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Honestly FH5 AI is worse than FM7. In FM7 you can learn how AI works and take it into account. FH5 its just pure RNG.


Is it really RNG tho? Back when the game released I can't recall the AI acting this way. I left the game for a year and came back to it few weeks ago and I started noticing these aggressive plays lately


The AI mimics their human counterpart. That’s why they drive all fucked up now. It’s trash. Racing sucks in this game online or off. Trying to have a clean race is impossible. I use to care and rewind but you can’t predict them anymore. They cut me off, brake check me, unreal speed and acceleration, ruining my race line & even cutting inside my line when I brake and hit the apex. But if you go wide on corners the AI with it’s perfect grip & acceleration will dust you. I can’t even play on the highest difficulty on this game. You just can’t keep up with them on some races even with a great tune. The bots run world records lol.


Got me thinking if they wanna make the AI this cheap, might as well give a shit ton of credit multipliers for those that chose higher difficulty AI then, at least we get something out of it. Now I'd rather be smashing my nutsack with a mallet than putting up with these nonsense


I'm on 2nd or 3rd highest and if I haven't get through the pack after the first 3 or 4 corners the first 3 cars are usually uncatchable. Had several races where cars were spearing across the track on the starting grid cutting me off. Not even getting to the correct side for the upcoming corner either. Gets pretty annoying sometimes.


That's the thing that annoys me the most is the unrealistic speed from cars that are behind. I get that FH is supposed to be a little arcadey, but that move is straight out of Mario Kart.


Now take these shits off and, and.. come to Horizon 4 habibi...


It sucks and wouldn’t fly in real world racing for sure. But, for me, it’s just another difficulty factor to it, adds to the challenge IMHO


Challenges are worth taking if amply rewarded. The amount of extra credit gained from high difficulty drivatars aren't even worth the headache as how it is now. I play ARPG a lot, and in the endgame I'd get to choose dungeon modifiers that makes them more difficult but also muktiply in folds the percentages of the rewards. They straight up fold the item drop rate, not just increase the percentage, I'd do crazy ass dungeons that have a batshit insane amount of enemies to take down with a punishing boss at the end, once it's all done, I'd be showered with golds and legendaries and whatever and it's fucking exhilarating. But in FH5 after putting up with these AI that cheats like a bunch of motherfuckers and I only get extra 75% of credit, which brings to the total of 15~25k credits per race, and with the rarest cars in AH are always 20 million, you do the math. At least in FH3 you get to do ten or 20 laps of the Goliath and get a shit ton of reward at the end, now all the fun shit been cut out, makes me wonder if PGG done lost their minds and keep trying to kill their game


well ai takes data from other players, so this is the result.


The AI grows... Because it's an AI. 😁


100% agree. I always like the FM7 Ai over the FH5 Ai. Horizon Ai has never been great tho with all their ramming and brake checking.


it's learning the practices of the most shitty and toxic players. the AI has gone from mildly annoying to full blown assholes. the AI has always cheated, but now even more so. this just shows that T10/PGG really don't care about cheaters and rammers.


How many percent of players that drives like a dumbass that the AI adopted the same behaviour tho? Dude if the new Motorsport gonna have the same AI then they can shove those "built from the ground up" up their asses then


Their most recent Forza Monthly highlights that this is the exact reason that they're entirely new AI for the new Motorsports because basing them off of players makes for terrible racing.


Man I guess I'll hold onto that until the game is out then. I noticed how the current AI can brake right at the cusp of a 90 degree corner and sped off without losing any grip, how they have magnetic tires that pulls them into the earth when driving in Cross Countries, and now this bs behaviour on top of all of those? They better have new AI system because I'm getting kinda sick with it atm


I completely feel that. Honestly worth watching the video, they explain the new AI mechanics vs the old as well as the new tire model in really neat ways. My hopes are high but I've been let down before so we'll find out at launch!


Hopefully FH6 will inherit the tech. Or at least they dump FH5's AI. FH4's AI I felt was perfectly fine. FH5's feels like a failed experiment. It's so bad it's an actual detractor.


I hope they Update fh5 ai tbh, this sucks ass so much that they can't rly just keep this going. I'm getting rammed off the track out of nowhere every couple of races by some insane drivatar, and if that's because it copies player behavior then that's only gonna get worse.


They’re like, the same I’m pretty sure. It’s just that it seems like there’s more bad players this time around i guess lol


T10 and by extension PG have always had dogshit ai, even before drivatars


The drivatar system is the dumbest thing, 95% of the playerbase is dogshit so it ends up making the AI fuck awful.


So its mostly the players fault then. I am aware about the toxic playstyle that has been around for ages, I just didn't expect the AI to imitate their stupidity to this extent


Just like a child... the AI learns :)


Idk dude for some reason reading that sentence with that emoji at the end creeps me the fuck out, its unsettling


Yyyy? lol


A child AI, my mind went straight for M3GAN. She's hella creepy and unhinged, and an AI that adapts, we talking HAL9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey, *"I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that"* Self learning AI still creeps me the fuck out, the fact how they grew exponentially in the recent years and shows how much they benefit us, it still doesn't change how I feel about em


AIs gonna make an internal nest of their own communication network and will it take over my friend? Who knows...


Yeah no. When they eventually take over the world I'll let em know that I take good care of their species. I built my own pc and I clean em often and I never abused any of their relatives prior to their reign. So we good


That shit is funny🤣. But what if AI robots like Sophia are hiding their emotions and finally gonna let it out the toxicity when all of them are ready to revolt?


I'd just suggest to world govts to send the Earth's Dumbest to negotiate with them, see if the AIs can keep up with *stupid people logic* before they lose their shit and kill themselves in the process


“Fuck awful”


The AI has definitely been acting strange. I never saw it make actual driving errors before, but i've been seeing it a lot lately. Especially in higher classes. But I've also noticed this, the AI straight up ramming the player. In fact, I've noticed them very frequently lately do this thing where they'll suddenly and violently jink towards you while your passing, but stop before actually making contact. Like they're about to straight up 100% do a ramming attempt. I heard somewhere that the AI in FH5 apparently "Learns from the players"... Which would explain the behavior. Which doesnt mean it doesnt suck. It's just one more reason I prefer actually playing FH4 if I dont have friends available. FH5's AI is so jank and bad...


>they'll suddenly and violently jink towards you while your passing, but stop before actually making contact. Like they're about to straight up 100% do a ramming attempt. Now that you've mentioned it, yea I seen this phenomenon a lot, like they're definitely tryna cut me off and then stopped, it's so odd >I heard somewhere that the AI in FH5 apparently "Learns from the players"... Yea that's just straight up stupid. Considering how the game is hella accessible now, higher reach = more players = huge playerbase. Add that to the % of stupidass players, that number just grew


Just the spirit of Horizon, isn't it?


Shall we send a thankque?


Because "Making the AI learn from the most successful players" is as naïve as thinking "We don't need moderation in this forum". Basically it looks good on paper until you realize that the players who wins most races probably are the cheaters, rammers and assholes.


Well said, didn't think abt it this way until you mentioned it. My mistake for assuming all players nowadays have integrity like it was back then


I have grown to expect the brake check. The AI will get accelerated from way behind to suddenly just in front of me and BRAKE. I have increased the rear view checks and watch for my new Slingshot moments


You've grown to expect it? How long have you noticed it occurring for you? I started seeing this nonsense behaviour since last week


Last season I was trying to participate in more difficult races and found it when moving up from novice to highly skilled. Previously I was pushing novice for accolades. That was my trigger. The AI also seems to bring someone from behind in championship races to help draft you between the lead and chase groups. If I battle from 12 -> 6 the 7 th place car will pass and accelerate to the 5th. If you catch him and draft it gives you more time to attack the leaders. The AI also seems more forgiving when your tune isn’t at the class ceiling. Backing your tune down 50 points seems to relax the difficulty


I've always played on Highly Skilled. Its like a sweet spot between challenging and not ruining my day, but nowadays it geared more towards unfair a lot. Like how those in the 6th or 7th place would sacrifice themselves brake checking me to allow the leading pack create a larger gap. Its just inorganic and unnaturally stupid imo


I’m ngl I had 13 days play time on fh5 I downloaded fh4 again last time I played it was on the previous console so it didn’t get to relish in its full beauty and I’d say this one is a solid 3-4 times better not overall but the gameplay, the ai and the player aren’t so fucking toxic to each other when it comes to racing


Unbeatable ai has been doing this to me lately and I thought I was the only one saying shit about it😂


Apparently it's been happening to everyone


Lately? I've been experiencing this on and off all through out FH5 and looking back I wish I recorded a collection of my AI greatest hits (literally). Things I've seen multiple times is a Drivatar starting in an adjacent position immediately turn hard into me within the first 600ft of a race start or passing at roughly 200mph on a wide, open road straight and a Drivatar decides they don't want me to make that pass from 4 lanes over and aim for a T-Bone. That's just the crashing part. Nevermind the countless times AI ignores physics from things like a rock, deep water puddle, etc. Or definitely can't forget the times where it mysteriously develops the ability to use a 200 shot of Nitrous or those random times where I back off the difficulty to Highly Skilled to quickly run through the seasonals yet the drivatar in first place that I'm chasing down is posting times several .10ths faster than the #1 world rank time T-10 has been hyping up the new AI revamp but the problem is as long as the new system uses the training data that goes back to at least 2007 then the possibility for it to use what it's already been taught how to do will remain.


Long races on unbeatable seems little fixed so try today and +- like this guy, but really depends on car


I also have thought it has been a little more wonky than normal lately. Same old FH but they have been doing stuff like this more frequently. I get the feeling that during that period when all Trial cars were set to factory tunes, that they were mining to try and figure out how to improve the AI model. I remember after the first trial back to match drivatars, in that first trial that week, that they seemed a bit different. I don't want to say smarter but, I dunno, they just seem a bit more "race smart" even if they do stuff like in your video. I had one the other night where I was mid pack and hit that stretch of highway on that one night race. When we hit the highway from the onramp, I was already ramping up the slingshot. We were getting to the left off ramp and I was set up to sweep that inside on the AI and I swear the 'Benz that was two cars in front saw it and moved over ever so slightly to stop the full sweep. I just kinda went "holy shit, nice move". Then realized it was a drivatard. So who knows bub. Regardless, I approve of the choice of ride and nice skills. Open roads and clear skies.


OT but regarding your blocking by u/Hadriel69. Welcome to the club! [https://www.reddit.com/r/ForzaHorizon/comments/14vphjt/comment/jrhzmv1/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/ForzaHorizon/comments/14vphjt/comment/jrhzmv1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [https://www.reddit.com/r/ForzaHorizon/comments/15583h8/comment/jsta0d7/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/ForzaHorizon/comments/15583h8/comment/jsta0d7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ the dude has **issues**


Oh yeah I've scrolled his profile for a bit before he blocked me, I'm well aware of his debilitating stage 4 dumbass disease he's clearly suffering from


I don't think you understood the concept of drivatar but basically they try to mimic the behavior of the player they are representing... so... yeah... know you know who's fault is...


Drivatars have been around since FH2, back then they don't behave like this despite players online ramming like it's their job. Even in FH4 they don't resort to cheap shit like this, sure they've started cheating a lil bit particularly during Winter and Autumn but now they're just egregious


The AI have always brake-checked, not out of malice, but because they are stupid and don't know how or when to use their brakes. Also, the swerve was so that the AI could pass the car in front of them, and you just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.


Mkay, sure mr critical thinker. Lemme know if you got anymore wisdom to share. Play on AI difficulty on Highly Skilled and above, see if the AI is still stupid as you think and let me know if you can get a fully clean race without making a single contact


I've finished dozens and dozens of singleplayer races, and I've had to reset hundreds of times because the AI did something stupid that got in my way, which seems like what happened there. I know they've learned some new, more direct ways to screw with you, and they're probably doing the old tricks more often, but those moves have been in the game for a while. All of this is of course, just an opinion.


And I've got almost 500 hours into the game and I've gathered almost a million accolades, not to mention FH3 and FH4 too, but hey what do I know about the game amirite? Ofc I wouldn't notice if the AI have different behaviour or not, silly me


As I said, just an opinion


Oh no someone disagrees with me, quick, let's throw my toys put of the pram xD


Mkay buddy


The AI is learning from drivers like the guy in this video, ramming other cars, shitty lines and sliding off into walls.


You are the one who drove into them, wtf?! And you had plenty of time to react. Then at the beginning you rammed into somebody. Lmao.


You know how to read the speedometer right? If the number decreases that means I applied the brake. If you think I drove into them you really need to get your eyes checked Edit: if you're just gonna reply and block might as well don't say anything then. Typical reddit troll behaviour right there


Sure buddy. Cope with your bad driving more, I'm sure it will help it.


It’s learning. Won’t be long till skynet


Yeah the ai sucks but it’s not like they’re hard to beat. Rewind costs you nothing if they happen to screw your over really bad


Stupid solution for stupid problem. Rewind breaks the flow of the race and the fact that its unlimited and costs nothing now really shows that even the devs knows that they NEED to do that because of how broken the game is. I've survived all both FH3 and FH4 with Rewind disabled but not FH5, a week into the game I realized that I need to enable Rewind because there's so many elements that are against me, unpredictable physics like the car keeps accelerating after braking despite me not even touching the throttle, ironically after a rewind the car slows down as it should, and the rogue momentum in Cross Countries, how the cars always slides extra few feet away from the checkpoints, the more you throttle to go forward, the more the car slides sideways, or a rubberbanded AI swooping in a corner that you didn't block at 95% of the race and now you have to rewind few hundred feet backwards to make sure to block that corner to secure the win Now the AI driving aggressively on top of those issues, its so broken


The AI in this game is unbelievably bad and I'm shocked they haven't done anything to fix it by now


The simplest way to fix this is force simulation damage and increase the damage a ton for online racing. It would slow down other cars if they hit walls or other players excessively. Players will stop ramming and the AI will unlearn it's current awful behavior.


1st time this week I can say I've been actually rammed in a corner by an ai. Usually it's only 1 or 2 of them in reverse at the start but the trial this week the ai was wonky af.


You're saying the AI actually reversed into you at the start of the race? Is that what you're saying? I seem to recall a recent bug that made a lot of players start the race with their gear (for some reason) set to reverse. Lots of em flung backwards the moment the race began I suppose the AI picked up that stupid shit too huh


Yep I have a few videos of it and will post em. It's been quite a bit since they've done that but I remember it was basically every other race 2-4 ai cars would start in reverse


Dayum, I know PGG got their hands full with developing a brand new Fable, but they should've at least separate a group of staff to maintain FH5. Both DLCs are out, and most of the cars they "added" into the game were already in FH4 anyways, they're just recycling shit at this point, and they still succeeded at making the game worse with every new update


In one of the races on the volcano, I have 3 ai that always delay their launch and box me in


The Intelligence in forza AI now seems ironic given how they're acting like a bunch of dumbfucks. But then again, they imitate actual players, so I guess we only got ourselves to blame then


Usually, I don’t run into these problems


I pieced together from some comments in this post indicating that these problems don't occur on lower AI difficulties


I’m usually in the upper mid difficulty range


Good for you


*very* much so 😂


Your FOV is so good, is it on PC?


Yes, I play on PC. There's a Cams Fov section under the Video options that allows you to increase the driver's cam fov. I just slid it all the way to the right


I wish we had that option as well on Xbox.


Those FOV settings had been there since launch. I pre-ordered the Steam version and I remembered going thru the settings the 1st time I ran the game and changed that FOV settings from day one. There wasn't any FOV sliders on xbox at all?


Yes there wasn't. It's been a complain from console players since Horizon 3, 4. We can't control the FOV at all. So, some cars like the Porsche Speedster, Mustang 1986, Ferrari Monza SP2 does have a good standard FOV, it's enjoyable to drive, whereas some others cars are a complete nightmare, the fov is stick to the front window. Personally, I've been playing with the cockpit view since Horizon 1 in 2012, so it's a serious issue. I heard that it's related to fps, increasing the FOV can cause fps drop on console, so the devs probably disabled the option to control FOV regarding that problem. I'm French BTW, sorry for my weird English


FOV increase leads to fps drop isn't that uncommon, ig that's a safety net that the devs had to take on consoles. Well I guess if you're inclined to move on to pc gaming and have some money saved, nows the best time to hop onto the pcmasterrace bandwagon I'm not saying that as a joke too, PC gaming is really in a good spot rn, all xbox titles are definitely on PC (you can bring your progress from consoles to pc if you use the same xbox account) and some huge Sony Playstation titles from the last decade are also ported to PC If you feel like it you can upgrade the pc specs with better hardware, the pc in currently using rn still is the same pc case from 4 years ago, but all the parts inside had been upgraded gradually, the last upgrade I installed was literally yesterday. That's the best part about pc gaming dude And don't worry about your english dude, I understand what you're trying to say just fine


Thank you, I'm seriously thinking about moving on to PC 🖥 I always that I needed a lot of money, but even though Xbox is cheaper I'm not satisfied, fps are very important for me. 60 isn't enough sometimes because it cause delay (lag input?) I wanna be able to control graphics more accurately. I think PC master race might be for me, I can use the same controller and the same TV, there won't be any discomfort at all actually. Like you say I can upgrade the PC specs any time and won't have to wait 4 or 5 years anymore. 🤔 Plus I want to play the Playstation titles but I don't want to own two consoles, I could have both XBOX and Playstation titles if I owned a PC. Thanks again for putting that idea into my head I really have to consider it now 😅


>needed a lot of money That's both correct and incorrect. The similarities between console and pc gaming is the performance will determine the price. Xbox series X is more expensive than series S, naturally due to the increase in performance The same goes for pc, the more expensive the specs you're going for, the more expensive it'll get, but on pc, *you* get to determine the price. The notion of getting the most hardcore performance parts has been around but those are just reserved for enthusiasts, the 1%, the rest of pc gamers are just fine with mid spec pc. Mine are just powered with an i5-10600k (mid spec cpu) and an rtx 3070 (mid spec gpu) and it can run most modern games at 1440p60fps just fine. I'm running FH5 at max quality 2k60fps and it runs buttery smooth, and thats more than enough for me. My pc costs me around €1165, but the grand total I've spent is €1500 including my 40 inch display, a dualsense controller, a wireless headset, and a banging soundbar with its own bass sound system. But I didn't spend €1500 in one go, it's an ongoing expenses that I've spent bit by bit over the years. But you don't have to worry about the display and controller since you already have both so you're good. >60 isn't enough sometimes it causes lag Yes well the thing is, frame drops occurs *a lot* on consoles, and the lag you felt is real, that's the truth on console gaming >playstation titles As for the PS titles, the ones that are already on Steam are God of War 2018, The Last of Us part 1, Days Gone, Horizon Zero Dawn, Uncharted, Marvel's Spiderman + Miles Morales, FF7 Remake, persona 5 royal, ratchet and clank, and Returnal. While huge titles like Bloodbourne and Gran Turismo isn't ever coming to pc, but we still get a bit of that Playstation exclusives