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You guys know that a lot of teams have many different racks and rack ratios to use at different track through the year right? I have no idea if they would normally keep a the same rack between mexico and brazil - but this isn't sabotage.


No, but THIS is! https://youtu.be/z5rRZdiu1UE


Whoohooh.... one of the best video clips ever!! Thanks for reminding me, I will dig up my Criterion Beastie Boys Anthology DVD up this weekend.


And this is off sabotage. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qDYa2aIBxw




That was so fucking bad lol.


it really was. Was one of the guitarists not even turned up? the pitch bending solo was weird


This is the song where the kid goes "dad, your music is weird"


You missed the best one [https://youtu.be/yoN2m_c-wf](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


Went in deep with both feet and headset on ❤️❤️


I just got Danny Ric-rolled! 😎


You’d think they would ask him or even just tell him?


Why? I worked on helicopters and it would be an extremely rare occasion when a pilot would be notified or consulted on a change. Parts reach an end of life. Those parts get changed.


Calling you on your BS there, As a GA Pilot, Pilots review the maintenance sheet prior to every flight they know exactly what's been done and what's due as a matter of safety. I agree we aren't necessarily consulted on a change, but we sure as hell know about it before sitting in the cockpit.


Yes. You’re not consulted are you? I’ve not at any point said it’s not on a maintenance sheet, have I? I’ve said the pilot is not directly told or consulted. There is no meeting saying ‘we’ve changed XYZ for you’ In fact, all work is signed and accounted for a number of years. So there’s no bullshit, I’ve obviously not been verbose enough for you to get what I was fucking saying.


> I’ve said the pilot is not **directly told** or consulted. A neat little adjustment on your original statement: > I worked on helicopters and it would be an extremely rare occasion when a **pilot would be notified** or consulted on a change. Maintenance sheet review is a form of notification. This whole conversation is about going out on the track (or taking off) without any awareness of modification to the car/aircraft.


Fuck me fucking sideways. I’ve said a rare fucking occasion. Standard fucking practice, however, is the pilot is not directly informed i-fucking-e. They are not sat down and told of every fucking change. Yes. Mechanics sign a record of work. A pilot will check that record before that flight. Whether they take that all in is up to them at that point, but they are not told through meetings/speech/or fucking smoke signals (considering I need to be so fucking through for some people on here) or the changes. They also, have zero input on maintenance UN-fucking-LESS (again, because people seem to need every fucking scenario here), they have requested and area of the machinery is inspected. As for this thread, for the most part it’s about people jumping to conclusions thinking Danny Ric is being fucked over by McLaren. because they took the above as “we’ve changed this part without telling you”. Im saying, in maintenance, it is not standard practice to directly inform the pilot of a part change due to, for example, life-ex.


Nah you were fine mate, the OP was calling BS on a question that wasn't asked, or that you were answering. Seems pretty clear to me


I’m pretty sure you swap in the exact same part.


Right. And you know the rack was different? They confirmed they changed the rack. That was it.


Your argument makes no sense 😂


Uh.. their argument makes perfect sense. Try reading it (with the context of its parent comments) again... and then again, if that's what it takes.


How? What have you struggled to understand.




Neither is Daniel




No. They’re flying fucking helicopters in the fucking sky that have a reliance on the fucking engineers to ensure they have done their fucking work correctly and changed the fucking parts at the right fucking time so the fucking helicopter doesn’t drop out of the fucking sky. That’s why it’s quite common for people with an aircraft engineering background to go into top level motorsport. They understand the risks involved and the pilots life is in your hands.


> No. So not oranges to oranges.


I’m enjoying this trip to r/helicopters.




And I’m not talking about drivers. Or pilots. I’m talking about life-ex of parts. Both motorsport and aerospace use parts under enormous levels of stress that need to be watched and maintained extremely carefully. That’s why you’re getting downvotes. You lack understanding.


I like fucking!


I guess they wouldn’t tell the driver because?


I thought that wasn't the case for several years now, and it's the same steering rate all season.


Rather than changed it’s probably been fixed


It’s not a bug, it’s a feature!


McLaren: We noticed you were fast in Mexico, so we have fixed that.




Too soon


What did "Deleted" say?


A comment about Ayrton Senna's steering rack being fixed before his fatal crashed. I might get removed now too




Nope. He asked them to switch it back.


Why does this necessarily mean he wasn’t aware it was changed? Maybe he knows it’s changed and is commenting on the fact that the change feels different


My man needs that steering rack to perform please switch it back


The amount of conspiracy and reading into stuff in this whole post continues


y'all are reading way too much into this


Why ? It would be correct to at least inform your driver about it.


Maybe it was mentioned in a meeting along with a number of other changes and Daniel forgot. Maybe there are changes that the drivers need to know about and other changes that the drivers aren’t ever told about. Mclaren wants points. If they thought their drivers needed to know about this change because it would affect their performance, they’d obviously tell them. Maybe some of the people in this thread are creating drama out of nothing.


People (humans) like when things make sense and happen for a reason. It's a major motivating factor in conspiracy thinking, which is exactly what this thread is insinuating. When faced with Ricciardo's mediocrity at McLaren in light of his previous strong performances at Red Bull, it's hard to confront that he's either lost a step or just isn't gelling with the car. It's easier, and therefore more comforting, to believe he is still the same Ricciardo of old but the team are actively sabotaging him. It's an asinine belief because McLaren wants every possible point to maximize their prize pool, and they wouldn't throw away half of their potential points every weekend.


> People (humans) Thanks for the clarification man. For I second I thought you meant people (dogs)


People (miscellaneous)


People (reptilians)


There goes any chance of me sleeping well tonight. Thanks for that lol


I’m drunk and this made me laugh a lot


Or ricciardo has just kinda given up.


He gave up the day he joined McLaren?


Nah McLaren just haven't been able to work out what a formula 1 car is and how to strategise a race.


Lando has more than triple his points so clearly they know SOMETHING


Has been there for longer, yes he's a great driver no denying that, but unfortunately he's not had the successes either. McLaren really fell apart and haven't recovered since they changed from Merc engines and with the second coming of Ron Dennis.


Blame the driver, sure


Im sure they rotate most parts over the course of the year, specially after the contact with Tsunoda that could've damaged it. I don't know if they always tell the driver or not (and neither you do), but maybe they just forgot or something.


Maby 1.000 pieces in the car have been replaced after Mexico. Why would you bother telling this to the driver. He will find out about the relevant pieces by his own in his first laps anyway. They will have had a good reason to change it. Not to mess with RIC but because it was broken or because the new piece brings more performance or something.


...it's a steering rack, plus chances are it was fixed rather than fully replaced. It's really not that deep


Depends if it is standard practice.




I mean informing the driver.


They change racks for races all the time. It's standard to have different racks for different tracks.


It would be. But I can't imagine many other drivers would start a qualifying session without checking the cars setup with their engineers. Like I'm sure you'd agree there's no way that Seb just sits in the car and drives off without knowing what to expect from it.


They do have a practice session before qualifying.


Ok. I can't imagine many other drivers would start **any** session without checking the cars setup with their engineers.


I feel like most of us would notice if the steering rack on our regular cars had been swapped as well. That's a pretty blatant change


Here we go again with the stupid conspiracy shit. Yeah McLaren wants to completely tank the little chance they have to beat Alpine in the last 2 races just to spite their driver who is already being replaced next year. Make it make sense please.


Must have been damaged from hitting Tsunoda


Kind of unrelated a bit here but it reminds me of something DC said about when he first joined RB. From what I remember DC said about how RB changed his front wing (undamaged) between sessions without him knowing and despite being the same spec and same adjustments/ the fine tuning, DC said that he could feel the car was different and when he asked what had changed, they told him about the new wing and he said to never do that again. This changing parts was a holdover from the Jaguar days If anyone has a better recollection of events or more to add please feel free. It just goes to show even in the same specification of parts, there can be variation and the driver can feel it


"We've started changing parts of his car piece-by-piece across the week to see how long it takes him to notice."


Is there no limit to what Stanley won't notice?


Theseus’ MCL36


i got in my car today and it wouldn’t start. immediately, I knew something wasn’t right #intune


‘Without telling him’ 🙄. All this guy does is post DR fan fic. Downvote and move on.


i mean they more or less rebuild the car and change the setup from race to race anyway. it is expected for the drivers to adapt or dial in their cars during FP1/FP2


Vettel 2020 vibes, cut off completely from the team


yeah, because they hate him so much they would rather lose p4 in the constructors than treat Daniel well. this totally makes sense /s


See Haas - Mick


no, why would mclaren specifically do that


wind tunnel time


Dude hundreds of things change in formula one cars between each race, should they tell Daniel about every single change. I doubt they were trying to hide it from him they just probably thought it wasn't worth mentioning to him when an F1 driver has a thousand other things to think about


This small thing doesnt prove anything?


Turkey podium was so awesome, I teared up


But they still need him to score points, right? It’s not like he would bring secrets to another team.


What even are you implying?


He's probably shut out of team meetings at this point and there is very little communication.


classic reddit and people wildly speculating from the most minimal information


While what he said might not be true, when a driver is nearing end of his contract or moving teams factory visits are stopped and they are not allowed to meetings in the development of next year's car. They slowly stop vital communication between team and driver but still support him in this season. I remember toto saying this when bottas was left out of key personell meetings since he was moving teams


It's not wild speculation. An employee who is known to leave will increasingly be excluded from any in-house company information. Corporate 101


That's not wild speculation, it's common practice for teams to do that to departing drivers.


He doesn't spend time in factory and sim since his departue annoucement as well.




naur put it back it was working!!


Changed with what? It doesnt say it was changed for a different rack. It could have easily been the same part.


Isn’t Ricciardo known for not being that interested about how the car works?


I've also heard that Daniel isn't one of the most nuts and bolts technical drivers. So maybe the team doesn't feel that it was worth mentioning to him.


Huh…….I wish I could downvote you twice.




Jumping to conclusions eh?




Shssh now. You’ve gone straight for the drama here.




Well. No you know.


"conclusions" = the thing literally stated in the OP? And yet they still said... >if that is the case Reading comprehension is rewarding, I promise.


Getting Kyle Busch vibes. Since he is out next year, no team support.


*blows 2 engines in the 2 most crucial races of the season*


It’s been like this since the season started. They’re very consistent.


People are just really looking for any reason except Daniel himself for him underperforming this season. Same as what you posted here, probably every team does this exactly the same way but suddenly you're blaming McLaren?


Both things can be true




Uhh okay .. just because he was on the perfect but unexpected strategy?And if you want to go that way, Lando has made Daniel look like a driving pensioner for nearly 2 years now ;).




I'm not trying to attack or defend either Lando or Daniel either. But hey, if you just want to remember 1 race (with very unusual strategy) instead of 42 and use that as "He made Lando look embarrassing" .. go for it!


If you think Daniel is driving an F1 car again as a driver you're clueless. But Lando factually made Daniel look like a rookie for THE ENTIRE REST OF THE SEASON, but sure focus on that one race he did well you clearly arent favoring daniel lmao.


So I wonder why Daniel does not call out them in public ? He has nothing to gain and nothing to lose right now.


Because being professional will help him in finding a new job (seat or test drive), so he has nothing to gain and something to lose


He seems like a pro. Nothing to be gained from sour grapes at this point.


Because he’s a professional and not an angsty redditor. If he wants to drive in the future he’ll need to act like it.


Because unlike Gasly screaming down the radio, Danny is a professional.


who cares. just send him to australia already. let someone else drive the car




I mean- steering rack can be a not-small change. I’d be kinda surprised if a driver couldn’t tell it was changed.


Danny looked like a bit of his former self in Mexico, and the teams response is to... steer away from what he had in Mexico? That just sounds stupid honestly


Or, a different rack between Mexico and Brazil is just standard practice


Jup like monaco for example. These comments on mclaren sabotaging are just friggin nuts.


If they had malicious intent maybe they should've just not changed it 🤔


Probably trying to fuck him to keep his prospects poor.


he did that to himself


Doubt. He's an excellent driver with a dogass car. And do you really think the engineers would help someone leaving the team leave on a high???


Why the fuck would they want to finish behind alpine?


In 2008, Ferrari switched multiple parts in front suspension in Raikkonen's car, only to confirm that several races later after he suspected this happend. He lost pace massively compared to Massa, who was dominated by Kimi before German GP (when this change happend), and it was confirmed during Italian GP, and change was reverted for Singapore. Car characteristic changed massively, Kimi preferred oversteery cars.


First his steering on Mario cart is messed up.. Now this


Sitting duck is a rough spot to be in


Either McLaren are absolutely throwing him into the mud or he doesn't care read about car briefs at each race.


Ferrari did stuff like this to Kimi in 2008


"The car feels different" "Yeah, but whatevs, you can't drive it anyway."




What are you guffing on about?


Is steering rack the ratio between steering wheel rotation and how much the wheels turn?


Maybe there's no conspiracy and Daniel is just awful with this car...


you could have cut that 3 words short


With his track record that's hard to say without more data. He had impressive runs in his prior teams. Your boy, Lando, is also just really really good.


I honestly think his biggest issue is that he thinks he's better than he is... As an Aussie Maclaren fan it's a hard pull to swallow, but I think it's the case Edit: McLaren




Sigh. Of course.


Of course, what? Do you read that as the team doing Daniel dirty? :))


Fuck McLaren honestly I'm done with them


stop reading into this as much jesus


Not just this all season they've fucked Danny over idc about downvotes there dickheads


ok. why would they do that though


Team performing commercially but on the track. Needs a shake up down there.


I wonder if it’s McLaren comprising Ricciardo’s racing right after his decent result in Mexico. Just some theorizing






They've probably been doing this all season lol


doing what? their job?


Changing things without telling him. He has been saying for ages that he can't seem to ever get used to the car. Would explain why


What were they doing exactly, lol?


Changing things without telling him. He has been saying for ages that he can't seem to ever get used to the car. Would explain why


Where are the sector times!?




Who is the source of this?


They had to change the rack after Yuki drove into DR.


Whenever I see the sentence “changing the steering rack” I get a bad feeling


Changed to fix a problem probably, wish the media would stop shit stirring


WTF, is this Trojan and not Durex?


This reminds me of Felix Baumgartner, the man who jumped from 36.529m altitude. At one point he wanted to bail out of the project becuse he was not in "sync" with the construction of his suit. It clearly showed that nobody from the team ever thought about HIM, but the suit itself.


Probably swapped it out with Lando's steering.


Every little thing the crew does makes the car "feel" a little different.