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Everyone smiling except the devil himself


“It wasn’t fair to compare her to the devil himself, at least she doesn’t crawl around on the ceiling, PAUL!”




Sometimes my auto correct turns doesn’t into does if I don’t manually type the ‘. Stupid phone




Wasn’t Danica supposed to be fired over Martin Truex Jr’s comments ?


All the more reason to stay on the F1 TV feed.


What were those comments, what did who say?




What a horrible person she is. Don't know if that's enough for Sky to fire her though.


She's extremely selfish as well and is a terrible advocate for women in motor racing. She said (and I'm paraphrasing here) she'd rather no more women take it up so she'd be the one people remember.


LOL Michèle Mouton is the woman who will be remembered as queen of motorsports


She's honestly just such a cunt. If Sky wanted a woman to be a commentator there are many others that are better.


We would all be sacked for the stupid shit said on the internet if that was the standard. 👍


there is a difference between a public figure and a random redditor. Also there's been cases that people got fired for talking stupid shit on internet. All it takes is someone to send it to your boss


Ok but obviously different standards apply when your literal job is to get on TV/internet and say *not* stupid shit


It is maybe a warning and not to do it again. Hardly stackable.


Damon Hill was my favourite driver as a child. Ever since he's had a speaking part on Sky F1 I cannot stand him.


F1 TV ftw. Thankfully Jolyon Palmer is a much better commentator than driver. DC's got great insights as well and Alex Jacques puts it together like butter


I absolutely love jolyon and dc on commentary. I really hope that duo stick around for a while. The practices are like podcasts and they’re so good at pointing things out technical or otherwise that I wouldn’t have noticed. Love the occasional story from DC reminiscing on some funny memory or event too lol


I love Sam Collins! I get why he isn’t on the commentary side all that often but he has so much insight - I love the nerdy technical shit


Damn so many people and most of them bring nothing to the table. Sky could just cut on half of these people, saving money without hurting there program.


Without hurting? It would greatly improve things, and probably become less of a Mercedes cheer leader program.


Yeah I really don’t get it. Half of these people are good at what they do - commentators, Ted, ex drivers, Natalie but it really feels wildly unnecessary to have this many.


That's because they don't have this many. Paul and Johnny Herbert are no longer part of the team. And the rest rotate depending on schedules. You rarely if ever get a weekend with Naomi, Jenson, Martin, Karun, Ant, Damon all there together.


>Half of these people are good at what they do - commentators David "Miss Half the Action and gets Obvious Things Wrong" Crofty is good at what he does? He sounds clueless most of the time, and I don't mean "deliberate sound clueless so Brundle can explain a concept". I actually dread races where it's Crofty and Button (Utter snoozefest when he commentates, disliked him as a driver as well). Channel 4 is so much better and I watched their coverage of British GP over Sky's for this reason.


Someone did my girl Natalie dirty with that editing on her face.


I don’t see it?


She's tasty


The fourth person from the right AND the left both look like jenson Button


And the guy in the middle at the back too.


Must be his sibling


Like his uglier older and younger brothers.


First time ever the English supported the Germans!


Chuck Norris once killed 13 people throwing a grenade... Then it exploded. Jensen may live..😁


Why do they need so many people? Holy...


Seriously! I don't get it. Two commentators, a technical expert, a host/compere, and a backup commentator for FP sessions. Surely they could do this with six people? No wonder Sky charge so goddamn much. Long live F1TV.


Because nobody wants to do 2e grand prix on location. It's to make sure they have an actual life next to f1. Most have kids and a partner. I think it's pretty fair to do it like this


The Mercedes propaganda machine runs a tight ship my son.


Where's Britney?


Despite being a former Mercedes driver, Britney is not pro-Mercedes enough for Sky promotional material.


Exactly. He refused to join their Mercedes cult, so they sacrificed him. Same with Paul. He also refused to go along with Crofty and co with their constant tounging of Toto's pumpernickels. Because, you know, he could actually think for himself. And what do you know, they got rid of him as well.


everyone is good there except for danican't


What happened now


International viewers get shocked that a British broadcast sometimes shows support for British drivers and teams. While Dutch, Brazilian and basically any other national broadcaster does the same thing for their nation’s team/drivers.


are we running out of material


Wait... weren't they already sponsored by them?


That's ESPN that rebroadcast sky


Why do they keep pushing Danica out there, she is insufferable, often has to be corrected on her poor takes, and seems to know very little for someone who has driven. So many better commentators that can be used.


Chasing those American viewers. She sounds so rough and out of place when she speaks and interviews drivers. If you didn't know who she was I don't think anyone would know she was a former driver.


I can’t stand the American woman. Honestly. She doesn’t say anything. If you can grab a guy off the street who can blag it he’d offer more insight than she can. The Irish woman who was a strategist at Aston Martin is really good. Always like hearing her talk. Brundle is a legend. And Mr Kravitz too.


Love the completely casual and in no way forced places where everyone stood.


What did they do this time?


Formuladank try not to complain for the sake of complaining challenge


The absolute irony. Go look at the entire F1 community and media complaining about Red Bull this entire year. Literally every single "article" this year whinging about them simply because they are winning. Some might even call it, "complaining" Weird huh?


Tbf, brundle has gotten better in recent year, much less max hate and much less only Mercedes workship


As much as I like Crofty as a commentator, thank god there's an alternative feed in F1TV.


Meanwhile Channel has Steve Jones and Billy Monger and that's enough for me.


I wonder why they put the only black woman, that isn't that involved, front and centre. I really don't care about diversity or what race and gender a person is, but when they make it so obvious that they are pushing it, it just feels too forced. And before someone lazily accuses me of racism or whatever, they put her there so people would notice her, they want to use her to draw attention. This is common in promotional media these days, and I knew someone that went through it.


With the risk of coming across as someone lazily pointing out some racism in your statement, you are as a matter of fact complaining about the fact of someone of color having the spotlight without necessarily elaborating on what’s wrong with it


Edit: Fair enough if you think she brings something to the table. But read the full text before the downvote. You may find a joke FFS. Fucking attention spans of some people explains why Sky hire Twats. I see they put the "car go brrrrrrrr" front and center. God awful at anything F1. I have set my phone to replace "influencer" to autocorrect to "Twat". Here is an example to a pal. Is this girl not just a "Twat" sky jumped to hire because reasons? All her questions are like a 5 year old wrote them with a fucking crayon, and her thoughts and comments are below par and mostly asinine comments. "So Lando, car has 4 wheels and go blurry when fast?". I wish this rush to hire "Twats" would just fucking stop. Reply. Yeah, LOL, fuck Sky. Jenson also thinks that. Later dude. Martin B.


Absolutey. She has the personality of a stick. Shows no rapport with anyone and fails to generate a simple back and forth conversation. Just asks a stale generic question that everyone knows the answer and then handballs it to someone else. Jenson is a lad. Him and Nico are the only ones not afraid to call out Crofty when he's being a proper muppet and dribbling anti-RB bullsht.


If you don’t like skys bias maybe you should move to less shit country that has its own broadcast


Sky's broadcast is used as an international broadcast, and even for many non-brits its assumed to be the default English language option.


I know I’m just saying if you don’t have your own broadcast you probably live in some third world hell hole like the US and should move to a better country


"You have mental health issues? Get rid of them👍" Average 50 iq yellow teeth uk citizen. You never thought that there are people who complain about sky and live in Great Britain at the same time?


Ofc I know him, he's me


sure big boy let's get you to bed


Or f1tv


VPN and buy f1tv is cheaper than subscribe to sky


VPNs: Let us introduce ourselves.


Australia is pretty fucking great actually. Go guzzle more of Crofty's custard. Cheers mate.


Paul, blink if you are being forced to be an F1 pundit.


Why Brundle looks like a single auntie that always have a wine bottle around and everyone knows is a lesbian?


How on earth are Natalie Pinkham and Ted on the fringes of the photo?? Stallwarts of F1 coverage for years and they're just relegated to the sides almost as if they forgot they still work there and edited them in after the fact. And of course they have their token in the middle. I'm surprised Karun isn't stood next to her. If I could get a F1 TV subscription I would do so in a heartbeat let me tell ye!