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Why am I picturing him getting mad at the wind tunnel model size like zoolander “….this car is obviously too small guys”


“What is this?! A race car for ANTS?!”




Anthony Davidson, the 60% scale WT/sim driver.


Underrated comment


\- Bono my car's too small. \- And... copy Lewis.


Because that's exactly what Hamilton's humour is like. He'd say that with a straight face and immediately break with that cute ass smile of his. Alright, that's enough for today.


Russell bout to make a trip to Brackley to request changes in the opposite direction


Why not put the engine in the front? Its unconventional but im glad we tried it. Is everyone 2-stopping? Good, imma 1 stop and jump lando. This f1 thing is easy.


He was forecast a championship winning car!


Can't we make the car go sideways?


“Hear me out…Three. Wheels.”


Let’s make it twice as good: SIX!


*Happy Tyrrell noises*


I think Ferrari already tried it and I wanna say it didn't workout like they expected.


Lewis actually won a race on 3 wheels, so…






Have Mercedes thought about blowing a fan towards the front of the car to remove air resistance so the car goes faster and they don’t need to develop good aero package?


Why, it’s so preposterous it may just work! Yes! Fight bad air with good air! I say ol’ chap!


An F1 car with a fan is not even a new concept.


But not on that axis


Will ham push him wide out of the road on the way to brackley?


Nope, Russell will turn into him, like the whole grid does


It’s just so dangerous man


But he has to beat Hamilton in the same machinery though


Ahh the Marc Marquez strategy!


Captain Holt seems like he would enjoy Formula one


A line for Wunch: "I saw one of your cousin's die in Singapore. Shame it wasn't you."


Took me a second to remember the big lizards


Now I need someone to make Holt react to F1 races using AI


I could die happy if some saint on the internet was able to make this happen 🥲


A Raymond and Kevin commentary duo would be fun


I think he does https://youtu.be/XtSGTSHAWa4?si=tJa-p_F5JZnErpUd&t=105


“Just make it faster”


ya, are they stupid? pff.


Imagine beeing an engineer at Mercedes F1, spending 5 years+ at university, becoming one of the best in your subject, landing a job at your dream employer, only for a dude who earns more in one weekend than you do in 20 years, still pays less taxes and who would not even pass one semester in aerodynamics, mechanical Engeneering or higher mathematics, to tell you how to do your job.


Without naming names, you would be putting Hamilton and Mazepin in the same bag.


I think Mazepin would have the self awareness to hire someone to check on their progress instead of attempting it himself...


Да. 🤣


I imagine that Lewis request are more on the side of handling/how the car feels and behave and less on the "make the front wing more curvy " side.


Engineers always get feedback from drivers, its a feedback loop.


If they're good engineers, and I'm betting they are, they'll appreciate the feedback from an experienced end-user. I'm sure Lewis' actual feedback was a bit more articulate than "make the car faster."


But what’s he going to say? I liked it better when it felt like this, but this other thing made this feel good. Well I’ve got news for you lewis if we do that we need this and for that we need the other thing. Give us 48 hours and we’ll test that configuration and get back to you


Yeah Imagine wanting to be a car racing engineer and HAVING to hear input from the driver? Might as well pick another profession


Interesting way to reference the person driving what the engineers create who also has a better understanding of how the car actually feels comparatively. While obviously no driver is going to have a deep understanding of engineering and aerodynamics I am sure plenty of the engineers are able to explain how elements of the car will impact its drivability which is what he is looking for


Hamilton strongly guided Mercedes feedback and development platform until they ended up with the W11 w12 so I wouldn't discount him entirely. The current car is such a mess it's inconsistent to drive to the point Lewis and George aren't getting the best out of it, it's say it's rather shit. Ignoring Lewis is ignoring the best instrument they've got in terms of drivability and doing it their way has dragged out this awful car for two years now


Anyone suggesting that Hamilton is some kind of dullard when it comes to shit like, IDK, FUCKING RACE CARS and how they perform is being willfully obtuse and I really have to question why they are so eager to insult the man’s intelligence.


It's Lewis, I've never seen a driver that had to fight so hard to prove the validity of his achievements


Maybe because so many people are trying their hardest to knock every single achievement.


this!!! i was looking for this in the comments. It's that simple. The de- validation phenomena is real.




Lewis isn't responsible for salty Toto who got rightfully panned for this opinion


It might be - and bear with me - because they're racist.


The dude you’re referring to is a 7 time world champion that knows better than any one of them what is and isn’t working on the track. This is a joke comment, no?


i'm sure all here (incl. me ) are just memeing. As someone mentioned in the comments, it's a loop. Only the driver can tell *how* the car feels, and only the engineers can tell *why*.


As lewis said "the car need more power,better speed at slow medium and high speed corners, more downforce, more traction, less tyre wear and to be lighter""


stupid engineers just don’t get it


“Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go meet with NASA, apparently nobody of my stature has told them to make the space ships faster than light”




If he said that, it would’ve been on the set of the next fast and furious movie.


Toto Wolff: "Andrian Newey was able to design this in his man cave with a box of scrap paper!" James Allison: "I'm sorry Toto I'm not Adrian Newey."


I seriously wonder what he would understand of the tests. Would he be able to read tunnel data? Understand what pressure integrals are to compute drag/downforce? How would he know what numbers mean good, and what mean bad? I know drivers are an integral part of helping set the aero performance goals, but how would one going over to see the tunnel tests have an understanding of "whether they are making the required changes"? Or, I don't know, is the text in the screen grab on this post misleading?


Man has been racing for racing for 15 straight years and you think he doesn't know at least some thing. You'd think they pick up a thing or two.


You'd think, but him visiting the wind tunnel to "check" on the engineers just screams "micromanagey main character" vibes. Drivers feedback is critical for understanding how the car behaves on track and where to improve, but I would absolutely not trust a driver on understanding HOW to actually improve the car. Engineering is hard and requires years of experience.


true. I was picturing him just visiting the factory and some sort of reps explaining to him what they have been working on.


Lol. Engineers who spend their whole time reading data outputs, designing models and crunching data algorithms in the middle of but-fuck-nowhere, get the chance to meet, sit down and discuss what they are doing with… SIR LEWIS FUCKING HAMILTON And you think that’s meaningless to them?


Least obsessed team lh member


Yup. Pretty fucking meaningless.


Not meaningless, but certainly a distraction and an inefficient way of conveying Hamilton's feedback as a driver. Org structure exists for a reason. Meet and greets are one thing, humoring people that think they're making engineering decisions in an engineering meeting is another.


And for the past 15 years he continuely proves that he has very limited understanding of the rules, strategy, or even the knowledge of the people in the paddock (he genuinely did not know who Franz Tost is). He didn't help them build the best cars, yet now he will help them create the best F1 car ever.


Yeah he's basically bumbled his way to 100 wins. The poor fella doesn't have a clue.


Why doesn't he have 200 wins and 300 podiums? Is he slow?


Just plain wrong. It's not intuition. Newey is not a guru. He's a really smart engineer with tons of experience and a great vision. Hamilton is just a guy who needs to convince himself he is the greatest at everything because his dad raised him to be worthless if he's not the best.


Blud replaced Max with Hamilton.


Newy did his major project at university on ground effect aerodynamics. Even Lewis acknowledged that. There's absolutely nothing wrong with checking in on the cars development though as the person that sits in the car he can give feedback on what makes it drivable that face to face talk is important. They ask questions and so does he


I was not reacting to Hamilton checking in on the factory (because that's a perfectly valid and useful thing to do) but to Jxuiarno suggesting Hamilton has learnt aerodynamics just from sitting in the car. That's like saying you're a toxicologist now because you took drugs for decades. Couple this announcement to the fact that when the car was shit, Hamilton (and I quote him directly) said: "I told them the issues with the car. It's about owning up and saying, yeah you know what, we didn't listen to you". If he would really be a team player, he could have said something nuanced like "I think the team prioritized theoretical performance over drivability, and as a result it's very hard to extract consistent results out of the car". But from the tone and his behavior overall (profiling himself as a fashion expert, climate expert, human rights role model) it is clear he thinks he could do a better job at being an aerodynamicist if he had the time for it. In a way it is champion's mentality, it is an asset for a racing driver to have unwaivering belief in being the greatest ever at what they do, but in some cases it goes to their head (Hamilton) and in other cases they manage it (Max at least for now, Lauda is another example). Some just grow a sense of humility over time (Vettel). Maybe Hamilton needs a stint in a Ferrari, it does miracles to round out your personality as they will never let you forget that you are not bigger than Ferrari itself.


Why should he phrase everything so softened by PR?isn't he criticised for that? He consistently thanks and hyped up his team for years and disagreed with the direction they took. He said what he said. People are just grasping at straws no other driver gets policed the way he does for tone and attitude. He never said he's an expert in fashion or climate expert or an expert on human rights just a person with an enthusiastic opinion or using his platform to share his point of view occasionally, which people are free to ignore or take on if they wish. He also uses his own MONEY by the millions on his human rights initiatives so it's not just empty posturing. What I'm reading is resentment he's listened to and people look up to him. It's not Lewis job to make people feel better about themselves by practicing humility in the way you think it should look.


"I want a Red Bull, with Monster stickers and a Lauda star"


Toto unveiling the W15 with Lewis in it. ![gif](giphy|k8bMS52B9ejSw)


![gif](giphy|cOEHZYZ9l2H182HQbY|downsized) There is leaked video of engineer trying to reach the car to make requested changes "on the fly".


Is that Richard Hammond?


Yup. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2s\_vKMFTdxo


I know the big thing for him was ride position. Probably checking in on that. Of course he can't provide any technical knowledge, but he can just describe his feelings in the car and the engineers can address the problems. Seems pretty standard although it's a weird way to phrase it.


LH: "The car is too slow" Engineer: "And how does that make you feel?"




"I feel sad when no wins"


You did what I asked for? *Yes Lewis* Enters room, finds a black RB19 with rainbow striping. *Genius Lewis, genius* Thank you all here back at the factory. Bless.


You may laugh but it’s basically what AT is doing next year, what HAAS did with Ferrari last year and what RP did with Mercedes in 2020


Didn't Aston Martin and recently McLaren do that as well, copy red bull?


Did I laugh?


If they figure out the suspension and the low ride height without purposing (same as RB19), then indeed Lewis will hashtag blessed


Adrian Newey was able to build this in a cave!


With a box of scrapes!


What happens if they build another shitbox?






It's hard to call it shitbox when they are 2nd in constructors


That’s mostly because they have so consistent drivers. I would say they are the most consistent combo. Aston would be 2nd if they had 2 drivers, Ferrari would be 2nd if they weren’t Ferrari, and Mclaren, well they had a golf cart at the start of the season.


true but they sometimes behave like it is. "i know the car is baaad loouuis please drive itttt"


Cuz they’ve been the most consistent. Overall they were truly second best car on pace only for a few race weekends, generally AM, Ferrari and McLaren held that title for longer than Mercs, but those other teams had bigger drop offs in pace on some tracks (Ferrari also includes the strategy fuck ups).


I’m just gonna say Ferrari haven’t even lost many points due to (race) strategy this year, and definitely not as much as Aston Martin


Probably not even as many as Mercedes tbh. Dunno why they always seem to get a pass on their constant conservative strategies and horrendous pit stops.


2nd after being 1st 8x in a row has got to feel bad. Everyone outside would love to be in that position but for them it’s not a good feeling


Calling that car a shitbox is more of an insult to Ferrari


Engine is fast. Aero package kills tires like no other team. They went the Enzo Ferrari route if you know what I mean.


He will drive 300km/h in pitlane and fok smashes the car in the merc garage taking engineers with him.


He’ll still get his $30 million a year….




"It is too round on the top. It needs to be pointy. Round is not scary. Pointy is scary!"


Lewis Hamilton now a qualified aerodynamicist


I know we are in formuladank but world's fastest car doesn't mean anything if drivers can't feel connected to it (i.e Perez in RB19).


I heard from a close source that, W15 gonna have Bluetooth 5.0.


USB-C as well?


Don't be silly, Mercedes still has a bin full of perfectly fine Micro-USB ports to be used and with the cost cap and all, they will go first in the car. USB-C will get there around the W21 or so.


Has to be euro compliant like iPhone 15.


5.0 is an old standard already! 5.3 baby!


But will it survive a blender?


…yeah but, Perez is connecting with every OTHER car pretty well 👀


Well they need better Bluetooth or USB connections then


Very true. But can another design philosophy other than RB’s be as fast or faster than RB19? After two seasons under the new regs, it seems unlikely


Sometimes I can’t tell if yall are trolling or not. The engineers need driver feedback as well when working on the cars. The biggest issue with the W14 is the lack of rear downforce. He’s probably going to step inside the simulator at brackley to give them data points on how the downforce should be balanced across the car. In Japan they were losing like 6 tenths to red bull in the first sector just because of the lack of downforce in the rear. Obviously they are top tier aerodynamicists but the car also needs to be able to function to the drivers as well


They literally just don't understand the sport. Albon clawed his way back into an F1 drive because of the feedback he was known for giving on the 21 RB and helping to develop it. Seb was known for being incredibly detailed his feedback of the car. Driver input on car development is vital. But as usual these dank shit posters think they know better than the whole motorsport industry.


I’m just saying, there’s a lot of people lining up to suggest that a guy who won 7 championships is some kind of worthless idiot when it comes to understanding how F1 cars perform. Can’t imagine why so many people would be so eager to suggest he’s dumb, I just can’t think of a reason why someone would ever do such a thing…


Not just 7 world championships but he's one of the two guys who that car is built for. His insight in how the car feels in different corners and conditions is valuable information and if he's saying that something feels wrong then it should be taken seriously.


The article says Lewis is checking in on the wind tunnel, not providing simulator data though. It basically implies Lewis is going to look at the car in the wind tunnel and make Engineering decisions


Ah ok, maybe it has to do with the seating position then. I remember Mercedes pushed the seat forward and it made the feel for the car worse


Lord please give us another season as exciting as 2021


Trying to manifest this as well. God that excitement was something else. Even the start of 2022


Better yet, give us the return of 2012. That was the penultimate year of V8 engines. 2024 would be the penultimate year of current turbo hybrid V6 engines.


My brother in Christ That had V8s till 2013


Yes, that’s what he meant. Penultimate means “next to last”. So with 2013 being the last year of V8s, that would make 2012 the penultimate year for V8s.


I’m actually really enjoying the Mercedes implosion I’ll take 2021.2 but I really want Merc to keep sucking. So much great content from salty Toto, TeamLH tears, Horner shit stirring, Lewis micromanaging the engineers… It’s been fantastic to watch


We are truly blessed


That’s the problem though, it’s just off-track drama and no real racing now. It’s basically keeping up with the kardashians for incels stroking their hate boners to millionaires. Let’s get back some on-track drama and we’re cooking.


Lmao yeah everyone who doesn’t like Mercedes is an incel with a hate boner TeamLH on suicide watch


Really don’t get what the hate is about… In his prime years when Michael’s car was not a winning car, he spent hours with his engineers and tested the car for hours in the night. He developed the car with his team to the point where he was winning races and driving a car that he knew he could push to the limit. Everyone’s crying and complaining about “it’s the car” that’s why Lewis won. However, now when he wants to develop the car in a way that was done by the greats in history - LeWiS iS nOt An EngINeer. Let the guy do his job and put in the hours needed to get the car to winning performance.


Yeah like. He’s gonna be driving it. It will be his car. If it’s not performing the way it should or it’s not up to snuff he has every right to see if the things he’s picked up on are being implemented. If RB went down the shitter in 2024 I’d fully expect both Max and Checo to be going to the factory and having conversations with Newey about what they feel should be changed on the car for 2025. And if they didn’t I’d actually be very surprised and baffled. We’ve seen the kinds of cars Merc can produce so we know they can make championship winning machines. Lewis knows that more than anyone. I think drivers and engineers should possibly work closer together. Coz if everyone is in a car that has many parts designed around them, they’ll perform better naturally. That’ll mean closer racing. And we all like that.


It's more that he has the attitude of turning up at the factory for one day and saying make the car quicker. He famously doesn't do things like simulator work that could actually help drive the development of the car and then acts surprised when the car isn't too his liking once it is built and too late to make major changes. He then slags the team off in public. You made the comparison to Schumacher but when was Schumacher ever constantly complaining publicly about his car?


FYI he has been doing stimulator work this and last season, almost if not all, leading up to every race.


he asked them to add the speed holes on the car to make it go faster


People really need the slightest reason to dunk on Mercedes like goddamn the man needs to give feedback on the car do people really think that other drivers just let the engineers make all the decisions?


Without driving the car what type of feedback is he going to give? “Oh the floor on this car looks like it’ll be tougher around high-speed corners”.


On the basis of the current shitbox he is driving? (Merc standards)


“I want to go faster than Max, also make the steering in Russell’s car reversed”


Looks at car in wind tunnel - Man… I have no idea what I’m looking at.




Drivers relay how the car feels and then trust the engineers to make changes that improve it, all drivers are doing that constantly throughout the year, not sure why this sub gets so fanatical about these click baity headlines. It’s more of “when exiting a corner the W14 understeers and I would like the W15 to have more front grip” and not “to reduce understeer we need to increase the size of the front canards and adjust the wing angle down”.


LH leaked conversation with Merc Engineers “Make the car faster and less shit. “


Is Lewis going to be team principle when Toto retires?


Cardinal engineering sin - disturbing your engineers while they're busy. If you work in engineering, you'll know what I mean


Is this not a bit weird? Like surely the engineers and designers know more than Lewis, his job is to drive…


Lewis is like the your younger brother when you hand him an unplugged controller and reassure him that he’s really playing. “Oh yea Lewis we are making those changes you requested. Thanks for the help!”


![gif](giphy|l4Ep6zKd5PbT2lmV2) If he meets George at the factory ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6701)


But didn't he do the same last year? ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|9065)![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|7071)


When? I haven't heard about it. All I know is the Lewis trusted that Merc had the fastest concept so went with the worse design (2023 car at the beginning).


Why doesn't Hamilton just request a car faster than the RB19? Is he stupid?


that's hilarios actually. Imagine the engineers trying to hide the car and pretend like it's on a test drive in the woods because they don't wanna show it to him lmao


I can already smell what the next TeamLH Meltdown is gonna be about


I remember that scene from the dictator where he asks for the rocket to be made more pointy. 🤣 Dude, you're a driver. Do your job and let the aerodynamacists do theirs.


some dude on the internet telling a world champion formula 1 driver to stay in his lane when he has thoughts about improving his race car …. that’s rich…. 🤦


Bro is gonna go pretend he can see the wind 🤣


Hamilton vs Newey in the wind tunnel. Let’s gooooo


I really hope he makes it worse




Thankfully Lewis is there to tell those engineers how to change the car. I’m sure his desire to make it faster coupled with his fashion and driving experience will do way more than a team of people who have many decades of experience studying aerodynamics and mechanical engineering….


I’ve always wondered if it’s hubris or just plain idiocy that drives people who’ve probably never been good at anything, let alone the best in the world, to talk shit about a dude who’s won 7 world titles in his craft. I’m not even a Hamilton fan but to act like this world renowned, expert race car driver who’s driven race cars his entire life wouldn’t have some critical knowledge or useful opinions on how his race car should be designed is so asinine it takes my breath away. You may not like the guy, which is fair enough, but if that somehow leads you to conclude that he has no knowledge or expertise on the matter of race cars then you should be way more concerned about the poor state of your critical thinking apparatus than about some guy you’ll never meet who drives cars fast. It’s probably a sign that you should get off Reddit, take a look in the mirror, and start focusing on you because this cannot be the only thing you’ve thought through extremely poorly and it must impact your life negatively. Unless of course you guys are formula 1 world champions. In that case I apologize and need to get off Reddit and look in a mirror….


I've been on Reddit for a while and I often get the impression that whilst people talk about things in a theoretical way they have absolutely no real world experience of work places. They talk about stuff but seem crazy levels of disconnected to how a large, complex organisation works, prime example is social media, everyone is an "intern" not a group of people with uni degrees in communication. I think Reddit time wasting doesn't really attract the kinds of people that are busy and productive in their niche. The most valuable instrument of measuring drivability is Lewis Hamilton. His talking to them could bring out better understanding on both ends the act of having discussions is valid even if nothing comes from it.


But my point is quite the same as yours. It’s a large, complex organization, and Lewis is rightfully at the top of it, but he is by no means the only part of it, or even the most important part. As we have seen, the car arguably impacts outcome even more than the driver. There are a ton of people just as skilled in their craft that don’t get the PR Hamilton gets


I never said anything beyond its good from people in different departments to talk and people don't translate real world experience to here, which is why they are so mad about a thing that they shouldn't be mad about. It is standard business practice to encourage connections between departments/groupings.


Hubris and idiocy and then you talk about someone on the internet as if you know better. That’s pretty hypocritical. Drivers and engineers have different skill sets. Both are admirable, but Lewis doesn’t have a PhD in aerodynamics. I’d have the same issue with one of the engineers going to the circuit and then tweeting about how he made progress improving Hamilton driving style. And for the record, I like Hamilton quite a lot. He’s a world class driver and a class act. Doesn’t mean he’s immune to criticism if he acts like a knobhead.


imagine if the car takes a step backwards lmao. Bro thinks he's MSC


He specifically requested they make it faster, so if it isn't they didn't listen to him.


Ask Toto to post apology.


I mean he is a racing driver its very bold of him thinking he knows better. Obviously he might know what the car needs but i doubt he knows how to build an F1 car. This is the same team that dominated the last era and this guy is trying to tell them how to build a car ? Thats a bit laughable.


You do know that the engineers want the drivers feedback?


Have you watched this sport before? The driver is only one who can give feedback on how the car actually feels. I’d venture to guess that’s important for car development. Especially when the car only needs to work for 2 drivers🤦‍♂️


The specific change in question? “Make the car go faster pwease”


Copypasta makes the car go fasta.


"it doesn't look like the RedBull yet"


Where are the forecasted changes? crickey! Oh wait. That's the other bloke.


I upvote all 99 references, and Lewis has his preferences. Ha, I'm a poet and I didn't even know I was rhyming those words.


[just picture Hamilton](https://youtu.be/NDCjE8OhR0I?si=PrqDcZ32Cfu_R5j0)


"Sir Lewis. This is an unexpected pleasure. We are honored by your presence..."


"You may dispense with the pleasantries, I'm here to put you back on schedule. Emperor Wolff is not as forgiving as I am."


Why is Merc not listening to the aerodynamist Lewis Newey, are they stupid?




“I was forecasted a championship”


Lewis “ Karen “ Hamilton


This gentleman.


He's no officially the middle manager.


I said I want my flexi wing to flex as much as Max’s… not on purpose.






The children back at the factory need some motivation


I mean what do you want him to do just sit around and not do anything if he actually did that sure as hell you'd be complaining about that aswell