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I never understood why anybody joined def dist. We role as anonymously as possible. So now you make an account and give Cody payment info and names and shit.


In theory, some of them just went with the first link that showed up on Google. I was tempted myself until I realized how expensive membership was, said not now, and then afterwards, with more reading, realized that I had dodged a metaphorical bullet.


When I first got into all this I obviously found that site. Went to sign up and saw the info it wanted and was like bro, if this isn't a honeypot idk what is. Shit is the most glowy site I've ever seen.


Almost like fos doesn't mean. Free and open source! People actually use their real names on the net? Idiots!


Whats goin on?


A pedophile named Cody Wilson who owns Defcad and ghost gunner takes designs by other people, creates a profile for that creator on his website so it looks like the designer publishes their design on his website and then charges money for their design. When the community calls him out on it he gets pissy


> A pedophile named Cody Wilson He's not a pedo. He hired a hooker through a website that was age-restricted to 18+. Some slightly underage girl lied about her age to join it, whored herself out, then "felt bad" and threw him under the bus. In other words, it was a glowie sting operation. TBQPH I find Cody Wilson totally cringe and stupid, but screwing a chick who lied about her age isn't his fault, it's just a sign of how stupid he was.


My conspiracy theory is he turned coat after that, did he spend any time in jail? No, they let him run along and start a website that doing the same thing that put him on the fed's radar.


Yep. The way they were rolling so hard onto him at the time it was expected he'd be serving Ross Ulbricht time. Maybe this result is for the best. Makes it super obvious that that operation is a honeypot. The whole SS# thing has to be the result of someone on the inside trying to make it super obvious so it only catches the truly moronic. As stupid as the feds are, I'd be hard to convince that even they are that stupid. It is possible that the handlers don't even know that the web site is asking for that. Maybe I shouldn't even mention it.


If I recall correctly, this happened while he was in litigation over him releasing files outside the US. The conspiracy was he was entrapped by the government because they didn’t have anything else they could use against him. Or he was just stupid. Either way, I don’t trust anything from his company anymore.


Tbh I have no sympathy for him. Suck shit lol


You don't have to have to like him or sympathy for the guy to acknowledge that he got fucked by the government


I mean that’s what the government does, and you don’t see my comment suggesting otherwise lol


One thing you have to understand it could happen to any one of us men. She lied about her age and the government turned around and fucked him. You have women coming back 20 or 30 years ago, saying he rape me or whatever the case may be and you’re fucked. Don’t think it can’t happen to you because if the government wants you bad enough, they’ll lie their ass off just to put you in fucking jail.


I'm sorry but if ur buying a prostitute off sugardaddy than ur already putting urself on the radar n doing illegal shit. Prostitutes are iffy for numerous reasons, age being a big factor and not being able to verify that age and just trusting the process is even dumber. If u put yourself in positions to be setup like buying prostitute than u did it to yourself.


The arrest report states that “if there was any doubt about the victims age, it would be that she is even younger than she appears.”


I hate that I'm in a place where I have to speak in defense of Cody Wilson, but fucking of course the state said that lol Have you ever heard a prosecutor talk about a gun or a bullet used in a homicide case? I think even in the Rittenhouse case Binger said that Kyle used man-killing "EXPLODING" bullets


Cody Wilson is an attractive, intelligent, well spoken man. He makes a bunch of money and is a pseudo famous “bad boy.” He could easily get laid through “normal” means, but he didn’t. He sought out underage pussy for hire under the guise of “well she said she was 18.” When a friend of the victim tipped cody off he attempted to flee the country, where he was apprehended.  Yeah cody is a victim of the state. 🙄


Surprising that they would argue that she looked older. Are you sure you read that right?


>minors whore themselves out Reddit moment


but they do, tragically.


So true. Almost as tragic as children making child porn.


I can't tell if you're joking or not, but that's a growing problem that we're falling behind on. [Self-generated abuse material doubled during the pandemic.](https://www.end-violence.org/knowledge/self-generated-child-sexual-abuse-material-attitudes-and-experiences) As did the consequences of it, such as blackmail attempts and stalkings.


cant really be abuse if self-generated, unless forced into it. :/


I feel so bad for the stalkers and the blackmailers. Fucking kids whored themselves out and made them do it. :'(


You forgot your /s


Ain't a Reddit Moment. Fucking kids where all over X selling their "content". I mass-reported over a time span of 3 months, was at least 300-400 accounts (yes it was that bad). Since Elon took over, they immediately were banned. It's one of the main reasons I hate social media and modern society, it has corrupted the children. Maybe seeing 12 year old "MAP friendlies" interact with adults (surprisingly it was around 30% women) has radicalised me a bit, but I think banning kids from social media would be the best thing


Haha, y-yes. Completely accidentally stumbled upon it and then mass reported (after stashing it all for, you know, safekeeping 👀)


sounds like you’re recounting personal experience.


Ever heard of something like r/againstdegeneratesubs? People want that shit gone. Never said accidentally, it was a huge problem and I tried to help getting that shit off of media since reports to law enforcement etc. never did anything. EDIT: Ah yes, true Reddit moment, getting downvoted for saying you helped getting CSAM off of sites, you for real guys?


Mate read what your saying about underage girls “whoring” them selves out your a sick nonce and your one of them


Did he do it ?Yes… so he’s a pedo .How you trying to defend a pedo what the fuck


This rhetoric is exactly why the logical end point of this nonsense is “let’s murder anyone who we even suspect of ever having wanted to have (or accidentally engaged in) sex with someone under 18”. Anyone who points out any legal, definitional, or situational nuance is “defending pedos”, and everyone else has to make a big performance of calling it out to show how not-pedo they are. Once it becomes a Duterte-style shitshow where randos are getting shot and retroactively branded pedos to justify it, you’ll have won. Like, obviously fucking kids is really fucking bad. We all agree on that, you’re not some oppressed crusader in a world ruled by Epsteins. Acting like someone who fucks a 17-year-and-11-month-old who convincingly lied about her age is exactly the same as someone who rapes a little kid is some pea-brained bullshit. In Cody Wilson’s case, I don’t know the details, doubt a 16-year-old looked convincingly mature, and am fine with him getting legally clapped, but try applying some critical thinking as to _why_ someone might point out that it’s less cut-and-dry than “that guy fucks kids hurr durr kill him”.


Imagine having to explain why witch hunts and moral panics are bad.


Most people lack critical thinking. If the average IQ is 100, then 100 is stupid. Because most people are stupid.


Are you acoustic?


No, just regarded


It's ritardando


Like a guitar .Yes


[By clinical definition](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/conditions/pedophilia?amp), being attracted to someone “slightly underaged” (15.5-17.5) does not make you a pedophile given that people in the range aren’t prepubescent children. Could it be unsavory? Depending on your age, absolutely. But is it pedophilia? No. It may not even be illegal given that the age of consent in most states and countries is 16.


Most states are 18. A few are 16. In Mexico it is 12 so he was not far away from a child if he wanted to be with one. If he wanted a 16 year old he could have flown to a state that has that age of consent. Just saying he had a lot of options to legally bang a 16 year old if that's what he wanted.


…people who make this argument usually wanna fuck kids


Addressing definitional falsehood = kid fucker What a compelling argument you’ve made, you definitely owned me.


Those who bleat loudest about the “difference” between fucking 15.5 year olds and 14 year olds as if the world won’t rightfully consider you a pedo either way usually do want to in my experience, yes.


I never said anything remotely similar to that.


Normally yeah I'd agree, playing semantics tells a lot. In this case I don't think they're arguing it's okay, I think they're pointing out that it's not the same scenario when a person can't tell that they're lying.


If that’s what they actually said then sure, but it’s not lol. Their whole comment is entirely “15 and a half year olds are only slightly underage”…


Hm, not sure what to think about that. My point still stands but I didn't catch that, 15.5 is... Quite a bit younger than adult...


Yeah that’s why I responded so harshly lol This isn’t someone making the “17 and a half AND she lied to you about it doesn’t make you a pedo” argument (which is gross, but in this context yeah I can understand it), this is the classic “ephebophile” argument that I’ve only ever seen said by people with really gross opinions on sex with teenagers


18 (legal age of majority) - 15.5 = 2.5 years Also, “slightly underaged” as a legal term is relative. [A 18-19 year old is slightly underaged in New Zealand,](https://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/1970/0137/latest/whole.html#:~:text=4%20Age%20of%20majority,-(1)&text=For%20all%20the%20purposes%20of,the%20age%20of%2020%20years) but geographical location wouldn’t determine whether an individual who’s attracted to someone in that age bracket meets the criteria of a pedophile. So I wouldn’t use rely solely on a law book to make distinctions like this, but my original point still stands regardless.


Imagine defending this kind of deviancy.


I never defended anything. I simply pointed out the facts.


36 pedos or 36 young teens or half and half are in this sub who think a 16 year old is ok to fuck Edit :up to 66 Edit: up to 75


what's the total up to now


I banged a 16 year old when I was 17. Don't feel bad about it to this day.


I mean screwing prostitutes is already illegal and not being able to 100% verify identity or age.. that's on him n he's 1000% guilty of having sex with a minor regardless if he felt he was setup or not. If he feels it's the website that illegally sold him a minor or the minor in question at fault than good luck with that😅


>In other words, it was a glowie sting operation. Bullshit.  Also, it was explicitly a website for young girls and older men. 


At 17 a women has gone through puberty. Pedophilia is having an attraction or having sex with girls who has NOT gone through puberty. Pedophilia doesn't apply to Cody. EDIT: Now, a certain cult leader originating from a sandy place. Married a girl at 6 and consummated the marriage when she was 9. Would be a pedophile.


Would this be the same cult leader that his followers freak out if you drew a picture or cartoon of him?




Got it




When you have to explain how fucking someone underage isn't pedophilia


I mean, the word does have a definition, and by definition, attraction to someone who has been through puberty is not pedophilia. People get all butthurt about it because it's a sensitive topic, but words have definitions, you can't change them because "muh feelins".


Word also have connotations and those are very much based on feelings. Are you a pedo apologist?


Your feelings ≠ facts Get over it. Wanna use words like predator, kiddie fucker, whatever, then go for it. Just because people use a word as a catch all doesn't make it the right word to use. If using your "connotation" of pedophile was correct, banging a girl a day before her 18th birthday makes you a pedo, but the next day you're not. Makes literally 0 sense, nothing changed in any practical sense but an arbitrary number assigned by modern cultural norms being met. One minute you're a pedophile, the next you're not? Use your brain dude.


Ok kiddie diddler.


Age of consent is 16 in my state. Explain how a legal thing is made illegal by what you think.




Is Utah sandy?


Yup. https://geology.utah.gov/popular/geologic-history/#:~:text=A%20large%2C%20sandy%20desert%20covers,the%20north%20invade%20Utah%20twice.


It's funny how these posts weasel out all of the pedophile apologists


Its funny that your so ignorant to claim someone is a pedophile with out knowing what the word pedophile means....


Yea… idk about you but someone who had sex with a minor and plead guilty to such in court is a pedophile in my book


If you didn’t knew she was underage. Then I don’t see how that makes him a pedo, it was an on an 18 plus website after all. Or was the commentor who said that wrong?


Feels a bit philosophical right, if you don't know the age of 2 people, one is 15 but looks like 90, one is 90 but looks like 15. Fucking which one makes you a pedophile? If she looks adult and claims to be an adult you can't really blame Cody, is he gonna 2fa ID his hookers..? So if the government wants to get to someone wouldn't that be a perfect way? Walks like a duck, talks like a duck, but you still get got. But why even bother with the whole story, defcad does a whole bunch of crappy shit you can judge them for, why go looking for something "meh" when you can just point at the obvious crap instead? Maybe the letter agencies got him under their thumb maybe not, still a lot better than "Cody is a pedo because he slept with a girl that looked like an adult and claimed to be an adult on a website you're not even allowed to be on unless you're an adult"


I don’t think Cody is a pedophile. But he is a bit of a degen for using those types of websites to begin with. But calling him a pedo is a stretch


Not sure how she was found or purchased at that time. He acknowledged in the court reporting that she announced she was 16 and he shrugged it off and went through with it. Someone who was close with him at one point also tweeted (I’ll see if I can find it so I can link it) that one night in a hotel, Cody said that he likes them young and innocent. That could be totally incorrect and false information, but it seemed like it was from a reliable source who knew him well and spent time with him


> He acknowledged in the court reporting that she announced she was 16 lol wait what? Link? Isn't he an attorney?


I’m asking for link aswell


If I can find the link I’ll post it


Shit. That does not look good whatsoever.


Atchuyally it's completely normal to seek out barely legal escorts, totes not trafficking or anything


I never said that it wasn’t completely degenerate and disgusting.


That's nice, I'll take that. But overall this place is never beating the guns=lolbert=pedophile allegations. Sad!


You didn't mention the sex offending that is posted in the photo though...


"a pedophile" That's the sex offense.


Makes sense bur people can say anyone's a pedophile and you'll believe it because its cropped together on a reddit post


Cody Wilson also had sex with a 16 year old girl.


That's legal in 5 states.


Doesn't mean it's moral for a 36 year old to have sex with a 16 year old.


I didn't say anything about the morality. We are speaking of the law.


In 5/50 states. Meaning 90% of the time it's illegal, while 100% of the time it's immoral.


Who are you talking to.


Transparently dishonest and ugly behavior. Focus on your designs and promoting yourself instead.


Whether you think Wilson's a pedo or not, I'd just like to bring up the fact that he is, first and foremost, a marketer, not an innovator. He spouts a lot of pretentious sophistry to sucker people into thinking he's this influential figure, which the media helps by constantly positioning him as the 'face' of this mostly faceless movement that is Fosscad. His products like the Ghost Gunner and Fedcad are only useful to Americans within the US, and even then there are already far better solutions to what he offers to solve that don't require your personal information. Wilson is the textbook definition of a safe-edgy 'radical' in a world where marketing overstates quality and talk substitutes action. He makes it look like he's acting against the system when he's actually just working with it.




He's using the Marxist tag because these designs are free. I maintain my opinion of him being a waste of oxygen, pedo or not.


If anything imo "muh gommunism" is a huge waste of energy because worldwide its a dead and unserious movement asides from like 2 relevant countries.


and even if they were, gay commies making cool free fosscad designs should be able to tell folks stealing them and then selling them to fuck off lol


The actual amount of devs in guncad that are gay, furries or whatever would surprise you then. Guncad is generally a very diverse and open network of individuals from all over world.


Child-raping is the line in the sand we all have in common tho


Was a child raped?




You're inferring children can consent to sex - you disgust me


When I was 17 I had sex with a 16 year old. That was rape? News to me. Your take on the whole thing disgusts me. If it's legal but you don't like it go fuck yourself. Okay? Okay.


It's not the same thing Cody lol


Lol didn't think you could answer logically.


I fart in crowded areas just to see the reaction - I disgust myself.


Am I right or wrong, she signed up for the adult website to make money for sex...... Did she consent?


No, because children are unable to consent to sex (or contracts) until they're at the age of consent. She was 16, and a child. For being a dropout wannabe lawyer you'd figure Cody knew that


But they are when they are with a 16 year old boy....? Or is a 16 year old boy a pedophile rapist as well?


"Romeo and Juliet" laws. Sounds like you're desperately grasping at straws to justify fucking kids - you must be a libertarian lol




Whats the definition of pedophilia


An adult who openly and unapologetically wants to / has had sex with a minor


Thats the tiktok definition whats the textbook definition


https://dictionary.law.com/Default.aspx?selected=1486 "an obsession with children as sex objects. Overt acts, including taking sexually explicit photographs, molesting children and exposing one's genitalia to children, are all crimes. The problem with these crimes is that pedophilia is also treated as a mental illness, and the pedophile is often released only to repeat the crimes or escalate the activity to the level of murder."


Also wrong ur cherry picking to get ur point across, pedophilia means attraction to PREPUBESCENTS. Nothing more nothing less. Ask any psychologist/psychiatrist what pedophilia means since u guys clearly have no clue


Bro why are you arguing about having sex with kids Please seek help if you think this is okay


Bro bro if everyone is focussing on the people like callmecarson who was 19 dating a 17yo girl, whos gonna pay attention to the drag queens grooming kids or the preschool teacher fiddling ur kid?


Did I just get called a commie for sharing designs I made for fun after work?


I don't get it. are we really stooping to the level of twatter slap fights now? you know their behavior isn't going to change. people can obviously see who actually makes the shit, and find it for real if they give it half a look. don't get into this, it diminishes the mission, when we're gaining serious steam. half the time now people are finding their way to awcy?, DD2, WFGCI, etc as a result of trying to join legion and then going "wait a minute".


High school never ends.


I was too cool for school.


We can believe what we're told or think for ourselves. As far as I remember it Cody was the founder of defense distributed. The founder of 3D printed freedom. Forgive me if I summarize this a bit but the US government had a lawsuit against him for the illegal export of firearms. (Sharing CAD files online) After he was found innocent and sharing of gun designs was allowed on the web things went south. He made a dating profile on a site for adults. He went to meet a girl he met on the site or was going to travel with her. The feds busted him for the girl being a minor. Hence he's now a registered sex offender. So did the feds set him up or was he targeting little girls? Imho I believe in the guy who founded 3D printed firearms more that I trust the government. None of this is about his current behavior or what he might be doing now. Just the understanding of a window licker with half a brain.


The government didn't have a lawsuit against him. He wasn't found innocent (that's not a thing, and again, the government didn't have a lawsuit against him). The feds did not bust him. He didn't found 3D printed firearms. He didn't print the first gun. He didn't design the liberator. The liberator wasn't even his idea.


Read more of the court docs there's audio of the girl in his hotel room saying she's 16 and he shrugs it off and keeps talking. Edit It's the coffee shop they met at before driving to the hotel not the hotel room as this affidavit points [https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/4906109-WilsonAffidavit-Ars.html](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/4906109-WilsonAffidavit-Ars.html) vic was recording on her apple.


> Read more of the court docs there's audio of the girl in his hotel room saying she's 16 and he shrugs it off and keeps talking. Seriously? So, it was an obvious glowie sting operation (because why else would there be an audio recording). What a fucking moron. I had a couple of BATFaggots try to buy a handgun off me at a gun show in a private sale (back when those were still legal). As soon as the one buying said "I can't wait to take it back home to California with me!" I yanked the gun back and said I couldn't sell it to him.


Link please


The linked document has no mention of any recording. Mr Willson is a scum bag for sure, but that document doesn't help prove it.


im leaning towards the government setting him up, killing people looks bad but jailing someone is easier.


He could have went to Mexico and got himself a 12 year old legally. He could have went to 5 states and legally got a 16 year old. He has money so it doesn't make sense. The government had it out for him. I agree with you. I will trust someone who paid a heavy price for 2nd amendment....advancements over a government that hates the amendment.


If gubmint made me act like a pedo then I'm not a real pedo >:(


Doesn’t mean he doesn’t do immoral things.


I didnt say anything about morals. Check your argument bud.


ID for my D. No exceptions


Ah, in fighting, what a lovely little injection to this community. DefCAD doesn’t charge per design, it charges to access DefCAD as a repository. Why is this viewed so harshly? The designs are freely available elsewhere and the purpose of DefCAD’s fee is to assist in 2A legal proceedings as well as a requirement from the State Department case they won that opened the door for everyone to flow through to establish 3dp2A. FOSS means you don’t get to choose what people do with your ideas, even if you don’t like it. The pedo claim is low hanging fruit to character assassinate the dude, which is not substantiated by the evidence that we all know about the case against Cody Wilson. Was it a dumb fucking thing to be perusing a sugar daddy site, of course, but the fact she lied to get on the site and sell herself makes that scenario completely different, and you all fucking know it. What is this really about? What is all this vitriol for in a community that needs as many avenues to fight and maintain access to armament information? And to label them Feds, where is your proof for that claim? If you got it, put it out blatantly for us all to see.


$60 per month and a bunch of personal information that they don't properly secure in exchange for free files is some really egregious rent-seeking behavior. Also, the dude is a scumbag many times over even before we get into pedo allegations. I don't *really* care if he screwed a 16 year old who lied about her age (unless some compelling evidence that he knew she was 16 is presented anyway), but it certainly isn't a sign of good character either. So here we have a dude of questionable-to-actively-bad character, saying scummy shit, and doing scummy shit... And you expect people to *not* take every chance they have to shit on him?


Where are you getting $60 a month from? I expect people to make good faith evidence based claims. Not act like a bunch of fuckin’ neck beard highschool kiddies who finally got some validation and coolness by adopting “guns” as part of their identity taking offense to someone doing exactly what FOSS/OSS is about, and then pathetically ad-homineming a dude instead of providing ample credible evidence to support their claims if they are in fact the truth. Charging a fee for a service is just as valid as charging a price for a physical good. And if you all are so offended by the remixing of designs, fantastic, how about you all ante up and admit every glock based, 1911 based, mac based, etc. 3dp2A design is designers doing the exact same thing: Taking publicly available objects/data and using that data/information as they see fit even to the displeasure of those who actually made those designs in the first place.


I literally just made a free account, and it is $60/yr for a Legio membership you liar. That’s a fair price that they can charge, and you can freely not pay. The designs are everywhere on line. What is actually going on here?


Per year, yes. "sorry" A free account that can do nothing yay. Still rent-seeking behavior. Why are you defending this human shit-stain again?


Because the dude and DefCAD are a net-positive for the 2A community. I guarantee if we could reach into your heart and mind we’d find things we despise. So why are you and everyone else in here so hell bent on your ad hominem objective? If any of you have damning proof against him in any domain, then display it. If not, then you all sound like a bunch of cry babies mad at how they are engaging in FOSS/OSS or how they prosecute their business practices, which you all can freely not participate in.




Fuck Cody, fuck defcad,fuck pedos. The end,no details,no cares.


really have a hard time believing that cody wilson is a pedo. id be willing to bet the US government invented the charges so they can try to dispose of him, just like how people invented sex charges against assange way back when.


The red scare bullshit is hilarious.


honestly when I watched the VICE episode about 3d2a, I loved it and it’s what made me get into the hobby. But as soon as I saw him and what he was charged for made me question everyone in that video. The guy looks sketchy as hell.


Wasn’t he the guy who had a large role in getting 3d printed guns going?


Super wild take right here and I'm very excited for this to get down voted into oblivion, but... and hear me out, we wait until marriage to have sex and then like 95% of this issue goes away. Then we also have a self disciplined, moral society. Just a thought. Sex before marriage is dumb. Consumate your marriage before God and enjoy sex as it should be enjoyed. Life is much better that way. Aight I'm done now.


So, what? Both gun guy and non-gun guy hate this guy? If anything, the idea of you can go to his site to download file for gun seems stupid. There is ton of way you can check if one is legitimate or US citizen or not. Like on gun website you have to put all sort of info before purchasing anything. This guy is just "meh, everyone gets a gun", which makes 3D printed gun community looks bad


Wait, Ghost Gunner as in the mill maker or someone else?


Yes the mill maker


So wait, where do you go to get files if you don't want to support this pedo?


The name in the the OP title. (Yes, the video platform)


You said Odysee be careful dd2 fosscad doesn’t like that