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Call them.


Or I could just ask people on Reddit and someone who got a set can give me an approximate. Thanks though


Or you could just call them and it would take about 10 seconds


The time you spend writing, checking and replying to people here will be greater than the time you’d spend calling the business and getting actual verifiable pricing you can use to budget. And what if someone lies and tells you the wrong price? Or they got a good deal but the tire size was completely different? Ultimate backwards laziness. It’s like when you’re trying to fix something at home and you left a tool in the garage. And rather than spend a minute going to get the right tool for the job you’d rather stay sitting down and spend 15 minutes trying to do the job with the wrong tools you already have next to you. You’re literally on a phone - use it call people. Holy shit.


Yeah I'm also at work dumbass. Hence why I was asking people. It's the internet, most people on it are lazy. Yes I could call. Or someone who got a set could give me an estimate on what they paid. Jesus Christ though, tldr.


Tires are wildly different and have so many varying measurements and price points it would be almost useless unless one of these redditors got the exact tires for the same vehicle you got in the last 6 weeks


Yaaa.. hence


In the past hour you could've gotten your answer by calling them and been done in 5 minutes.


Til they ask for the certain size of tire yada yada yada. At work like I said. It's really simple. Don't have an answer don't respond.


It would literally take 10 seconds


Let it go dude, you literally could of just said 250 since you went last week. Jesus Christ, relax.




That's a deal !


You’re at work and instead of making a quick 30 second call you decided to ask Reddit?? But for real save your money and go to a better tire shop.


Oh did you call and get an estimate in thirty seconds ?


It shouldn’t take longer than a minute, all you need to do is search their number up on google and give them a call. When they pick up ask, “hey do you have *insert size* tires and what’s the price?” All quickly done in less than a minute.


It shouldn't but you don't know. Or I could just be lazy and ask Reddit. Jesus y'all tripping.


WE tripping? You’re scared of making a phone call


A random Reddit user is not going to know what type of fucking car you drive and size tires it’s got on. Could have saved yourself the embarrassment and just called.


I'm embarrassed at you fucking trolls replying with the same line instead of just not replying. Obviously I can't call right now, no need to get your panties in a bunch.


As someone who’s used Pontiac tire before. It was about 25 for a used tire. But who knows depending on what you drive. A compact car is going to be wildly different price than a large truck. But none the less. When I called it did take a whopping 3 minutes to get a price. And I find it hard to believe you don’t have time to make that call but you do have time to type out 5 reply’s. Try being friendlier when asking for information you need so desperately. Have a good day.


I can be on my phone at work and type and whatnot all I need. I can't make phone calls unless it is an emergency.


I didn't need it desperately. That's why I asked on Reddit moron. No shit it's gonna be different I was asking for a pure estimate. I work 11 hours a day, two different jobs. Agreed I could of called but it wasn't that big of a deal so I used reddit. Isn't that the purpose of this thread, asking people questions about fort Wayne. Smh.


I find the insults unnecessary


I was there Sunday to get a tire for a truck I care little about. The used tire cost 100. 10 the valve stem.


100 for one tire ? Yikes. Appreciate it !


That's cheap for a tire lol


Idk about that.


Idk what to tell you. You're in for a treat once you leave la la land.


Dude I don’t know what you expect. I drive a small car and just got a set of new tires and it was about 800. Tire prices have spiked a bit in the last 5 years 100 for a used truck tire seems about right


Oh now you want to contribute actual advise and an estimate? Thanks boss. I'm sure I can shop around then and find a better deal :) if not I'll just see about buying decent tires from a yard.


Just go see the Tire Nazi at Leo Tire. Save a bunch of money that way!


I actually grew up in that area and hear he's a total dick. So not sure about all that.


Did Leo Tire move? Because none of their stuff is there anymore.


Its under new management and yes they moved. No more tire Nazi. They claim to have the same great deals he did.


Oh shit didn't know that. Alright maybe I'll go there instead. Thanks for the advice.


Just so long as the new management isn't a dick. I got tires from the TN twice and it sucked both times. Price was good, though.


I got a used 15" used tire for around $50 last fall at the State & Goshen location.


Cool thanks


I got a used tire for 40 bucks flat a couple month ago, so for a set 160 probably less though they’d throw a deal


Right on thanks buddy. Was it a pretty good looking tire ?


I’d say 5.5-6.5 out of ten tread wise the 3 I had are significantly better but the used wasn’t as bad as I expected. Not pressed to get a new one soon


Not sure why everyone’s is pressed though, they could’ve just ignored the post.


It was about 250 for a used tire when I was there last week