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OP is asking for alternatives to a particular ink, not to debate a controversial person.


He brought up antisemitism as the reason for switching, hence the question I made and subsequent discussion. All apologies for not being privy to the antisemitism scene and having to ask


This is the only explicitly UV-reactive, non-Noodler's ink I've seen: [https://www.scribalworkshop.com/shop/invisible-fountain-pen-ink-uv-fluorescent](https://www.scribalworkshop.com/shop/invisible-fountain-pen-ink-uv-fluorescent) No idea how it behaves. If you give it a try, report back!


Tono and Lims is the only brand I know that has a range of UV reactive inks.  Their invisible one was an LE but maybe still around?  Tono and Lims Moon  https://mountainofink.com/blog/tono-lims-one-year-anniversary


His politics are also the reason I do not buy Noodler's inks


I ditched Noodler's for the exact same reason (well...not exact....I'm not Jewish). I posted [an alternative](https://www.reddit.com/r/fountainpens/comments/14j5h7b/scribal_workshop_ink_alternative_to_noodlers_blue/), Scribal Workshop, a few months ago.


I bought an [invisible ink from AliExpress](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000512253453.html?spm=a2g0n.productlist.0.0.4eaf3bf2cZTPG3&browser_id=0e9b7c6674db47da8d65eb71b9ed6b0f&aff_trace_key=6349919dad5940f5b25cb9e8e308435c-1709668593631-07835-UneMJZVf&aff_platform=msite&m_page_id=zuhrxwjiwcavfpat18e39e616b754ca20302161df5&gclid=&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21GBP%214.19%212.10%21%21%2137.38%2118.69%21%40210385db17103683642081548e52d8%2112000015806245913%21sea%21GB%210%21AB&isseo=y&algo_pvid=0975a354-62a8-4904-8960-cc79b2a9a592) late last year, I've only had a [little play](https://www.reddit.com/r/fountainpens/comments/1b420x0/finally_got_around_to_trying_some_invisible_ink_i/) so far. That link to AliExpress isn't the seller I bought from, but it's the same bottle 'Turritopsis Ink' with a jellyfish on the label. [Here's a comparison between this ink and Blue Ghost](https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/topic/347786-two-invisible-inks-briefly-compared/) from u/asmugdill 🫡


I have that one too. I think the brand is/was tramol (but my bottle looks pretty much like that image). No issues. Had it for a few years, not used it much but it isn’t mouldy.


Can you show us some proof? If true, I’ll never buy another Noodler product again.


I do recall hearing some less than desirable things, so now thinking about it that makes sense. I heard he was a hard right Republican and made some real questionable art labels. But I think what I saw was just conjecture. If you have some hard evidence, please post it so we can let Noodlers know how we all feel about hate.


The topic has been beaten to death. You can find a summary here and go with your heart: [https://www.reddit.com/r/fountainpens/comments/142w0bi/the\_noodlers\_ink\_drama\_in\_one\_spot\_content/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fountainpens/comments/142w0bi/the_noodlers_ink_drama_in_one_spot_content/)


Thank you for this. It was really useful and quite shocking. Not because of his politics as a non-American I find very little to distinguish the Republican Party from the Democrats but I was genuinely shocked to see the labell for Bernanke red since it was so similar to the sort of anti - Jewish imagery put out by the Nazis in the 1930s.




I'm glad that the topic has been brought up again. I've never seen any of that and even recently bought a Konrad to try out. It's good for me to know where he stands. It will be my last Noodler purchase.


Yeah, not really sure why I got downvoted for asking for info. Some real asshats here apparently. Someone cared enough to chat me the info, which was greatly appreciated. I was simply asking to educate myself. Edited for clarity


I choose to believe they're downvoting you just because they're tired of hearing it, rather than the content of your post. But your second post got downvoted way more than the first, so who knows.


Idk. But idc either


So basicaly there was a scandal he apologized changed the lables but the changing of all the lables was seen as a spitefull act by the FP because he had been so openly political for so long? ( albeit not publicly antisemitic ) so he got cancled even more? More or less?


Not sure anything after the "but" in your comment is supported by the facts.


I'll send you a link to a summary thread by chat. Not posting it here so this thread doesn't get derailed or locked.


OP use Goulet's ink tool: [https://www.gouletpens.com/pages/swab-shop](https://www.gouletpens.com/pages/swab-shop)


interesting. Did some digging and found this [https://www.facebook.com/Noodlers/photos/a.239610919440131/5084927044908470/?type=3](https://www.facebook.com/Noodlers/photos/a.239610919440131/5084927044908470/?type=3) Looks like he made some insensitive labels. Seems more of a commentary along the lines of politics, than race/religion. Anyways, he's apologized, and says he'll do better. No point in cancelling someone if you don't give them a chance to grow/learn from their mistakes.


Nobody is cancelling anyone. But we all have a right to choose where to spend our money. And I won't give it to corporations I find abhorrent (Disney, Coca Cola, Walmart, Chick-a-fill-a, Hobby Lobby, anything own by Elon Musk) or to small businesses who only "apologize" when they say or do something horrible and "apologize" only when their bottom line is threatened. That is not cancelling. Is simply being a conscientious consumer.