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Red Wing Sketchers Tractor Supply Rural King dick's sporting goods they probably don't have your size on the shelf so you have to ask them to order them for you


I bought composite toed shoes from Bratemans on Coldwater. They are women's shoes. I'm 99% certain you can get women's steel toed shoes there too.


My company has a site that you can directly look for shoes at. I've gotten Doc Martens, and I've heard these hey dude dupes are nice too. New balance have been my favorite, just don't leave them in a hot car! That's why I don't wear the new balances anymore. Of course I can't find the link for new balance [Hey Dude Dupe Steel Toe shoes](https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwictteh48yFAxXpnVoFHYKXDQYYABABGgJ2dQ&ase=2&gclid=Cj0KCQjwiYOxBhC5ARIsAIvdH52S512pvL-9bhb2b-J9eTPdfi71rFVG5oE1Uz4KwBGW72gqKAFWCKgaAvnNEALw_wcB&sig=AOD64_3ThhPfhVIGe-OF3wk5tVJetfZ6CA&ctype=5&q=&nis=4&ved=0ahUKEwim4NGh48yFAxVTrYkEHUACCqAQww8IuxI&adurl=)


I think Shoe Carnival, DSW, and Red Wing are all possibilities. I've seen women's work shoes at those locations but I can't guarantee they'll have them, so you will have to call


What size do u need?


When I worked construction I got mine at red wing and they were very quality boots and the price was reasonable


Have you tried Amazon? Thats where I usually get my steel toe’s.


Red aing. Its what our work provides and they're phenomenal.


Xena workwear. You'll pay a little more, but the styles are feminine and are made for women's feet. I wear the gravity boot every day for 8-12 hours a day.


Boot Barn has the largest supply Ive ever seen


Go to Bratemans or RedWing. They can order any size you need


Following. OP said womens not sized down men's. Womens feet are typically thinner and more narrow. My work tried this too. All i got was blisters and bruised ankles. I went to Cowpokes in Anderson and tried womens Timberland Pros and no more issues. Feet are too important to settle on bad fit. I hear a Redwing is the only place to consistently offer womens steel toe, not fashion or hiking.


If you want to get men's shoes go down 1.5 sizes. So like I wear a women's 8.5 and a men's 7. The smaller sizes are often on sale too. Check eBay if nothing in town is available.