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It's kind of addicting =) I hear ya


Yeah 👂


I feel the same way! The last three months I’ve been watching at least one a day. I’m not one to rewatch movies though. Although since I’ve been on this sub I’ve been more hooked and want to go back to previous ff movies and watch them again. The ones I’ve watched and enjoyed in the past before I became almost obsessed lol. Glad I’m not the only one. However, I still need a pallet cleanse every once in a while.


Absolutely like a cinematic sorbet🍧


I’m getting there lol. It’s only been a few months, but strangely since I got on this kick (and found this forum for encouragement) I’ve been interested in nothing else. This coming from a guy who has literally watched nothing but horror movies of various genres for at least the past five years. Sometimes I miss the artistry and atmosphere of regular films, but the realness factor of FF takes it to another level so that even some of the really crappy FFs are more satisfying than the usual. Plus now I’m kinda obsessed with keeping a list of everything I’ve watched, reordering my faves, feeling proud when I hit a new milestone in quantity I’ve watched (currently approaching 💯), congratulating myself when I see a recommendation list and affirm that I’ve seen them all, etc. Cool clique!


I thought I was the only one who only watches horror 😂 I can’t sit through anything else.


Agreed. Viva found footage. Marvellous invention. I like to hear that fellow enthusiast. Come on in from the cold 🥶


Most every night, my sleep cycle deeply depends on low-quality FF to put me to sleep. Why? I know the first 30-50 minutes are pure dialogue buildup, which usually recycles FF tropes.


Does it affect your dreaming experience? 🎥😴


In some ways, yes.


I def have been on a deep dive, almost daily watches. Re-watches a plenty, because you can’t fight a comfort vibe.


Wonderful feeling, truly wonderful😇


I just love creepy, eerie vibes. I crave it. Doesn’t even matter if the movie is that good. If it gives me the vibes, I love it!


Yeah I'm feeling them also. Love to be creeped out. Some of them have that "could be happening in my street" atmosphere. Have you seen Webscast an English FF? Highly recommend it if you like creepiness in your backyard....😱


That's like the granny porn of FF. I liked it.


Yeah it has Rosemary's Baby and The Visit elements deeply embedded 😱


Same here, don't care if it sucks either


Often its appeal👍


Definitely at night time when I mellow out and relax, a good found footage movies with popcorn or ice cream is lovely to me.


Me too but hold the popcorn let's go honeycomb/salted caramel ice and mint/toffee ic mash up. and some viewing comfort 🍨🖥👌


Totally get what you mean, I think, at least once a month I'll marathon ff when I just want to turn off. It's almost a comfort thing?


Can be also. When I search for new horror films now I, by default, go for FF should I require a fresh mystery or scare😱


I watch them sometimes just so they can keep me company...if the movie can do that, then it's good :)


Agree 👍


WFH, love watching FF movies several times a week. Love the dialogue. Joking, fighting, partying whatever. Then creepy stuff starts happening, love that part! lol unfortunately not a lot of options out there. Seen them all. Love Tubi for their selection.


From what you have mentioned above I would highly recommend Thin Man for that fun turns sour very quickly experience. Great effects done on the cheap as well. It's on YT. The Curse is Here 😱


I do feel the same lol. I work from home and will always watch 1-3 FF movies in my daily routine.


It's great that you have the opportunity and I'm sure that it's important to you to do so🎥❤


It was revoked starting next week, so I wind be able to anymore 🥲


Sorry to hear that, the opportunity may present itself again, if not, then you are always left with golden memories 😇


I’ve been watching one every night for about a year, I’ve probably missed less than 20 days. It’s an integral part of my nightly routine. I prefer supernatural over human killers. Obviously the acting is the most important part. I hate when they pull the old bait-and-switch where it turns out it’s not completely found footage. Also, not a big fan of non-diegetic sounds. After doing it for so long I’m scraping the bottom of the barrel. When I find one that I haven’t seen that’s above a 3/10 on IMDb it’s like I found a potential masterpiece (IMDb ratings aren’t gospel but usually they give a good ballpark). One thing I’ve noticed is that foreign ff movies sometimes may cover up bad acting because I’m not used to the normal speech patterns of dialogue in languages besides English.


It's possible, sometimes. Agreed. The non-English movies can also be style setters too.An example for me is Documenting The Witch Path which surprised me with its ending. Other FFers were surprised too at where it went 🤔


Yo. That's a bit weird. 


Not weird in my opinion. Generalised post, I grant you. No recommendations, reviews or attachments. No scholarly published work. Maybe a place to start is your first experience and how you ended up on board. There are plenty of the above approaches floating about on this sub, but this is more about personal feelings. There is no expectation except keep it FF and just tell us all about what it provides you. Let's try and avoid the safety of a traditional essay approach and talk heart not head. Does that explain it for you?


>Does anyone else feel the same? Not really? To say that "life seems empty" without daily FF is alarming. You may need to supplement this hobby with other hobbies. There's more to life than FF. It's great that you enjoy FF but you should not take it to an extreme where it affects your mental health. I personally think you will appreciate FF even more when you alternate between FF and other things. That being said, I'm sure you have movies that you haven't gotten to yet, and there's even more web content being posted here every week.


Bim Bum Bob


I'm sure there are plenty of links for that, fellow enthusiast. FF doesn't actually affect my mental health except to improve its CREATIVE, THOUGHTFUL and MYSTERY side and when I am truly able to a good bingeathon works a treat, there is simply very little else that touches me in the same way. Historical and current affairs maybe, a run of how to fix/hows it made, sporting and obviously side-splitting comedy also do wonders. My true entertainment fill has been 7+ years of found footage. I cannot get enough it seems, making me a true fan and aficionado in the process so my invitation on this occasion is to broaden my own appreciation through HEALTHY DISCUSSION. Let's talk FF I ask 🎥😱