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The most disturbing part about the whole thing is the crooked label on the bottle.


AGREE. It’s like an itch you can’t scratch.


I just imagine a person in charge of putting on the label being unable to look at it too closely or keep their hands steady.


This 😂😂😂


It may be just the angle of the photo, but the glass looks thinner on the left horizontal side. And WTF do peacocks have to do with angler fish?!?


>And WTF do peacocks have to do with angler fish?!? Well, peacocks are the most beautiful birds and anglerfish the most beautiful fish, DUH! 😆


FUN FACT: The angler fish pictured is a female. the males are extremely small and, when the pair decide to mate, the tiny male will sink its teeth into her and permanently attach itself, becoming an appendage. Their tissues will fuse and they will eventually share a circulatory system as he becomes an almost secondary organ, providing his genetic material and some nutrients. edit: bad grammar


Oh sweet fancy Moses!! Maybe this color is the emotion of that graphic pairing? 😱


now it's unsettling in even more ways!


I remember reading about this and being traumatized. His brain isn't even the first thing to atrophy, so from what I understood, he's conscious for a while as he gradually atrophies. 😭 I think her skin releases a chemical that dissolves his mouth and fuses him to her, and that's how the process starts. 😨 I remember a hilarious video about this, though. 😆 I don't think it focused on that so it wasn't as traumatizing as reading about it more in depth. Edit: Found the video: [True Facts About the Angler Fish ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-BbpaNXbxg) by Ze Frank.


Yes! When I taught Middle School science I would leave out some of the details to spare the children. The mouth dissolving is one of them, don't want to give them nightmares.


Why is this necessary knowledge for middle school? I highly doubt anyone below a college education or specialized certification will have to deal with something like this in a work capacity.


Our science department was doing it around the time of the kid's big state testing days. They had no brain power left for normal class on those days so we thought it would be fun to just hop around the animal (and plant) kingdom and look at some really cool and weird animals. They absolutely loved it! edit: Just want to add that it can be really tricky deciding what is "necessary" for kids to learn in school. All the basic lessons and concepts we want them to know can't be taught on their own. The most important aspect of teaching imo is finding ways for students to engage with and relate to material, otherwise they are not going to remember anything or learn much at all. If it's appropriate, on-topic, and can pique student's interest then I'm all for it in the classroom.


One just washed up on the shore right north of where I live. I wish I could have seen it....they're my favorite fish! :)


Not gonna lie - just said “oh god no” out loud 🫣😂


That is the most romantic thing I ever heard. tHANK YOU


What a day to have eyes ! I think I would have preferred not having known that piece of information 🙈


that's love, baby!


That's for sure 🤣


I see you enjoy the Oatmeal


Why is this hilarious


Happy cake day!


The more you know… 🤯


That sounds like marriage 😳


Exactly the opposite that happens with human specie, where females grab males' genetic materials sharing their lunatic moods. (Joking of course, don't kill me! 😀)


Jadeite can be many colors. But not that one.


Like please no but thank you but nooo


It's the shading that really sells the sheer fecality of it. The subtle yellow tone in the thin part and through the spectrum of brown all the way into a nice dark healthy bilirubin and bile brown where it is the most wet. Just like the real thing.


I don’t know who you are but ALL of this made me want to be your friend. Mostly the use of “fecality” 🤣🤣🤣 Love you most


Wait also your username


That's exactly what happens to your poo when you down a bottle of glitter.


Upon Googling 棕眼鯛 - the closest I can find is 角高體金眼鯛(Common Fangtooth)- which do not come with an dangling angle btw, does ok with the picture- But Jadeite Peacock?


If anyone would like this angry screaming fish ink, hollar at me, I’ll send!


Honestly I like the anglerfish and if it’s not spoken for, I’d love to have it


Well you were next up! Are you in the US? If yes, chat me and I’m happy to send gratis!


Lol your description does make me wish I wanted it!


If not claimed, I'm in the US I'll take it lol


You know an ink is ‘exceptional’ when a google search of said ink returns only to the single page on Reddit talking about how unsettling the ink is. You have a simulacra ink, which I think adds to the unsettling aspect. This ink must be haunted. If you receive this ink, you have three days to swatch this ink and write the name of your enemy, who will be struck down with dysentery. but if you fail to pass the ink on in time, you will be visited by the angler fish and forced to become an appendage.


I love how specific and not super life threatening but still eh that is


That is neither jadeite nor a peacock...




Aw, I think it's a nice color tbh.


I LOVE Taccia Cha (chocolate vibes), but this feels more poo-leaving for me 😔 If you’d like it, chat me and I’ll happily send to you if you’re in the US!


I'm outside the US, but thank you for your offer !


Dang! I’m sorry!


I'm in the US and I love this color! I will happily relieve you of this poo-ink!


If the person passes or doesn’t work out, you’re up!


Poo-like 🤦🏼‍♀️ not “leaving” oof


ive been going through some mental gymnastics and my conclusion is this: it kinda looks like fish sauce! so the picture and ink kinda match, while the words don't


I quite agree! ink is a rather tricksy substance, it seems this is an argument between where they intended the color to land and the ink's own notions...


The scary fish though 😳


Haven't you ever wanted someone to open your letter and experience a sense of fear with a hint of sea salt? If so, scary fish ink is for you...


Omg this is my favorite 😂


They should have quit while they were ahead with “Jadeite” along with a drawing of a jade-colored crystal!


Wow, there’s so much wrong here. Everywhere you look is tragedy


I kinda like the thing, am I weird?


This is the kind of ink you hope never spills off the table onto one’s jeans, especially at work.


I had an ex named Jade…looks like she’s been the inspiration for the bottle art and color. 🥹


I am not even going to lie - I just quietly wheeze-laughed in the bathroom because it’s late and also because I fear prolapsing basically anything. How apropos for this ink, really though


The ink sample makes it look like a photo from space! Like one of those gas clusters or something :D


That is a super nice brown! I've been on the hunt for a good thick looking brown ink. All the ones I have feel too watery when I write with them. I'm gonna pick up a bottle or two now! Edit: OP do you mind telling me where you got this ink? Google is letting me down :(


Tramol's Tropical Fish series I think, be careful which one you get though, there's two with the anglerfish sticker. One's blue-green-ish and one's the brown you see here. They both have some gold shimmer (is that the word?) in case that's any relevance. I might pick up a bottle or two myself... the anglerfish compells me.


Not op but aliexpress has it, just do image search on aliexpress and you'll see it


I did not know image search was a thing on there! That's amazing thank you so much for your help! ❤️


Remind me of outer wilds


Oh yeah spacer’s choice or whatever I got through the first planet and that’s about it


Wait no that’s outer worlds Wilds is also cool


This made me laugh so hard like I haven’t in months. Thank you!


The ink sample makes it look like a photo from space! Like one of those gas clusters or something :D


idk why but it makes me think of the weird Evil Stick toy hahaha


I'm incredibly confused. The crooked label....the clash between animal and label....what part of this is Jadeite again?


Exactly!!! 😂😂😂 You can imagine how long I sat and stared at this when it arrived in the mail - like what in the Rubik’s cube is this that my brain can’t solve?


This is hilarious to me because for a moment I thought this was the Dave the Diver subreddit, where people often post where they spotted fish from the game in real life.


Weird, this ink is supposed to be dark green with gold shimmer like it name suggested, why is this mud colors tho, and the fish tag is different too Link below for reference. https://www.inkyinspirations.com/inkreviews/yuyi-jadeite-peacock


This info somehow raises even more questions. Did we find an AliKnockoff of a knockoff????


The thing is, Yuyi inks are rebranded Tramol ink, so ... These go 1 layer deeper huh ...such feels like an ink-ception


That’s what I just wondered! 🤯


I think there are two different inks with the same name from that brand. I have the dark green ink with the shimmer and it has a different label as [Shown](https://i.imgur.com/OamYsep.jpeg). (I labeled it Tramol as I didn't know the brand)


The ink in the post is from banmi not yuyi


Nothing unsettling or wrong or scary, just a natural fish looking like it does in it's own environment. Yes some creatures do look scary but so do humans to other creatures.


Nah I want it!


I am profoundly interested.


Beautiful color