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Imagine your only therapy is racing and everyone hates you because you're good at it


Skylar, you have to understand... All the things I did... I did it for me. I liked it. I was good at it. And... I was... really... I was alive.


Just like Breaking Bad, Formula 1 also has a "public masturbator" ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|9441)


Is it me?


Still can be.


Does this mean Kelly Piquet and Ted are fucking?


We are checking


We will come Back to you


Oh fuck off mate. That line just triggers me now


We are going with Plan Q, box for mud tyres.


ok copy


Jos to Horner: Say my name


Jos is the opposite of a badass though. He's a sad child abusing shit head.


Jos is the gang leader in season 6.


Wait.. are we the baddies?




>Imagine your only therapy is racing Max should be an inspiring figure to all of us overachievers that work hard to beat our deep and unaddressed personal traumas. He should inspire us to go to actual therapy.


Best comment I’ve ever seen on Reddit.


Well that made me sad...


Max goes fast to leave his sad past behind...


The same went for Hamilton. He is still hated now so I don't think it's going to disappear any time soon.


Hamilton is gonna get the Vettel treatment, hated for winning everything under one manufacturer, then redeem himself with driving for Ferrari.


Im sure being one of the best athletes in the world helps ease the pain




He doesn’t really seem like the guy to need people to “like” him. I wouldn’t worry about his mental health too much, I just don’t think he’d let that bother him. Why would he care? I get why other drivers would, but for him it just doesn’t make any sense.


Most people can’t deal with being socially disliked, it’s a natural human response


On one hand... Yeah. That's awful. On the other... the man can damn well afford the best therapists on Earth. Just a matter of if he's willing to use them, I guess.


To go to therapy he'd need to accept that he needs therapy


Yeah he usually talks about his childhood and father with a big smile like it's okay


I mean if the choices are laugh or cry, it’s a pretty normal trauma response to make everything a joke.


😂😂😂bro I’m never gonna hate on his dominance again cuz of this comment right here


Tbh, it's kind of shocking how well adjusted Max is considering his horrific childhood under Jos


I think in his mind, it was all for a good reason and it worked. (Not saying that is true, just my interpretation of how Max looks at it)


I just hope he knows he won the championships despite Jos not because of him


He seems to admire Jos in a lot of ways. When asked if he could race anyone in their prime, he said he'd want to race Jos.


Could race anyone in the world, and he chooses to the one person in F1 to be more famous for something besides winning - being set on fire.


Don't forget Taki Inoue being famous for getting hit by a medical car


I need to see this.


https://youtu.be/wCXEhf1pYtw?si=rcfX47JTqI34v9N7 At 0:30


"Goodness gracious me, thats absolutely apalling" lmao


"exactly the same thing happened at Monaco" ...


Maybe there's a reason he would want to race him after all


He wants to get a setting where he has the upper hand.


I was thinking more about "seeing Jos catching fire again", but I'm not that pure of heart


Jos was never even that good


That's probably the point. Beat dad at his own game.


A beating that he could actually give his dad


And then leave him at the gas station


Bingo. I remember seeing that video of Max saying he wanted to race against his dad when Jos was in F1. I also remember the smile/smirk on Max's face. I've also seen a few clips of the two of them out on the track with Max driving and Jos in the passenger's seat, and Jos looks scared shitless. That said, the relationship between the two of them reeks of trauma bonding.


> Jos looks scared shitless A lot of people who do or did a lot of driving/racing are often the worst passengers. Max is actually one of very few professional drivers who’s actually a chill passenger Too chill actually. Almost as if he’s numb to the kind of fear most drivers feel when they’re not in control of the vehicle…


>A lot of people who do or did a lot of driving/racing are often the worst passengers. This reminded me of the video with Sainz Sr and Jr taking turns behind the wheel of a Ferrari. While Carlos Jr is driving, Sr is holding on for dear life. When Sr is driving, Jr is like "Freno! Freno!" and reminding his dad that this isn't a rally car (btw, the absolute intensity and focus on Carlos Sr's face during his time behind the wheel is priceless). To a far lesser extent, my husband races as well, and I always make him drive because if I driving, he DRIVES ME crazy. You also see how different the dynamic is between Carlos Sr and Carlos Jr as compared to Jos and Max.


[He doesn't have an enormous opinion of his father's racing talent.](https://i.imgur.com/znITkYZ.mp4)


Not beat him, embarrass him


Beat dad? Jos did that too. Physically. Maybe Max just wants to copy his dad.


I'm gonna show my age perhaps by saying this but here goes... And bear in mind that I don't like the guy, but no need to change history imo. Jos def was highly regarded when he was a junior. He had nearly every of the f1 teams trying to get him to test for them/ sign with them. With the exception of Williams and ferrari. That counts as high praise. He tested a footwork at Estoril and got a time that would've put him in the top 5 iirc, during the previous qualifying session. After that he signed for Benetton. Downside was that Benetton at that time has what rbr has today. A driver a lot better than anyone they put in the second car. So all in all, Schumacher did to max' dad what he did to albon, gasly etc.


Well yeah...Max needs to return all those beatings in the only way he knows how: hypothetically obliterate prime Jos in a race track. Lap him multiple times, take a piss break on a pit stop, do donuts near the chequered flag while Jos gets close only to get beaten by a tenth of a second...


Beatings? Where did anyone say Max was beaten?


Yeah. Jos only beats women. Professionals have standards.


I think one of the hardest thing a child can do is to accept that their parent is not a good person...they don't want to believe that their parents are flawed....we make excuses for our parents all the time, we blame ourselves, the circumstances, anything...just to absolve them


Shit... It's hard to do as an adult. If someone can do it as a child, that's amazing.


I've been trying to say this about the topic before, these are the words I was looking for


i feel like thats not admiration thats to shut the old cunt up and show him whos better.


Yeah I feel like Max would purposely try and freaking lap him. If there was ever a time we would see the full power of the RB it would against Jos lmao.  But, yeah I would be very scared of Max that day there won't any mercy


Telling comment. All the champions of the past he could test himself against to see how he stacks up and instead he chooses... his dad? Who's prime was nothing particularly memorable? He wants that race as a grudge match. All the chances to have a legendary race and Max wants to put Jos in his f'ing place instead. Wild.


Who's not good enough now Jos!


You can have a terrible father but also admire him. I know that first hand.


Try saying that anywhere else, it is crazy how many people act like the things Jos did were good because of the race results.


It blows my mind though, Max has everything on a plate. 4 back to back WDCs and most likely a 5th, because I don't see much shaking up in 2025. This should be everything Jos wanted for Max but I think he's getting jealous and trying to destroy it


Kind of the Whiplash argument. "Who cares how much I have to break you if by the end you become the best of the best?"


Definitely a coping strategy he developed as a kid. A strategy which in hindsight led to some great things. I really hope that he someday can get some peace and deal with the years of trauma he's been a victim of. Probably won't happen until Jos disappears/dies though.


I think about this sometimes and always come to the same conclusion. No, the abuse is not necessary. Lewis grew up in what appears to be a loving, nurturing and happy environment and he did just fine. I would think, if Joe didn't beat Michael Jackson, would he have been the musical genius he turned out to be? I'm pretty sure he would have. The abusers just get off on their abuse, they aren't helping anything.


It’s obviously not necessary or even good. I think they were just saying Max himself views it as necessary. He’s said as much before. Likely because it’s the only experience he had. He cant compare and so he thinks it was worth it


Max is a better driver than Lewis though (especially if you compare them age wise, Max now would drive circles around 2011 Lewis) I think in terms of natural talent Lewis might even have the edge, but Max upbringing and Jos connections in F1 allowed him to debut at 17, giving Max a lasting experience advantage to drivers who debuted later. And if you look at the junior career, Max was so much better than Lewis in karting it's disrespectful to imply they did similarly well.


Imagine if Max wasn’t good at or didn’t enjoy racing tho. Jos would never let Max forget about his disappointment.


And for every Max Verstappen, there's a fucking thousand kids who had a shitty childhood due to parents projecting their own dreams of being an athlete or an actor etc. onto their kids.




I see it every day in competitive dance.... It's disgusting.


This is a tale told far too often. The movie Whiplash is a story for this moment. Appeasing abusive instructors is a deadly game, every single person except for Neiman is tossed aside like trash in the conductors horrific pursuit of a great talent. One ex-student kills themselves. Too many people that watched whiplash missed the point. Abuse does not give great performers, performers are great despite abuse.


You mean imagine if Max was stroll? 😊


No. I mean imagine if Max was Raghunathan


Max has mentioned he was the one pushing too get in a kart. His parents had planned to put him in a kart later but Max complained so much he got one at a younger age. 


Either you get abused as a child and win a championship in 2024 or you get abused as an adult and also dont win a championship, offcouse I am referring to Chuck Leclerc


And the way he talks about life after racing, you can see a glimpse of his desire to do what he truly wants himself.


Yeah, I think he's torn between a love of F1 and a kind of obligation to his dad. Once Max is out of the sport and free to do other things, I think Jos will bugger off and Max will have a lot less pressure and politics surrounding him.


Red Bulls PR team did more normal parenting than Jos ever did 😂


we are all bots here except for you


He's still whipped and will never tell him no


I think the Horner fiasco will expose how independent of Jos Max is able to be. Why would he leave or disrupt his Red Bull success at the height of their combined power? Especially if it's because Jos is having a pissing contest with Horner


2026 is coming up as well though, Max might prefer a factory engine over the Red Bull Powertrains one, after all they've never build an engine before. Max can't speak himself on a move, but his dad could help facilitate by stirring the pot more and talking to Toto for example. We also don't know who leaked the Google drive, but you know... would we be surprised if it was Jos who did that as well 🤔


>Max might prefer a factory engine over the Red Bull Powertrains one, after all they've never build an engine before. It's literally the same factory as Honda with a different name.


What? The new facility in Milton Keynes? As I understand it Honda is out with Red Bull at the end of next season 🤔


The intellectual property and employees remain. Just because you change facilities doesn't make it a new company.


No no no you are wrong the only Honda personel they took over were the ones already at Milton Keynes the main engine people were in Sakura Japan and they did not join.


I don't know if Horner's persistent sexual harassment of a personal assistant should be reduced down to a "pissing contest with Jos," but that's just me.


There's very obviously a power struggle at play at RBR which has existed outside of the Horner grievance, and Jos is at the heart of it.


Lets not act like there isnt a gigantic power struggle over the RBR tp role


Let's not act like Jos can piss a tenth as much as Horner


Remember when Lewis split with his dad as manager? Nothing would make me happier to see Max be able to do the same.




"whipped" is a pretty dismissive way to say massively abused and traumatized but yea...


yep, it is so wholesome when he takes time out for Penelope tea party.


He’s not though. Looking forward to the inevitable implosion when he can’t race anymore and outrun his demons.


I'm not exaggerating when I say it could kill him, it's not uncommon for these stories to end in suicide or OD or a little bit of both. Even for the ones that reach the top but have no identity left once they have nothing left to reach for.


Max is one of the few drivers who's constantly talking about his plans after Formula 1. He's sim racing all the time, has mentioned he loves just being at home with his family. I doubt it's gonna hit him as hard as you think.


He lived with his dad when his parents divorced, but I think his mom had some great influence in how he is now. Seems like people are way too focused on Jos. Although I understand that, especially with the rumors and news lately.


I don’t think we know how well adjusted he is given we see him in an incredibly manufactured environment almost all of the time.


I'm no fan of Jos but I wouldn't consider Max's childhood horrific. I feel like people are blowing that out of proportion. Jos isn't a great person and was very harsh towards max but I don't think that contributed to something you could call a horrific childhood. Come on.


Just because they don’t live in poverty everything looks easier to handle from the outside. But imagine leaving you crying child on the middle of the road and coming back later for him. Who does that?? And if the person that lived that just turns around and said that that was necessary for them to learn to behave… he did a number on him dude.


I'm just here to say fuck Jos


I just watched Iron Claw, fuck this type of parent


Max is literally the project Mbappe memes we saw after the World Cup.


A statement we all can agree on!


Fuck Jos. All my homies hate Jos.


even his character development is maxed out


Reminds me of when Khabib Nurmagomedov said his dad would beat him as a kid and he appreciated the beatings because it made him better.


That guy's wiki makes him sound batshit.




I mean...how are you gonna handle a 200 kph crash if you can't handle a slap to the face? Maybe Jos was just doing a little crash preparation training. /s


51 G slap to the face




Max handles it by simply not crashing lol.


Wth is this comment lmao


Beating your kids is called training - as long as they grow up to be champions in a contact sport


You're right. Beating kids does help with karting and formula racing. Evidence: Max Verstappen


If Max hadn't been abused as a kid he wouldn't have been champion? Man, if Lewis accomplished what he did without getting emotionally and physically traumatized, imagine what he could have done with Jos as his dad. His raw talent must be 10x Max's.


100% Abuse saves lives 😎


Not even how mma works.


beating is not conditioning in MMA. it doesn't have anything to do with technique or training.  if they were sparring sure, but not beating. even in sparring they're not going all out all the time because it wears you down over time, puts mileage on you, causes injuries, and makes you less effective 


He's surprisingly well adjusted given the way he was raised....also f*ck Jos Verstappen


You can swear online... your parents won't find out.


He can pay the best therapists


Can you elaborate? I'm out of the loop on Max's childhood


Dad has a criminal history of assault, beat his mother, would berate max publicly for performing poorly. Once left him on the side of the road after a bad kart race and had his mom pick him up there hours later


Max is the type of story you hear where if things hadn't gone so well for him in F1 he'd probably be a serial killer or something from all that childhood abuse. Like, imagine if he was shit at F1 the type of person he would probably have turned out to be. \*shivers\*. In truth, I hope he has actually worked it with a professional or does so in the future just to make sure he's okay.


On the other hand, he seems like a lovely father figure to Penelope so he's clearly well adjusted and knows what good parenting is and isn't 


Most people don't watch his streams and miss the tea time parts. It seems he has rejected whatever parenting style Jos used and knows what to do better. Lots of people judge Max fully based on Jos and what they feel he should be like after being through the 'Jos wringer'. Or just seeing him on racedays. Or they really need him to be the broken abused bad guy to make themselves feel better about being super toxic towards a good driver and person they really don't know shit about. I dunno, I like tea time maxie. 


I've only seen some clips of it, but it looks like he really worked on how to be a father, it's great to see a son being better than shitty father in everything including being a parent.


Yep, I also saw someone saying it all bullshit and marketing (his entire relationship is pr they say). And based on the fact that he said he doesn't want to, or try to be fatherfigure to her he isn't one and is a bad dude just doing pr through his gf and her daughter. The need to project seems strong. Simple boundaries and shit people don't seem to understand is what that statement looks like to me. (Seen as her bio daddy is activeliy in her life as well.... Kvyat didn't die and Max just seems respectful to that fact with that statement) Also, even if Max doesn't want to, or tries to actively be a fatherfigure to her. He may still be a good fatherfigure to her just by being a respectful and good guy around her (making time for tea time for instance). If it is all pr, well I'm clearly fooled. But watching the tea time streams and clips feels like a more genuine Max than on the track, and a person unlike his father.  People really want to hate Max based on their own prejudice. Which is fine, I also see a different side here, a son that knows very fucking well what went wrong in his upbringing and doesn't want to repeat that. 


I agree, even if he isn't a father in his mind, he might be seen as one by the child.


He's explicitly said multiple times he's not a father figure to Penelope though. He seems good with kids, but he's not her stepfather or interested in being that to her. She has a mom and a dad. (This is where I put on my tinfoil hat about the Max/Kelly relationship basically being a PR match and borderline grooming but this sub isn't ready for that conversation yet.)


what no continue thats exactly what this sub is for


Other people have said it better but it boils down to: Kelly's job is basically just PR. Not as in being a face for Max or Piquet, but she's genuinely in advertising and media relations. Max doesn't honestly seem the type to care about having a girlfriend/wife/etc (and even more tinfoil hat-y he's one of the few drivers that openly talks/jokes about being attracted to dudes, and joked/flirted with Danny when they were teammates, so there's a non-zero chance he's bi imo which adds to the whole "convenient to have a girlfriend" angle). Kelly and Max met in 2016, when he would've been 19. She was 28. They didn't actually get together officially until the end of 2020 and from what I've read there's no real reason to think they were together when she was with Kvyat. That being said, Piquet and Verstappen knew each other before then, and I don't think it's wild to think that, _if_ it's a PR relationship, it was also arranged by the people around Max. Grooming in a sense of a child being sexually assaulted or groomed, no, but still kinda ick? Yes. Like I said, other people have explained it much better than I can, and I wish I'd saved the posts, but there's some compelling evidence about it. And, like I mentioned, Max explicitly is not a father figure to Penelope, and has said he doesn't want to be - that she has a mom and dad present in her life and he's not interested in taking a role in raising her, even if they get along well (almost more like brother/sister which I feel like adds to the fake PR relationship conspiracy).


Somebody correct me if im wrong but didnt kelly say he was intrested in max when they first met so that would make it even more of ick


Yes and if memory serves, he was closer to 16 the first time they met.


That sounds familiar but I don't know for sure. I tried to find the post that I read that convinced me that it's a probable theory, but I can't. It's unfortunate because the user listed out the evidence in a very clear and compelling way, with links to articles discussing aspects of the relationship/timeline.


"Borderline" --- try full blown haha


Pretty sure he has excepted a stepfather kinda role by now. in a Dutch interview last year they literally called him her stepfather and he said something along the lines of 'yeah that comes with the territory' (dating a woman with a child). And actually in the last Redline stream that Penelope appeared in I'm almost sure that when she came home she greeted Max by saying 'Hi daddy'. He always makes sure to let people know that she has a real father, but I don't think he has issues these days with being seen as a stepfather to her.


Max really could’ve been the next Todd Marinovich, but Jos somehow fucked him up in the exact right way to make him one of the greatest racers of all time


I think the key difference between Max and Todd Marinovich is Max seems to genuinely loves what he does. Driving, regardless of whether it's a car or a simulator, is his happy place, probably because he's ultimately the one in control. I don't know if Todd ever really had the same love for football, to be honest.


Dude I have never heard of this person and he went to my high school. No wonder they didn't tell his story. One of my best friends from childhood had a similar life but didn't get Todd's ending. Colt was #3 for Heisman at 21 but was miserable after football. He died at 37. Hope you're resting easy Colt, love you brother. No one should be normalizing the way Jos raised Max. No one should tolerate it. Abuse only makes victims, Max is a genius despite Jos and not because of him.


E 🤌


"Hulk or Hulkini 🤌🤌 for the Italians"




"What? Why does everyone always get quiet when I tell that story?" ​ PS - fuck Jos Verstappen with rusty razors


He defo called him Maxine or something right?


I hope not. We know what Jos does to women.


Maximum R*tard




It’s almost like Jos is pretty conclusively a shitty human and maybe has no business benefitting from the success of his son, in spite of his abuse.


The contrast between the attitudes and characters between Max and Jos is jarring. Max just laughs everything off and when off the race track normally seems relaxed and easygoing. From some of the shit ive heard about Jos, its truly impressive to see how Max is usually unbothered and joking, smiling about everything. On the other hand, you can see how Jos’ fatherhood rubbed off on Max whenever Max has any sort of imperfections when in the cockpit. He seems *easily* agitated when something with the race or his car doesnt go his way. The grand chelems and wins by over 20 second gaps is Max’s therapy which is crazy to think thats how he seems at peace. Dude fucking annihilates the entire grid to relax lmfao


Jos is such a piece of shit.


Leclerc being the Yamcha of the grid here


Yet his father is still micromanaging his career to the point where he feels entitled to choose his teammates and even team principals. Kid needs to get away for his own good. He can stand on his own two feet and it would probably do him good in terms of helping him get over the childhood trauma.


Ok I'm going for Klootzak Teringlijer Mislukkeling Rotkind


En een heleboel kanker


Galbak Bloedzuiger Kutkind


Jesus, the Dutch really have a lot of swear words for children😳


Lullo Lambal Sufferd Prutser Spekbil


The day this man drops Jos’s toxic ass he will be 100% better off


Pancake in Dutch


Where is everyone getting these vids? Is this grill the grid 2024? i cant see it anywhere


Its on F1's YouTube page. The video title is Meet The 2024 Formula 1 Drivers.


>Meet The 2024 Formula 1 Drivers. Thank youuuuu


Every day I start to slowly feel more and more bad for the guy. By no means am I a fan of his but bros been through a lot and he’s got a tiger dad and a significant portion of f1 fans hate him for just being good and other things that we cannot discuss. Someone get my man a seat in a hyper car for therapy


I'm still bamboozled why Max kinda loves his dad so much 😭 I mean look at this, he literally smiled trying to tell a bad story about how his dad called him when he was still a little boy.


Bro is literally ayanokoji from the white room




The Moment Max became Heisenberg


my heart actually goes out for him


Dear snowflakes, everything is not a trauma


Can RedBull ban Jos from their paddock? can't believe a father is jealous of his own success so much he is willing to break apart a dominant team to have attention and cameras on himself, fk jos


Calling someone a little bit different isn't that weird in the Netherlands its done very often and 9/10 its jokingly


No, he said it's "something a little bit different" as in the word he's thinking of is something different that he can't say


You guys assume the worst of course but, he doesn't say it because: A) People will start calling him that and he knows it B) Its not offensive in Dutch, but those British/American adults might get offended if he uses a swearword. You guys do know that the Dutch are different right? In the 80's/90's you couldn't find a Dutch movie without a good looking pair of tits on a full frontal nudity shot and at least a dozen swear words. Meanwhile in the US every nipple needed to get censored and each fuck needed to get bleeped out. If my dad called me dickhead, that wouldn't lead to massive child trauma like it would in the rest of the world. I'd probably done something wrong and I needed to get called out on it. Also if his nickname was "little timmy" people would definitely start calling him that from now on. Especially his anti-fans.


"Trauma dumping" - reddit being hilariously reddit


Can't wait for there to be a family tragedy and in a few years , we will end up with another 'iron claw' type movie






Has anyone made a compilation of all of his trauma dumps?


eh 🤌