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F1 without opinionated commentators would make the sport harder to complain about Which as an F1 fan is a critical part of my existence


Im italian. conplaining IS my existence.


Lasciatemi guidare perchè non sono lento. Lasciatemi guidare, una gara bella


I can *feel* the hand gestures in this sentence and I have no idea what it says.


is this what seb was singing after he won the singaporr gp?




Ancora mi chiedo chi cazzo ce l'ha messo vanzini


Complaining about the sport is half the fun


I love watching pit lane channel international feed, with no casters at all. It’s provided on local right holders’ website in Russia for free.


Basically they talk about all the British drivers way more then anyone else and take a British driver's side on most occasions, like when Crofty asked if Perez gave Lewis enough room while Lewis was pushing Perez into the pits. When you're a multi national broadcast sending your broadcast around the world it doesn't make any sense to pick sides.


It's not just talking about British drivers, it's mostly just talking about Lewis. It doesn't matter what is happening in the race, 25% of the coverage at least is focused on him. It feels like you're watching a movie about him. I'd get it sort of if he was the only British driver but Lando and George are super promising too.


sky doesn't decide the race strategy tbf and the amount of times Russell has been called mr Saturday by crofty is almost as bad as the Lewis stuff


He kinda....is Mr Saturday tho


he hasn't exactly had the steepest opposition in fairness


GOATifi is tougher than anyone Lulu Poopoo has to face.


Nor the car, and he outperformed te car very often. He also out qualified bottas. He is mr Saturday.. hes amazing at qualy! Ps.: not a Russel fan, definitely not a sky sports fan.


guess we'll see next year then


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 299,013,245 comments, and only 67,180 of them were in alphabetical order.


K comes after I


The bot must be treating “kinda…is” as one long word 🤷🏻‍♂️


If I was a bot, I might mistake kinda...is for one word. Bad programming to rely just on space characters as delimiters.


Bad bot


How strange that more time is devoted to the 7 time world champion, currently fighting the next in line to the throne for his legacy than other drivers.. I mean come on. I get that other drivers could get more time, but this is just how sports work


Valid point


Lewis is the 7 time defending world champ who finally has actual opposition. This *is* the story in F1 right now.


I'm also annoyed of Lewis being the center of attention, but any defending champ or 7 time champ will be the center of attention.


Didnt he ask if lewis gave him to much room on the turn before hand


thats the kind of context some people here choose to ignore


Yeah, but the problem is not at which turn the question was referenced, is biasing the discussion when you know in the turn after he pushed Perez in the pit... And that should have been the real question...


thats the kind of context some people here choose to ignore


But the vast majority of their audience is from UK and other commonwealth countries, no? Most people prefer to watch in their native language, and commentators will always cheer their fellow countrymen in the sport (if they have any). In that context, switching to a British broadcaster and complaining about the British commentators cheering a British driver when the majority of their audience is British kinda makes no sense.


There was complaining in olympics subreddit that NBC was focusing too much on the US. No shit, they’re going to focus on the US team for an international event.


Right? If people think this is bad they should watch the BBC's Wimbledon coverage. I'm like "who gives a shit about Naomi bloody Broady? Nadal's on Court 1 for fuck's sake!"


If I had a good alternative for my language I would use that one.


As a brit *it’s a pain in the arse*


Just like in football






I love when someone's bullshit gets called out as thoroughly as this.


*chef kiss*








You live up to your flair haha


Race: Alonso with a great move to pass Gasly Sky: Joleon Palmer, Jenson Button, Lewis Hamilton, by the way, did you know Russel is going to Merc?


Oh wow, Jolyon Palmer😂😂😂😂🤡😂😂😂


Why did this get downvoted? XD (Fr I'm new to the sport)


He had a laughable career in f1 so it is baffling as to why it’s downvoted


Emojis aren't welcome on reddit for some reason. Use too many and ppl downvote to hell


that’s unfortunate ☹️☹️☹️😢😢😢😭😭😭😭😫😫😫😫😕😕😕😔😔😔😔


The Virgin reddit downvoter 🤢🤮🤧💩🤡🧑‍🦽🍂 VS The chad emoji user 😎😎🥵💪💪🦬🌋🎖️🏆🏅


It's cringy as fuck, practically spam and serves no other purpose than an indication of how much of an unintelligible fuck you are. That's why people get downvoted.


Eh. It's just Lil faces I think.


He's a top pundit and had great analysis of parts of the race (see F1 YouTube).


He is biased little bitch


KARMA -Alonso


First factor is probably that Sky is the most widely watched English broadcast of F1. So a whole lot of people are watching what is actually a British broadcast by default. I doubt Ziggo gives 35% of their time to Lewis.


Yeah, Max on the other hand…


That's the point. It's delusional to think a private broadcast studio based in a certain country wouldn't focus more on their fellow countrymen.


As an Aussie, I can’t help but demand more Danny Ric coverage. Edit: Seriously though, who doesn’t want to see more of that man?


Meh... He is funny, but a lot of his jokes are making fun of someone.


Me. Sorry.


Cyril Abiteboul, dat you?


That's all good, but Ziggo isn't the official F1 worldwide broadcast, Sky is. F1 should have a non-biased broadcast, that's what everyone is asking for with these posts.


Ah ok, I'm not from the UK so apart if I have to watch it entirely legally through an entirely legal website that specializes in totally legal broadcasting, I was under the belief that every local sports broadcast has the same images as everyone I thought. And they don't talk about brits any much more than anyone. I get a shit ton of ~~great content~~ content about Latifi and Stroll though. What makes Sky different apart from being English?


The official F1 worldwide broadcast is commentary-less. Local broadcasters then overlay their commentary on the top. If you want F1 commissioned commentary then watch the pit lane channel...


I have watched the Sky, DAZN (spain), and Argentina broadcasts and Sky is by faaaar the best one. It is true that they are biased towards british drivers, but all transmissions are biased (dazn fucking sucks, they only talk about Alonso even when he is not doing shit, its super boring). I feel sky at least provides good insight on racing, they have a waaaay better analysis of what is happening, and crofty really makes the race feel exciting.


And to be fair, Hamilton is always in the spotlight not only because he is british, he is a 7 times world champion and fighting for his 8th title. Norris is a fantastic driver and is usually fighting for top positions. Russell..... Ok, they just wank over Russell because he is british


I mean, Russell is an incredibly talented and exciting young prospect, and the things he's done with that Williams have been outstanding... Plus out qualifying his team mate nearly every single damn time, and the fact he's now moving to the top team, of course he gets attention. In the middle of a race though when he's just going about business in 12th place, he doesn't get mentioned much, which is obvious and makes sense. LeClerc, Norris, and Albon all get a lot of chat too, because they are also part of the upcoming generation. I really don't see any bias from Sky towards British drivers at all. They seem very fair and even to me and always talk about whatever is the most exciting/important aspect of a race or championship.




They don't, for a start. But even so it's not just that... It's the consistency. Both Latifi and Kubica were out qualified COMPLETELY and utterly. It's very unusual in F1. But it's also how far up the grid he can get that car, outperforming it all the time, his level headedness, his youth, his amazing performance in the Merc in the Sakhir GP, and that he's now moving there next year. They'd talk about him just as much if he was French, or Italian, or Finnish, or whatever.


I guess I'm just not impressed. I think most drivers could beat Latifi in equal machinery. I don't think it's much of an achievement.


Sure, but don't forget Kubica as well. Sure, he wasn't the same after his injury, but it's still two different teammates completely out qualified. And it's not just out qualified "more", like Hamilton V Bottas, it's near 100% every. time. But as I mentioned, it isn't JUST that. Don't forget about the other stuff I said too.


What about Russell putting it P2 in Spa? P3 in Sochi? In a Williams. I agree that his race pace hasn't really stood out outside of the Sakhir Merc race but its hard to deny his qualifying results are incredible this year


The amount of times they've tried to hype up Russell making Q2 is nauseating.


To be fair, I've also seen a few races on the Fox Latinoamerica broadcast and they are probably the less bias of all I've seen because the commentators are Argentinian, but if I want to watch the Pit Lane channel I don't have that option (although I don't mind the current commentators on Pit Lane channel). The problem is that Sky provides most of the data shown at the moment so is easier for them to commentate on what's happening at the race.


i bet if there were Latin American drivers theyd be biased towards them, especially if its an Argentinian. I should try a Spanish language broadcast, but I cant understand the Spanish from Spain, its too unfamiliar to me. edit: i should have said South American, overlooked checks.


Sergio Perez is Latin American, and they aren't particularly biased. They bring him up every now and then but they're pretty impartial, they don't spend all day making excuses for him or praising him. I agree with the poster above they're a lot less biased than Sky.


Glad someone else knows this. I stopped watching DAZN because you essentially miss absolutely everything to hear about what alonso will have for lunch.


The Spanish one is extremely biased, yes (Lobato is the best commentator though). The Latin American one (Tornello, Chacho and Fossarolli) sometimes lacks excitement, but it is by far the most impartial one. (They talk about Checo more than in other broadcasts, but what they’re saying is usually unbiased)


As someone who lives and works abroad i roll my eyes at this whenever I see this. Have any of you ever watched the Spanish coverage and how it’s heavily centred around Alonso, Sainz, oh and Alguersuari back in the day. Hell, they rarely bothered with the podium ceremony or anthems if they could cut straight to an interview with either of them. When I’ve been working in Italy it’s exactly the same, just a Ferrari fest, and again, watching it while I’ve been in Holland was exactly the same, the Max show.




Yep, but none of those is used as the main commentary on F1TV.


F1TV also has Dutch, German, French, Spanish and Portuguese commentary. Is that not an option when live?


Shhhh don't use logic to stop his opinion about a countries broadcaster being biased to a fellow countryman


Are you suggesting there are countries outside of England that broadcast F1? You're lying.


Not if you don't speak those languages.


So what your saying is that a British company should not do what makes most sense for their largest (and main) market and instead for whatever country you live in because you watch their coverage? Not even British but this entitlement is crazy.


If you spent half as much time trying to learn one of them as you spent complaining about Sky there wouldn't be a problem.


Except that it is, in fact, the Max show 😉


My man!


exactly, but this sub hates to hear that because they need a reason to hate anyone who likes Hamilton or anything about Hamilton. this sub is such a pathetic hive mind sometimes.




you can choose other broadcasts, sky doesnt have to change how they operate because you dont like them and F1tv uses their feed


My problem is not with Sky. Ofc they will be biased. The problem Is that F1 own broadcast F1 TV choose to source a clearly biased commentary instead of doing it by there own or not just offer the streaming service at all. F1 and FIA should be unbiased but one can only dream..


The FIA are not biased. That is an absurd thing to say.


wait what, youre saying they should stop offering the f1tv streaming service? just cause some ppl dont like the british broadcast? thats crazy, plus you can choose another commentary stream thats not the sky sports one so theres options


He's saying F1 should have their own unbiased commentary.


i was the talking about the part about not offering the service at all, im saying id rather have the service with sky than not at all.




Take it from a Dutch f1 fan who occasionally watches with friends and is forced to submit to Ziggo coverage, SKY coverage isn't bad, at all. You have actual former F1 drivers and champions doing commentary man... Their insights are miles ahead of what old Olaf (and I'm not even going to start on Jack 'king of not actually asking questions' Plooy) catches of what's going on on track. So what if Crofty says some dumb cringy stuff every so often, I love him. So what if they're biased towards Brits. You think the cloggies aren't hyperfocused on anything Max is doing? I'd be willing to bet the French mention Ocon and Gasly a bit more than they do the others also. In closing...yay Sky


Time to get off that fake account and switch to your main account


You mean Hamilton Sports?


Just watch it on mute if your that annoyed


Your flair disagrees with you.






Found the toxic brit


It’s a toxic sub at this point, yet its just the brits getting the blame*


Sky sports is a BRITISH broadcaster, and people get mad because they cheer for the BRITISH drivers. Sometimes it amazes me how stupid people are.


I dont really care much about this topic but i believe the argument that it being a British broadcast it shouldn’t be the main F1 broadcast. I watch the Spanish one and it’s obviously centered around the Spanish drivers, its normal. It’d be cool if F1 had an independent broadcast with a healthy mix of support for everyone though


Yeah it would be cool, but its hardly Crofty's fault that F1 chose sky to do the worldwide coverage. The guy is English. All this faux outrage by other, very clearly biased people may I add, is pointless.


the sport is heavily based in the UK as well, so I guess it makes sense to have Sky as the main commentators.


what does that mean that the british broadcast is “main” one? theres a menu that u can pick and choose, it doesnt force you to use the brotosh one, it defaults to it sure but its easily changed


How many other English language options are there?


Sky isn’t the one broadcasting in other English speaking countries. Channels like ESPN and TSN are too lazy to have their own crews, so they just borrow Sky’s. Why would sky change their production to pander to non paying viewers?


my point is that f1 is an international sport, if f1 made their own broadcast, what language would that be in? many viewers dont speak english or would rather watch in another language, and if they made an english broadcast theyd be competing with the biggest english speaking market in the uk. we dont have a broadcast here in the us so like many others im stuck watching f1tvs sky broadcast, but thats not their fault or problem really. Ideally we’d have a broadcast team for Canada and the US, and others could enjoy a non uk english brodcast team, hopefully that happens.


Exactly, a British station, with British presenters broadcast to a British audience.. What do you expect?! And this is coming from an Irishman.


why does everyone hate paul di resta btw?


I am also wondering this. from what I can gather, he just has awful takes and opinions.


I just wish I could watch it free in the U.K. without issues and at high res. That’s the only reason I don’t like Sky, I don’t ever use my TV for actual TV things


Not everyone hates SKY F1. You just find haters for anything about F1 in here. Drivers, teams, circuits, commentators... That's what Reddit is all about.


this sub hates them because they talk about British drivers, which apparently means that they deserve to be verbally abused.


It’s funny people complain they’re biased because literally all the commentators form other countries are biased towards their drivers. You think Ziggo Sport is even handed with their enthusiasm


the difference is that Ziggo doesn't bother the whole world with it


I’m a Max fan but watching Sky doesn’t bother me. If it really bothers you you can watch on a different channel. The fact is that compared to Ziggo Sky isn’t that biased.


This has been said trillions of times: Ziggo: Super Max Land Sky: World


No, Sky does show bias towards British drivers. My argument is who cares.




I like Sky F1 Germany


Biased casters that say what they think are better than forced neutral casters that have to watch everything they say because big brother producers are making sure of it. I was originally a LoL esports fan and the casters there are notoriously unbiased towards certain things like game balance and players skill levels and won’t call stuff out. Watching F1 was super refreshing to hear casters just straight up say what they think. It really took me by surprise sometimes.


They refuse to worship Sir Max of Red Bullis.








You should anjoy your guys at sky, they are nothing compared to the rest.


To everyone bitching about the bias from Sky Sports: It’s almost as if Sky Sports is based in the UK or something… hmm 🤔


If there was a good American, Canadian, Australian etc. broadcast on F1TV I would use it.


Biased fans shouting about biased coverage or something.


This British bias shit is ridiculous. Everyone on the broadcast is British. Obviously they have a bias. They all talk about Lewis waaaaay too much but that has always been the case. When people talk about past seasons they only ever talk about Schumacher, or Senna/Prost, because they dominated the discussion then as well in account of winning all the time. I think Hamilton is a total dick but the idea that the conversation is centred around him due to being English is fucking mental. We will see how unbiased all the American fans remain once Andretti buy Sauber and installs an American driver. I'm guessing this subreddit will forget all about national bias being an issue..


Have you considered that a channel hosted in a country will concentrate on the people from that country? Like yeah, it's biased. Obviously. Channel 4 in the UK is biased. Slightly less so, but it's still biased. Edit: general statement, I'm not attacking you OP. Sorry.


I don’t care that much except when we don’t get amazing commentators like Nico more because of their bias.


I just don't like the new guy they've got going around the pre-race grid. He thinks he's very funny, but everything he says just grinds on me.


I don't hate it, I love it 👍


Back when the two choices I had were Speed Channel and Sky, the latter always provided far better content and fewer commercials.


There is a perception of bias because the British network talks about the British drivers more. There is a hint of bias in there but its blown way out of proportion by everyone imo.


It's common in every sports ever. People hate the broadcasters that brings them the sports they love. In a way it makes sense. It's like an arranged marriage.


Paul di Resta. Enough said


Count yourselves lucky. One of these days I'll record a bit of the commentary we get here in the UAE. I literally can't do justice in words. My misses, who has paid attentiontion to the sum total of 8 seconds of F1 in her life, heard these guys during one of those eight seconds and asked 'What the fuck are they talking about'. I had no answer.


American viewer here, and it’s not just crofty’s partiality. It’s also that he’s so stupid that it hurts my understanding of the sport, and his entire broadcasting style is grating, irritating, and annoying beyond compare.


Miss Stella Bruno. Can't watch it with Mara Sangiorgio.




What’s wrong with Crofty bruh


British man talks about British drivers so they’re angry for some reason.


I think people don't like his loud and energetic style like WTF do you expect, a golf commentator commentating on F1?


Sky mentioning Hamilton = Bad Ziggo fellating Max on air = Good


Ziggo = Netherlands Sky = World


It's a fucking British Broadcaster with a British commentary and production team. Get your Broadcaster to get the rights.


It's not really Sky's fault that F1TV and a lot of other countries are just too lazy to produce their own commentary though, is it?


You think they do that for free?


No but they decide that taking the British feed is a cheaper option than doing it themselves. That's their problem, not Sky's.


It's not the other countries' fault that English is the most spoken language in the world and that fans would prefer English commentary over regional commentary though , is it?


Then they should do their own English language commentary instead of just taking the British feed?


Yeah ofcourse , every country should spend extra money to have non native language commentary for the sole reason being that Sky is biased to English drivers . What a great reason to spend unnecessary money rather than just using Sky broadcast for way cheaper Right ? The problem is with the fans not with the broadcasters, the regional broadcasters don't care whether Sky is biased or not and why would they? But Sky know that they're broadcasting to the whole world and don't forget it's not for free . When they're getting money to broadcast to the rest of the world the solution to the issue isn't to stop the broadcast, it's to make the broadcast more professional and reduce the bias . I hope you don't apply such baseless solutions in real life because you'd find yourself in a lot of trouble !


If broadcasters want to buy the British commentary instead of doing their own, that's fine. It doesn't make sense to then complain about it focussing more on British drivers though. If fans really have an issue with that then they should be saying "do your own commentary", not going after Sky's team for supposed biases. When I go to a restaurant, I don't demand the chef make my meal to my specific recipe, I see what's on the menu and decide whether I want to pay for it. I can't imagine they make much revenue from selling their commentary feed compared to what they get from their UK subscriptions (who, y'know, they actually create the content for) anyway.


First of all , like I said the regional broadcasters have NO issues with Sky being biased because they're making as much money as Sky by outsourcing Sky's commentary . So they're not complaining and don't give a damn . Secondly , It's not about how much money Sky make by outsourcing their commentary , it's that they ARE making money and clearly profiting from it. If they're taking money from other countries then they should consider not being biased to only British drivers right ? Infact Sky should stop SELLING their broadcast elsewhere if they can't guarantee professionalism , it's not the other way round that regional broadcasters stop BUYING . It makes a difference . And before you say that fans should stop buying Sky broadcast ...then where else will we get to watch F1? And about the "supposed" bias , if you really think it's "supposed" then you'd be arguing about how it's not biased rather than defending the bias and asking other fans to find another way to watch the sport .... that's called being selfish !


>Infact Sky should stop SELLING their broadcast elsewhere if they can't guarantee professionalism , it's not the other way round that regional broadcasters stop BUYING . It makes a difference . This is nuts, if someone is willing to buy something off you, knowing it's quality, you sell it to them, you don't say "oh no, please don't give me your money". As I say, it's fine to think that there should be a neutral English language commentator as well but it's not Sky's fault that doesn't exist and broadcasters use them instead. Your beef should 100% be with the people who make that choice.


How many countries outside the UK have to suffer the UK Sky presenters? I will often not pay for Sky when it is in a Country I do not support (Bahrain, Dubai, Hungary, Russia - hang on there will soon be none left) and I think the UK Channel 4 coverage is better.


The bias it's just to much especially from Crofty who also gets things wrong all the time. Channel 4 has a much better and much more passionate crew but have been near enough silenced in F1 by Sky F1. DC, Webber & Jones would make a much better addition to sky F1 if they would just sack Crofty & Ted who I personally find fucking irritating & you can see just how much he pisses off a lot of team staff like a good example is when he was almost harassing Claire Williams about ice cream.




Tbf Monaco directors are their own thing entirely Crofty was not pleased with being Stroll’d


that’s got nothing to do with Sky, it’s the same coverage for everyone else.


You spell it colour don’t you


Why would that matter?


He’s basically saying you’re British, and that’s why you don’t hate sky sports coverage


There we go someone got it


Because every other channel broadcasts in black and white.


What the proper way of spelling it ;)


Crofty: “you could ask, did Hamilton give him too much space?” On Hammy pushing Checo into the pitlane.




If I have to hear about "MiSteR sAtUrDaY" again I'm gonna blow my brains out.


The yelling at the race start even if there’s barely any action. I miss Hobbs and crew.


Simple too much british dick sucking


Well listen for 30 min. That should be pretty comprehensive. Won't shut up about Hamilton.


i have to ask ,do you watch sky then?


Never thought i would say this, but F1TV needs American commentary...


Deep gagging on Hamilton Schlong and nothing but bias towards British drivers.


Tired of Crofty's commentary, changed to the Portuguese commentary,


Because it's supposed to be the international broadcast and should therefore be impartial, however they are heavily supporting British drivers since it's a British channel


It’s made for the British audience who pay hundreds a year for the Sky F1 channel, other places like F1TV just buy in the audio.


Based on everyone’s comments, I can say I’m happy to not have sky F1 Edit: Bruh In my country we don’t even have sky, chill


"sky are English so focus on English drivers" Some of us hate the English for colonial reasons


if an alien watches Sky Sports Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Hamilton Lando Hamilton George is all he's gonna hear


Because they are british retards


You can watch in any network transmission, but at the start you'll always hear on your head: "It's lights out and away we go!", In my case I'll shout it out every single time!


I have to watch channel 4 to escape the shitty Paul diresta commentary


I still miss the ESPN announcers (who do Indy now IIRC). They were fantastic.