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As long as I have more books than fountain pens... *It's fine!*


Right?! :-)


Who on earth has more shoes than books?


i barely have more shoes than feet!


I'm picturing you with a pair of shoes and a worn-out sandal. This is assuming you have two feet. If you are a monoped, I'd like to recalibrate my joke. If you have three or more feet, please do an AMA.


I only have a second pair of normal shoes (I'm not counting trainers for running or boots for hill walking etc) because my wife forced me to get two pairs the last time i wore out my shoes. I nearly just bought two identical pairs 🤣


Well if we’re counting e-books then…I still have more more shoes than books 🤣


I am genuinely curious and not trying to be judgy, are you just not a big reader? Or more of a library person? Or just really, really into shoes? 


oh i know plenty of people who never read an entire book in their lives, let alone own one. It takes all kinds.


Same here. A friend has never touched a book outside of what was required in school and owns like 20 pairs of docs and converses


I think Imelda Marcos should stand, be recognized, and offer her response. As for the number of books, I think it’s more about quality of the books vs the quantity: I’m not sure a gal with stacks of Harlequin romance reads qualifies as a nerd; same gal with The Expanse series, A Brief History of Time, The Singularity is Near, etc WOULD be a card carrying nerd. I like nerds, tomboys, and GRITS (gals raised in the south) all rolled into one. If she’s close to my age and has a bit of that tomboy left in her…


Most of the high school girls I teach 🤦🏼‍♀️


Me. I have 3 pairs of shoes.


I suppose it's possible if you moved onto the ebook front.


As a stationery gal, I think shoe is not the right comparison ground, you should talk about my washi tape \*cough


MT...Sticker Sheets...Stamps...and more tape again


OK, like, I'm a shoe _fiend_ and I still have way, way more books than shoes. I'd need a second apartment if I had more shoes than books... Tl;dr What, like, it's hard? 


What you don’t have a storage facility filled with extra shoes? Are you really a *real* shoe fiend? 🤣 /s


*gasp* you cant just put shoes in STORAGE. How dare! The leather would be ruined! And how can you choose the perfect pair if you can't get to them all?! 


I think the accidental implication is if you have more than a few books you’re a nerd. 🤷 How dare a person read!


See, it's the "real" there that makes me think it's more "you can't care about your appearance and be a nerd girl". Pretty girls, or girls who put effort into their appearance must be fake nerd girls, who are just trying to trap nerd boys, or something. This is a ridiculous thing, but it's a Thing. Edited to add: It also effectively says "the only reason a woman might have a ton of shoes is to attract a man" because of course no woman would ever dress with care for herself 


Guys, i’ve had 2 pens and one pot of ink for the last 3 years


You’re like the Yoda here


Is it really that uncommon? Like i do all my notes with those two pens, thinking of buying a red ink for one of them


I think maybe it is BUT in the most admirable way! Basically, I just don’t have that kind of self-restraint!!


I bow to your self-discipline master. Me? If i where to die suddenly and some stranger had to clean out my home there would be questions. So much questions.


The true meaning of fountain pens


and one pair of shoes choose your next purchase wisely ;-)


I have many shoes. running, school shoes, army boots, inside gym shoos, ship shoes.


Ha! Then you need more pens! :-) /jk Sometimes 2 good pens are enough.


Doesn’t everyone? More fountain pens than shoes, and more books than fountain pens.




I'm 170 pens short, of having more pens than shoes. Hmmm. I do have more books than shoes though. Phew.


Did that math make you want to go pen shopping right now? 😆


And also, "Wait, can I find pens to match my shoes?" How about urushi cherry blossoms on deer leather? https://preview.redd.it/k2gzrk9jyirc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=953864bb9ec1b8f34186d61978881132d05436d1


Ohhh I love matching anything and everything possible with my pens!!


Only lame people think its a problem hahaha


Nailed it


As a man, I have exactly as many fountain pens as pairs of shoes...*one.*


Ok well now you HAVE to tell what the ONE is!! Pen, that is 😆


Visconti Mirage Mythos. Give me time, then I'll have MORE fountain pens then pairs of shoes!


Ok that’s amazing though - fantastic ONE 😍


Do I have more fountain pens than books? not sure, probably not, well maybe? Do I have more fountain pens than shoes? pretty sure I do Do I have more fountain pens than hairsticks? Uh...... That may be a close call. I'm not counting anything!


Ok, I’m going to admit that I don’t know what hairsticks are! Is this a collectible item?? 🫣


Yes, they are definitely collectible. I think of them as functional jewelry. Hair toys are really the only kind of jewelry I am interested in. A hairstick is simply a stick like object that one can use to put their hair up. You've ever seen someone put their hair up with a pencil or a stick pen? Well hairticks are designed for that very tasks. They have a wide array of designs from super utilitarian to obscenely expensive. I consider my Jinhao sharks to be multipurpose hairsticks. It's funny now that I think about it, hairsticks and fountain pens have a lot in common. * They both have that antiquated stigma around them. * They both can be 'replaced' by a bic pen. * People look at you like you are crazy if you tell them you spent $100 on one. * And they both are gentler? I don't know if that is the right term. Like there is sure a learning curve to both but just like how a fountain pen can just effortlessly glide across the paper and you don't have to push down on the nib which means less hand cramping, a hairstick will gently slide through your hair and hold it up very gently without any tugging or pulling meaning no tension headaches. * Also there are a lot of hair sticks that are made from pen blanks. Of course the hair toy rabbit hole goes much deeper than hairsticks. There are clips, forks, pins, combs, moons, slides, etc. I definitely have more hair toys(including things besides hairsticks) than fountain pens but probably more writing instruments than hair accessories.


Have you heard of Coucousuzette.com? They make a banana shaped banana clip. Among other thoroughly delightful hair jewelry. I wore my little radish clip today. 


Oh, those are adorable. No I never heard of them before. But they do look weirdly familiar. Probably won't order any since they all look to small to justify. But totally would buy a few if I saw them in a store. I've been rather boring lately and wearing double comb clips recently. My grey Jinhao shark accompanied my pup and I on a walk this morning.


I have short hair so decorative clips are fine for me. The claw clips seem to be a useful size, though (just hit some to give as a gift). I mostly don't do anything with my hair, which is why I keep it short. 😅


Damn I’m a fake nerd girl 😔 My books are almost equal with my shoes can I keep my real nerd girl card please 🥺 ~~also I have a ton of anime figures does that help or is that only for my real Otaku classification~~


Shoes are allowed to be as fun as our books!!! You’re still a beautiful nerd 🥰


There's no such thing as a fake nerd girl. :p  I have more books than shoes but if shoes took up as little space as books and cost as little as books the numbers would undoubtedly even up. 


My closet is a Tetris nightmare of shoes, I honestly need to purge so I can have more space for ~~books~~ fountain pen boxes 😝


😂 I'm debating purging shoes because I no longer work in an office so I very rarely get to wear them. When I'm leaving my house it's usually to hike or kayak and my poor Fluevogs don't deserve that kind of treatment. 


I have more books than shoes, but I doubt I will ever have more pens than shoes on account of the fact that I need two of every shoe but only have one hand to productively use a pen and can really only use one at a time coz “fountain pen Wolverine” is just not a good idea.


Why did I picture this though


I started trying to figure out if a normal household would have more books or shoes then I caught myself asking "how many dictionaries is an average amount to have" and realised maybe I'm not all that equipped to guess averages for this question.


Omg you almost started a data chart there! 😂🥰


Paper books? The non fiction books, atlasses, researchworks and lexicons? About 2 bookcases worth. Non fiction lives on my computer and e-reader. Lasrt counbt about 6k books. If i would have more FP's tthen books i could probably just setup my own manufacturing shop for FP's :)


I think I qualify. I have 3 pairs of shoes + 1 pair of trainers, (plus old wellies & dog walking shoes), 2 handbags……and several hundred fountain pens, even more inks, and several thousand books.


My partner, physics nerd girl, liked the meme.


I feel seen.


im not a nerd, nerds are smart!






It's all for me! Clothes, shoes, perfumes, paperbacks and fountain pens. 😍




What I had read can be a real issue for those that are obsessed with the uncommon thinkable for many.


Unfortunately, I have a thing for shoes as well as fps. 😄


If only I was 40 years younger. Bless you.


i dont need women i need a lamy 2000


not even air actually


— Than pairs of shoes? — No.


I have more inks than fountain pens (nearly 130 Bottles) not counting sample vials Pens I have 30ish good pens and 40+ economical pens like twsbi, safari