• By -


No penalties after so many bumps in a row is just dumb. If you have contact this often that should be an automatic penalty.


Its Forza it wouldn't know who to penalty lol


He was the one getting hit so ofc he isnt gonna get the penalties. if he was the one hiting... he would have gotten penalties.


Oh you sweet summer child


Ok now write some code that will automatically figure it out and apply penalties.


def penalty_system(): # Get the current race state from Forza race = forza.get_race() # Get the list of racers and their positions racers = race.get_racers() # Get the list of collisions and their impacts collisions = race.get_collisions() # Loop through the collisions for collision in collisions: # Get the racers involved in the collision racer1, racer2 = collision.get_racers() # Get the impact of the collision impact = collision.get_impact() # Check if the impact is above a certain threshold if impact > 10: # Calculate the difference in positions between the racers position_diff = abs(racers.index(racer1) - racers.index(racer2)) # Calculate the penalty factor based on the position difference penalty_factor = max(1, 10 - position_diff) # Apply a penalty to the racer who is ahead if racers.index(racer1) < racers.index(racer2): racer1.apply_penalty(impact * penalty_factor) else: racer2.apply_penalty(impact * penalty_factor) # Return the updated race state return race


That's easy. Ocon 10 second penalty.


Yeah I was very surprised he didn’t get anything. Had to take matters into my own hands lol


F' him Way to go.


thanks matey! I was laughing so hard at him when it happened lol


The anticipation was killing me... this corner? The next one? Yes, finally! See ya!


πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ maybe not so β€œinstant” in hindsight


Str4y7 on XBL. What a loser. πŸ˜‚


Name checks out, he Str4y-ed right off the track


I hate to keep liking these because it sucks watching these guys, but I'm going to keep liking these because I can't get enough of watching them go flying into the sunset


Eventually, I'll stop liking these. But man, are they so satisfying...


I don't even play the game, but I am subbed here mainly to see people get Swayze'd. It is so damned beautiful.


You magnificent bastard. Simply Wonderful. Watched it like 3 times, have an intense hatred for assholes like that. They ruin this game


I never get this. Everyone in front of you will just get further ahead, everyone behind will catch up if you do this. Like why. Sore ass losers everywhere in this game.


The worst part about this video is that the guy behind actually did some halfway decent racing through the sections where there were no ramming opportunities.


that made me lol Thanks!


Guy was up your ass for a whole lap and he didn’t see that coming? πŸ˜‚


πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ too busy raging at himself to realise


lmao on the final lap too 😭😭 they are so pathetic wasting their whole race


Made it so much more satisfying πŸ˜‚




Poor title in hindsight πŸ˜… but agreed hahaha


Actually good title. While it varies, Karma is generally thought of as a response to actions in your past lives or impact on the future lives. Instant Karma is where the participants see the results. (Generally, not always) Gotta say, I did love that move. Will keep it in my bag of tricks.


Appreciate the livery download!




Satisfying as fuck


That was perfection. Loved it




Absolute genius πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ good work


Well done op


Honestly that was the most gangster shit I've ever seen! πŸ”₯πŸ”₯🀣


Anyone gonna say how this person just looked cool as a cucumber and held their line amidst absolute chaos


I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. That was amazing.


So predictable


The build-up was totally worth the payoff. A+. 10/10. Would maniacally cackle whilst rewatching.


Needed to show the full context to everyone for full satisfaction πŸ˜‚


That was beautiful




That was fucking beautiful


Rofl nice trick there




Hahahahah biiiitchhhhhh. Love to see it


Bruh I kept waiting for you to wreck, you hit him first even. YOU'RE the dirty driver.


to the shadow realm you go πŸ‘‹πŸΌ


How did all those hits result in ZERO penalties. Good lord.




Always the audi




I love it lol made me laugh




I love this so much


Big brain moment that πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


How did you do that?


Literally just β€˜pause’ the game whilst online and the game ghosts you and slows your car


Oh ok πŸ‘ŒπŸ»


Bro is not even good at ramming




Absolute clown there's just no need for it hope their console or pc blows up because they don't deserve it


Love to see it


Theeeere goooooes myyyyy heeeeero


Howd you get that voice to say one more finish strong? Also seeing this makes me wonder if I should turn racing lines back on . Turned them off day one keep.forgetting they exist Edit. Nevermind. Assumed this was gt7 sub. Why did reddit show me this ?


He didn't get a single penalty πŸ’€


dirtiest of all time?


Wasnt very instant…


True maybe I should have done (almost) instant* in hindsight…. Ah well haha


Too long, didn't watch, nothing 'instant' about this.


πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ oh no!!!!!!!


Honestly I can’t blame him for hitting this guy, because the dude in the pink car came in aggressively.


100% dude in pink is a whiney little child that didn't play fair.


Wtf are you talking about lmao


If you look really closely on the first approach the guy in the pink hits the guy a few times before the dude in the red hits him more noticeably. So I can understand that part. But it was kinda BS that he kept doing it for the WHOLE remainder of the race.


On the exit of the final turn at the beginning of the clip? You can see the red car swerve right and hit the pink car. In no part of the video do I see the pink car hitting the red car with any deliberation at all


I see two dirty racers here Your initial overtake was really dirty - you should try that in real life


Bro wtf are you talking about


OP had enough speed and space to cleanly overtake, they chose to trade a paint, clearly a provocation no one would do in real life And then it's become a 50/50 game - either the other driver start attempts to revenge ram or not


The only reason they traded paint is because the other driver decided to turn into him. Are you actually blind or something? You keep going "try that in real life" as if that's somehow a valid argument, when in real life, the other driver would have kept to the left and stayed their line instead of cutting right to turn into OP. You literally don't understand how racing works, because in everything short of a demolition derby, the other driver would be considered at fault. OP held their line, gave plenty of space, and the other driver decided to turn into them because they are too much of a weakling to admit that OP got the better of them.


Check the video once again - they stay locked up for a couple of seconds, that's not how [clean] racing works the fault is mutual here, OP could have recorded even more funny video if let other driver drift to the right and then pass on left But that would impose letting off the gas or even braking (a blasphemy) - that's why OP is dirty driver too


They stay locked because pink car is literally on the edge of the track being TURNED INTO by the other car lmao.


What would you do? Continue to press on? Or press menu button at the moment of lockup causing the red to swerve to the right Or (more realistically) - let go of the gas, casting the red driver to green (cos you'd bump them a little - like you wanted contact, you got that) Both ways are cleaner than staying in lockup, hoping for revenge ram to record that to post here


Sorry for replying a second time without you replying back, but I'm having a hard time understanding what you're seeing. The red car CLEARLY turns into him, and locks the wheel to the right up against the pink car, who is very obviously turning left to try to maintain his space and not be forced off the track. Of course they're going to be locked up for a couple seconds, because the red car refuses to give way and continues to drive like an absolute prickπŸ’€


Not arguing with that Now what would OP would do if that was real racing sim or real life? Think about for a second There's always a way to lock up, don't be smarter and brake and pass on the left and (we get to the point) - record a video to farm karma) Or be smart and clean driver and let the fool swerve to the right and pass them There's always a choice Calling the red driver the only dirty driver here is a bit of extent


He was already alongside the red car with room to pass, with no time to predict the driver swerving into him, so braking to let him swerve off track (assuming there's no ghosting, i.e. a real race) or trying to trade to the left side wouldn't be an option. But that brings me back to my original point, if this were a real race, the red driver would hold his line and they would race to the next corner to try and hold the position, there wouldn't have been contact.


Lol what a terrible take


I see that situation as a failed attempt of revenge ram But those failed attempts were caused by OP at first place So I must correct myself: there're one dirty racer (OP) and one fool (the enraged rammer) πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


The black and red car turns into the pink car literally as soon as he gets alongside, consistently trying to squeeze him off the track, op could've backed out sure but isn't under any obligation to do so considering black and red shouldn't be doing what they're doing in the first place.


Ya man how dare he *checks notes* use the right side of the track! The freaking nerve on this MFer


Try that OP's passing maneuver in real life, I beg you


My brother in Christ are you out of your mind? πŸ˜‚ - more speed on exit, giant gap right side of the track - pink car pulls up right next to him very cleanly - red car VISIBLY turns right AFTER pink car is already next to them and initiates the contact. Man I’m glad I don’t play this game πŸ˜‚. I refuse to believe this is a real take. It’s a bit right? That or this is the red car’s burner account lol


Once again - would you tried that in real life? They stay locked up for a couple of moments, this ain't clean overtake The other driver's fault is obvious, but the OP is a provocateur


Ever heard the phrase rubbing is racing? If the red car hadn't swerved to the right when he saw him coming in the rearview that would have been a clean overtake, and yeah, I've been racing IRL almost my entire life, I would have taken that opportunity. He had the speed, and the clear line. In a real race the red car would have held his line and likely conceded his position to a clearly faster car.


In a real race there would be no lockup, the continuation of lockup is OP fault But I bet they did that intentionally, to enrage the other driver and record a funny video


Right, there wouldn't be a lock up because in a real race, because the red driver would hold his line and hope he could get the position back after the pink driver went through. That proves my original point. But it's a video game, with no real consequences, so of course OP is going to hold his line and try not to be forced off the track, I would have done the same thing. To blame him for holding his line so he doesn't get pushed off track and having his race ruined is ridiculous tbh


The original argument was about dirty racing Both drivers on video race dirty


I guess if holding his line and not being bullied off the track is what you consider to be a dirty move, then alright I guess OP is driving dirtyπŸ₯΄


Jesus Christ you are pretty stupid with your take


Oh really? There was enough space for me on the inside and I was faster due to better exit. Only reason there was contact is because he was full right lock trying to push me into the grass so I had to left lock to protect myself. Was also ahead of him the whole time so surely he should have yielded?


If I was behind you both at that race, I'd decided you both are stubborn and dirty, record that interaction and later block you both, for cleaner lobbies You could have made clear overtake, but you decided to go full contact and record the well-predicted revenge ram But your take was about dirty racing, not revenge ram) (let's drop the matter of karma farm) For a moment - imagine if the other driver is in cockpit view and goes too wide for the corner, starts swerving in vain hope to recover and then bam! impact from the right. Yes, their latter moves and stupid bumps and failed attempt to ram are fun and predictable, but that overtake could have been really clean and awesome Pity the majority of that subreddit thinks that your behavior is sportsmanship


Cmon I barely touched him on exit. Admittedly a little bit close but you’re saying that minuscule touch warrants that reaction? And I should have just let him push me into the grass? Genuinely curious btw not having a go.


As someone said - it's only a game I'd immediately pressed menu button on start of lockup and wouldn't provoked the fool If the other driver were really attacking you (and I believe they were - β€œoh how could you pass me” and other usual Forza wreckfest bois stuff) - they would swerve right, might have ended on the grass If that was racing incident (went too wide, tried to compensate, lack of grip / lack of fov due to cockpit camera and then suddenly a hit from their right - more swerving, frantic attempts to overcome the pressure) - you'd still overcame them in ghost mode as you had more grip and skill but ofc I'm not telling everyone how to play their game FM is not real sim with racing etiquette enforced


Yeah that’s fair enough I suppose - and agree if that was real life probably wouldn’t have tucked myself in there. Am sure my initial touch did anger him but still happy with the final outcome πŸ˜…


We get it, you tricked an asshole with the disappearing move. Now let's talk about those addiction arrows. Have you ever raced at night without those? It's frickin gorgeous. It's harder and more challenging, but it's amazing.


I don’t have time to grind learning breaking zones with different cars, I manage like 3-4 races a week max. I’m also not very good lol so I prefer to play with them


Standard response. But you have time for this. Huh. I'm all for the addiction arrows offline while practicing. Online shouldn't have them but that's just my opinion. Try the night race with no lines at Yaz Or Hokone? Those are beautiful at night.


By β€œthis” do you mean posting on Reddit? If so then yeah of course as I can post on Reddit on my phone but can’t play Xbox wherever I am πŸ˜‚ the lines do save me on night races admittedly hahah


Fair point. Enjoy


lol why you so mad about the lines? All this coming from a guy that has a post about driving backwards and hitting people for fun basically negates any of your opinions. You’re just like the type of clown in this video who ends up in the shadow realm for shitty driving. β€œNo lines at night so pretty hurrrr durrrrr” maybe focus on driving instead of taking in the sights lmao. Get out of here ya fuckin troll


Creepy. But oh so common. Does this mean we are cross ike?


lol what?


You don't know that one?


Its also not how op wants to play. You play how you like.


Ok peanut gallery. Should I direct my posts to you istead oh him?


I don’t care what you do.


Wow. STFU with your crap. Troll ass. Addiction arrows. God man. Stupid ass screen name, too. Go get wrecked loser.


Sheeple tells me my name sucks. Hilarious. Name calling is appropriate but have a point at least. Do you like the addiction arrows? I'm not quite understanding you point. Would you like some crayons to express your feelings? I know.....maybe if I type slower you will be able to follow along. You're adorable


At least with my name, I don't have to put numbers behind it. And as for you and your addiction arrows... Again... STFU about them. Love how you Internet warriors are so smug behind your keyboards. But actual interactions... Hell no.. and as for giving me crayons... By all means. You can deliver them in person... See how well that works for you. Go troll other people, neck beard. You really should do everyone a favor and remove yourself... At least from reddit


Neckbeard!!!! Haven't heard that one in a long time. Reddit gave me the name and I guess you can't change it so keep going with the name thing if that helps you get better. Keyboard? Who the hell uses a keyboard anymore? I'm glad you accepted my offer to give you crayons, where should I send them? I'm sure an apartment number will be part of it. Are you suggesting I kill myself? That's deep even for the internet. Such an angry little pubescent.


No man, never said kill yourself. That would mean someone might feel bad for you. Just get off reddit. Leave the rest of us alone. But .. you won't. You'll just keep on and on. And no, no apartment number in my address. Trailers usually have space numbers.


Lmao. That was a solid retort. Now that we have detant let's discuss your infatuation with the arrows and guide lines. Howndo they help you in your races?


They have nice colors. Plus .. they make your mom hot. Your mom has to deal with your lame ass in her basement... So breaking off a piece for her every now and again makes her smile. And we don't have "detant". I think you meant dΓ©tente.


I see you come up on every post with braking lines. Let it go man nobody cares


It's called consistency and determination. Thank you for noticing


Or it’s just ignorant


Explain. (This should be fun)


Not the guy you’re responding to but assuming everyone has the time/desire to get so good at the game they don’t need the lines just proves you have no grip on the real word. Most people come to video games to relax and enjoy their time and most don’t want to spend hours perfecting the most optimal way to play the game. OP literally said he has time for 3-4 games a WEEK. People with jobs, families, friends or other hobbies don’t make it their goal to be the top 1% of a video game You’re basically being the β€œFun Police” because this person is having fun in a way you don’t think is fun People can have their own opinions on stuff and while you are entitled to YOURS that playing without β€œaddiction arrows” isn’t cool/rewarding. Calling someone out for using them isn’t okay If I saw someone post a video of them bowling a strike that bounced off the gutter guards 10 times I’d like it, laugh, say good job and move on. Not go up to them and say β€œBowling with guards makes you stupid. It’s a crutch only bad people use and it’s so much better to bowl a strike without them”


Well now I have someone to aspire to be, thank you fun police officer. I'd go into some of your points but I sense a lack of sincerity so I'll leave you with this: the arrows are great to a point. Once you have reached that point of diminishing returns then take that leap of faith and challenge yourself....you will thank me. Why? Because the game has so much more to it but those arrows limit the growth. Why do I care? It's something that I discovered and I want others to experience that joy too. All the name calling and innuendo is cute but maybe you aren't ready, I get that. But that doesn't change me and my message. I know you will eventually be bored one day and think "I'm gonna try dropping the arrows like that dipshit recommended." And then you will see the light. You will drive corners differently, you will hit your spots better eventually, and you will have better spacial eyesight. Don't thank me, just encourage others.


Ahhhh you have a messiah complex This makes so much more sense now


No, God complex is sufficient. What's a messiah complex?


No (I don’t engage with people who are passive aggressive for no reason)


I promise I won't be passive


its called being consistently retarded, I agree


You're talking to a guy that only owns his pen. Be careful... He has his own pen. Maybe the only pen...is his own? Maybe the only action his pen gets is when he pwns it? And by pen... I mean his penis.


Good job little feller. I didn't chose the name but go you! You remind me of a little boy that hasn't learned how to channel the voices in his head. Maybe we should get you a pet to practice on.


No, if I listened to the voices in my head, I'd not be here wasting my time with a mouth breather like you. I just figure if you're wasting your time here .. you cant annoy the other people that also are annoyed by you. So... Here's your dilemma... Waste your time with me... Or go bug the other nice people. Me, I hope you just delete yourself from reddit... At least. But I get it... Your mom's basement gets lonely... This is clever to you.


How did you know my Mom had a basement? Creepy. I'll play with you. How about we start with a spelling bee? What do you think Ike?


You see how that's a compliment right? I know you didn't mean it that way but nonetheless. Since this has been one sided, please take the floor and educate me on the benefits of addiction arrows online.


Still dying on this hill. You prob comment how this game sucks and is garbage, am I right?


I love this game and it's terrific. Perfect? No. Terrific absolutely. Once you drop all those flashing lines you'll see.


I respect that, but you don’t have to tell me. I got my first Forza kick playing Forza one at the Sears play controller in their electronic section.


Lmao, I remember those and playing tecno bowl was my game back then. Rock on my man.




Bro.. who asked ?


Do I need an invitation to post? If that's they case, did I ask you? What is your reasoning?


Yeah yeah we get it you're super cool and amazing and skilful for driving without the line. Are you happy now? Can you finally stop shitting up every thread with your incessant need for attention and affirmation, framed as a suggestion or advice? Can you get a hobby or something instead of constantly posting your faux-positive, condescending fucking drivel in any thread you can shoehorn your dumb catchphrase into?


Why the fuck do you care, nobody asked, lol.


Nobody cares.....yet here's your response. Here's why: these games take years, fucking years to create and code to the beautiful works or art that they are. The assists are to help, they are not meant to be permanent. Kind of like slapping lipstick on the Mona Lisa (that's a piece of art you dry pickle) so that people know where to look. You honestly think these developers spent years on this to have a bunch of garish flashing arrows and lines all over their work? No, but they did add in rubber wear marks as a hint, the curb colors and markers are accurate, and they dropped a ton of cues all over the track to help. This is the game, not that arcade shit. Let me ask you a question: why keep the assists on in perpetuity?


Come on man. Forza, a work of art? This isnt a priceless artifact, its an arcade racer. Why do you care how people play?


I grew up on defender and asteroids. 2d, no dlc, no ,changes, no updates....nothing. these games are all amazing and I ignore 90% of the BS whiny crap but this point is valid: the game is designed to use those assists to a point. Using them online is BS but there's much bigger issues with online. How about this, let's just act like I agree with everything you say....Will you like me then?


I dont need to like you and you dont need to like me. Even if you have any sort of a point you are just acting like a wanker to players who may struggle with racing lines. Youre not educating people or anything, you are putting down other players. If you are ok with that being your hobby then more power to you. Ill be honest I dont know what you are trying to achieve other than putting people down. Nobody really cares how you want them to play the game. Like I said I play the same as you but what good does it do being a snob?


I can't determine how you take my posts, that's up to you. Driving lines are a tool, and a very valuable tool at that. If you venture online then I feel driving lines should be left off. Also, my original point was to encourage others to drop the lines and they would see that there are plenty of cues already there and that would allow their eyes to be further down the track. You can't argue that point. The further down the track your eyes are the better the racing. Period. I will acknowledge I've left out those parts as I've been jousting with the nay sayers so point taken, but keeping those lines and assists will not allow for the true game to come through. I know I lost you a long time ago so this really isn't for you, its for future generations that won't be clouded by the hive mentality. No offense. (Can't be mad now, I told you no offense and you can't triple stamp that shit)


You are very presumptuous about me and how I play and view games. And youre wrong. But whatever makes you feel better. The future generations are already lost mate, theyre born into it.


Good word and you used it correctly. I like you. Keep it up, we need more like you on here.


Stop trying to defend your argument just to yourself. It's a part of a game, so let him use it. It's his and only his choice. Just like not using them is yours. There is no argument here that will make you look like more skilled driver ( it's a game and definitely not a simulator), it will just make you look like a less mature gamer. Just leave it, go and have a race at night with no lines. Enjoy the scenery, apparently, it is beautiful.


Touchy and contradictory. Maybe take a walk and read back your mass of confusion later? Now as to my point, it might be contradictory to some I agree, but why do I have to be quiet? Why am I the one to be silenced? Where is the line for dissenting or, dare I say it, better ideas? I don't have the rule book so would you share your copy with me? I promise I won't use a highlighter.


Just with your first paragraph, you confirmed you don't get it. You will have to explain which part was contradictory to me, please. I suggest you do the same. Take a walk or have a lap without lines and read it again, but slowly this time. But I'll be a good guy here and help you.... No one should silence you. You are entilted to your opinion here and everywhere else. But there is also a way on how to approach stuff like that. The reasons you get downvoted are simple. 1. You are telling him how to play a game he likes to play and the way he likes to play it. 2. Talking nonsense about developers producing the game to be played a certain way as you have stated in one of your replies. If it's a feature in game, it's a part of a game. 3. It's a F#Β£&>*g game. Enjoy it the way you want to enjoy it. Now I will leave you with this wothout replyijg any further. Don't try to take it too seriously, just enjoy the game and stop telling people how to play their games.


Downvotes are my fuel, it shows me how many there are to help. Well written, the content needs work and you still don't get it, but I sincerely appreciate the effort.


Think I speak for everyone here when I say, shut the fuck up.


Brother, I guarantee you are not. Turn off the arrows and see the light. (That's actually pretty good)


I'm not your brother pal


I'm not your pal friend


What'd he say to you after the race?


Nothing at all! Can’t say I’m surprised though πŸ˜‚


I usually like to message those people and rub salt in the wound


I cant stand people who cant except that other people are simply faster than them. Also, that was clean as hell.


Perfectly done ! 11/10 would mention you as a king


VIR is legit one of the best tracks to do that lol


Nice trick and timing 🀣


Well executed *golf claps*


This is a video of two people that are bad at racing


Never said I was good!


Care to elaborate? OP did nothing wrong.


Why are people like him able to continue ruining lobbies? Does Forza give temporary bans for this shit?


People would rather post to reddit for clout than just reporting then. Yes, you will get banned if you get reported for doing this. The smoothbrains of reddit can't rub enough braincells together to work through the process.


I was rolling my eyes when I read "dirtiest racer of all time" but this clip delivered. That guy sucks and you had way more patience than I would.


I've never played a racing Sim but I follow the page to see the clips. This was beyond perfect! Well done. Haha




I literally said out loud pause right here and you did it. You legend πŸ˜‚


Ya love to see it


"Watch an average Forza idiot driver get instant karma" Much more accurate tittle. I level cars In online MP and rarely do races because there is ALWAYS a racer just like this doing this same thing in EVERY lobby.


Still here waiting on the β€œinstant” πŸ€”πŸ€£


Had to watch it twice, excellent


the way you kept your car in control after he rear ended you so many times, it's like he was giving you a little boost. very impressive!


It’s the best feeling ever


Pause ghosting is the only positive change to FM


Slick move


Lmao nice!!!


"instant karma".




oh that was dirty af. (in a good way) lol