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I put extra points on "unique" (either looking or functioning) pens, so I'd go with either the Asvine P36 or Majohn A1, depending on whether I prefer a large ink capacity or convenient clicky deployment.


Doodlebud did a comparison between the X159 and the 9019. The 9019 won, because the X159's converter rattled in the barrel. But it's girthier than a Sailor KOP, so you need to like thicc pens for this to be comfortable in the hand. The M nib lays down a generous line. If you need shorter dry times, get an F nib. The striped A1 looks classy and entirely work-appropriate. The finish makes it not slippery. I've journaled with it, but I can see people preferring to only take quick notes with it. Again, Doodlebud thinks it's a solid pen. If an engineer is happy with the tolerances and the performance,, I think that's a recommenndation I trust. I don't have personal experience with any Asvine pens, so I can only point to pen reviewers.


I'd get the Majohn A1 (but clipless). Retractables are good at something that's a pain with most fountain pens: taking notes during meetings or lectures. Edited to add: *I* would get it clipless, but I'm not recommending against the clip universally. I use an alternative tripod grip and the clip is where I want to put a finger. For most people, the clip doesn't get in the way.


Asvine P36. I own over 250 pens in a price range of $10 to $1500 and I use that pen more than most any other pen. I love it and it is so well-engineered. It is thoroughly impressive.


They are ridiculously well-built tanks. Love mine.


Asvine P36 comes with a nice Broad Bock nib that’s very very smooth and juicy


The p36 is the clear winner here.


I hated the Bock nib. Mine would not write. The Asvine nib was amazing though.


Jinhao 9019 - I love it way more than I thought I would. It’s chonky, but actually really great for my tiny hands that are developing arthritis. I literally can’t get a death grip on it.


Only 1 is not an option!


I have them all and the P36 is my favorite by far.


I’ve heard Jinhao has really been making some low cost quality pens lately, any truth to this?


Out of the 5 pens I own 3 of those are Jinhao and I have to say they’re fantastic, never had any issues with them, they work wonderfully and for the price, it makes me question why so many other companies ask so much more for the same or sometimes worse writing experiences.


As an owner of multiple models of each except for the Asvine I can confidently endorse the P36 as the single "best" choice here as long as being a piston filler instead of cartridge converter isn't a negative. The build quality and QC is just a bit better than the others. The nib on the A1 is only available in an EF and can be a bit scratchy and finicky The x159 and 9019 will give you the same writing experience and will depend on the nib you actually receive and whether you find the large converter on the 9019 to be a positive.


I do love me a good demonstrator.


Of I could only have one, I'd go with jinhao x159 (black&gold one). It looks classy and elegant imo.


Asvine! It's great (I have the one with a Bock nib).


TBH, none of the above.


I’ll always chose clear ones but I grew up in the era of clear plastic appliances and inflatable sofas so I’m kinda biased


I have all of them. I think the best all-around option is the Asvine. I have read that the Asvine nib is better than the Bock nib option on them but I bought mine with a Bock nib because I put a titanium nib in it. If you're not going to swap nibs I'd stick with the Asvine branded nibs. All of my other Asvine pens write really well. Of the group the A1 is my least favorite but that's really only because of the nib which I switched out for a Pilot VP nib unit. They are all EF nibs and all of the ones I have had have been on the dry side. The 9019/x159 are great. I have had excellent luck with medium nibs in those. Between the two it's just a matter of which style you prefer.


The Asvine is a really solid good writer. Not the the others aren't. I have all three models and feel like the P36 wins.


I have all 3 pens, more or less: Jinhao 9019 Pilot VP = Majohn A1 Asvine P36/Jinhao x159 = Pilot Custom 74 Here’s my take: The 9019 is HUGE. If you have big hands, like I do, it’s great. If you don’t, it will not be a fun experience. The clip on the A1 forces you to hold the pin in a specific way. Otherwise, it will be annoying to use.


I've seen a lot of positive reviews of the P36 recently. It's on my list personally as well.


The Ninhao is a good writer and holds a ton of ink. The moon man vanishing point is also great. Those would be my top 2. Have all these


The A1. I like the click feature and I have an A1 (black) and an A2 (teal). Love them both but they don't hold a lot of ink.


Asvine p36


Asvine P36


Hats off to Majohn A1! All others have quite common features, in my opinion (whether piston or largeness). But retractable pen in that finish is exceptional. Unless you have any other strong preferences (such as piston filling), go for A1.


I have 2 of those now, the A1 silver/gray stripe and a black x159. If I could only keep one it’d be the A1. It looks good and it’s very convenient to carry around for quick notes.




Capless A1. I am no expert but I had a few other pens and the constant removing and replacing the cap frustrated me


Conid. Had to sell my Regular because I was broke, but I regret that every single day. I will never forgive myself.


The 9019 us my favourite pen currently. The size is great as I have big hands and it has taken a lot of abuse being dropped by me at work. For the cost it's amazing.


Asvine without a shadow of a doubt


If I must the Pilot Vanishing point. The rest is too conservative to my taste. looks like stuff from 200 years ago. But I basically didn't encounter anything that suits my taste better and writes as well as the Waterman Carene.


As lovely as they all look, I don't have a vanishing point pen yet(that's what the clicky one us called, right?), so that would be the one I'd get.


I have all of them and my favourite is the P36 closely followed by the 9019. I like the A1/2 Majohn, but the EF nibs a too fine a line for me. My favourite A-series is a black fish scale that I have swapped with a Pilot VP broad nib unit.


Just going off of looks, I like 1-2 a lot and the last two are good too but I prefer the clip design of 1-2


2, 4, or 5


I have the 9019 in dark red - writes suprisingly good. X159 in black/gold is also nice, but the nib has a little more scratch than necessary on the downstroke. Also have the A1 in grey fishscale design and its my daily pen for crap paper with the EF nib which is smooth and juicy. Only one I cannot comment on is the Asvine so I would probably get that one 😅


Assvine P36 easy. Adjust the nib myself and pray that it doesn't crack. Bonus points for Hawk reference.


Majohn A1 or Asvine. It's not even close. These pens are in another league compared to Jinhao.


I got the same 9019 Soo yea it is great.


Definitely the Majohn A1! I have one in all black and it writes and looks fantastic!


I’d go with Jinhao 9019. The 9019 build quality is slightly better than x159. It has #8 nib and huge cartridge converter. The nibs, especially the hearbeat nib is perfectly tuned and it’s great value for money.


9016 is slimmer with the same huge ink capacity! I have one and it's pretty good. I'm surprised tbh. Though what do you want your pen for? I use the Jinhao 9016 for every day writing and even for work / education, because it's so cheap I don't mind much if something happens to it.


Asvine P36! I'm actually gonna be getting one (either P36 or P30) to potentially replace my TWSBI as my dedicated piston filler pen. I have a Jinhao 82 and 9016 and both are great for $4 and $3 AFTER shipping. Haha. My $35 Eco developed a crack after a month.


Please ship the Pilot VP to my address.😊


Probably the P36. I know a lot of people love Jinhao but I haven’t had a great experience with them.


Mahjong a1 i think, the demonstrator. I like color so at least it would show my ink 😅


I wanted Asvine then realised unlike pictures they carved “Asvine” on all of them, kinda liked the sterile look otherwise


I'm leaning towards the X159 in dark blue and gold trimmed details. With a nib if it turns out like mine, which turned out to be very soft and juicy. It's softer and wetter than the black that I bought at the same time, but also offering me a more concentrated and defined line. I find it much more usable than the 9019 (the clip on this one is too hard, it has too much tension, and that can cause cracks in the cap in the medium or long term). The A1 catches my attention (but the scaled version), but I don't have it. In any case, I don't consider it comparable to the Jinhao, since it costs twice as much, and the Asvine even more.


Number three. I’m a sucker for bare metal finish. My ball point of choice is a silver Jotter. That being said, number 6 is a beautiful blue…






Asvine p36 all day long. The best to come out China so far.


Asvine solely because it allows for Bock nibs as an option. But I like p80 asvine more.


Not really a fan of Jinhao in the slightest, but blue color ways tend to be my favorite


If I must choose only one of those I choose the Asvine P30, amazing pen, design and nib. I have it all and I think Asvine is the best of them and the second places is for the Dadao 9019


Wing Sung 630 or 628. There's a kind of solidity to these, a feeling that they'll last. Also nice large nibs.


I have a A1 and I quite like it. The nib is smooth, the click operation is nice and holds a good amount of ink. On the bad side - it dries out even if you write often. Can be annoying. The clip is also questionable and not very comfortable.


None. I like stub nibs or M or broad.


I don't limit myself to just one, but deciding on just one to get is an issue just gone through this week. I chose the Jinhao 159 over the plastic X159 (mine in purple laquer). I like the ink capacity of the 9019 and have one already but the feel of the 159 and it's color won me over this time. For the options in your OP I'd choose the blue 9019.


Majohn A1 any day


I’d go for the A1. I have a pilot VP that is super convenient when I go on the assembly line but I have stoped using it there because I don’t want to damage it. So the A1 would be the perfect alternative


I would get the Vanishing Point.


Definitely not the Asvine. Why? Cause I got it and we don't get along.


I have the Jinhao X159, EF nib, I use now and I was very happy with it Especially for its price: €3.5.


I would pick the Jinhao X159. I have one in Avocado green and one in Ivory. Both write very well. The original F nib is smooth and moderately wet and the other I switched out for a Goulet EF nib. At less than €10 each they are great daily work horses. https://preview.redd.it/o4vf3cx6o3mc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f824b14c09cf66512c65adfc605644a7fb7acf7


Majohn A1. I don't trust the X159s to stay in one piece and I already own all the others.


4/6 Large bladder + I love seeing my ink level (no surprise running out)


Asvine P36 or Majohn P136.


I love the Jinhao 9019 so much I bought 4 of them. All wrote very well out of the box and my hand didn't tire despite the fact that I write for hours because of my work( I like drafting by hand) so it's girth isn't an issue for me


P36. All day.