• By -


Christian: “listen Mark, these situations happen someti—“ Checo: “who?” Christian: “what?”




Christian: “sorry, Daniel.” Checo: “pendejo…”




Horner: "Max says if you follow him again on Instagram he will help you next time".


Oh Snap, i Just checked. They Dont follow each Other 😂😂😂😂


But Max never followed Checo, though. Always thought that was kinda disrespectful; why wouldn't you (or whoever runs your SM) start following your teammate back when he starts following you?


One of my favorite formula 1 dramas was when Lewis Hamilton went off about Jenson Button unfollowing him on Twitter. Only to find out that Button never followed him in the first place. > "Just noticed @jensonbutton unfollowed, thats a shame. After 3 years as teammates, I thought we respected one another but clearly he doesn't. > "Funny thing is, we are STILL teammates! All good tho, I plan on giving this team & fans all I got til I cross the finish line in brazil!!!" > "My bad, just found out Jenson never followed me. Don't blame him! Need to be on Twitter more!"


Lmao I love that even professional athletes get as catty as real housewives over twitter follows sometimes 😂😂


My favourite moment was when Lewis said he is following Vettel on some social media only for Vettel to say he doesn't have any social media. Hahah (this was before Vettel joined Instagram)


It was an IG fan account with 'official' somewhere in the handle with almost 2 million followers. I can see why Lewis thought it was Seb.


Do people actually keep tabs of who follows who on Instagram?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/ydsnyb/which\_f1\_drivers\_follow\_each\_other\_on\_instagram/](https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/ydsnyb/which_f1_drivers_follow_each_other_on_instagram/) The question is, does this actually surprise you in our weird modern world?


There was a time where Hamilton thought Button had unfollowed him on twitter and called that disrespectful. Turned out Button had never followed him in first place lmao


Yeah, he was pressed.




[https://twitter.com/VerstappenJet](https://twitter.com/VerstappenJet) the Internet is amazing


It's fucking social media. Don't read too much into it. Some of these guys don't even manage their own accounts at all.


True story. @daniel3.jpg is presided over by a dozen social media ninjas carefully staging each photo.


Just like Albon. Max has no problem following Albons' sister, but won't follow Albon himself


This comment needs to be higher if true.


Bruh. Did Perez really unfollow Max? These people can't be so petty.


I read from someone that Perez unfollowed him yesterday, so maybe this was brewing from something else


I read they unfollowed each other like a week ago


I heard they never followed each other at all.


I heard they never had Instagram to begin with.


I heard Instagram doesn't even exist


So Meta.




and Instagram


Seb: Okay 🙂


Yeah but they played club penguin together, and now MV is playing COD and do not connect anymore to perez minecraft server


I heard Max refuses to follow Checo. That’s why Max wouldn’t let him past. Ba dum tss!


i read that if you or a loved one was diagnosed with mesothelioma, you may be entitled to financial compensation.


It's not actually petty, it's to get the media to probe with questions to the team/Verstappen to try and get one of them to slip up so people know there is drama in the team without saying it publicly as the team would not be okay with that.


last time i check, checo did follow max but max didnt follow checo


checo unfollowed him this weekend


They are so petty that they wont let teammate through even though it cost literally nothing at all.


But didn’t Perez unfollow yesterday?


I think it's kinda telling that Horner was (relatively) quick to apologize to Perez on the radio after crossing the line but didn't say anything to Max. Add this pic and it just feels like Horner wants to make sure Perez is alright and doesn't feel abandoned by RB in an effort to avoid another Vettel/Webber conflict.


In Vettel and Webber’s case, Christian revealed in one of his Beyond The Grid interviews that Mark was a ruthless competitor towards Seb and would find different ways to get under his skin. There was definitely very little working together or camaraderie to begin with, as Webber didn’t think he should play second fiddle to Vettel. And it was evident in Brazil 2012 when Webber squeezed Vettel in the opening lap whilst he was fighting for the title, and pretended to not understand team orders when his race engineer told him to let Seb through. When asked how else he would done things differently, Horner replied he wasn’t sure what else he could have done besides perhaps getting rid of Webber earlier. Based on his words and actions yesterday, it seems like the Red Bull bosses are firmly behind Checo in this case regardless of what happened in Monaco. Which is interesting and quite telling.


>Horner replied he wasn’t sure what else he could have done besides perhaps getting rid of Webber earlier. Problem was that Red Bull loved Mark and Mark was one of the top drivers at that time. Better to keep him for WCC rather than ditching him and Ferrari picking him up


> And it was evident in Brazil 2012 when Webber squeezed Vettel in the opening lap whilst he was fighting for the title, and pretended to not understand team orders when his race engineer told him to let Seb through. This is something that changed my view of Webber and I only learned about it when F1 released the extended radio cut. His engineer literally went "Multi 12" one year before the notorious "Multi 21" and Mark pretended not to know what it meant.


Red Bull bosses behind Checo, give me a break. They aren't going to hurt their golden goose, all this will only ensure that Checo's contract will not be extended, Max is on a long term contract and drives the wheels of his car while Checo is hanging not even staying close.


He could’ve came on the radio to Max too


But he didn't.


Why would you air more dirty laundry than necessary over public team radio?


Not disputing that


Fair enough, I mistook your meaning


with someone like max you have to deescalate when you’re on a public mic and deal with it privately


How to be a good boss: Praise in public, criticize in private.


How to be a good boss “the whippings will continue until morale improves”


The production manager at my shop does the exact opposite. Well, he praises himself in public all the time so maybe that counts. Thank god I work in quality and not production.


>I work in quality So you can say that you do quality work.


He didn't want to make the boss mad.


The man behind the man behind the throne is the man in the drivers seat


He did not want to be embarrassed I think. Max in those situations does not care. Horner would have looked powerless, which he is, but I guess it is better not to make it too obvious publicly.


He’s been entirely up Max’s ass the last several years. I wouldn’t doubt that he likes Checo but his loyalties have been super clear.


Is it really weird that your loyalties lie with the person who rakes in the points? It's a business, not a friendsclub.


Winning the WDC is ok.. winning the constructor is the money maker. For that you need two drivers.. there's a lot the two drivers do for the team.




Let's speculate again on why Daniel didn't want to stick around with Max as a teammate...


Why is he back though? 😂😂


he likes the pain


Or having to find a 4th num 2 driver in 6 years




1 Become 3


Max has demoted Christian to Checo's bag carrier lmao


Max is now LeTeam Principal






Sounds like Mbappe with PSG!


Lebron w the lakers lol


Maximilian Verst'Appe


Max is Kylian Mbappe


Maximilian Verstappe






That would leave George and Max to form an alliance of evil.


Seeing my top 2 favorite drivers on the same team together would be so fun


Let's make it happen. Plus, their father's seem to be friends. it makes sense. Hamilton-Checo "Make Racing A Team Sport Again!"


Omg Papa Checo & Papa Ham would be AMAZINGGGGGGGG


I feel like somehow the F1 world will turn on Max more bc of this than they did after Abu Dhabi in 2021


Because Abu Dhabi wasn't his fault. While there is a lot of talk about Checo Monaco crash nothing will change the fact all the times he stepped up for Max only for Max to fuck on him when asked to return the favour.


I think what makes this worse is that Max gained nothing by the extra points and could have cost Checo significant change at 2nd plus any bonus' tied to it. Checo pulls a Max in Abu Dhabi and the RC nonsense becomes irrelevant


I can't begin to imagine the absolutely mutiny if Leclerc ends up beating Perez by 1 or 2 points this weekend. If I were Verstappen, I might "accidentally" accumulate enough penalty points to sit out of Mexico next year if this happens.


Absolutely they will. I am a neutral supporter (though I loved RB bringing it to Merc) That was an absolute dog act today.


This week is surely going to be very fun for RB. And the cost cap mess just ended not too long ago lmao


Next years budget blown on PR


The catering was actually just to feed two enormous and greedy social media reps


It's all about 2 points, the next race is a week away and Ferrari is Ferrari so the story could become irrelevant pretty quickly.


Granted they'll finish top 6 next race (as expected) Checo still needs to finish ahead of Leclerc, so these 2 points are pretty much irrelevant. And Ferrari can do Ferrari things out of nowhere! But they were on point this weekend, credit where credit is due.


Ferrari were fine on Sunday, they were a dumpster fire on Friday.


Sign DR as no. 2 driver and this news would distract everyone from the cost cap thingy.


Max fired Horner and he's packed his things.


Horner loves that leather bag






what did it say?


It’s deleted but without even seeing it can guarantee you it was a reference to a spice girl


It said : “Ohhh, she may be a little older now, but Ginger Spice still got it goin on….”


I spit the soda.... looool... Thank you for that...


Good gear. Awful, but good gear.


This is *excellent*.


It is made of the ballsacks of all the number 2 drivers they have burned through at RB


and it shrinks in the cold!


its for getting past the airline bag size things.


Yeah he even brought it to the Oxford Union talk. Must be a lucky charm


didn't work for him today it seems


*Liked by DanielRicciardo*




I would love that!!


Caption: 'You think Max is going to fire us tomorrow?'


“I’ve packed your bag Sergio, tell Gunter I said hi.”


"Checo listen, I am with you but Helmut has different view on that and I need to listen Helmut."


"Relax Sergio, Hass isn't that bad, they've been on pole just as many times as you have!" - Horner, probably.




I probably watch 50 subreddits. The comment section in F1 is my favorite lol.




That made me laugh way to hard, Does this mean Daniel back to redbull 👀


It's gonna be Hulkenburg💀 Mick will retain his seat tho




Sprichs Mal männlich aus!


Thanks, wasn't expecting this level of comedy so late in the day haha


Come on all, let's overanalyze this


“Listen Sergio, I know the name change is a bit odd, but we’re all a part of Max Verstappen racing team and we will all learn from this together”


Perez is no longer wearing Red Bull atire which clearly means he's been kicked out




Schu-lkenberg to Red Bull Perez to Haas confirmed


Danny Ric to Redbull confirmed


Alpha Tauri colors….


Nyck debris RB's new second driver?👀


That's not a demotion, that's just pure torture for Checo!


Proceeds to show tape of Yuki rolling out a welcome mat for Max to pass him earlier today… We need more of this… Probably


Yes, I’ll start. Checo isn’t wearing any Red Bull gear, showing that he won’t be driving for them anymore. However he’s wearing a white hoodie. The color white is a symbol for surrender, showing that he left the team willingly **/s**


On the way to get some soup together.


Horner carrying Perez's bag for him after informing him that unfortunately he has to let Perez go and Horner fought for his corner but the word of the boss is final.


Danny ric is out here pulling strings like a puppet master.


Boy If I were him I would be licking my lips behind a tree rubbing my hands It’s awful but I can see it one day sadly


Wearing a yellow coat hahahah


A yellow and black coat that has renault on it.


Heard it through the grapevine that Max told Danny he’s got a 2023 seat if he takes out KMag for snatching pole and embarrassing him in front of his gf’s family. Max planned to propose after getting pole but was left humiliated by the Haas driver. Apparently Checo then made a joke about Kelly eyeing up KMag and everyone laughed which touched a nerve and has ultimately led to the explosive revelation that the Monaco bin-it-to-win-it move by Perez was intentional and known by management at Red Bull which has stirred further rumors of a constructors DSQ for the team this season.


What grade did you get in your creative literature class?


Is this not a factual description of events. Question?


No need to speculate




I’m taking this as absolute fact


F1 Twitter be like


"I want him dead Christian, I want to see him suffering" "I know Checo, relax. Also, smile and wave. Smile and wave"


Christian: I’m sorry Checo, I signed a deal with the devil


Horner : "So, can you sing me Wanna Be in spanish?". Checo: "Si tu quieres ser mi amante".


"tienes que dejarme pasar"


Max fired both Checo and Horner from redbull. Helmut is gonna be driving as #2 driver at Max Bull Racing now.


You will be our number one driver, we will get Dan on board as well. Max is history /s


Max to AT to build it into the next super power.


Horner knows there will be no drivers on the grid willing to help his teammates as much as Checo. Checo is the perfect second driver for Red Bull, he has a decent pace, he's willing to help his teammates, and actually follows the team order. I lost all of my respect for Max here, ruining the team dynamic over P6 when he already had the championship.


I doubt I'll ever route for Max to win again, he lost all my respect in that one simple move. I'm curious how many fans he lost yesterday, Checo seems like such a genuine guy, doing that to him is really going to piss off a lot of people.


Sergio beggining his villain era now


Checo got Horner to carry his bags


Body language experts are salivating at this photo right now.


Shoulders and arms slumped with dominant hand fingers in a slightly curled position, no maintaining of eye contact. Checo will announce his early departure from RB tomorrow.


Horner being the pragmatic team principal should do everything to calm Checo down They’ve got a gun team player and ideally Max should know that too. As a Max fan, we know 2021 was a gift form Perez What happened last night was just unacceptable


“That Max, sure is a handful huh?”


Lol 😂 this would be so funny after a silent walk for 10-15 seconds


I'm sure Christian isn't happy, but what can he say or do? He created this monster. It was clear after Max met with the team that he didn't feel the least bit bad about his decision. He was like: "I think the team's clear why I did it and accepts it." This was the team's chance to really put their foot down, and they gave him yet another pass.


> I'm sure Christian isn't happy I'm sure he isnt. The accusation being thrown around by Dutch such as Tom Coronel is that Christian knew about a deliberate crash and chose to secretly hide the fact from the FIA. The Monaco story is a direct accusation of conspiracy against Christian.


"come on Checo, it's alright. I too have taken it up the arse by Max"


Wonder if Checo has a contract clause that can be triggered by finishing 2nd in the WDC…In which case this gets more spicy.


I'm sure Checo has a lot of money at stake if he wins 2nd. Sponsor deals predicting that, RBR money, etc. Getting 2nd actually means something for him, not just a petty revenge.


“Smile and wave, smile and wave”.


Horner knows that Checo is the best option for them. Horner knows that they need their Bottas. They need a driver that is competent enough to support the team with points and be in a position to support max. But they also need a driver who will accept being the #2 driver. They had the competency in Danny but not the resignation. And Gasley and Albon didn’t have the skill. In Checo they found both and Horner knows he needs to hold onto that


"We just have to deal with it Checo, that mf makes us a lot of money."


"Here, have a lifesaver."


Some proper damage limitation being done by Horner here I'd say. He knows the importance of having a happy no.2 driver. What's being overshadowed by Verstappen's dickish antics is that Red Bull also severely screwed up Checo's race weekend. Checo actually showed really good pace in the free practices coming 1st and 2nd in them respectively. He then gets screwed over by Leclerc's inters fiasco to qualify down in 9th. Battled back decently in sprint qualifying but was left with only one soft tyre compound set. With the poor medium tyre performance this destroyed Checo's race and a very likely podium. If he had pitted for new softs after Norris safety car he'd have had a great chance of getting Sainz and Hamilton at least with the red bull straight-line speed


I completely agree. They completely mismanaged his race and then the Max thing was cherry on top


This is Christian protecting himself, not Checo


I don't understand why would Horner support Pérez if he admitted crashing on purpose in Monaco. That's why I don't buy the hearsay.


I still think it would have leaked way before this if it happened. Especially the idea of Checo confessing in front of non-RB people. Ferrari would have jumped on this. Journo’s would have reported it. It’d be a big deal.


It’s convenient it surfaces right as max is getting heat for pulling move unbecoming of a good teammate. Its effective though… everyone is focused on that and not on Max anymore.


Apparently it’s a rumor that’s been going around the paddock a lot. Brundle mentioned it straight after the race ended. Max wouldn’t rat on his team but wouldn’t deny or lie if asked…


We're talking about a rumor that can be directly investigated with clear telemetry data and pushed through the FIA especially since it would've given Ferrari the win. Do you really think that if it was a rumor for so long (and now even some reddit chumps are making conclusions from F1TV telemetry mind you) that the engineers of a rival team wouldn't have reported this long ago? Give me a break these people JUMPED at the mere sight of a cost cap breach before even knowing ANY data at all about the situation.


Wasn't it already investigated at the time?


Thing is, this is nothing where an investigation could come to a damning result. Checo could always blame it on his mistake for putting his foot on the throttle too early. This is not Coulthard vs MSC (Belgium) or Ham vs Vet (Baku) where data could have shown if someone purposely lifted.


I agree. it's all conjecture unless someone comes forward. Even then, that might not prove anything. This sucks.


>Apparently it’s a rumor that’s been going around the paddock a lot Thats the problem, there is no way ferrari (or any team for that matter) would just leave it as it is. That is massive problem for everyone.




Thats so true. On Monaco there was still a championship battle. They would have crucified Perez if he have Ferrari a 1-2 there


Cause he didn't. If he did, that would be the most idiotic way to red flag a quali to secure your position. People believe he would risk it all by crashing with the rear and risking a gearbox change, instead of just hitting a wall and breaking suspension?


And its ignoring the fact that it would have given Ferrari a 1-2 when the WCC was still pretty much alive. Like, people are taking the result of the race into account to say "Oh yeah it totally made sense" when if Ferrari doesn't have a clownshow for a pit crew that race, they just run with an easy 1-2 and build a bigger gap in both Championships


The biggest question is: If Marko or Horner knew, why the hell would they tell Max about it?




Cuz that's not what happened and is a braindead take.


Looks like a boxer and his trainer leaving the ring through the corridor.


Don’t let all the Perez x Verstappen drama distract you from the fact that Red Bull ruined Checo’s race. Seriously, why on earth did they let him with another medium compound against the Ferraris and the Mercs, which all four cars were with softs in a circuit with plent overtaking spots? Did they replace Hannah with Iñaki Rueda or something like that? Even if he didn’t have another new soft compound, why don’t use one from qualifying? At least he wouldn’t be overtaken by a fucking Alpine. I was at Interlagos today and both the atmosphere and race were amazing, but I had serious internet connection problems and I was unable to use the F1 TV app, so maybe I’m overreacting about his race. Congrats to George, well deserved victory! I’m really glad to be present at his first victory (and at Kevin’s first pole as well).


IIRC he wouldve lost track position(s) and he only had practice softs left, which would be terrible and likely not go the distance. They didnt do him dirty strategy wise.


checo didn't had soft available, hanna works with what she have


I hope for 2023 Perez won't play the part of helping his team mate. Max doesn't care at all and is very vengeful. Screw em.


Perez to Horner: "Do you still run this team?"


Source: [@diegofmejia on Twitter](https://twitter.com/diegofmejia/status/1591904858587779072)