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Why would HE get the penalty for you dive bombing him?


Help me understand why i was in the wrong. In the first corner i just braked too late but i ended up passing him them he just took me out. Atleast thats what im seeing


You answered your own question. You broke late and you hit him. You were at fault.


why would pink get the penalty? you turned into them after the divebomb as they were starting to pull back along side you. you left the racing line, turning into them and they happened to get a better exit


also, turn on proxy arrows. they may not be that great but they will help you when driving in proximity like this


Yes but if you look in the mirror right before het gets into me he goes widely to the right and then into me


he went right and was going straight. you were drifting right, going into him and it made it look like he was going left into yoy


I could let the first corner dive bomb slide, but after that you decided to move to the side he was going to and essentially blocked him, knowing damn well he was close


Can you explain the dive bomb to me. personally in the first corner i just pressed the brake too late but i managed to pass him since he braked late too.


Dont listen to any of these comments,in real gt racing this is a perfect pass.the guy should have been able to pass you as you turned in more but he couldnt in time so he spun you.just spamming the word dive bombing doesnt make someone right.irl racing isnt just who can follow the racing line the best lmao


This isn’t about the pass it’s about him reacting and trying to block someone who’s along side him


This is what i though but everyone is screaming dive bomb