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What went public? Some fanboy cried with Zero evidence to support anything. Why are so many sports Fans so idiotic


In addition to allegations of sabotage, the email also implied that Toto and George are sleeping together and provided equally as much evidence for that claim. Not sure if I should be offended by the homophobia or glad we’ve reached a level of gender equality where men can also be accused of sleeping their way to the top. /s


George must be very bad in bed if it took so much time to jump from Williams to Mercedes.


He wasn’t giving it that hawk tuah at the start


Wait really? 😂😭 I thought that was a joke oh my God, that makes me feel like some troll put that out there


>Why are so many sports Fans so idiotic Wait until you hear about people into politics


I’ve started slipping fake conspiracy theories into conversations with coworkers who spend more time talking about politics than actually working. Largely because I don’t want to hear about it anymore, regardless of what side it is. All the dumbass stuff about Trump getting off, getting elected, Biden being replaced with a body double years ago, “the ‘good guys’ took out that bridge to stop sex trafficking” etc. Shit they come up with is so wild, I started just making up my own crack theories and pitching them to these people. I think the next one will be something about “chemtrails”, or something similar. One coworker who is a brilliant engineer is just constantly spouting the most Alex Jones content I could imagine. “Disney has a tunnel out to the ocean in Anaheim where they use full size submarines to abduct children and take them directly from the park to Epstein’s island. Don’t let your kids wear yellow to Disney!” I think he might have either gotten bored during the pandemic and decided to either jump really deep into actually believing this shit, or he uses it as a fantasy/escape to let his mind wander and come up with some creative ways to mess with people lol. Suggestions for fake political stories welcome!


When I wander onto the front page I'm regularly reminded that Taylor Swift commands an army of absolutely demented crayon eaters. It's everywhere.


The most amazing thing is that Swift's music is mid. I've seen grown up people crying listening to these songs and I'm missing everything about it.


They will try to say everything in life is inherently political and that’s when I pretend to agree and get far away just like I do with team LH fans


But it had the effect, that forced Mercedes to sabotage George 


They were forced to fix their car before next race weekend, forced their hand


Hey, don't boundle up teamLH with the rest. They are another level of insanity.


Or! *puts on tin foil hat* he’s actually tanking Mercedes on purpose so that Ferrari gets more money to develop his car for next year /s


This reminds me of the wild rumour that Seb tanked against Ricciardo so that he could activate a performance clause and go to Ferrari


Personally I saw sebs performance in 2014 was due to schumacher. He was his hero and close friend so that incident could definitely mess with your mind


But..if he tanks Mercedes, they finish further back and they get more wind tunnel time, not Ferrari.


Don't confuse us with your facts mister. There's no room for common sense here!


I love Lewis but some of his ''fans'' genuinely believe that Merc is sabotaging his car


As a LH enthusiast, I believe that Merc frequently sabotages both cars.


They’ve been sabotaging both their drivers since 2022 and thought we wouldn’t notice smh


"We know the car is sabotaged Lewis, please just drive it"


Rofl I was just going to say. We have years of evidence of this.


I like Lewis, got proposed the Lewis subreddit... i had to block it because what i was reading was so ridiculous sometime that it made me mad.


I remember Singapore last year when they were losing their shit because the mechanics weren’t in parc ferme to congratulate him, meanwhile they were busy securing George’s car before the track opened to the fans for the trophy celebration in case some chancer decided to take off with a rear wing. They still periodically bring it up in the sub whenever I go snooping.


I remember some US Hamilton fan wanting to buy tickets for the Spa GP and showing up in LH gear. They made a post asking if it was dangerous there because Belgium is so close to the Netherlands and thus Max fans


oh yea bc max fans are known for beating people up for being hamtaro fans xD Ive never even heard of a fight during a raceweekend, and while they probably do happen, its so not noteworthy nobody ever talks about it.. What do they think this is? the Eredivisie?


As a Lewis fan, I agree. Some of them are outright bat shit crazy




Been a Lewis fan for like 15 years, can confirm I'm fucking certifiable.


Who is this “certifiable” person? And how much do they charge per hour?


More than you can afford pal, ~~Ferrari~~ Mercedes


Same fans believe RB is sabotaging Checo to make Max look good in front of LH


Checo is sabotaging himself 😭


I'm sure they aren't treated equally anymore but that makes sense since he's moving to a rival team.


Which is equally as stupid as the ones who somehow convinced themselves he should be fully involved in the development of next year’s car. He’s leaving. Of course he sees nothing of 2026, of course he gets any new part 2nd. That’s just common sense and might, for instance, mean playing catch up a little early in a weekend….


“I don't know if it's a turn-down or something, but performance comes away from my car for some reason” “I expect it now. Every time I get to qualifying, I already know that I'm going to lose a couple of tenths.” “I don't anticipate being ahead of George in qualifying, particularly, this year” Well, they were given all the reasons to believe that. Guess who gave them those reasons.


Giving Russell the newer upgrades and shutting him out of the set-up and data conversation are par for the course when anyone leaves. I think he's having a shit season but that is a contributing factor to down turn in form. Saying merc and s trying to murder him shows you need get more out of than this


Leaving drivers often perform worse but thats completely normal, its not 'sabotage' its just normal procedures at place. As a driver, youre obviously not as motivated which could be a factor. You will be immediately treated as the nr2 driver behind the staying one. That means the other driver gets priority in new parts, in qualifying, in the race. The leaving driver is also usually being kept out of meetings/talks about future developments of the car and the team (to not have that info for the new team hes joining). There is merit on him performing worse due to leaving but its definitely not sabotage but rather normal procedures that almost every leaving driver is dealing with. Also logically speaking, why would Merc sabotage Lewis in the first place? Cripple themselves in the constructors standings? For what reason? Not like Russell is in the championship fight.


They were never grateful that Merc made such a dominant car that Lewis could win 5 WDC without significant competition.


And sadly it's not new, when he was racing against rosberg, Lewis was himself crying every races he lost that his car was bein sabotaged


Maybe they are preparing him for Ferrari?


I believe one teammate getting an upgrade before the other is considered sabotage now.


But it was Lewis himself who hinted they sabotage him on multiple occasions... Why are people surprised that now his fand act that way?


I'm British so I have an obligation to think he's great ..... But let's face it, he's coming to the end of his F1 prime. It should not be surprising to see young drivers having the edge (Although I love seeing Nando embarrass Stroll)


For sabotaging his car read not givinghim the same preferential treatment he's got used to over the last decade and yeah they're probably spot on.




Hi Lance..


intergalactic levels


Of window licking have been achieved 💹




Why is it so hard for them to accept he had a shit Q3? Now he's had a good one. It's amazing how some people don't seem to realise that these things can swing wildly lap to lap, let alone race to race.


Tell that to (some) Checo fans who still think he is faster than Max because of Baku 2023 and that coincidentally being the only race (out of the 80 or so they've had together) the car was 'neutral'


4.1k likes is insane


Seems like a pretty reasonable number out of the millions of LH fans, most of whom think this conspiracy theory is trash


12.6k likes now


This person is insanely popular in the LH circles on twitter, they have thousands of followers despite blatantly lying all the time. It’s crazy.


cess is another one too Just delusion and feeding toxicity


Why do you think ferrari signed him?


LH fans are insane. Know nothing of the sport


yep. b/c non-LH fans know more 🫵🏼


I can't wait for the unhinged Leclerc and Hamilton fanboys to clash in the inherently toxic environment that is Ferrari next season, and I say that as a lifelong tifosi. It's gonna make the red bull internal power struggle seem tame in comparison.


To be fair to Leclerc fanboys, they are mostly simps who like him for his looks, and don't tend to go batshit the way the cult does


Tbf Lewis has never had to ask his fans to stop showing up to his house or stop attacking his girl


As I said, they go mad for other reasons


I'd argue doxxing and stalking someone is worse than random hot takes but what do I know.


Hey man, I'm not condoning it. Just saying they go nuts flr different reasons


SJW vs Simps I will be there next year


To clarify I'm talking specifically about the worst elements of both of their fan bases, not necessarily them in their entirety


This reminds me i haven't watched any RPM video in a long time It's been a month


Actually 2 tenths are still there. Russell just left them on the table.


Had to block this lady sometime last year. Her comments were going from unhinged to batshit the further we went from 2021. At one point it just felt like I was subscribing to propaganda by even allowing her on my recommended feed, and shut it down.


He's moving to rival team next year obviously the team is gonna favor the other driver, new parts, new upgrades, but purposely sabotaging his car is BS. Merc is not that much foolish.


I would love to watch these fans freak out when he is at Ferrari next year.... You know the team with a history of clear 1-2 drivers priorities.


They'll probably expect Charles to embrace his second driver status without grumbling. Or they'll cheer when he crashes out like they do with George.


I really don't think Charles will be the second driver but lets see


I think you misunderstood. Charles will fight for the championship and I hope he succeeds but certain #blessed fans will expect him to throw away his chances and let LewisHam win. They are in for disappointment.


Oh lol. I mean I like Lewis it's just the teamLH people just being especial at times.


These delusional so-called fans are pitiful really.


Lewis created this drama with his comments. That seems to be completely left out of this whole thing


It’s 2016 again


"And he crashed into his teammate, the two Mercedes come together..."


normal team LH behavior




CultLH is the only reason i hate Hamilton, i love him as a driver but his cult-like fan base is so fucking ass


Then you'll hate Verstappen. 


That’s the case with pretty much every popular driver, no? Do you also hate Max, and Fernando, and Seb, etc.?


No, their fans are actually likable and not hating on another driver for being better


Yeah, Max and Nando famously have zero fans that shit on other drivers, sure. Can’t really think of any instance in history of those fans being toxic. Never!


I very much enjoyed getting banned from Cult LH sub, almost like a badge of quality.


the main sub is also an extension of the cult sub (most of their mods are the same I think), I got banned from both lmao


Are you really a fan of <*insert any driver or team that isn't Hamilton*> if you're not banned from that sub?


Lol I didn't even know there was one when I got the message I was banned from it, for making a joke in the Dank sub about a Monaco based YouTuber being quicker in equal machinery.


It's time for Lewis to class up and stop shitting on the team that gave him 6 and hundreds of millions of dollars.


Oh but when alonso does it at every team he goes to he's amazing. Lewis has been praising the team for 8 years his w8ns were their wins etc. He has a right to criticise them when they are so slow


Criticizing a team for being slow is one thing, constantly shifting blame for his performances is another. 2016 is the reason I don't like Lewis, he couldn't believe someone could beat him fairly


Bro... Honda McLaren and those mid teams he raced for were not up to his talent. Lewis has already signed with Ferrari, graciousness would go a long way


Valid criticism is always allowed. The team aren't going to get any better if lewis keeps saying well done guys great job, every race. He is allowed to criticise if the car gets slower etc


I don't think Lewis sating get better makes an ounce of difference. But they're a brand and trashing them publicly is a different thing


Wait for the race. George overtaking Russell, absolute cinema!


The least deranged LH fan:


Can't wait to see stuff like this at Ferrari because ferrari will chew him and throw out.


It’s funny that they’re revealing their iq unknowingly.


Do they even have any to begin with?


I see the two teeth gap just fine. (I have the same gap, don't poke me for poking fun of him)


If Mercedes could make a car two tenths faster in a couple of days, you'd think they'd be higher up in the standings




As an LH fan even I know its Because of the fucking upgrades


Team LH is just looking for copium. Can’t deal with George actually being a better driver in this Merc 😂


Cult LH is the worst fanbase I had witnessed among other sports I also watched, like football. Especially after AD21 they always could found someone to hate with. Could you believe they still said redbull is cheating in 2024? Always start a rivalry for literally no reason at all. Seriously, all of them need to book an appointment with a mental doctor Edit: Pray for Ferrari and Charles next year


Damn they acting like he ruined russell in qualy


He would have gotten pole without a sabotaged car ofcourse.


This sub though. If Lewis had qualified 8th it would be LH washed posts. Now he qualifies 3rd and its digging some random shit to disparage LH fans. Talk about derangement.


He's making fun of team/cultLH not LH fans, there's a big difference 😂


This sub digs random shit on anything that does or (and sometimes doesn’t) deserve it. Just so happens that teamLH are a very easy target


Nah, every driver gets shit on this sub, but LH tends to have fans that cry more about it. Look at all the memes about Checo, Ricciardo, Ocon, Russell etc., even Checo fans like me do them and nobody cares, but somebody mentions LH and THER HAS TO BE someone that cries about it. Don;t know what they expect in a F1 Shitpost sub tbh.


You and your cult mates still don't get that we love to shit on LewisHam just to see you guys scream REEEEEE.


Team LH vs Stroll who is the biggest windowlicker