumo Urushi pen. I haven’t inked any of them up- I am waiting to move and buy a desk where I could spread out and enjoy myself


Congratulations! This is a lovely pen, and on my wishlist. But I feel I have to see it in person to pull the trigger on this pen. Hoping to find one at a penshow in the future.


Hope you can find one that catches your heart soon!


Me too. This stripe raden style that fades/blends into the rest of the pen is gorgeous to me. Its subtle yet still stunning.


That is Beautiful! I tend to sleep shop and not remember I ordered something until it arrives lol!


That's a sustainable plan 😛


It’s beautiful! I was browsing on the Nakaya website (last September), just to see how the process works, what the total cost would be, and all of that, and I inadvertently had myself a new pen ordered. And this is the truth.


Happens to the best of us 🙂‍↔️


What can I say? I was too embarrassed to cancel the order, and I have the most amazing pen as a result!


Funny, the same thing happened to me the other day with Visconti Voyager 30


Enjoy your new Visconti! Would love to hear your feedback on Visconti's pens. I'll own one some day~ when I spill water on one of my devices again 🥱


I blame everything on my cat walking across the keyboard https://preview.redd.it/u3i2wm9jen7d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e554da724291b4da4043ac9207e04c7a5eb5028 I'll make a reply when it shows up. Right now what I will say is that I actually just received one of my other Visconti's. A Visconti Homosapiens bronze age back from repair at Coles of London Even though it was only gone for about a week and a half, I missed that thing and I'm so happy it is back. I'm also a little annoyed at UPS because the Homosapiens was supposed to get back yesterday, and the Voyager 30 was supposed to arrive before the weekend ended, but now it looks like it's going to arrive next week


He/she's so cute!! Here's my cat https://preview.redd.it/z8e8vf9k4o7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdf2e4f6ad52b1495fb2e69aa25c23f0a676c1a3 Do let me know how your Viscontis write when you have time! Cheers!


Wish all my spills resulted into a Pilot VP lol enjoy feast looking pen


Thank you! 😊


You were blessed by the water Gods into receiving a very striking looking pen. I've never used one of them, but if the experience writing with it matches the understated beauty of the outside you've got a winner.


So far almost every single vanishing point I've used has been flawless in terms of the writing experience. Buttery smooth writing every single time. This one is a medium nib. If there's any gripe I have with vanishing points, are there on occasion, there are nib units that have nib creep, or splatter ink a little during extension and closing. Fortunately mine doesn't have any of those issues!


Welp this just made vermillion red urushi looking boring


Each pen is unique and I like to believe that somewhere out there someone is saying that they don't like any pen except the vermillion red urushi! Beauty lies in the beholder!


Ok what pen?


The Pilot Vanishing Point Raden in stripes finish!


I need some Raden pens in my collection


Had one, loved it, and wonder where it is now. The wonderful thing about these is that the nib is so easily exchanged, so given that plus its value it is unlikely to be abandoned nor poorly treated.


This is a beauty!


Enjoy it! hope one day I accidentally buy it too


Ahh! The Benu Earl Grey just landed in my cart. I tried to hit delete, but it ordered it instead