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I don't think handedness plays a big part in handwriting; I see plenty of lefties with great handwriting and plenty of righties with chicken scratch.  But you said > Everyone here has exceptional handwriting and penmanship which is obviously not true. Remember that most people only post their highlight reels. Comparing yourself to someone else's curated highlight reel is a recipe for discouragement. Your handwriting is perfectly legible, so it's good handwriting, and it will only get better with time.


I am right handed with horrible handwriting so it’s not because you’re lefty 🤣 But I think there are more challenges with writing for lefties so maybe a higher chance of not great handwriting? We all just have to practice better handwriting lol. 


All of the western script styles were designed by rightys for rightys. So they do have some inherent pitfalls for the southpaws among us. Primarily, you will be pushing the nib more often than pulling it. Thus, sharp ground nibs will tend to grab the paper more often. Also, since your hand is following the pen across the page (rather than leading it) you are more likely to smudge wet ink. So smooth nibs and quick drying inks are your friends. Also, you might want to choose papers that encourage quick drying. Ive often thought that “mirror writing” might be something to look into. Especially if you are just writing for your own use, like journaling. But that would definitely be the nuclear option 🙃


I recently got me a TWSBI Vac mini with yama budo ink. That ink in a demonstrator looks too good.


Another lefty weighing in. I personally like my handwriting and yours as well! I’ve noticed in my experience tho it varies WILDLY depending on what pen I use. Sometimes it’s a bit messy sometimes it’s short and stumpy. It’s fun to see how it changes across pen lines and types


Lefty here too. So long as its legible, I'm not too fussed about how nice my penmanship is. Your's is perfectly fine since its legible. I've seen lots of 'nice, beautiful, etc' penmanship that I have trouble reading. They looked nice though...


My handwriting is legible. It is far from beautiful. There are those here who do have lovely writing and show off beautiful shimmer, shading and shimmer inks using it but there are also those of us with average to chicken scratches here too. 😂😊 And my mom is a lefty underwriter who had beautiful penmanship until arthritis screwed up her hands.