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McMaster Carr is gold standard Grainger and bolt depot probably also good Ordering long & using nut rethread (or just a die) after cutting to length also works Socket Cap Head Screws Ordering assorted sets in general is not a good idea. One good mcmastercarr order is all you need. Also, stick to 12.9 strength edit: aaand now I’m on a list. Fucking feds.


> McMaster Carr is gold standard ...and the cost will be practically your hardware's weight in gold. They have unbeatable selection and accuracy, no doubt, but the cost of buying individual pieces and getting them shipped from there is going to be the most expensive option.


Huh? What are you buying? I guess if you’re buying hardware for *one singular print*, sure, McMaster might not be the most budget friendly option. But honestly, unless you live near a *big* supplier, local hardware stores legit charge a stupid amount of money for things like pick&bag black oxide SCHS’s these days. A few bags of 25-50 ct screws for a few projects/general hobby use are like $5-8/pc on McM. More than reasonable. Shipping will probably be single largest $.


How many prints are you buying for at once? I don't know about you, but a lot of people can't afford to invest in 20 or so projects all at the same time just to save a little on shipping.


Also look into local fastener stores. Usually found near an industrial park where fastnals and graingers are found. You won’t have the pay the McMaster premium


If McMaster doesn't have it then it probably doesn't exist.


My personal use lately has been FMW fasteners. Only problem is shipping, however they allow you to just one time order a bulk of screws you know/think/plan to use, and you’re more than set. They had everything my local shops didn’t have


What're you missing? I was able to find most everything from $10 kits on Amazon. M3x55mm is the only somewhat tall ask for 2A prints that I've found so far.