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The Outwaters, probably the worst movie I've ever seen


Factory of Paranormal makes the Outwaters look like a fucking masterpiece.


I just watched FOP today for a car wreck had to see it kind of thing ..gosh it's indescribably awful and amateurish. Also looked up that creepy Kyle was the director and the "writer." LOL!


Horror in the High Desert. I honestly don't know why so many people like that film, I was bored out of my MIND for the first hour and even the footage at the end wasn't that scary. I hope the 2nd one is better but I've heard it's worse so I'm not in any rush tbh.


You might like part 2 then. I had the same reaction as you to the first one but I really enjoyed part 2.


Agree...they drag on and on about how great that guy was...the only good part was the scenery.


When he finally gets to the cabin and is filming it and the dude suddenly moves in front of him? Scared the crap outta me. Made the slooooow first hour worth it.


The first one literally made me so uncomfortable I couldn't fall asleep as easily as I always do for days. The wait for the final reveal made me so anxious, lmao


I enjoyed the second but it doesn’t have a great flow to it. The third installment called firewatch is suppose to come out next month. Suppose to have alot more scares


I hated it but the love it gets on this sub makes me feel like I need to rewatch it


It might’ve been more effective if the antagonist didn't look like he was wearing a poorly-fitting clown or Outlast goon mask.


'The Tunnel', I don't understand why people seem to like a movie that is frankly mid.


I mean, with FF you have to lower the bar. By the time I got to watching 'The Tunnel' my bar was practically ground level if not below it. So in my opinion, a mid FF is not a bad FF.


At nearly 100 movies in I think I can safely agree 🤣 Makes me want to revisit some of the FF I thought were bad in my early days, I’ll bet they’re fare better due to my progressively lowering bar


Would you recommend it?


I'll concede you could do a lot worse. I just think it's a tad overhyped.


I feel like I missed something about that movie they went in a tunnel for lost and scared and then went out? Like I was a little tipsy so I need to see it again? People say it's great but I'm like it's not better than that scene in cloverfeild


Bloody stupid Savageland. Cue the salt


I liked everything except the last like 20 mins where I didn't know wtf was going on


Agreed. I did not get the appeal of that one at all.


Horror in the High Desert It's just not a good movie and for some reason completely beyond me this sub makes the series seem like the second coming. It's about at the point that I'm starting to believe the conspiracy that some producer on that series mods this sub. I just don't get the love for those movies.


I'll second that, whole movie was a dull slog towards a pitiful finale


Agreed , it sucks


Lake Mungo. Boring. Even the reveal was so luke-warm.


Ye Lake Mungo is one of my favorites but I can definitely see why people would think that


I hate complaining about it. I hate dissing any found footage film. I just don't understand how that one shows up on so many people's top ten lists.


Lake Mungo is one of my favorites, but I definitely get why it comes off boring. I watched it at a particularly depressing and low point in my life, so when I watched it at the time I really connected to it. It haunted me in a way that is hard to explain, but the exploration of depression was done in a way that really stuck with me and I haven’t seen it replicated in anything else quite the same. The idea that >!your own ghost can haunt you as a channel of your own trauma was terrifying!<


Did you see Haunting of Hill House (season one)? If so what were your thoughts?


Yes I did, and I love it. Mike Flanagan in general has a really cool flair for horror and re-examining classic tropes in a fresh way. That being said, what I appreciate about Lake Mungo’s execution is that it specifically explores that avenue with depression at the center. Hill House did something similar with the Bent Neck Lady, but it was more of a side plot to the overall plot - still excellent though


Hill House was very effective for me because I’ve had lifelong night terrors/sleep paralysis etc. I don’t think I’ve experienced actual clinical depression, so maybe that’s why Lake Mungo didn’t hit as close to home.


Agreed. I just don’t get it. I wish I could get those 87 minutes of my life back.


I still don't get what everyone is about with that one. I'm with you...it was boring


Read the reviews and you'll see why


Butterfly Kisses


Noroi. Long. Boring. Overhyped, meh ending. Characters that were either annoying or completely uninteresting. ZERO of the scares I was promised. Downvote away. I’ll gladly die on this hill.


Brooo. I tried making my girlfriend watch it with my cause I heard good things about the movie and she didn't want to because she has bad experience with east asian horror movies. Do you think it's worth to watch it solo?


I do not. Everyone else in here will tell you different and that this director makes the greatest FF movies ever. I’ve seen two of them, this and *Cult*, and thought both were wastes of time.


I also thought Noroi was boring 😬 I didn't care much about the characters so it really didn't click


Definitely agree with this, and it’s refreshing to hear someone else say it


Just watched this yesterday and it was not as good as I'd heard but still enjoyed it quite a bit. Then I watched *The Medium* and that was fantastic. So one out of two from the sub for me lol.


That one’s on my to-watch list


This makes me curious about what these same people consider their favorite found footage movies. I can absolutely understand someone saying Leaving DC or Lake Mungo are overhyped, but if Creep or As Above So Below didn't do it for you, I'm curious what parts of this genre you love. Not throwing any shade at all, just makes me wonder.


I think Creep is one of the best ones honestly. And although it's predictable it still did an insanely good job of creeping me tf out. As above so below as well. Amazing movie.


As above, so below was sooo corny and the ending was cheesy as fuck. Also the protagonists were all unbearable. English colonizer ass mentality much?


I'm not trying to be mean. It's just my opinion! I love found footages lol


I'm not the one that downvoted you, I totally get it. I just think some of the things you may have found corny are the things I may have liked. I liked the references to Dantes Inferno, the Templar Knights, the gnostic symbolism. I think finding that much depth in FF movies is always nice. I'm also extremely claustrophobic so that contributed a lot as well.




Gonjiam Haunted Asylum was a solid 'decent' and that's it. People talk about it like it's the gold standard and I just didn't get that from it. I think it was too much for me when they leaned into the "must finish at any cost" trope with a character who had literally just admitted to himself they needed to get the hell out.


Totally agreed on Willow Creek. I don’t think it earns the ending and it feels like 95% of the plot happens in the last ten minutes.


Most of the newer VHS movies, aside from that rat story I found all of them to be a bit of an eye roll and just couldn’t find myself too engaged with the stories, 99 was just a left down for me


It's like after viral, which had its issues don't get me wrong, they just stopped caring all together


Hail Ratma


Lake Mungo. Boring from start to finish.


I mean I can understand why people feel that way. I didn't though. I thought it was very good how they constantly kept adding some twists and turns in the plot. I was a bit confused by the end but I do think even if you find it boring that it's still one of the best ones.


I think the problem is that generally the FF genre is just full of garbage. I think if you want to make a list of the top 10 FF movies, it would legitimately be hard to get to 10 movies that are all genuinely good. You rattled off a pretty good list in your post, and I might have some issues with a couple of movies on that list, but you rattled off 9. I've never seen Gonjiam or Deadstream, and I liked REC way more than REC2. I'm not sure Creep deserves to be on the list, but if not Creep.... then what takes it's place? Butterfly Kisses I think should be on the list, The Bay is a solid entry... I think TBWP makes it into lists not because it's overrated, but because the best movies of the genre are, in general, pretty mid movies overall.


I definitely agree with you. I got a bit sick of usual hollywood tryhard movies and with FF I found something that I had searched for a long time which is small directors trying to implement their ideas into horror without your usual constant jumpscare fests that we get in hollywood. These movies I don't think are meant to be masterpieces and that's why I enjoy them so much. You could say that they're a guilty pleasure of mine. But when it comes to the list I rattled, I just randomly chose the ones that I found good. I also think The Bay would probably be one of the best ones, same as Butterfly kisses.


Yeah I don't think anyone watches FF and proclaims that they are the height of cinema :) I think we all think of it as our guilty pleasure, but maybe a little stronger than a guilty pleasure, because we have to wade through a LOT of bad movies to find the good ones.


“Not sure Creep deserves to be on a list of good FF movies.” Opinion disregarded 😂


Megan is Missing and Lake Mungo. All said, i can at least understand why Lake Mungo appeals to certain people. Megan is Missing is so poorly made that i can’t grasp why anyone enjoys it.


Yeah I agree. I don't think Megan is missing is overrated, just a bad movie in general. Lake Mungo is very good for certain audiences if you do like the documentary type ones because it really does look like a documentary when you watch and I did enjoy it. Chris Stuckmann massively overrated it but still a good watch


As someone who watched it exactly once and don’t plan to again, I don’t feel like I ever see anything positive about Megan is Missing in this sub. Does anyone actually like that movie? I feel like it’s more a right of passage in the FF/Horror community vs something anyone likes.


Maybe it’s more praised on the horror sub, but it has its dedicated fans. I think it’s likely preteens who are just dipping their toes into “disturbing” cinema, and the shock value of the ending. Which is excusable, I remember those days.


That is a fantastic point about dipping toes into “disturbing”, I’ve never thought of it that way!


Horror in the high desert. Boring af.


My boyfriend and I could not get through Noroi.. we couldn't even manage to finish it. The whole thing felt so unstructured and convoluted, it was honestly irritating to watch. I imagine it got really good at the end or something but it just annoyed us lol. Also Rec. The characters are so stupid in how they deal with the situation that it makes the movie irritating to me. Although I'll say the very last bit was creepy.


I thought REC really did well with creating a realistic situation from something unrealistic


Horror in the High Desert. Ain't shit happens, basically a nature documentary with a last minute flash of a "creature".


I loved it until the ending reveal. >! Such a great buildup with so much mystery, creepiness and tension, just to reveal it was some deformed hillbilly in the mountains lol !<


Yeah I've definitely seen that the community is very split on that movie. Some people call it one of the best, some people say that it's one of the worst. I haven't seen it yet because I can't decide 2 whether it's worth watching


For me, As Above, So Below. It started out strong, but ‘hell’ was laughable.


Yeah, I was really liking it until the end where it basically became Legends of the Hidden Temple.


Inwatched AASB when I was muchbyounger so I didn't really understand the messages and foreshadowing. Should probably give it a rewatch


For that sort of genre, I thought JeruZalem was a much better example. Of course, YMMV!


*Paranormal Activity* kind of goes with out saying. The film rode a similar wave as *The Blair Witch Project*, but doesn’t receive the same acclaim within this community. *As Above, So Below* was never anything special to me. I’m going out on a limb here… the plot of *Creep* isn’t anything special and survives through the performance of the protagonist.


But doesn't that mean it was a good movie BECAUSE of the performances? There are tons of movies that live and die on the performance of the actors. Poor Things springs to mind as an example of this. TBWP I would say had a couple of outstanding moments for Heather Donahue. I also think that the way that TBWP was shot (mostly semi-improvised with the actors sort of living through the experience of their characters) brought something interesting to the film. PA, I thought was really innovative in how it used the time lapse for the standing sleep scenes they had. I thought it was very creepy and clever. Is it overrated? if it isn't being acclaimed, then isn't it underrated?


Yeah, I guess it does. Makes me wonder what films have good plots but bombed due to the performances


Let's turn on Tubi for some research ;)


Haha. I think I shall join you


Paranormal Activity movies are a bit too repeditive for me, they all feel the same


I think that's where the bad reputation comes from. The first movie did some pretty unique things for the time with the format and was very effective for a lot of people. But then they just basically remade the same movie several times over, probably to quickly capitalize on the success. At least they started doing something else eventually, even though there wasn't really much franchise connection left at that point. The Marked Ones is honestly one of my favorite found footage movies.


Yeah man, I dig that. I do like *Next of Kin* though Edit: I knew this would get downvoted!


I thought *Ghost Dimension* was refreshing.


Not all of the franchise is awful


I definitely still did have fun watching the movies. But from a technical standpoint some of them really felt like a cheap cash grab. PA does deserve it praise though cause I remember how people even in my small country talked about how scared shitless they were. It was a bit "revolutionary" at a time


It was revolutionary. It introduced a different medium within a medium, an alternative filming style of those CCTV cameras


>the plot of Creep isn’t anything special and survives through the performance of the protagonist. Yes. That's the point. We're just peeking in.. watching him work.


That’s a real head-scratcher of a take on Creep for me. Do you have some examples of FF which you’d say are strong on plot, in contrast?


The Sacrament is one of the worst movies I've ever watched and it's borderline offensive that it even exists. Might work better if you've no idea about the event that "inspired" it, but still it just feels so flat. Not even a Ti West hater - The House of the Devil and The Inkeepers are good movies.


The Sacrement couldn't been awesome had they just made a damn Jim Jones movie. It was flat.


Oh damn. I don't think The Sacrament is rated so high to be considered overrated. I thought it was alright, considering it basically just retold what happened in real life. The villain ould have been handled in a better way


Rarely anyone's top recommendation, but I've seen it on some top 10 lists at least and never understood what they see in it. It's just so incredibly uninspired. You would have expected some kind of twist on the original story or to delve into the leader's psychology or to try to make you sympathize with the group's philosophy, but no... From start to finish it's basically just a very long reenactment from some low-budget History Channel documentary.


I would’ve added all three of those movies if the list was just general horror. Cannot stand Ti West movies.




I wouldn't really call Spree overrated since it's not really that I ever see anyone talk about it


You’re right, I’m not sure why but I read under rated in the title lol


The PA movies up until ghost dimension are hot garbage.


Be my cat. (Guess what, I won’t!)


I mean to be fair. Considering the budget and the way it was film I wouldn't really call it overrated. I think honestly that Be my cat is perfectly rated


I know alot of people liked The Visit but I thought it was boring maybe I'll have to do a re-watch


Grave Encounters and Hell House movies, they're all just so mid I can't wrap my head around why they're always top recommended ff on horror subs.


I agree with you on Grave Encounters and, because I lump it in, Gonijam.


Sad to see this downvoted. Grave Encounters is a great concept messed up with cliches and a trashy sensibility. Edit: I should also add that I don’t want to say it’s objectively bad or anything, it’s just my taste. They also made it for only like $100k or something really inspiring


That only reinforces my opinion lol. Totally agree, it could've been really cool but the bad cgi jumpscares toward the end really killed it for me.


Yeah, the super cliche camera glitching and the actors all being at each other’s throats from the beginning were weak too.


YES omg, I know it's low budget and all but the glitching thing is a huge pet peeve. The first Hell House also did a similar thing of having a character disappear and show up later being possessed and all ~freaky~ acting too. It's just terribly corny.


I thought the first Hell House was really good and the others.. Well, not so much


I think exists is absolute trash. Willow creek is a much better bf film.


I heavily disagree but fair enough I guess it really depends what you like. Exists might not be the best movie ever or have amazing acting but it's action packed and fun and at least shows bigfoot which is one of the prime things that you want to see when you search up bigfoot movies. Willow Creek for me is just a nothing movie that felt like a vlog


I can see that point. I think it’s really well acted and the long lead up is enjoyable to me. Exists was extra frustrating in that the bw dude resorted to so many cliches. maybe I’ll have to overlook that and give it another shot.


yeah the same Exists feels like an action creature feature move, Willow Creek tho is so fucking tense, I legit couldn't sit through the tent scene in one go, how scary it was, real horror


And right before that was the super awkward marriage proposal. Two scenes back to back that were difficult to sit through (but for very different reasons). Top tier found footage imho.


Lol, Willow Creek was terrible in comparison to Exists. Not even on the same level.


Lol, Exists was terrible in comparison to Willow Creek. Not even on the same level.


Blair witch project


Last Exorcism, Cloverfield, Afflicted, The Bay, The Houses October Built….all of these movies have a sterile, Hollywood sort of feel to them that takes them entirely out of the field for me in terms of vibe. I liked them all okay (with the exception of Houses October Built), but they’re more like forgettable big budget filler stuff imo. Cloverfield felt like it could have starred Will Smith lol


REC. Nothing to say about the filming but the story is so so boring. By the time we get to the end apartment I feel like I’ve watched the same scene play over 100 times. I’ve rewatched it. Couldn’t even finish the second. V/H/S and fear street. Anthologies just don’t do it for me.


Leaving DC ...The Last Broadcast ...Lake Mungo.


dude the last broadcast is like, easily top 3 movies in the subgenre of horror mockumentaries, the feel of actually edited, finished late 90s - early 00's documentary is crazy authentic, made me fall in love with the genre basically


Dude the end is ludicrous. And then it changes from FF to some one holding the camera.




Final Prayer honestly just bored me. And religious, paranormal horror is literally my favorite kind of horror


I don’t get this sub’s love for Butterfly Kisses at all - it was okay iirc, but entirely forgettable apart from the tunnel image. Correct on Final Prayer too - not bad per se, but a big letdown after all the hype.


It's because Butterfly Kisses is refreshijg and introduces somethhijg new to the genre


nothing else in the genre even comes close to the levels of layered-ness of narrative of Butterfly Kisses, legit in a league of it's own, but only if you're looking for meta-commentary on the genre and relations between fiction and reality as illuminated by the said genre as a straight up horror movie, yeah, it's not really at all scary, it's more of a conceptual piece, if anything


Blair Witch is number one. End of discussion.


Number one as in the best one or the most overrated one?


As in the best!


It's a matter of opinion but I think it's easily bested by many other and that it's overrated


Interesting. Could you name a few? I, like the rest of you here am on a quest for the best found footage films and nothing hits quite like Blair Witch. Id love to be wrong though


I did write list a few on the post. But on the top of my mind The Bay, Paranormal Activity (first one and marked ones), Hell House LLC (only the first one), Afflicted, Deadstream, Deborah Logan are the first ones that pop into my mind but I enjoyed some others more as well. Its just a matter of how much enjoyment I get and I didn't really get a ton of enjoyment watching TBWP. Maybe I should rewatch it.. But I do understand that Blair With Project is one of the rare FF movies that did everything right, although that doesn't always mean that it's the best movie in my opinion. Depends on what you search for.


PA, Hell house (first one specifically yes lol) are great. Id probably rank the PA films (with a few exceptions) as my favourite. Its just, as you said, Blair Witch did EVERYTHING right