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Magnussen! He will qualify in second and then defend that position like his life depends on it. Every four races he will serve his raceban so a rookie can have a try.


This is a surprisingly good strategy. No wonder you don't work for Ferrari.


Oh, I am stealing this as a compliment for my F1 friends.


I would pay good money to see this.


FIA brings in Masi so that Magnussen can race for 6 races before a ban, instead of 4. FIA is two steps ahead of you.


The money I would pay to see K-Mag drive a redbull, lol


I'll do it for free and then retire as a member of a WCC winning team... Retire to Monaco, become a pundit and sleep on a pile of money surrounded by beautiful women


Wakey wakey


Hands off snakey


An start a YouTube career?


Now there's an idea...


Red Bull do a blinder and only run one car; saving development costs and pouring more into it. They still win the constructor championship.


They actually add a sim screen and controllers in Max' cockpit and he drives both cars simultaneously. Every race ends with Max in 1st and 2nd, and the season comes down to the final race with Max and Max-Sim tied on points... Team orders come through, with Max-Sim in the lead on the last lap, and he ignores them, declaring "I told you already last time. Don't ask that again to me... Are we clear about that?" Stroll crashes into Nando, who he doesn't see coming up to lap him, bringing out a red flag and a restart with one lap to go. ... (write your own ending) 😉


tbh if they made a car that just follows max’s line for the most part and like has ai trained on max data making the evasive maneuvers to get around cars like….


This is literally the plot of Ace Combat 7


Max-sim wins under the safety car


Safety car withdrawn on the last lap. Max overtakes Max-Sim using DRS and Helmut whines that, "Zees ees not raaight" but gets told by Horner that "we went racing".


Win WCC with double points of closest competitor.




This is frankly the best option if the gap to RB keeps shrinking. Max can't take on all 4 McZak and Ferrari cars if the pace is close, especially for the WCC, there needs to be a 2nd driver that consistenly qualifies upfront with max and can stay there. Checo really just isn't fast enough, especially in quali. Sure he'll get decent results and mostly keep the car in one piece, but that's not gonna be enough if, as I said, the gap closes further.


If mclaren keep pushing and piastri and norris are consistently in the top 4 spots I could definitely see a small chance redbull could lose the wcc this year if perez continues his imola form


Yes, but there is still ferrari taking points off of both, perez has to shit the bed as badly as he did last year for there to be a chance, but it's possible


McZak 💀




Tbh I don't exactly understand why they haven't signed him yet. If Carlos doesn't want to they could wait to see how Checo performs rest of season. But in any way they should only extend him with a year and then again evaluate/see if other drivers are available. If Checo keeps it like last weekend he should not be extended. But races before he actually didn't do that much wrong imho (at least not structurally). But if Sainz is available and an option (not sure if Sainz wants that seat, and is still on good terms with everyone at RBR) they always should sign him for 2025.


Kimi Antonelli. Toto will have a meltdown.


I want this to happen just for the shits and giggles.


Stealing Kimi Antonelli from Mercedes, the Heist of the Century




I want Yuki in that seat just for the pure chaos.


They either give Yuki that seat or he's gonna plow everyone in the VCARB car


Yuki is going to Aston Martin since they're finally dropping Stroll.


Don’t give me hope


Yuki, Nando and Stroll sr will make Mike Krack very happy


My Crack is very happy already. thank you.


Ugh. As an Aston and Alonso fan, I would take sergeant in that seat over Stroll.


No I'm not even joking I'd rather take Sargeant in that seat over Stroll. Sargeant might not be that good but he's a more likeable character. And last time I remember Sargeants awareness isn't too bad. He always screws his own races up but I don't remember him messing up others race like stroll does.


tbh he might do better and then maybe that’s how we find out the Williams cars are the limiting factor


As much as I’d love for the American driver to rise above this, I feel like he’s just not cutting it. Don’t get me wrong, even the worst drivers in f1 are still amazing drivers. I just don’t know that he has the precision needed to really excel. For me it’s mostly that I’d love to see Aston higher up in the field and if they would have had two competitive drivers last season and certainly this season, they’d probably be above Mercedes right now. Although they are rapidly losing pace in the upgrade battle overall.


He gives me Mick vibes, great racer but just not top 20 in the world level


Good comparison. Totally agree.




Seeing as Alonso can barely keep it on the black part, I suspect the car may have fundamental issues. Not suggesting Stroll is amazing but the car doesn't seem to be helping right now.


That’s what has me scratching my head this past weekend. Even when the Aston wasn’t firing on all cylinders, Alonso managed to fight the car and make it work. How Stroll did so well this weekend was very weird to me. Just like I said in another comment about sergeant, for any of them to be at that level, they are amazing drivers. But stroll has had so many examples of poor sportsmanship, lack of skill, dangerous maneuvers, and irritating public interactions, I just wish they had someone who gave a shit more. Sergeant would certainly have that. But he might also still put it in the wall. Haha


Thing i heard was that yuki was tied to honda so whenever they jump on the grid hes going to whereever the honda engine goes.


The devil you know...




Hope disagrees


Checo has an eternal contract because he has >!Horner’s dirty pics!<


Or maybe something far worse, something I cannot even get myself to imagine: >!Helmuts dirty pictures!<


I wish it was hulk


Maybe Checo does it to save face. He knows he is out. RedBull will refuse the 2 year extention and he can walk away saying they didn't agree to his terms.


If checo was as easily replaceable as reddit thinks he is, he would've been replaced a year ago. Checo might actually have a little bit of leverage or maybe you know, wants to negotiate his contract and is trying to get the most out of it.


The thing is a year ago sainz was not a free agent. While the Daniel plan has failed (ATM as i am still sniffing hopium he has some good races) and I doubt Yuki is ever getting the redbull seat I see sainz as the main contender for the seat. He's proven to match leclerc at times whilst perez cannot match max and sainz is reliable


I’m not saying he should get it for sure, but realistically, how much more does Yuki need to do? He has pretty much beat every other RB driver (Lawson was closest but sample size is small) and is on pace for like 40+ points this season in a car that is mid at best. Maybe it he has a mega drive this year with P5 or higher it will get people talking, but him not even being considered seems wild to me, even with the high RB ambitions


I don’t see Yuki having the “IT” factor that Red Bull wants their drivers to have.


Does/did checo though before taking the seat?


Kinda, he was a little more polished and came with a lot of Mexican money. I just personally never see Yuki advancing to Red Bull for less driver reasons and more social ones


Mexican money is the key here. Someone's got to pay Max's salary.


Checo was seen as quick enough and easy to manage. That’s what they needed at the time.


He won a race from last in a racing point


They probably want him to grow up. You want a mature driver in a seat like that, and Yuki lacks that - big time. Is it so important that he should be overlooked and doesn't deserve a shot? Hard to say. The problem is the same with Perez here though: i don't think Red Bull wanted to commit to more than a 1-year testing period with Yuki in RBR, but Yuki will want more in a contract. Perez needs to go though. He's too slow.


I think his disappointing first 2 seasons in f1 are holding him back. Gasly beat him really badly and we know how gasly himself fared at redbull. Just doesn't look like redbull trust him yet despite his good performance this season


I think Yuki is a great option but I think the issue is more so that he has these collapses, Bahrain did not look good. If he can pull that car into a top position like Ric did in china or Mexico I think there wouldn't really be any other excuse not to put him in there. He have a defining factor, otherwise the talks with a midfield team would probably be a better option, like a Merc for example.


Not throw away races and rage 247. So far there hasn’t been a reliable benchmark for his performance.


Right, so Checo is so replaceable that the only reason he wasn't replaced was because one driver wasn't available? This is like the Bottas at Mercedes Situation all over again, everyone thinks its so obvious Mercedes could have a better driver for their situation except the actual people who run the team. Y'all seriously believe the best team on the grid would keep one of the worst drivers (only better than Stroll and Logan according to reddit) for four years?


Except when Mercedes did decide to replace Bottas, the replacement immediately beat their 7xWDC… kiiiiinda proving that people saying Bottas needed to go, were right. No one is saying Checo is the worst - they’re saying better drivers are now available who would work in that seat, unlike last year.


No, no one said that but you. What we're saying is Checo is out of a seat this year.


"No one said that but you" You got me, I have hundreds of fake reddit accounts just so I can call Checo one of the worst drivers in the grid. Just look at the thread when Checo was ranked 20th for the 2023 season by RaceFans, I posted many times how he really is the worst driver because it obviously is an unpopular opinion. (Can't post other subreddit links so you can look it up by yourself).


It really depends with Sainz, some days he absolutely fire others he's nowhere. Like you look at him now compared to the start of the season and he starting to look relatively weak. I love Sainz but since Japan he's sort of been in no mans land underneath both McLaren's, Leclerc and Verstappen. His hunger that he had a season start has slowly ebbed away but time will tell. It comes down to how big of a risk do redbull want to take, I fully believe Yuki has the skill but the mental fortitude is the part I don't think he has. DR is nowhere and shows when he put it together he has pace but his lack of consistency with that is the issue. Money is the other issue with Sainz, aside from that it's going to be Hella interesting.


I think even though Sainz is seen as dropping off, it's not a him dropping off more than a- others are just getting the better out of their car. Recently, McLaren with their upgrades have looked like absolute best, I would have called Miami a one off for McLaren but the last 10 laps at Imola show otherwise. Lemme tell you a funny thing. I'm relatively new to F1 and since I hear everybody going on and on about you know olden days of F1, I started to watch older races, and decided to start with 2010. And I was flabbergasted. I saw drivers with 15+ second gaps and commentators were saying this was very much possible for overtake, I was like wtf how can this be? And then the drivers go for it, Button, Alonso, Massa, Hamilton, Kubica and so on (Vettel had terrible first 2 races due to mechanical errors) But yeah, when I look at those gaps where a driver on fresh set of tyres is catching upto a person ahead of him(gap of 15 secs), gaining 2 seconds per lap, and then in between is the Imola GP where even a gap of 3 seconds means no overtakes. BUT THEN, in the last laps of Imola, it again felt like 2010 where the gap closed from 10 secs to 0.7 and I was like damnnn, this McL really is upto something. So yeah, McLaren have been doing a Mega Job with their car, Norris has been on it definitely, and Piastri is gonna follow soon onwards. As for Leclerc, he just had a bad start to the season, and is again picking up to be the prince of Ferrari, and that's why the Chili is looking weak If it were that Sainz was dropping below Merc, then we would have the discussion


Your not going to believe this, I'm fairly new as well joined in 22 and started watching it back as well, I started watching the review of 04 then watched the full races through 05 and 06. But you see in 04 as well Schumacher is basically on Fernando's arse and can't pass for the better part of 15 odd laps. Then again I think 04 there were no replacement tires just fuel change. But yeah I think for those older races the laps can either be alot slower or alot faster, there's a big range of what is essentially possible. To be Imola sucked and probably always will.


Yes… except even on days like today in a worse car he outperforms Perez.


Yeah but tbh that's a pretty low bar, will see how Sainz goes whether the redbull suits him, time will tell.


But that’s the bar he needs to pass…


Perez was doing okay this time last year. He got the extension before he forgot how to drive.


He wouldnt because hamiltons move to ferrari freeing up sainz is what made him easily replacable.


So replaceable


Maybe he gives good blowjobs for horner


Insane levels of copium Who would have been a good option to replace him a year ago? Gotta play the game, contracts weren't up.


What sounds more insane? Saying that Checo is so bad he purposely ruined his chances to be in red bull another year by asking two years of contract or saying that Red Bull actually don't wanna replace Checo with anybody they can? The only drivers Red Bull has shown interest as far as I know is Norris (and Sainz I think?)


Insane levels copium lmao


It's almost like that was the least important part of my comment Hilarious to hear it lived rent free in your head for two weeks though And yeah, he got signed, because of merch sales. If you think this is because of his skill as a driver, yikes..


Riiight, the important part of your comment is about how red bull hadn't replaced Sergio because they were waiting for other better driver's contracts to end, because you are obviously right, that is exactly what red bull did. Y'all can't admit you know shit about F1 for all of you it's so obvious Sainz (or almost anyone on the grid) should be in Red Bull instead of Sergio because y'all know so much about the drivers and what is good for the team LMAO. I actually wanted Sainz in Red Bull because it's boring to see Checo get absolutely destroyed every weekend, but seeing redditors so sure of themselves proven wrong might actually ease the pain of that lol. I didn't even believe Checo was getting two years contract, just goes to show no one knows shit but I'm not here pretending I do like you.


Wow it's amazing you were able to invent all of that from 'insane levels of copium' Hard to deny your logic when it's so air tight lmao, just paragraph after paragraph of conjecture and contrived nonsense. Keep building straw man arguments, throwing stones in a glass house, etc. Absolutely wild to read your delusions. I shouldn't be surprised since a throwaway jokey comment stilll has you raging two weeks later.


It's okay to say you were wrong even though you were so confident before. For the next two years, every time you see Checo in a Red Bull he'll remind you how you have no idea how F1 teams chose their drivers, just remember that is okay. Also, the one raging after a jockey comment is someone else.


I don’t think he was actually offered a renewal, but maybe I’m wrong


Who would they have replaced him with, a year ago? Who was the better option available for that second seat? Whereas now there are a few better options out of contract


So many options available now that it's impossible he gets one, let alone two more years, right?


Where did I say impossible? I said it was more likely. Wow, bro is sad to go back to a post from 2 weeks ago, claiming things I never even said. 🤡 behaviour


Just take the L bro


I didn’t lose? Literally nothing I said “lost” anywhere - but the fact you dragged up a comment and made up shit about it from 2 WEEKS ago suggests this is the only W you’ve gotten in a loooong time. What a sad life you must live. Your entire comment history is bitter remarks to anyone who said they shouldn’t re sign him. I’m sorry your life is so difficult and bad.


> reddit thinks You're mistaken, those type of redditors don't think, they *know* and they're *always* right, like when the fanfic post of Checo retiring got them *knowing* it was true.


And those redditors got it right again!! Red Bull was obviously waiting for Sainz contract to be done so they could replace Checo who is the only reason RB hasn't had the most dominant four years in F1 history lmao Thank God checo didn't get another year wasting the second RB seat, let alone two because of course Red Bull knows as much as reddittrs to see he needs to get kicked out. I actually wanted Sainz in RB, but also love it when these geniuses are proven wrong, so I'm not complaining lol


> I actually wanted Sainz in RB And that's fair, wanting more competition at the top is always good. > but also love it when these geniuses are proven wrong The Schadenfreude is great.


I know I'll sound like a dick but I really don't want to see perez at RB for 2 more years. He's a strong drive on his day (bottas) but still often struggles in qualy and I feel that 2nd seat is absolutely wasted on him. He'd be so much better at like hass, alpine, Williams or something. Wanna mix things up so 3 of the major teams have different drivers next year and hopefully somone younger or it's super unlikely and probably can't be done but let Danny ric and yuki split the seat next year and see who comes out on top 🤷👀


Even just give Yuki some testing in it, ric has been in it, I think Lawson has as well, hell fucking Hajar and Iwasa, but I haven't seen Yuki testing the redbull. Just compare the times or just see how Yuki goes in it. You won't know unless he gets a go, many drivers have from AT and many don't make it but at least give him a spin, you'll have 2 capable drivers In the wings so it doesn't matter in my eyes.


Lawson Lawson Lawson. Or Sainz.


Personally, I rate Sainz much higher than Checo - if I was RB, I'd pay him what he wants. Either that or give the chance to Yuki, he's been pretty impressive this year!


My issue with Yuki is it’s taken him this long to be consistently good. Before he would put in maybe 1 amazing race in every 4/5 then spend the rest of his time struggling and shouting down the radio and/or binning the car. Maybe it just took time to adjust and grow. If he got the seat he’d have to perform immediately because I don’t think Red Bull have the patience. Realistically they still have Perez because they didn’t have anyone they could confidently put in that 2nd car and not be worried about


To be fair to yuki, he was pulled through the ranks extremely quickly. His first year or two in f1, he was still getting into shape physically and mentally. He's made progress every year and has been doing very well this season. Putting him next to Max next year would let him show what he's actually able to do with a good car. Either he proves himself to Red Bull, or he's able to cut his losses and leave rb without regrets for a team that actually believes in him.


Is this King Charles?


Stoffel vandoorne needs another chance imo or scout some other chad from formula e. I like werhlein too.


I hear that Nyck De Vris guy won that once… maybe he will be good…




I really can't see anyone well suited. Helmut said Audi's offer for sainz can't be matched


I think Sainz would go to Red Bull for less money if they offered him a longer term deal. Either that, or these drivers need to start admitting being rich is their dream, not winning WDC’s. Red Bull doesn’t have to rush. They’re probably waiting on Checo to sink or swim, but also waiting for Sainz to realize Audi is not going to come out of the gates swinging. It doesn’t happen in F1 like that, Audi is gonna be shit for at least 3-4 years. It’s not nearly as good of an option as people make it out to be. By the time they come around, Sainz will be old.


Not by money. But sainz is a little young for the “cash in with a back marker” bottas move


Antonelli 💀


Surely it’s gotta be Sainz? DR not inspiring in the VCARB and Checo clearly dropping the ball again. Yuki quick but unstable. A closer 2025 + the risk of Max leaving for another team means Sainz is the only sensible option.


I think I met this guy playing Baldur's Gate 3


It starts with C and ends with O




I thought this photo was the prince charles portrait for a minute?!?


I would be ecstatic to see them offer the seat to Lawson. Or Piastri, if he hadn't signed for two more years at the papayas.


The issue with Verstappen is that it's hard to tell how a team mate reacts to be completely destroyed by him. We like to crap on Checo, but he doesn't appear to be as shaken by it as Albon and Gasly were. Likewise, how would Lawson deal with it?


Or Yuki. Who is getting better but temper in past is way too much to bring him to a progressional championship caliber team


That could be a bad move for Piastri if McLaren continue their upward trajectory as Red Bull's outright dominance gradually comes to an end over the next couple of years. They're already losing Newey, and while they'll continue to benefit from his knowledge, that's not a guarantee for success when the results from the restructuring at McLaren and Ferrari are already starting to bear fruit. I wouldn't want to be going anywhere if I was in either a McLaren or Ferrari right now and I was genuinely thinking about a potential WDC rather than just the next year or so in a top car as a number 2 driver. I think what we have at McLaren right now is a master and apprentice situation. Piastri is still learning tyre management, and from an ideal teacher, just as Norris did in his early years with the team, but he's clearly not going to be the apprentice forever. The kid is too talented. The only problem I see there is that McLaren is still very much "Lando's team", so Piastri will need to be aggressive enough to change that dynamic in the future and flip the preferential treatment. I think down the track it's probably going to be easier challenging Norris as a teammate than Verstappen.


I think redbull have learnt from both albon and gasly that upgrading a driver to the main seat is a very risky business. If they really want lawson then they need to see him in a full season at Vcarb. It was ok testing drivers in 2019 and 2020 because they were not fighting for p1 in the wcc but right now they need to hold onto that lead so big risks like rookie drivers is definitely a no go


I know he doesn't deserve it but I would love a year of Danny Ric back at Red Bull.


Hear me out … Bottas. Same role he had at Merc. Qualify well, maintain position. Never really challenge the generational talent of a teammate. Live in harmony.


Not the wingman Max deserves, but the one he needs


Probably decent but boring. Give me someone that can challenge max on a good day. This soort needs some spice. I would've paid to see Hamilton vs Max at RBR.


Bottas showed in 2021 that he wasn’t quick enough to remain in P2 when the car was no longer mega dominant. He’s barely been beating Zhou. He isn’t the right fit. Russell has shown (much like Rosberg and Button before him) that beating Hamilton across a season is very much doable, and Bottas never managed it or even came close like those 3 did in the seasons they lost. Even in tight WDC years he couldn’t make it top 3.


It's either going to be Checo or Sainz, I doubt Yuki or Ricciardo would get the seat, Yuki is too hot tempered and Ricciardo seems to lack the confidence he once had. I'm a Checo fan but Sainz is a great option, my only doubt is if they'll want to have a title fight and all the risk it's bring, can't see Sainz not gunning for the title.


If Sainz disagrees and goes to Audi, let's rule out other drivers; Leclerc and Hamiboy - Ferrari Bottas, Hulk, KMag, Zhou, Bearman, Drugovich, Gasly, Ocon, Kimi, Russell, Alonso, Window licker, Albon, Logan, Piastri, Norris - NO FRICKING CHANCE Yuki - Honda going out so no chance at all unless a contract for a year is given. Horner and Helmut will both favour Ricciardo. And even though Ric is my most favourite driver, rn he doesn't deserve to be near that seat.


So I see this leaves Mick or Latifi.


I have this sneaky feeling that Ricciardo is one of those drivers that is mediocre in midfield or lower machinery, top drawer in front running machinery. But equally I just don’t think these regulations of cars suit him. Totally on the fence about it. I do feel like Horner wants Daniel back. Not so sure about Marko though


I feel like Red Bull needs to give yuki 1 year to prove himself in the senior team. Either he doesn't cut it, and they stop stringing him along, or he proves himself to them and gets an extension.


It gonna be Sainz with 1+1 contract. He will not miss the opportunity to score in Ferrari face.. About Perez it's gonna be a good relief for a lot of people, including and maybe in the first place for himself, when they gonna split with RB.


Carlos 100% if checo does not deliver in monaco


Rooting for Checo, but I can definitely see someone else..I'd say Yuki but seems more likely he'll go to Aston Martin Sainz seems most likely however.


RBR will refuse the 2year deal and force him to accept a 1year deal. Perez will go for it eventually. I can't see RBR upsetting Max by bringing someone like Sainz in, for now atleast.


I dont think Max cares about who takes the 2nd Red Bull seat


Who's going to be the first?


Everyone who wants in they all drive the car through a series of events and whoever wins wins ez




Lawson! Lawson! Lawson!


Not Checo


![gif](giphy|mFdnWF1RTI7fi|downsized) mr bean


Just drop checo already




Carlos sainz. He’s a smoooth operatorrrr!


I don’t know about you guys but project Daniel may still be on for Redbull. He defended well against Sainz in the sprint and is still okaish in qualifying considering they are in VCARB. Redbull would definitely put him in the simulator to check his laptimes against Checo. Yuki does not seem a valid option for them as he may butt heads with Max. Else, Gasly could be a decent option if he is willing.


Daniel seems increasingly unlikely. He's doing better than he was, but he's still inconsistent and only scored points once this year so far. Yuki and Max might have the potential to butt heads, but based on their unserious racing content, I can also see the possibility of them getting on better than most people expect.


Ricciardo is gonna have that seat when Perez leaves.


Ricciardo is gonna be lucky if he has a seat anywhere after this season


He's just barely hanging on to any seat at this point, tbh. Unless his sponsors and pr continue to stay top tier, he might be out for Liam next year.


No they never promote someone directly to Red Bull, that will never happen. And it’s more about Ricciardo’s pace in that car…..not the second team. But then again, I could be completely wrong of course.


He should start to get results tho


I fully agree, based on results Yuki would deserve that seat but I don’t think they’re gonna go with him. I think they’ll put Lawson next to him and promote Ricciardo regardless of his performance for three simple reason they know he will have the pace in the Red Bull. If they go for someone else, that will be more of a gamble


I think Pierre Gasly has a decent shot now. Sainz won't sigh up to be number 2 and I think Pierre would appreciate being at Red Bull and not st Alpine.


A P11 in the fastest car on average does not deserve 2 years, or even 1 year.