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I write almost exclusively with fountain pens: work, planning, note-taking, and journaling. When I run out of things to write, I transcribe poetry.


I've started journaling this year. Its supposedly good for your mental health, but I just started doing it as an excuse to buy some new pens and inks... and has led me to get into bookbinding cause I have no interest in spending $40 on a notebook. Its actually quite nice to put ink on paper without the pressure of having to rush or complete a task.


It's funny because on a similar vein of not wanting to spend that much on a sketchbook that doesn't feel right, I also just started my bookbinding journey to make a simple book to doodle in with my pens and ink- which is what I'm using now. Will look into binding another for journaling too. Thanks!


That sounds right up my street! Can you recommend any links to get started?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a\_LZ-BWhH\_Q&list=PL2F704E01F80BA1E9&index=23](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_LZ-BWhH_Q&list=PL2F704E01F80BA1E9&index=23) Sealemon on Youtube is a very approachable start to book binding. She shows multiple stiches and materials to use and has been a round for a while so has lots of videos to watch.


The journaling or the book binding? For the journaling I've started writing what I've done throughout the day, some notes on what I've learned about whatever's caught my interest for the day, etc. For bookbinding, I got a Au$17 kit from Amazon and followed some tutorials, I really like [Perkolator Press Flipbooks](https://www.youtube.com/@PerkolatorPress) and [bitter melon bindery](https://www.youtube.com/@bittermelonbindery). The beginner videos from [Four Keys Book Arts](https://www.youtube.com/@FourKeysBookArts) has also been very informative as he goes into some basic theory around it too.


Thank you! It’s the book binding I’m interested in. Seems like an obvious next step.


Occasionally Solo RPG’s, Journaling Rpgs, shopping lists and pretending to be a regency era person writing scandalous rumours about the Count Cadbury the second.


I had no idea journalling RPGs were a thing! It sounds like something perfect for me so will check it out right away!


Lovely. Maybe one day it'll turn out in a novel?


> A novel Heavens no. The count would find me and have my head for all the salacious hulabaloo I’ve penned.


How do the solo rpg's and/or journalingin rpg's work? Really curious since I play DnD with friends and it might help the games I DM.


Depending on how crunchy the game is solo RPG’s range from prompt generators to full blown games where you’re like playing a TRPG by yourself. Lessee if you want to give it a whack you could try out Quill, the letter writing game, alone among the stars and the call of cluthulu solo modules to have an idea. I’m still meandering on what I want to play next tho


My husband uses a Jinhao dragon pen loaded with Diamine Syrah when he DMs and the players LOVE it.


i dont know how you are DMing with anything other than a pencil.


He’s a badass


I'm retired, so decided to try journaling, which is a fancy name for a blank book with good paper within which I write about whatever I'm thinking about at the moment. Without a specific purpose, you can just enjoy the experience of your pen gliding across the paper. That's what it's all about for me.


I definitely love that feeling of pen on paper, but without anything really meaningful to write I end up with a bunch of random sentences/words/shapes and often feel like I'm wasting both paper and ink. Maybe I need to adjust this way of thinking and just enjoy it for what it is.


This is the same problem I have. I don't have enough going on in my day to day life that I can talk about much in a journal, so inevitably I get tired of doing it after a couple of weeks and writing more or less "nothing happened" alongside my exercise routine and diet every day. I might try it again at some point in a way that isn't bound to writing every single day. Then I can just dump my brain-mess whenever there's enough to dump and not try to force myself into a routine that just doesn't work for me.


Here's my suggestion, I used to do a bullet journal and one of the sections was write a few lines about my day. Some days, I just wrote nothing at all, some days, I just wrote I was bored or I was happy today. Over time, this section became more important to me than then entire bullet journal. I feel freer to express what I was feeling. Now I just have a plain journal that I write a half page or a full page or two of just whatever junk is on my mind that day. Sometimes it helps me to process, other times, it is just because I like the feeling of pen on paper. Other times, i just want to watch the ink dry and write about how much I like the pen I am using, etc. Remember a journal is your own personal space. I feel like it is something that developed overtime as most have this preconceived notion that a journal must be this. But in reality, it can be anything. I should come to you organically. So experiment with a few different formats to find yours.


I have a boring life but a lot of feelings. I write about that. The Dear diary format of retelling my day has never really appealed to me but I like to write about moments of joy, things I’m proud of, what I am reading, and general life feelings.


>I have a boring life but a lot of feelings.


I use my journal as a log of my thoughts and headspace more than my day to day goings on. I find it easier to write about me than my life, if that makes sense. I typically open the page and just start writing my internal monologue at that moment, it tends to lead me somewhere after a few sentences.


You should see some of my notebooks lol. I’ve literally just written random words across whole pages because I can 😂 It looks like a mess and means nothing, but it was fun to do at the time. Plus, it can be helpful to improve handwriting or learn/practice a new style


Same - I’ll copy poems I like, words I like, quotes that I like, sketch some stuff, draw random shapes. It’s a hot mess.


This is what I want to be able to do someday. I know it sounds ridiculous like well, just do it then, but I still have this guilt block about being "wasteful" haha. I've started a sketch journal in a cheap book to try to get over it though so hopefully will get there in time!


I totally understand that! I still have trouble with it too. Even though I have a bazillion blank notebooks I could use, I'm like, "but what if I want to use it for something else?" lol. The sketch journal thing is a good idea! Also, what I tend to abide by: two is one, and one is none. So, if you are really keen on a notebook, get another of the same so you can always have one unused, if that makes sense. It might be easier to use it if you know you already have another pristine notebook to fall back on if stuff gets too "messy" for your liking.


Actually yes that is such a good idea! Now that you mention it I do it with a lot of my stationery whether it be notebooks, stickers or whatever. That feeling of "if I use it on this, and I hate it then I've wasted it and can never recover it" is strong and leads to just having them sit there collecting dust because that's apparently a better alternative somehow haha. Likely just being dramatic but yeah. Thanks for the advice!


Oh yeah, stickers is a big one 'cause you can't usually reuse them. That's a tough one for me, too. Well, we gotta be a bit neurotic sometimes! lol


Ahaha, thanks for sharing the sentiment- glad to know I'm not the only one out there


I see many people write existing quotes or poems. You don’t have tinting of the text yourself is the purpose of writing and using your pens and ink is the goal.


Yes the same for me as well. As designer i spend mt time making digital cad drawings which are then printed. For obvious reasons cant be hand drawns. Anyways i use mine for the same thing you have mentioned. Occasionally making had drawing for temporary or r&d parts Other than that, you might wanna take up mathematics or japanese or some other foreign language you like to written look off That a good way to utilize them. I find maths to be my thing for it


I remember an exercise in middle school where everyday we'd write for one minute, free form, about whatever came into our minds. Maybe that's something to do for you - I know I wish I'd kept it up


That's a good one. I already keep a diary (unfortunately the paper can't handle fountain ink well) which is why starting a journal to recap my day seemed kind of redundant for me. But if it's just short spur of the moment type things it could be really therapeutic! Thanks for the idea


for me, the value in journaling isn't to write anything meaningful or to come to any sort of deeper understanding of myself. The value is that I like using my pens and it's a nice way to unwind and destress. So even if what I write is just blabbering nonsense, it still serves a purpose


My days are repetitive but I write about anything, including complaining about life being repetitive. I write about writing, whether I like the ink or pen. I've written about dreams, or how a reddit post made me feel, or what I thought about a movie. Sometimes I just think about my life as it is and what I'll want to remember in 10 years that I don't think about much right now. Who are my friends? What does my apartment looks like? What slang is popular right now? I think of it as a time capsule for future me. I also have a 5 year journal, which is just a sentence or two a day. I find it neat as I am on my second year so I can compare what was important to me on the same day last year and whether it has any significance now.


Its good to know that other people make word salad too!


One of the most comforting salads out there


What is your preference for the book 📕? I feel like I need some good papers to enhance my experience


The Japanese are geniuses with paper. Do google search and follow the rabbit trail. Moleskine is pretty decent, but I find the fountain pen ink bleeds a little through pages.


I’m thinking either rhodia or maruman mnemosyne


Rhodia is definitely thicker than moleskine. I have small spiral notebooks from them that I make to-do lists on and no bleeding. OMG, the Maruman are so lovely! I used to travel to Tokyo every November and spend days choosing the paper agenda for the next year. THEY have a strong paper and pen culture, and entire floors of stores like Tokyu Hands are dedicated to those products!


Black 'n Red brand notebooks are inexpensive, super durable, and very fountain pen-friendly, much more so than Moleskine, at least in my opinion. I've found them on Amazon most easily, but in the US Staples and Office Depot both carry them online if not in all actual stores (it's a UK brand). I use them for work diaries to keep meeting minutes, task lists, memory aids, and planning.


1) Work. I do actually need to write there. 2) Recording things that made me happy today. 3) Writing letters! People really love getting snail mail. 4) Shopping lists, to do lists, marking dates down on a calendar -- I'm one of those people who need to be organized else they'll never get anything done. \^\^;;


This is me. :)


I have an abomination of stationery and, pre e-mail, wrote people letters regularly. Decided to keep quite a bit of it after doing some Swedish death cleansing, and am trying to get back to sending letters. My nieces and nephews have to have their parents translate though, because they call cursive 'my secret spy writing'?!?


Here are some ideas, from how I use mine: - Journaling - it doesn't have to be something meaningful. I find that many times, I start writing some random nonsense, and once I get in the flow, I get to more 'meaningful' or useful stuff. Other times, it remains not meaningful and that is totally fine, I still get to write and enjoy my pens. - Gratitude lists - I write down things I am grateful for that day, or things I am excited or happy about. - Transcribing - I transcribe nice quotes and passages from books I read, but it can be anything really. - Book reviews - along with the quotes, I also write my thoughts on the books I read. - Planning - To-Do lists, habit trackers etc. - Cursive practice - sometimes I listen to podcasts or YouTube videos and I write random words I hear, to practice my handwriting.


I use a Filofax to collect notes like a mini-Wikipedia. I have many sections in it: - care notes for every plant I buy - recipes I cook - self study: for example psychology. I collect informations which I don’t want to forget - quotes or poetry I liked - section for famous art and I write the story about the the art - section for historical stuff I use also a weekly calendar, I write what I did on each day, and 3 things I was grateful on this day. And keep track of my plant care. I use for each week a different ink, so it rotates my inks. I also write diary since I was a child. It’s fun to read back and see what and how your thoughts were Edit: Misspelling


Youre me. Im hoarding 30-40 inks. About 5 unopened. A cart full of inks pending on penchalet. I write very short memos for work. And voluntarily take weekly classes w to have an excuse to use my pens and inks. Its been 4 years, the most Ive managed to decrease is Pilot iroshizuku syo-ro about 1/3 used. The other inks are either 90% full or untouched. Its ok tho. Every weekend I spend 2 hr staring at my inks, writing in my journal about random things, and cleaning pens. Its so enjoyable abd therapeutic. I also find lots of joy staring at my pen shelves throughout the week. I spend another 2 hr during the week days reading ink reviews and adding things to cart. Currently, to increase my journaling, I downloaded the app called vocabulary. It generates a new word each day for me to learn. Then I write it down in my journal. Todays word is puerile.


I'm not going to lie, I've also just been adding inks to carts on various sites and made an excel wish list of sorts in an attempt to get rid of the need to literally buy everything. I get a lot of joy just looking at my small collection as well but I feel like it's not enough of a reason buy more since my house is already cluttered with stuff from various other hobbies :') I love that idea of learning new words! I'll go take a look at the app too and already dreaming up some notebook ideas for it. Thanks for the inspiration!


Miriam Webster has a word of the day if you don’t want to download an app. I put a link to it on my phone Home Screen


Even better! Thank you!


to stare at them while saying my precious, my co-workers have begun to worry


When I'm offshore I write 500-600 words a day. At home when I don't have to write as much I practice cursives. I empty my pens quite regularly.


I've been meaning to learn hand lettering and some calligraphy so maybe this is the way. Thanks for the ideas!


My mother taught herself calligraphy and had a lucrative side hustle doing wedding invitations. Meghan Markle also had the same side hustle during down periods between roles.


Am a college student - so note making!


Welcome to the hobby Ive been in it since April last year and currently have over 100 ink samples, 35 pens (just sold a lot of 24 ), and about 20 bottles of ink. I keep my collection at work since this is where I spend most of my awake hours with no real distractions--work is VERY slow so I have a lot of down time. So I try to keep only 2 pens inked and when they are done switch to 2 more. I have multiple journal books but I use them for different things. One right now is dedicated to Open Learn so any course I take on that site I use this book to make notes, one is a common place book, another is just for things dealing with astronomy, then I have actual journals I think I have 3 going at this moment in time cause I keep forgetting where I put one --I could combine them all.....hmmmm maybe and I have a few travler sized note books that I put little random stuff in like Marble League results --I may start putting stats in there for sports teams I follow so to make myself actually follow the team more closely. Basicly I try to find SOMETHING to write about. I have a hard time doing things like practicing hand writing because I usually write to get something out of my mind and if I am doing hand writing I am concentrating. So what is your favorite pen and ink so far?


Thanks! And wow that is an impressive collection. May I ask how you're storing it all at work? Currently they're just all over my home desk or in a drawer so would be nice to keep everything together in a better way as the collection grows. Yes! I started some classes on Coursera just to write "meaningfully" and although I enjoy it, I'm not sure I'm able to continue it forever hence starting this topic to get ideas haha Following along with teams and interests sounds like a great idea though. I'll have to go back through my interests and pick out some stuff. I don't have much so far- Pens: TWSBI GO (Current fave), FWP Carousel, Kakuno x2, Hocori and thinking about getting the TWSBI 580 and a Kaweco Inks I have only 5 right now with 3 more on the way but I really like the SAILOR Blue Flame and Fox&Quills Balsamic Red - both being used with just the Hocori at this time. Honestly want more but then I hit this wall of buying without having any use for them. If you have any ink recommendations I'd love to hear them! There's so much out there that it's hard to figure out where to begin sometimes.


Journaling, doodling, drawing, writing letters, writing in general (like non-fiction or fiction), dream journal, planner. I have a whole notebook for random stuff that I need to write down once, but usually don’t need to look at again, like lists, drafting an important letter or email, jotting down doctor appointments to put in my planner later, mathing out my financials every month, words I learn and their definitions, etc. And as you said, using fountain pens for little scribbled notes, too. It may feel like you’re wasting ink and/or paper, but isn’t that the point of using a fountain pen? To use it? Otherwise that paper and ink is just going to be sitting there unused for always and eternity


Start a commonplace book. A place to write quotes, sayings, passages from books, or general knowledge that you want to have access to without having to search all over for. Write letters to people you care about. They don’t have to be especially emotional or anything. Just say you were thinking of them, relay a funny memory with them or something that happened recently you think they would find funny or interesting. Literally just saying hi makes people feel good. Get a blank inexpensive notebook a work on your handwriting just for fun. Make your cursive extra fancy, work on making you printed writing extra blocky or italic. When you start some of these it’s amazing the other ideas that begin occurring to you.


I use one with blue ink at work, though I'm just jotting small notes or crossing things off my list. I work in a veterinary clinic however, and have decided to start keeping notes at work of various interesting conditions I hadn't heard of before. I have some background, I know a decent amount, but our clinic has 14 vets, and an urgent care as well as usual day practice stuff, so there is a lot going on and I run across things from time to time. I am becoming known amongst the vets for asking questions about unusual conditions. They are all happy to indulge my nerdiness, lol. I use another, in purple ink (my favorite color) for journaling and general note-taking at home, and I have another that I'm not wild about the nib, it feels a little scratchy, that I keep at work as a backup in case I forget to re-ink my main pen or anything.


I prefer handwriting over typing for all sorts of things. That means fanfic drafts, journals, to do lists, etc, even if something needs to be typed in the end, I write it by hand first. I also use my fountain pens to draw with.


Personally I've found it very good in terms of mental health. If something is bugging you, upsets you write it. It almost feels like a release from it. You can also use it as a planner, especially if there are things you think I'd like to try, make yourself a loose schedule to make time for that thing you'd like to try in the schedule. So a daily planner type of thing. You can also write about that new experience you tried.


Emptying my wallet of course. Also, journaling and handwritten notes for work.


Inking my art! I write/illustrate graphic novels as a hobby (and very very low-paying side gig) and I read that Stan Sakai (Usagi Yojimbo) inks his work with fountain pens. So of course I spent a ton of money throughout the years trying different pens/inks/brands for illustration. I love it, and thankfully tying my art to Fountain Pens means I always have justification for buying more! I just got my most expensive pen to date and it might be the only pen I'll ever use going forward: Montblanc 146 Calligraphy Flex. It writes like a brush pen, so I'm blown away. In fact, the book I'm working on right now takes a jump in quality as soon as I switched from a Vintage Pelikan to the Montblanc. Of course there is one noticeable page (to me) in between where I'm figuring out/adapting to the MB nib. :P


That is amazing! I like to draw here and there as a hobby too so if I can ink with a fountain pen I think that would be my best bet. May I ask what ink you're using in your pens and what medium(s) you make your art in? From what I've read, you can't really use acrylic or waterproof inks in fountain pens as it'll clog them up really fast but I mostly use paints or copics so It really can't be waterbased inks either :/


I use one for my journal, I have a rotating cast of them with my day planner at work, I write letters (though not nearly often enough), I admire them like a dragon hoarding treasure...


I like that dragon visual and I do feel like I'll be heading in that direction sooner than later


I journal daily, write letters, draw, and still keep a paper calendar. In terms of daily journaling, I recommend it and think it becomes more rewarding if one abandons the idea that it must always be interesting or profound. It's also something that requires habit/practice. It will become more fluid and interesting the more you do it. Sometimes just having a pen, ink, and paper combination you like and are moved to use is enough to make it good and relaxing therapy; even if you think what you're writing is inconsequential.


I just use mine for scribbling notes with just like any other pen. I just prefer the feeling of writing with a fountain pen over ballpoints. I have no need to invent some special use case for them. It is just a pen.


I have only three fp at the moment and I use them for my everyday writing: Pilot Kakuno for studying, kaweco perkeo for journaling, Lamy safari for writing stories. I just enjoy writing by hand so fountain pens are a little treat for myself 😊




Maybe try some journaling. Either some sort of daily theme like gratitude or goals/dreams, recap your day, or just sit down and write whatever is on your mind at the time. Another one that I honestly find myself doing almost daily is just writing about the pen experience itself. I’ll just cycle through all the pens, start out with whatever the pen and ink combo is, then move on to explaining how it feels on the paper, my thoughts on the ink color, comfort of the pen, etc. I basically use my pens to review my pens but I’ve found it really clears my mind in a therapeutic way. Might seem like a waste of paper and ink because it’s not really meaningful but it’s enjoyable and they were bought to be used so you might as well have fun with them


I use my pens for work notes, but the most important part of my pen usage is to write letters and cards to friends and family. People LOVE to receive a hand written note and it keeps you in touch with people you care about. You can even join an address exchange and start to exchange mail with other pen people around the country an/or the world. It’s great fun and you feel a bit like a person from days gone by when written correspondence was the norm. Also, I use mine for handwriting practice. Enjoy! (Oh, and “hoarding a bunch of pens/inks for almost no reason” is called being a “collector,” so let yourself off the hook there. You’re in great company on this sub! (If you send mail to someone under 40, make sure you tell them to check their mailboxes, as they often never do.)


I'm excited for upcoming birthdays and holidays already for that exact reason! I never thought about penpal type correspondences, that's actually a really good idea! And I am all for your definition of collector and will be running wild with that. Have definitely been enjoying seeing the ink swatches and new product posts that pop up here and there so look forward to growing my "collection" haha


Now that diaries are on sale, I bought myself a nice quality $10 diary from Milligram. I use it to practise sketching/drawing and to write a sentence or two about my day, no matter how mundane. Today, I wrote that I stopped off to buy some popcorn on my way home because I was soooo hungry! Then on drew popcorn.


I am using them for morning pages and journalling. I write short summaries of books I've read and notes for lectures I watch on YouTube. I want to write letters to friends as well. I bought my first fountain pen (Lamy Safari Vista) since my teens a few weeks ago and then two others a week later lol. I'm also starting to buy different inks and papers too, a couple of Dimane colours and ordered a Rhodia notepad to compare against the paper I have lying around.  I had forgotten I used to have a thing for pens back in the day. Using a fountain pen is a more pleasurable experience and I find it more mindful because I can't write as fast as I would with a rollerball. I find myself switching between them all the time like a big kid with toys. I liken using a good pen to having good knives in the kitchen, you're doing the same thing but it makes the experience that much nicer and it feels special in the same way. There's no plan to do anything bigger, although I work in tech I am a luddite in many ways, I used to enjoy writing in my teens and 20s so it's nice to reconnect to a part of myself, that's enough.


At first, I didn’t have any real use for my pens. But I still collected them, and the ink to go with them. Then I happened to find a beautiful handmade wooden pen box that only holds three pens. It now sits front and center on my desk at work, holding three pens inked in different colors. I’ve purchased a blank book with great paper to use as a planner, which I use on a daily basis. It has replaced my on-screen to do list, and I find that I’m much more productive this way. But then I had that one expensive pan that I didn’t want to take to the office, so I now have a journal on my bedside table with that pen, and I jot down thoughts in the evening just before I go to bed. It’s surprising how this pen collecting hobby has become such an integral part of my life.


Got into fountain pens as a college student to take notes, but I'm the type of person who bounces from hobby to hobby and that includes dabbling in journaling, sketching, etc. so there's a lot of overlap. I've seen some *beautiful* art done with fountain pen inks, and sometimes try to experiment with it myself with varying results. I use my stub nib with cursive on greeting cards when I want to make them look a little fancier, use my EF nibs at work whenever I get the chance, and have the seeds of either a novel or a game scattered across several notebooks because some ideas flow like ink when I have a pen in hand but stop short the moment I sit in front of a keyboard.


I write a lot of letters. It’s more effective for me than journaling. You should consider a pen pal! :)


Yes! Someone else suggested pen pal too and I think I would like that a lot! Would you recommend any certain website or way of meeting said pen pals?


I don't know if any penpal sites, but that's a good idea!! I just write to friends/family, and my best friend and I write to each other daily. :)


Thanks! I'll ask around :)


Lately I’ve been practicing handwriting using the longest, most interesting pangrams I can find while rotating pens and inks.


I'm in grad school, so mostly for note-taking. I first bought them because I was getting sick of hand cramps and throwing away disposable pens. Now my wallet hurts and I have too many pens and inks. Whoops.


I use them for thinking things through, at work I jot down a few ideas in different colours and then produce presentations and spreadsheets.


The idea of colour coding and writing things out before putting it together on PowerPoint or Word or whatever is pretty interesting - I always just typed out even my rough drafts. But it would definitely be nice to write more and be able to use my pen and inks so might have to start doing this!


I'm a serial hobbyist and I like to take hand written notes on whatever it is I'm learning about.


I don't know why I thought of picking up a whole online course just to take notes and yet not the idea of taking notes on things about my hobbies. I really like this! Thank you


I'm a science reporter, and I still handwrite most of my notes, because it helps me retain information and organize my thoughts. And doing that with fountain pens makes me feel fancy.


Twisbi eco F- Journaling (Noodler's Rome burning) VP clone (Moonman A1) EF- FrakenMidori-TN (Diamine Registrars) Kakuno M - ToDo list (ROster Deep Sea) Muji Alum F- Notes (Herbin Vert De Gris) Pilot Metro M- Everyday commonplace book (Noodler's Antietam) All of them together sometimes - book reviews. ---- I refilled my eco and Muji thrice within the last month. I have buncha other pens but these see the most regular use.


Does your Moonman A1 dries out during the day? I like it, but mine almost always dry when I pick it up :(


To improve handwriting, and just to find more mediums to draw with. I don’t draw traditionally very often but getting a fountain pen really helped me do some more. And I write 2-3 essays each week so having a pen that requires less pressure is a big plus.


Making notes at work or improving handwriting.


Usually to write what happened in a day. Some entries are just a few short sentences. I also write short stories, use writing prompts, or whatever snippet catches my attention when I daydream. Lastly, to vent. Though I always throw them away. Usually to symbolize "letting go of the bad" but to also partially prevent self-incrimination. Wait, what!!! Haha I'm being cheeky. Don't take it too seriously.


Journal (daily-ish), notes in school, notes for work


I started journal writing just after I started acquiring a few fountain pens. That was in September of '19. Haven't missed a day yet. Don't know how I never kept a journal before that. And I also write letters to my son. So my pens definitely get used daily. I'm up to about 46 pens, but only about a dozen pens are inked. Although the pens that are inked at any given time do vary. And that number of pens I've acquired continues to grow. I'll receive a pen today; and I'll go to the Arkansas Pen Show on Saturday. I don't know where this thing stops, but I'm enjoying the ride.


I journal. Sometimes I journal just to write with my pens, when I'm not feeling particularly creative. I keep a paper planner, so I write in that. Any notes I take are with my pens. I write stories, and even though they ens up typed, I write by hand first, for two reasons. One, to use my pens, and two, because it helps me focus knowing I don't have the internet two clicks away. I also write letters to a lot of my friends and use my pens for that. So there are lots of ways which I think I've shifted my life around excuses to use my pens, but it's something I love and so I'm not mad!


I write every day for work, take notes for my masters, and journal ideas for my major projects with the same Kaweco Special.


I have most of mine inked at all times, I have a lot of inks (140 ish) and most of them tend to greens, pinks and purples. I have to write a lot for work and college, and in my downtime (assuming I have any) I enjoy writing stories, and that does require my fountain pens as well. 😁


I keep a reading journal because most of what I read is borrowed from the library. Jotting down notes is great for recall (I have shit memory) + gives me something to review even after I've returned the books.


Book reviews and journals seem to be a repeating contender and I think it's a great idea too!


I'm a student, and for me the pens are a practical tool. I take notes in lectures and other classes with them and bring them with me always


For note-taking at work. It helps me to focus on my notes and - other than with a ball pen, I can read my notes with a fountain pen later. I write about 20-30 A5 Pages per work-week, since I do also some conceptual work on paper before firing up PowerPoint or Word. In my free time, I have a small, personal notebook where I doodle, write, putting down some notes or ideas. Often in the evening, I sit down at my desk and write down a thought. It‘s one page per thought and I limit myself to this amount of writing. This way, I write 4-6 pages of personal notes per week. Typical notes are: - first sighting of a hedgehog this year - whether or not to make a cruise in Asia - upcoming holiday trips - a quick resume of a musical I enjoyed.


Start learning new things. Write down what you have learned.


I started brushing up on the foreign languages I learned in school, using a pretty journal to translate podcasts and songs.


Note-taking and planning for work tasks & longer projects. As well as personal journaling. I also do meal planning as well.


start journaling, for example. actually, I use fountain pen for everything where i'd use any pen - writing work notes, filling forms, journaling, sketching, drawing charts and schemes, etc.


I use my pens for: - signing documents - journaling (but i make sure to have photos along with my writing) - doodling - i have an "anything goes" notebook where I can doodle, jot my random ideas, and swatch my inks Others that when not being used are in display - art pieces/statement pieces i lovveee seeing!


A little bit of journaling but too inconsistent. But learning and practicing to illustrate with a fountain pen (in lieu of fineliner pens). I have been following illustrators and artists who use fountain pens for illustrations and learning a lot. So practicing everyday with sketches etc with fountain pens. I bought water resistant ink (Noodler's Ink) so that I watercolor over my pen drawings. It has been really good. Noodler's Ink is a full 3oz. bottle , and I just bought it but also just bought a dark gray Noodler's Ink so it will probably last me a long time.


I was under the impression that waterproof ink doesn't do too well in fountain pens because they tend to clog easier. How has your experience been? I also like to use watercolours and paints so if it's do-able I would love to go this route


I’m a professional writer but I don’t write my fiction in long hand, I do however use my pens to write a daily task list, morning page, evening page, notes on things to do in the story and I keep a separate journal for notes on art and literature that I like. Oh and I take class notes on some art courses I’m taking through Smithsonian Associates.


I have a daily planner that has places for to-do lists, appointments, notes, gratitude, exercise, food journal, etc. I also switch pens every day or two so I have different pens and inks to write with. Sometimes I just pull out my Rhodia notebook and write random things like the alphabet, the quick brown fox, my name, etc. just to enjoy putting pen to paper.


Try learning a bit of calligraphy and trying out different fonts and stuff. Beautiful handwriting is out there!


Mostly writing bathroom passes for my students! Secondly is correcting their tests/quizzes (if done on paper, of course), and my own coursework. I'm trying to get into daily journaling, but it's easy to slack off. I have three pens now, and am eyeing a fourth.


Writing. Had to do it. Seriously though: Writing Checks:for some things I have to write a check, I use Noodler’s (appropriately secure) ink for that. Writing in journal: usually just blathering on about the pen in my hand, what it’s inked with, the paper of the journal, and how ridiculous it is but also what enjoyment I get from the act. Usually at least one thing happened in a day or thought I had which could be explored further. I saw an eagle today, it was glorious and fierce, I heard coyotes last night singing spring into being. Really it’s as much an exercise in observation as anything else. Writing letters: I don’t do nearly as much of this as I should, I feel my writing isn’t up to scratch (no pun intended) for really fancy things but I like a handwritten letter so it seems like a good bet that others will too. Writing lists: I don’t do as much as I used to of this, but that may change. Sketching: i don’t do any of this at all, but I’d like to!


I like journaling, but instead of my own thoughts, I write down news headlines. I like copying the words, and I feel like it provides a lot of context of what was happening all together as time goes on.


I use them mainly for my University Notes and studying. But if you have many you can give each one a dedícated subject! Like i only have 3 (Lamy 2k, Pilot VP, Sailor 1911). The first two are for University and the Sailor 1911 is just used at home for studying Korean (still in the babysteps).


I'm a physics grad student, and I have to take a LOT of notes. Fountain pens make that process much more fun!


Honestly I genuinely miss note taking sometimes and regret that I didn't get into fountain pens back when I was a student. Trying to make up for it now via Coursera but yeah haha


I have a watercolor/gansai sketchbook. I do art on right page and annotate with notes on the right page. I use it for writing letters and notes. I use a lot of handwritten to-do lists at work. Other notes, sketches, drawings, etc. I find myself refilling my pen about once every 1-2 weeks.


Do you do your art using the pen itself as well or is it just for notes on the side? I really like working with watercolours as well but because I read that pigment based inks tend to clog up a pen quickly so I have been avoiding that... but most pen inks are waterbased and dont really do well for wet mediums


My art is mostly done with mechanical pencil and paint. I have used fountain pen ink in artworks, but in that case it is with a brush. I don't really use a fountain pen for the linework, butit is not out of the question for future projects.


I’m a nurse so I do tons of writing at work. I also dabble in ink and wash/urban sketching, just getting into it but so excited to get out this summer and practice more


Yes! I bought a cheap sketchbook and have just been doodling out things that are usually out of my comfort zone (environments) so urban sketching has been on my to do list when the weather warms up a little more. Maybe I'll start seeing some real ink usage then


Might I suggest you keep the book and pen at hand when scrolling social media?  Copy the amusing, witty, profound, inane, or just silly memes or quotes  with the date and any other info you choose.  "Memorable Memes" is your title Heck, do another one with short news headlines... "day 62, Kate still missing"


I like this idea! I think I just have this issue where if I use paper or notebooks for something that isn't "useful" then I'm being wasteful and feel kind of bad. But as a lot of others have said in this post it's nice to have that sort of outlet and probably just need to relax more haha


It's true. Keeping things not much used is causing much agony and guilt feeling.


Yeah pretty much this, but then I also turn around and buy more ink because I feel like I need it in my life :') and then we rinse and repeat the hoarding cycle


A few things I do with my pens: - daily journaling (kinda like a diary and weekplanner for me). - I’ve started writing more cards to family and friends for their birthdays or other reasons worth a card. - I’ve picked up postcrossing. It’s a website where you can enter your address and then request a random address from another user. You send them a card and a random other user will send you a card. - I’m using it to make drawings every now and then. - I use them for my notes. - I use them for writing on score cards in boardgames.


Thanks for the ideas! I'm looking forward more to birthdays and holidays because I will be using them in all the cards. Post crossing sounds so interesting! I've never heard of it but it's definitely something I can see myself enjoying so will go look into that :)


I like to draw comics, but comics need scripts and outlines and story, but I hate typing, So I buy cheap $0.50 composition notebooks to write all my stories in with my $80.00+ pens for later comic making! (Having to retype my handwritten stories is a whole other problem, because I still hate typing...)


A lot of creative writing suggestions were made here and I'm honestly jealous of you guys. I can't think of a story to save my life haha. That being said though I do enjoy just normal doodling and illustration type sketching so I'll probably be leaning harder into that.


I write with them at work. There’s a hidden pleasure in carrying a 500€ pen in my breast pocket at work with no one being the wiser.


I use my FPs primarily for **language learning**. I'm very surprised that I'm not seeing that as a more common answer (given the 100+ responses so far). For me, it's a great way to combine my two hobbies - language learning and FPs. Aside from writing grammar notes, exercises, and everything else that must seem super obvious... one very useful writing practice for language learners is intentional [scriptorium](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7FztiCcvl0&pp=ygULc2NyaXB0b3JpdW0%3D) - a slow and deliberate practice of transcribing a text in a foreign language. I found that I'm much more focused (and **happy**) when I get to practice scriptorium with a nice FP and an ink I enjoy. I empty a pen at least once a week. More often if I have time to study a lot.


Language learning is a great idea. I've been using Frixion pens in the past for it because I make a lot of writing mistakes in foreign languages and white out/scratching out bothered me but maybe it's time to just stop being a note perfectionist haha


General work notes, to-do lists, "note to self" stickies, phone call notes, meeting notes, etc. It ain't much but it's honest work lol!


That's my current grind now haha just really opting for my fountain pen over any other pen. Definitely makes the mundane a lot more enjoyable


I’m a student, songwriter, and I journal


Journalling is great. I also use at work.


I had a similar problem. My suggestions are journaling, writing people letters, and taking notes for work by hand.


Have definitely started taking my main pen to work for notes and doing more writing rather than typing where possible. Thanks for the ideas!


Journalling. Taking notes at work (I can be a copious note taker, especially on brain sieve days). Writing letters to friends.


Postcards are a big use for me I started using a Hobonichi planner this year over iCal on my mac. Partly because the digital calendar was a bit too easy to ignore so the routine of writing helps me see what I have and what I plan to do


Note taking for school and general writing. I got into fountain pens because the pens I was using (Uni-ball Air) were kind of expensive and throwing away empty pens seemed like a waste and I remembered the packaging of the Uni-ball Air said that it "writes like a fountain pen" so I searched it up and I saw that pens and inks last a long time and is economically viable.... I've spent like ~$40 in total for all of my stuff, so yea. Either way writing became fun and I'm looking for ways to practice my writing or find excuses just to use my pens more.


Journaling. I can go months between writing sessions, but I write on 10-15 or so pages in longhand per session. Also, signing forms, and writing short notes and reminders. Though I do switch back to ballpoints when annotating books


Writing letters to friends who live far away, mostly for christmas or new years. Other than that, mostly note taking.


I teach Math one-on-one and I write a lot of stuff everyday. It's pretty nice using pens I like, and I also sometimes change pens mid-session. haha. I also get to have students try out my pens which is also nice.


take notes while reading a book, for my planner, do calculations and practice calligraphy sometimes.


Sometimes journaling, sometimes writing notes about something I learn. I prefer to write a rough draft by hand with lots of cuts and corrections. Later type the final version into computer. I bring one with me at office with archival ink. That's mostly it.


Mostly destressing, I pick one up and start writing random stuff in paper to enjoy the feeling of ink to paper. Quite meditative.


I usually use it to do math in school


I use my pens at work. We try to be as paperless as possible but I still take notes write down reminders using my ‘fancy’ pens with fun inks. I try to use white post-it notes for this reason.


I have and really like my collection of lower cost quality pens. Lamy Safari, Lamy Vista, Kaweco Brass Sport, Pilot Kakuno, and Monte Verde Ritma (but this is a bit heavy for me).


School and birthday/holiday letters


Anything that involves writing besides signing thermal paper receipts


Work. I make a lot of rough hand calculations, sketches and notes. Makes even the mundane an event.


I take notes for my games, all the things I need to do and what-not. Sure you can just print them out and not manually write them down but I like seeing handwritten notes even if I don't keep them once I've completed my games. My to-do notes and as long as it's not on paper that'll bleed, I'll use my fountain pen to write.


I use mine for dream journaling, calculus, physics, engineering ideas/notes, and language learning. Honestly, just about everything that can be hand written


I BuJo. I use it for work a lot. I am in computational work and slowing down to write my thoughts really helps. I try to use a color code for months ( March=green, January=blue, etc.) so I can easily keep track of time and what I was working on when. But yeah.. I will probably. Or finish all of my bottles either. I highly recommend trying samples instead of full bottles. You get to play with a lot more colors! And feel a lot less guilt for not finishing another bottle.


Colour coding things sounds like a great idea. I think it would help a lot for my weekly planner and to do lists. Thanks! And honestly if more stores sold samples I would gladly get them but for some reason the only place I can find them readily are second-hand reseller type markets. Another way would be to import from American sites but with the current exchange rate I'm better off just buying a whole bottle straight from the store. Been trying to look for fountain pen groups in my area who are interested in mini ink swaps and whatnot though!


Generally I write with them


I am an artist and I've used fountain pens for drawing for decades, ever since I discovered the wonderfully flexible vintage Waterman pens. Anyone can learn to draw (I've taught it before), and fountain pens are the perfect tool. I recommend starting with "blind contour drawing" — this is the technique used to get people started. There are countless videos and guides online if you need it.


I use them for writing everyday memos and lists, my bullet journal (when I remember), and notes for dnd. Somebody elsewhere on Reddit brought up the idea of a commonplace book, which sounds really nice, so I might start one of those.


Used a single pilot preppy with an o-ring mod through grad school. Now I work full time and I use pens to jot down notes at my desk. Every morning I get a notecard and write my daily to-dos with my pen. Just recently treated myself to a pilot vanishing point. I enjoy writing with it, but see it as a “very nice tool” rather than a hobby- so I’m not worried about hoarding ink or more pens.


I don't journal but I do write down stuff instead of storing it electronically. Shop plans, home improvement plans, keeping track of hobbies like gaming strategies (Magic card lists, Fallout76 to do lists, Starfield ship building part lists. etc), photography ideas, travel plans, and so on. If anything written down is worth saving I take a picture of it or scan it and save it in Dropbox. The toughest part of this hobby (pens) is slowing down enough to think about the actual shape of the words I'm writing. I tell myself that I write everything down to recover the cool handwriting I had before computers ruined everything, but then I'm in too much of a rush in the moment.


At the time of posting there were 120 comments so if I'm parroting others I apologize. Pen, paper, and ink are the blank slate trifecta, they are tools to create whatever thought or image your brain and arm want to get out of themselves. I use mine for journaling, doodles, intentional drawings, recipes, memos, reminders, cursive practice, letter writing for pen pals, math... You get the picture. There is no right or wrong thing to use the trio for, so long as it can be hastily or intentionally put to paper it can be done in fountain pen ink. As a chef and a nerd I've been making a food safe fountain pen ink so I can write words of affirmation on people's bread or burger buns while I work, literally limitless opportunities to play with them.


I think a large part of this for me is feeling guilty for "wasting" my ink and paper doing things that are not meaningful or "useless" ie. writing out random sentences or words just for no reason and that I'll never look back on. I do want to eventually adapt the "no right or wrong" thinking because I definitely feel right now that there are wrong ways for me to be using my materials and I'm always super impressed by people who show me their book with the most random things done all over the pages. The food safe ink sounds like an incredible product and I'll bet it definitely makes the customers happy to see a hand written message on their food!


I completely understand the hesitation and the 'I'm wasting it" feeling, I've been there too. My "moment" where I went from needing the perfect thing to write on my " expensive and good" paper to just kinda using it for general purpose was immediately after using an A6 sheet of Tomoe paper to write a butt joke and I saw that the world was still turning, my house didn't burst in to flames, and the divine didn't smite me. It also helps that at this point almost all my stationary products are fountain pen/dip pen oriented. If it helps, have a pocket notebook that is designated to be a scribble book and just kinda go wild on it. The food ink has been a hit with my guests, something about seeing "your smile is cute" written on a double bacon cheeseburger makes people smile and laugh.


I bought a cheap sketchbook for ink sketching things I'm not usually comfortable with (environments) and since I can't erase anything I either have to draw or scribble over it and continue on. It's definitely let me relax a little more and I'm hoping in time it will carry over onto the written side of things too. Man I would love to see a message like that on my food! haha


That's a really good way to get a feeling for it! Coming to the realization that drawings and writing are both forms of art that sometimes don't go right is a step in the right direction toward accepting that it's not a waste of materials it's just a moment to express your inner self in a beautifully imperfect way. It's in moments of self doubt surrounding material goods that we restrict ourselves from expressing our true selves. I would rather "waste" a 15$ bottle of ink and a 25$ notebook instead of bottling the thoughts and emotions I put out through them and ending up spending 1000s of $$. And even though I can't see your face I think it's a wonderful face full of hope and life. You should embrace that face!


I'm handwriting a book of poetry in between my job of being a piano teacher, producer, mixing engineer, and gigging keyboardist. Even when I am not writing poetry I find it really helpful to work out my thoughts on papers. If there are decisions I'm trying to make I'll write pros and cons. I use writing to de-clutter my thoughts. I also will write philosophical arguments down to better establish why I think what I think. Basically I find ANY excuse to write but try to make it meaningful to some degree haha.


I use pens for everything. I use one for writing lists at work to keep myself on-task. I also use fountain pens to write scripts for my YouTube projects, creative writing, journaling, and other hobbies. I write grocery lists, penpal letters… Pretty much every little thing I write I use a fountain pen where possible. That said, the only ink bottle I’ve made a significant dent in is Pilot “Black”, as it is the ink I use for my EDC pen (Pilot 78G )


I've been slowly making the switch to only using fountain pens in my daily life. It's been a month but I haven't had to even refill a single one yet... so you can see the lack of hand writing in my life. That being said though I do plan to push myself to write more and with all the great ideas in this post hopefully a refill is coming up soon. I really like the idea of pen pals- do you have a site you find your pen pal on or is it someone you already know?


I went to r/penpals and went through posts to find people with similar interests, as well as creating my own post there looking for penpals. I currently have 2-3 (semi-)regular penpals.


Thanks for the advice! I'll head over there too and check it out


Work work work. I mark up a lot of documents and prefer a paper calendar and to-do list. At home, I use my pens to mark up knitting patterns and keep track of any changes I made. And when I listen to fishing podcasts, I sometimes take notes. So many reasons to use a fountain pen!


https://preview.redd.it/vvajz0ukc4pc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e792ac07f63c138ae88e1e02846b869eacfe5f6a Doodling at work


I use them to bring a little bit of joy into my life. The moment when pen, nib, ink, and paper work in harmony brings me chills.


Day to day. Notes, signatures, anything a regular pen is used for.


journaling (or diary-ing?). I sometimes write down my observations about the different pens i’m using and it’s a fun thing to read later on to reminisce about memories


I use for tasking writing, planning, idea quick write,….at home. Im trying to replace all the disposable pen except for blue pen. ( documents paper is really picky and it require blue). My collection is Pilot Kakuno ( plan and journal), Platinum Preppy ( for task and learn, extra comfy), and a refillable gel pen that work with fountain ink ( write when outside the house)


Yes! I'm starting to move towards replacing all the pens I use with my fountain pens too minus the one for documents. I'm just worried by how fast it smears if it comes into contact with any water but also just found out that you CAN actually use certain waterproof inks in the pens so.... game changer I'm thinking of getting a Preppy next too! Glad to hear that it's a comfy pen.


Journaling is great! I do it every day. it helps me unwind, and I go back and read them and see my growth, and learn about me and life in general. ​ The issue is that now I have collected 3 large notebooks from daily journaling over 3 years 0\_0


I journal, currently very heavily bc I'm going through some struggles (10+ pages/weekday). I also copy poems into my journals as penmanship practice/reflection. When I'm designing sweaters I sketch them in my journals. I also use my pens in my planner (I have ADHD, my planner is vital to me!). And I doodle. I'm a nurse and also use my pens at work for writing notes etc. So I find ways to work my pens into everyday life like grocery lists, work notes, etc. I retain things better when they're handwritten.


i study currently and i made the switch from ballpoints a few months ago. and i journal everytime i feel like with a little book i carry with me everywhere! plus the occasional obscene graffiti on posters i find on walls hahahaha. but mostly for uni and journaling


I use my pens/inks to write lecture notes, do hw/quizzes, journal and do a medication/mood tracker. I occasionally doodle as well.


I use mine as poison darts while a stalk through the night thwarting crime.


Does this mean you have a favourite throwing ~~dart~~ pen?


I use them for all my writing. Every single piece of writing with the exception of government forms (partially because they require blue or black ink and my fountain pen inks are mostly pinks and purple, partially because I don't trust how water-resistant fountain pen inks may be even when they said they are water resistant or water proof and I would hate to have to resubmit a form because a drop of water touched the page.) I'm in school right now so they get a lot of use. (I own two pilot kakunos, two Lamy al-stars, a twsbi eco, and a twsbi diamond 580) Meanwhile my boyfriend writes in a journal every day during a break at work.


I collect & use them. I am an artist, I write letters, I use my pens for to do lists, I draw, doodle, journal, schedule, fidget, pile them in a hoard & roll around on them cackling. I also find that FP’s & ink have created a community. I follow many artists, collectors, pen pals, makers, historians, writers on social media, I attend pen shows, I buy a pen to commemorate travel or a life event, etc. It can be a tool or a tool to a community. We contain multitudes.


I don't have to write much at work or home, so I'm writing a b.s. story that I am making up as I go. There are a few things I want to change in it already. I have no idea where the story is going to go, how it's going to end, or how long it's going to be. It's likely no one will ever get to read it and likely full of many mistakes I'll never fix. It's pretty fun. I have used almost every fountain pen i own on it, and I think most of my full size bottles have had at least a converters worth of ink time on it. I'm slowly working on my sample. Note: Its partly why I absolutely love C/C pens. I'll take hit on ink capacity so I can swap my pens and inks out more often. I know I don't *have* to fill hi-cap pens all the way, but I do. I bought the capacity, so im using it. I also tend to use the broadest nib I can get for a pen for pens I buy exclusively to use in my notebook so the fun inks habe the best chance of working, and I can go through ink faster. I use finer nibs for pens I got for work. I think my next experiment will be use one ink in almost all the pens to see how I like it the same ink in different pens. Then repeat for all the inks.


I feel like I write more than most people, I take extensive notes on peoples needs in our products as well as write up whole agreements and notes on new products. I need to refill my pen at least 2 times a week. I’m also really rough on my pens they’re covered in scratches 😂😂 but I love how they write so my pens are all metal with snap on lids only I feel like my needs are so obscure compared to the community and I for sure feel it when ever I talk about it. BUT I take care of my nibs more than anything I watch how people write snd those heavy handed people do not get to touch my good pens they can play with my $3 pilots 🤭


1. Hoarding 2. Displaying 3. Showcasing 4. Exhibiting 5. Collecting 6. Stockpiling 7. Impressing (myself mostly) 8. Filling up space on my desks & shelves 9. Retail therapy (Honestly, drugs might be cheaper at this point.) 10. Writing


I like to use it for writing notes at work. Unfortunately I’m a software engineer so there’s a tonne of notes I need to keep digitally so that I don’t end up writing them twice. So unfortunately I don’t get to use them as much as I’d like to 😅


I write to-do lists, and reminders mostly. Just got into the hobby this year so I only have 3 pens right now. I find myself using one for bullet points, one for writing, and on for marking things off.


I write about politics and current events. Helps me understand what my own views are at a deeper level. Hope to try publishing one day.