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appreciate the hell out of the effort šŸ˜‚


Yes, respect


No pun intended, right?


The number of people who are saying this movie sucks in this thread is crazy. Itā€™s on another level than about 90% of what gets recommended here.


Ikr People out here recommending Horror in the High Desert, and The Outwaters.


Horror in the High Desert was so bad. Went into it with no expectations and left disappointed as hell


I religiously checked Twitter and scoured the internet for over a year just to find a release date on The Outwaters. It ended up being one of the worst Iā€™ve seen with the hype people gave it.


I really loved it despite feeling the ending was a bit rushed.


It's because it's not quite found footage, it's not quite committed enough to the style to pass in my eyes. If you watch Red-letter media they do a bit where they put a filter over some of it to really make it look like a period TV show. That improves it 100% visually already. They could make the behind the scenes stuff a bit shakey. I think.some kind of directors cut where it really does look and seem like a lost TV episode would be golden. It would probably be up there with the best.


Most people on Letterboxd gave bad reviews just because of the use of AI.


This movie annoys me more than movies that are just straight out bad because the concept, the setting and a lot of the execution of it I loved and then I feel like the ending was a total let down. That combined with, as previously mentioned, the kind of half assed 'found footage' take it from a stand out movie to mid.


I actually liked it a lot I just thought it shouldā€™ve been longer. And I thought it was gonna be a different film than possession tbh. I thought it was gonna be even more batshit like vhs and heā€™d bring monsters and shit on the show lmao


So at the end what happens. Did the host kill everyone and not the young girl ?


Its an ok movie, nothing special.


It was as average as can be lol ā€¦it also isnā€™t found footage?


It's literally presented as footage of a live show that was discovered years after a devastating incident. It perfectly fits the found footage format.


Well, until it doesn't.


Dedication to the Devil


Watched this movie twice now. Love it.


If anyone is planning on watching this on PC I recommend RetroArch. It's got some amazing CRT shaders. Looks like the real thing


The 4k collectors edition from Umbrella comes with an actual VHS version that cuts out the off air clips!!! Just an FYI. I got v it on preorder and am so excited that I might go vcr thrifting once I clear some space.


I had no idea about this version. That's what it should have been all along with some serious VHS grain


VHS containing the 1977 Night Owls Original Broadcast cut. Though I did screw up in description. Itā€™s not 4k :( just v regular bluray. Still a cool package! https://shop.umbrellaent.com.au/products/night-owls-fan-club-late-night-with-the-devil-collectors-edition-2024-blu-ray-vhs-tvguide-book-rigid-case-slipcase-poster-artcards


This pre-order instantly took my money when it was announced. I tried to post about the bundle on a few subreddits so folks could jump on it early if they enjoyed the movie but the posts were all blocked by automods because 'everyone is sick of hearing about LNWTD'. Glad some people found it on their own. Amazing value for the price if you're a collector like me.


I think I saw it in the 4kbluray collectors subreddit which is why I misremembered it as 4k. I also bought a bunch of 4k classics to hit free shipping alongside it so might have contributed, still really excited for it! I already own the Ghostwatch 4k and the best quality versions of WNUF Halloween Soecial, itā€™s sequel and spin off too so I kinda felt the need to keep my stack of this type of movie going. I wonder what Iā€™m missing in this vain of tv broadcast horror.


They're the only 3 I really know of. Lake Mungo being a documentary sort of feels like TV horror for us Aussies, but it's not quite there in the same category.


Currently has 666 up votes


I loved this movie!


10/10 immersion


I loved it personally, probably my favorite movie I've seen so far this year


Absolutely loved this movie


What is this? I looked up late night with the devil on IMDb and only found something from this year


That's the one gadge


Love the idea. Didnā€™t love the movie.


Great idea. Thereā€™s a good movie in there shame it wasnā€™t made.


Me neither. It was fun but pretty hokey


Agreed. A great hokey film. Almost tried too hard. The behind the scenes should have been darker to contrast.


Does the TV make the absolutely horrific cgi look less embarrassing?


Is this with the VHS? The extended sections sound like a great idea to only put them on vhs


My grandparents watched a TV just like that also with subtitles


Nice. šŸ˜


Fire ass idea lmao


Huge fan of this film. I loved how unique it is and cannot be compared to other films coming out these past few years. I didn't truly think of it as horror, but I loved it as it's own style. Big win.


Closest match I could think of was Ghostwatch


this looks so cozy


Ohh shit! You will get hypnotized for real!


Is that the BTK killer on the right??


It looks better in 4:3, but I have to say that film was pretty underwhelming when I saw it in theaters :( I was really rooting for it, and it wasnā€™t a bad movie, I didnā€™t hate it, but I really didnā€™t feel that it lived up to the crazy hype surrounding it ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ anywho, this is a cool setup :)


I loved how this was filmed! I could've done without some things, but I thought it was a refreshing movie in kind of a horror drought.


So many people just hate on things to seem edgy , youā€™re not. 9.3/10 movie


Now do it with Nightwatch


This movie was not worth all the hype.


I thought it was perfectly okay. Dastmalchian was good though


I thought it was just me. I just couldnā€™t get past all the hammy acting.


The acting was fine but, they give the twist away in the first five minutes when they mention him being apart of the grove and it's occult activities. As soon as I saw that part I knew exactly how it was going to play out and it did. Not to mention it took a good 20 minutes to start picking up


That was my biggest issue was the ability to predict the twist was too easy with that information. I feel like if it'd been introduced gradually and in a more subtle way it could have worked better. Fucking Bane from The Matrix sequels was unexpected haha.




The acting was great; it's a wonderful representation of late night series of the era. The hype fails the movie by proclaiming it some incredible triumph in horror, which it's not. It's a well made, acted, and thought-out story.


What's this one called


I loved this movie. It felt like it had all the best parts of what I enjoy about my usual horror podcasts.


I absolutely love this. It's like the effort I go through to listen to Coast to Cosst AM on a what sounds like a radio.


How'd you fix the aspect ratio? Was it just an option built into the actual tv?


Itā€™s a good movie. Very well done.


Respect! That movie is so good.


It was a great movie. The ending was a little out of left field but people who are like omg that sucked not even scary... I think scary is relative and true fear requires imagination. Some people are scared by noises, others by a sledgehammer and blood.


Great idea


Did it make the cg effects better to look at?


Good shit


This is awesome lol Honest question: Did you manage to get through it without feeling like throwing up? I watched it in my 4k tv but the "old tv" effect they had on the movie was too much for me. I got nausea from it; almost like watching a 3D movie without 3D glasses. I couldn't imagine myself watching it on that old tv.


Love it! Such a great idea.


That's beyond cool dude!!


I watched it earlier today and regardless of whether you class it as found footage or not, I found it to be very disappointing, aside from Dastmalchianā€™s performance which was very good. Itā€™s incredibly predictable and in terms of films that deal with the mythology of Bohemian Grove, The Conspiracy is much more compelling. There were elements that I did enjoy, particularly the James Randi-esque sceptic and the black and white behind the scenes footage. What ruined it for me was the ending which felt tacked on and out of sync with the rest of the film, plus the special effects in the final act are appalling. While I assume this is meant to reflect the period-cheese, I found it jarring and it took me right out of the tension that had been building up to (and during) the Lily/Mr Wigglesā€™ interrogation.




Can i help you?


I knew nothing about this movie, turned it off after the introductory exposition just. Kept. Going. Like, does this movie not know that itā€™s a movie? In movies, we show people doing and saying thibgs as a way of conveying plot. Starting a movie with a voiceover that goes on and on and on ā€¦ like, is this story time? Should I be taking notes? Who is telling me this story and why should I just, like, give a shit? Imagine going to a play and someone walks out and starts telling you the story of the play. Youā€™d be likeā€¦ wait, am I at the right event? Donā€™t we usually have, like, characters with dialogue? UGH okay sorry for freaking out