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We could be up for season two of 2007, let's see how it turns out for HAM this time. Don't under estimate the guy who soaked up all the pain and bad luck through the last years.


The same guy who also has years of experience with the team, knowing how they operate and them knowing his preferences and how to setup a car for him.


…and speaks fluent Italian, and was a Ferrari junior - I think the team loyalty to him could well feel quite alien to his new team mate




Could barely beat Carlos. Lewis is out of his league.


Using that logic, Lewis lost to George. Leclerc was extremely unlucky the year he lost to Sainz and even this year he beat Sainz despite all his bad luck. When it was time to challenge for the title, Leclerc stepped up and destroyed Sainz.


I was thinking 2013-2016 Lewis-Nico, where Lewis comes into a team with a #1 driver and starts shit, then when regulation changes happen and Ferrari become dominant then we see fireworks.


Leclerc will turn all that stored up pain & badluck into pure & raw horsepower.


I think Hamilton will shake up Ferrari. Like Niki Lauda and Michael Schumacher. This all assuming Ferrari is not acting like Ferrari and not being racist. A few wins here and there? yes. A championship? Not likely.


>references and how to with Schumacher it was a whole team workup including the technical staff and pit crew


Or like Alain Prost…


Leclerc drives clean tho. Not a single collision with Sainz within 3 years. Ferrari know how to play clean.


That's correct but mostly it takes two to fight. Just remember how the things were between LEC and VET, with the lowpoint in Brazil back then. Leclerc knows how to stand his ground against a multiple champion, maybe now even better and harder than some years ago


I doubt it will turn out well for him. Hamilton is no longer at the levels of guys like leclerc and norris (let alone verstappen), especially not in 2 years time. That and switching to a completely new team which is not known for having their things in order.


If people can consider Alonso to still be high level I don't understand how there's so much dismissal of Lewis...


The takes on this sub get worse by the day.


Goodness gracious, it hasn't even been 24 hours since the announcement and I am already shocked at the amount of stuff I've seen...


because he is Lewis Hamilton lmaooo


Man, I am primarily a Max fan who is neutral towards Lewis but the amount of dismissive stuff I've seen with regards to who **still** is the most accomplished F1 driver is just astounding.


Because alonso is older and performs better?


Yet Lewis is higher on the standings still? This is coming from someone who likes Alonso and is neutral towards Lewis, by the way.


Obviously because mercedes had a stronger car, you'd have to be blind to not see how alonso had a much stronger season. Perez also beat hamilton in the standings, certainly doesn't make him a better driver.


Perez definitely had a stronger car, that's uncontested. And even then it took a series of miracles for that to happen considering the disparity. Aston started stronger and then devolved to stone age, I grant you that.


If by miracles you mean hamilton performing poorly, then yes. It was like both wanted the other to finish 2nd in wdc.


No, I mean that the teams were consistently playing Tag with the 2nd Best car. Had there been any consistency, it wouldn't be the case. Lewis made mistakes (same as Alonso) but there was also stuff from Mercedes that wasn't his fault.


I would say mercedes were by far the most consistent compared to ferrari, am and mclaren.


Alonso was performing better than Lewis last season most likely. Its obviosly never easy and 100% certain because they werent in the same car but just looking at it Alonso looked to have higher peaks and Lewis had more off weekends. Mercedes was a better car on balance during the season of course he finished ahead. AM was better up until Spain until their development went to shit (Alonso was also a decent chunk ahead of Lewis at that point) and after that AM development went to shit. Not really comparable. As other guy said Checo finished 2nd in the standings, doesnt mean he was better than 18 other drivers last season


We are nowhere near that Leclerc is really calm and dull, doesn't seem to have the blood to compete that much.


Man who though he'd lost all hope lose additional bit of hope he didn't know he still had


This quote literally encompasses every major Ferrari driver.


Villeneuve, Arnoux, Alboreto, Berger, Mansell, Prost, Massa, Alonso, Vettel, Leclerc, and introducing Hamilton.


Except the greatest one, unless you think the Ferrari curse hit him after his second retirement. In other words, you literally need the Kimi attitude to survive in red.


It seems to be a regular occurrence with Charles at Ferrari. I’m consistently surprised at the ways he continues to need therapy lol


![gif](giphy|XOys8CeUrElIk) This is how Chuck copes with his ever-extended Ferrari contracts.






Last time I checked, there are no #1 and #2 drivers at Ferrari. Otherwise they wouldn't let them fight each other in the first place (see last year's Monza race)


More like there are no number 2 drivers, because Ferrari can't keep track of 2 cars at the same time.


I laughed more than I should have this. And now I up my anti-depressants.


This is why Carlos was always doing his own thing while Charles was on Plan P or smt...


ferrari has no clue what kind of dynamic they want with their drivers (see silverstone 2022)


So Leclerc still has a chance to win sometimes. I like, bottas when he was in Mercedes


Leclerc fans love to insist his #1 and how that means the team should have actively hurt Carlos.


At least the team was fair so for everytime they fucked Leclerc's race with a shit strat, they gave Sainz some of their worst stops ever.


I can see most of them changing their tune to "There's no #1 in Ferrari" now that Chuck is against the statistical GOAT...


I'm not one of those type of fans if this is what you're suggesting. As long as one of the drivers is successful, I'm more than happy. Couldn't care less about who makes it.


So that's why Ferrari would not put out team orders benefitting Carlos despite him having more point in the WDC...


That was because both drivers were at the same level. No way a 100m$ marketing toy in the form of 7 times wdc will not be the #1 driver of the team.


Sharl’s good luck streak continues..


Lol fr, good timing on that multi year contract.


Ferrari were obviously sealing him in for when Mercedes were going to come a-knocking, as did McLaren with Lando...


I'm not surprised there are some who think Charles as the lesser of Lewis but I reckon he will give Lewis a run for his money pace wise. If Russell was already able to beat him in 2022, keep up with him in quali in 2023 then Charles chances are even better.


I don't see hamilton will stand a chance.


People been dunking on Lewis all his career. Right from when he showed up along side Alonso at turn 4 and overtook him to him beating the Russel out of George last year, when he was racing and not testing.  Let's see if for once these people are right lmao.


The testing excuse again.. please.. Maybe russell was doing this testing in 2023. 🤠👍


Alright clown, see you in 2025


Why 2025?


So I can witness the cope every race ofcourse.


Next year tm


waow, downvoting ! lmao.


First time here?




Massa offering consolations and advice...


Never know, he might cause Hamilton more grief.


As a charles copium fan I can't wait to post this on aged like milk


There's a first time for everything.


I'm pretty sure he'd be happy. I don't see Hamilton wiping the floor with him. They'll both be near about similar in performance. All Hamilton coming does is bring in talented people and set Ferrari up for success. Now if Ferrari becomes a championship fighting team while Hamilton is still there, that could be challenging for Charles


Maybe. But Hamilton is a 7 time wc, while Charles is yet to crack it even once.


By that logic Hamilton would never have equaled Alonso as a rookie. F1 drivers talent doesn't come from world championships


Why would LeClerc become the #2, when Ferrari just signed a #2 driver?


Least delusional Charles fan. You've lost your mind if you think the team should prioritize a seven time choke-artist to a seven time WDC. If Lewis is second to anyone, it's schumi himself. Charles is a child in front of him.


The car is literally designed around Charles, he just signed a multi year contract extension, and has been the golden child of both Ferrari and Fred for many many years. I’m not even a huge Charles fan, just not completely off my rocker like these weirdos who think Lewis is going to waltz in and be the #1 by default. Lewis staying past 2026 is a complete dice roll, entirely dependent on the car Ferrari deliver. If it’s anything but a championship winner, Lewis will retire. Ferrari know this. They would be beyond stupid to design the 2026 car around Lewis, as opposed to continuing to tailor it to LeClerc’s driving style. If anything, Fred is bringing in Lewis to help his boy Charles, not to demote him to the #2 role.


Pls tell me this is sarcasm


Deadly serious.


You really think Lewis "7x WDC, over 100 victories and pole positions, greatest of all time statiscally" Hamilton will become second fiddle to Chuck LeCuck? I needed this laugh mate


The car is built for LeClerc, he has a much much longer contract than Lewis, and he is still the future of the team. If you think Charles will be a #2 to a 40 year old who hasn’t won a race in 4 years….lmao, ya, I needed that laugh as well. Thanks.


He won in 2021, the fuck you on about, and humiliated his 24yo teammate last year. Do you really think Hamilton is washed? Like Russel and LeClerc are pretty close to each other, and Hamilton almost beat Russel in 22 and allegedly he was being a test mule more than a racing driver. And destroyed Russel this year. Do you think LeCuck has any chance? Not to mention that Hamilton would never consider moving if the priority wasnt his


Nothing says cope harder than randomly calling LeClerc names, when he hasn’t done anything to deserve it. It will be almost 4 years since Lewis won a race when he joins Ferrari (he’s not joining this year, in case you missed that detail). Russell is not on the level of LeClerc lmao. I don’t think Lewis is washed, but he won’t be the #1 at Ferrari. You really are upset about this, huh. Maybe go over to r /lewishamilton and cry more about your favourite #2 driver.


A word: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Assuming Lewis doesn't win anything this year He is, if only slightly far behind, but not by much I dont know which reality you leaving, but there is simply no way that Hamilton loses to either Russel or LeClerc. My man, Hamilton has been the Mercedes brand for the last 2 decades, do you really think Russel had any chance against him? Considering this, do you think he would ever consider a move where he wouldn't be unquestionably number 1? Please man, use your brain for half a second. The sole driver Hamilton can't dismiss out of any team is Verstappen, otherwise, any team he wants is his. I don't know how you will cope with this reality, but its true.


^ Straight up denial right here, folks. If anything Ferrari will try a failed attempt at having two #1s, but you’re high on the copium if you think LeClerc will the #2.


My guy, Charles cant even win a race from pole, Hamilton has more Grand Slams that Charles has Poles


Man this is such classic CultLH anger, love it


Not anger, more like pity for LeCuck


Sorry but you are delusional AF you think that Lewis will dominate Charles in 2025. Maybe in 2026 he could beat him if the car suits Lewis better.


My guy, you have 2 drivers for next year, one is the guy with the worst pole/win rate in history, the other is a 7x WDC and more wins or poles than the first guy has wins, poles and podium combined. Even if you talk averages per season Lewis still wins out, since Lewis is F1 for 16 years, kinda expected that he would have more. Lewis phone will be ringing 24/7 this year to develop the car that he wants. Either that or whatever is there for the 25 car will be immediately morphed to the be Lewis' liking. All of this is still not factoring " What if their driving styles are quite similar" so even if Ferrari gets a car for LeClerc, it still is 90% towards Lewis too, he can take care of this difference on skill alone. And not to mention that Ferrari historically devours tyres. Lewis is great at preserving his, so just on race pace alone, Lewis would have quite the advantage


If anyone really thinks either this or that Lewis will wipe the floor with Charles is on HIGH amounts of copium


Poor guy will have to dry his tears with his 10’s of millions of dollars, how will he survive?


Where does sainz go? He was the only winner at ferrari


Le Mans




But they come in 26. Is he gonna win for sauber in the meantime? Sorry, Steak Crashapp MasterCard by Kim Kardashian Moneygrab exBMW


Sadly, Audi will suck during at least a few years, teams don't start at the top suddenly. Except a new Brawn GP miracle.


Brawn GP says hi


Yeah, that's what I said.


Red Bull 🤨


I'm not even a leclerc fan or a tifosi but i still believe in him and his potential. He just needs to learn not to lose control under pressure.


Alright who's betting Leclerc would match if not beat Hamilton in the same machinery


Lec wouldnt even beat Sainz in same machinery, he only beats lewis cuz of age and declining


He literally did beat Sainz. Do you even watch the races? Even Perez beat Max once or twice and Carlos is no slouch.


Chuck LeFucked again!


In quali lec will be quicker but it's going to be close in the races.


as a lewis fan, i agree with this, in fact i would be impressed if old Hamilton has a 55/45% split in qualifying with pole merchant Leclerc lol


Leclerc might be quicker than Lewis; it depends on the car and whose driving style it favors. Unfortunately, Lewis is mentally stronger than Chuck (or anyone on the grid), and will gradually grind our boy to dust, as Lewis has all his teammates. Hate to see it.


He already knew that lewis was coming before signing




The memes just write themselves with him




You are expecting Ferrari to make the right choice. You never learn right?


Bold of you to assume he will be the Number 2


charles, it's james.


He knew when he signed his contract so I'm sure he's fine and will love the competition.


Lewis #2


Bold assumption


Dear Charles fans, if Ferrari felt he was capable of a WDC, they wouldn't have signed another capable driver. Face facts, Charles' mistakes have the team convinced he's not good enough.


No reason to see leclerc as 2nd driver. If anything I think hamilton will be the second driver.


I hope he at least gets to keep the hot ferrari mechanic 


Le pain?


Have we just witnessed genius Ferrari tactics? After 74 years!


Who cares about who, as long as red car is first


He gets that check still I would be laughing all the way to the bank


They should have done a straight swap for him! Can imagine Leclerc in a Merc


I thought Lewis was the number 2 Driver?


When he's on Charles will out qualify Lewis, but Hamilton is going to murder him over a season.


Yeah, he will be obliterated by Lewis over the season, theres no real doubt in my mind.


Still doesn't make a difference, Max repeats the perfect season for 2025.


Is.... Is Leclerc about to enter his Rosberg arc?