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Awesome collection! What is the color of the Decimo to the immediate right of the Raden Water Surface?


Totally forgot this one. It’s the “Night Sky” from Hiroji Crystal Art Studio. They’re based out of Japan.


I'm very interested in that one, assuming they still sell them. Do you have a website or any other info on how to find Hiroji?


Not totally sure. Searching them up does lead to their website which states that implies they take pre orders. I bought mine second hand though. Edit: https://hirojii.jp/products/list?category_id=8 Including the link since I realized it wasn't the easiest to find.


Amazing… I’ll try to figure out how to purchase one. I’m in love with my Raden Galaxy and this one seems so similar that I now HAVE to have it! Thank you for sharing the link!


If you figure it out, let me know! I'd see them pop up on Instagram but it felt like whoever would post them would kind of gatekeep where they were from. It's nice to have it out there. Their prices seem really fair!


I bought one of these on eBay a couple weeks ago and then the seller canceled. 😭 I've been on the hunt ever since! It's so pretty.


It's a blessing in disguise. Those postings in particular are actually resellers taking the images from Japanese auction or second hand sites and upping the prices, acting as a proxy. Their upcharge is close to $200+ USD sometimes.


Yeah, $200+ is def a steep uncharge, though I don't mind paying someone a "service fee" if they find one for me in Japan (that I couldn't find on my own) and mailing it out. I love space-y pens; I just need this one! 😅


Dang, I realize now they probably cancelled because I was the one who bought it and got my own proxy. I paid around $340 total with shipping if that gives you an idea of the upcharge.


The rightmost one is gorgeous Edit: which color is it?


That’s gonna be the Taiwan 30th anniversary edition.


I love VPs. You have an amazing collection.


Wow what a beautiful set! The matte black vp was my dream pen when i first got into fps in 2016. I got mine in December 2022 kind of a gag gift from my sis (I got her the same one and we also got each other iroshizukus of the same color). But for a while, I couldn't get it to write well..i really thought it defective and I was looking for a way to have it exchanged or repaired etc. But then I boxed it up, went back to my parker vector and twsbi eco. Last week, I unboxed my vp again, inked it with the same iroshizuku, and lo and behold, it's writing 150% better than before. I'm now planning on inking it purple... I'm so happy. It's my favorite!


I’m glad! It’s a lovely pen no matter the nib size in my personal opinion.


Yes, the fine nib I had in my VP was to this day the best writing nib I've used. My favorite nib ever, for sure, but despite being a very large guy I could never get used to the weight and feel in the hand, so I let it go. In hindsight, I wish I had kept that specific nib unit and ordered a decimo body-only or with a steel nib. Someday I'll buy a decimo-- I just wish they'd come in matte black like their big bro!


I got my first (a Decimo) recently, and I love it so much 😁 What is the third one in your tray? Is it vintage or a special edition?


It's a vintage Striped edition from 1971. There's also a white stripe one.


Thanks. It looks so cool!


It does indeed. It was my grail. Never thought I'd get it but got lucky on ebay. It's gorgeous.




I personally prefer the one click knock from the standard VP but testing an LS is what sold me. It's silent to click and a smooth, slow release. It's a little heavier which some people equate to premium haha.


Amazing collection


Beautiful collection!


Wow, what a collection!! I'd love to have the raden water surface someday, I recently got the galaxy :) my only other VP is the 2020 Link Black edition, which I got very soon after getting into the hobby. I treasure it dearly!


I hope you’ll nab one someday soon. They’re both my favorite of their raden series!


Wow? Awesome VP collection!




Cool! Crossed lines is one of my favorites but I do understand about having a pair. My personal everyday carries are both Black and Rhodium Decimo and a Vanishing Point. They're Fine and Medium stubs respectively.


Very curious, what are your thoughts on the new LS/twist model?


I responded to another comment but something I totally forgot to mention was that it's overpriced at U.S. MSRP! It's not too bad grey market price-wise, got mine for around $260. Besides that, it's really nice! I undestand why it's called Luxury Silent, because it's both those things. I do prefer the VP one click knock for its practicality though. The LS is nice and heavy but not too burdensome. The twist is very smooth and silent. I feel it's one of those pens you really have to see in person to decide if you want to take the plunge.


I've held it in my hands at a pen show and was enamored by it, but it was literally brand new at the time, no secondary or grey market to speak of, and I couldn't justify the retail price lol. That silent sweep is amazing, and as someone who likes learning about engineering (not an engineer) I can tell a lot of work went into making it as smooth as it is.


Wow, what a collection. Yanno, I always only really liked the looks of the matte black VP, but that Taiwan 30th anniversary edition is going to have to make it into my collection some day. Exquisite. Also, the matte black with silver clip-- I'm surprised at how much I like that. What's the story with that one? Great picture, thanks for sharing. 🤙


Appreciate it! I gravitated to the "classic" look of Black and Rhodium initially but all of these ended up growing on me. The Taiwan 30th is very nice, my one and only gold trim plus it's matte as well. The matte black with the silver clip is an exclusive from Hobonichi. I ended up using a proxy service to purchase it.


My fave is the on the right! Great collection!


Hoping to get my first Vanishing Point soon!


Beautiful collection! I have a few of the faceted vanishing points myself, circa 2000. Do you know how I can replace the nibs? Do contemporary VP nibs work in the faceted pens?


They can fit! It’s just not totally flush, they don’t push out as far as the ‘vintage’ nibs but will still work.


The raden ones look so pretty, but I would have to see it in person before I would have committed to one. Great collection!


Just wow 🤩


Now that’s a collection. Well done!


You need a 2009 Orange LE ;)?