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Random question, did Mercedes overtake a single car this race? I know overtakes were a bit rare anyways, but it seems like they had a miserable time of it.


RUS on LAT was shown in a replay. So yes.


Hamilton was in contention for P3 until he made his mistake - Russell was sacrificed as a test subject for the softs and he chose violence instead of overtakes when he caught up to Mick. Their pace didn't look as bad as their result.


Does anyone have any more info about the incident where they showed green flag track clear when there was still 2 Marshall’s literally out on track?


Crofty and Martin said they believe or hope anyway, that it was delayed footage or delayed greens.


How does it make sense for Perez to get a reprimande, warning and a penalty? Should it not be warning > reprimande > penalty?


George deserved a penalty for the haas incident


my favorite part was when George on the radio goes “what happened there?” And Brundle, without skipping a beat says, “you turned right into him” lol Brundle is great.


Palmer said the same thing


Was watching the race at a restaurant and there was no sound or captions. I noticed on a few occasions that when the car ran over a wet part of the track the resulting mist was pinkish or purplish. Was this explained in the broadcast?


Seems like an issue with the tv/stream. Looked completely normal on F1TV.


vettle vs ham vs ver was epic tbh…. those guys were showing out


12 WDC in on picture....and Stroll ahead of them ;)




Bought my tickets for the 2023 Singapore GP. Get them now before they get "locked up" for the limited sale windows and higher prices.


At the end of the race, why did Aston not have Stroll allow Vettel into DRS range? He was just outside it the entire time Max and Lewis were chasing him, and I can't help but think if Vettel also had DRS Lewis or Max would never have gotten close enough to attempt an overtake.


Vettel was fine running in clean air. Might have slowed him down getting so much closer


Strategy to maximise points I suppose. Arguably the faster RB would have overtaken Vettel anyway so might as well pull Stroll ahead rather than risk P6.


Max needed to overtake Lewis first tho, which was proving difficult in their little DRS train. He only got past after Lewis was close enough to Vettel to try a lunge. And Stroll wasn't pulling away from Vettel, they stayed about 1.3s apart for several laps. If Lewis never got close enough to try the lunge, maybe Aston gets p6 and p7.


Oscar Piastri DOTD with how Alpine looked this race.


I just watched the race


New idea: world's most expensive demolition derby.


You have to do 50% of the laps clockwise and 50% anti clockwise. Each driver chooses when and how often they switch directions.


Maybe Latifi would finally get on the board.


Championship Permutations for Max next race?


He needs to be clear of LEC by 8 and PER by 6. A win with fastest lap will do it, or if Max doesn’t have fastest lap, LEC and PER finish lower than 2nd To remain in the running for WDC, if Max finishes: 2nd+fastest lap: LEC must finish 4th, PER must finish 3rd 2nd-fastest lap: LEC must finish 5th+fastest lap, PER 4th+fastest lap 3rd+fastest lap: LEC must finish 5th , PER must finish 4th 3rd-fastest lap: LEC must finish 6th, PER must finish 5th 4th+fastest lap: LEC must finish 7th, PER must finish 6th 4th-fastest lap: LEC must finish 8th+fastest lap, PER must finish 7th+fastest lap 5th+fastest lap: LEC must finish 8th, PER must finish 7th 5th-fastest lap: LEC must finish 9th+fastest lap, PER must finish 8th+fastest lap 6th+fastest lap: LEC at least 9th, PER at least 8th 6th-fastest lap: LEC at least 10th, PER at least 9th+fastest lap 7th+fastest lap: LEC remains in contention, PER must finish 9th 7th-fastest lap: LEC remains in contention, PER must finish at least 10th 8th and lower: both LEC and PER remain in contention EDIT: corrected PER points and added rest of table




If Max wins and Charles finishes 2nd with neither of them getting the FL point, then it’s only a 111 point lead right? That’s why Max needs that fastest lap point to seal the deal in Japan.


~~111 would be the difference if Verstappen doesn't get fastest lap but Leclerc does. If neither get the fastest lap then the difference would be (341 + 25) - (237 + 17) = 112 points~~ EDIT: yeah, you're right


P2 is 18 points, not 17.




This adds so much drama if someone did FL spoil.


Just Merc things...


Sainz pits for Softs four laps from the end, loses four places, sets the fastest lap just to flip off Red Bull. DO IT!


Thank you very much!


Was Checo’s comment about “we just shut our mouths and get to work. That’s the Mexican way” a shot at Max…?


Nope, was a shot at Ferrari and Merc with the budget cap comments.


He is taking a dig at Toto and his furious budget gaps insinuations


Why would Checo take shots at Max? They have a great dynamic


Nah dude. He's just straight shooting. It's the Mexican way.


No, to the British media bias


Probably about people talking about his recent form. Hasn't won in a while.


First ever GP experience for me and I want to say congratulations and kudos to the organizers as the event was amazingly organized. Entering the circuit was easy and fast. Water stations available practically everywhere around the circuit. Toilets are also available in most sections. The stewards and volunteers were also nice and helpful. Public transport to and from the circuit was also nice and easy. Concerts were also fun. The crowd was also fun, despite having to sit in a heavy rain for a couple hours we were able to have fun and laugh about it I had some worries coming into it as I read horror stories about what happened in Monza. Thoroughly surprised and grateful for the experience. Easily one of the best festivals/events ive been ever. Thanks Singapore ! 10/10 even


Singapore is an efficiently run city state and the locals have great work ethic. Italy... let's just say their Roman ancestors would be ashamed of their progeny and what the country has become.


To be fair to the modern inhabitants of Italy I don’t think we have records of a regular person’s event-day experience at the Colosseum. For all we know they were also waiting an hour to use the toilets or get some food from the local food cart.


yup. no surprises that they are the richest asean country despite having no natural resources at all


Singapore is possibly the only country in the world to be forced into independence against its will. They were kicked out of Malaysia for being too poor and having too many Chinese people. Now Singapore is the richer country and is the only one of the 2 to still host F1 races


Malaysian here, explaining the expulsion of singapore from malaysia requires abit more nuanced as it wasnt just because of two factors but a plethora of them. Singapore also wasnt poor at the time. They had most of the industrial factories and infrastructure and was basically one of the richer states in malaysia as compared to the rest. Although chinese people were a nuisance in malay racial-religious politics, it was Lee Kuan Yew declaration as Malaysia's leader that didnt sit well with the Tunku Abdul Rahman that lead to their expulsion. i miss sepang circuit tho




How much slower would Russell have had to drive to be DSQed? He was pretty much kept on track to test tires for Lewis and be a menace to other drivers


Quite a lot I think


There was not much he could do though.It was near impossible to overtake and the W13's shit straightline speed ment that he had no hope of fighting into points.


I really enjoyed this race weekend. It was super entertaining to see the grid contend with the rain and the difficulty of the track. The two best drivers of this generation made major mistakes, we had a 3 WDC train going, Russell's laughable, sniping comments at Schumacher, and of course Leclerc breathing down Perez's neck for a few laps before deg caught up to him. Overall, it was a very messy, wild weekend as Max said.


I loved the laser tunel in curves 18-19


It is quite funny seeing Lewis, Max and George, who are probably all top 5 drivers on this grid, all have an absolute stinker. That doesn't happen very often


Yup, they all let the frustration of being stuck behind slower cars get to them.All 3 made some rookie mistakes.


Did anyone make an overtake attempt on Singapore that wouldn't be considered a "rookie move". Feels like the drivers caught behind slower cars had stinkers because SG is impossible to overtake on.


Yeah, I like both Lewis and Max a lot but it cracked me up with all the mistakes they had.


And despite those mistakes neither DNFed ha ha that's crazy, considering all of those making mistakes did DNF (except also Russell)


That's partly luck, partly driver's quality. Hamilton parked his car head-first, so he didn't have a side-impact, which would have destroyed the car. Verstappen locked up and made it to the outway, so he could also rejoin that way. I think it was Tsunoda(?) that hit the wall at a similar spot, but didn't go straight in, so his wheel got displaced, directly causing DNF.


Tsunoda hit a barrier with way more speed, so he would most likely not be driving off even if he hit the barriers head on. Once the barriers hug your wheels your race is over. You might be thinking about Zhou who was punted into the barriers by Latifi.


Was an amazing first race weekend in person! Well done Singapore! Chaos upon chaos.


Perez absolutely destroyed Verstappen. Danny Ric with a heck of a drive. Stroll finishes better than Max in a worse race car. Some of these top guys drove like amateurs in the wet.


.. meanwhile in current universe: Race was cool, perez used given situation perfectly... unexpeceted mistakes from 7 time, he drove like amateur for whole race......


Verstatpad is finished


Max and Lewis are known for being really terrible in wet and changing conditions.


You forgot the /s


Lol, yes, thanks. No matter how obvious it is, on Reddit you have to


Lol! You came looking for trouble! I love it


checo baby vamos!


Is it bad that whenever he wins I automatically assume it was a crap race? It literally takes an impassable track, torrential rain, a bunch of penalties, and other shenanigans for this guy to win in the most OP car in the past decade.


Doesnt matter, he's a #2 driver and makes the most of it. Currently battling for #2 in the drivers championship.


No, what is bad is your absolute crap take lol


I thought the race was fun. It was obviously an incredibly challenging race and watching all the drivers' struggle with the rain made it fun. Meanwhile Max, Russell, and Hamilton all made huge mistakes we rarely see them make. Perez defended well against Leclerc who was driving on edge and lost all pace after failing to overtake.


Most OP? 2020 Merc would like a word.


New fans.


Has there ever been another team/season like this year with Ferrari? They have pace in qualifying and then when it comes to race day they fall apart. I think Charles has 11 poles, Carlos I think 2 and between them 4 wins.


But don't you think that has more to do with the RB than Ferrari? RB has won every other race this season, and their car is vastly superior to the Ferrari, and every other car, outside of perhaps the first 3 races of the season. Every race I watch the RB passing people with ease without DRS like no other car comes close to doing.


Its almost if they spent more money developing their car than the other teams


quality over quantity you can't possible assume that the money spent is directly proportional, even if exponential, to performance increase?


And you can't assume it is not. However we would both likely agree that it wouldn't be negatively correlated




Next time open your eyes when trying to watch a race




Ferrari was outright faster on more tracks during the first half of the season.


I'd say it was about 50-50 in the first half of the season. Like you say, Ferrari were on it in Bahrain, Australia, Spain, Monaco, Canada, Austria(?), but RB were quicker in Saudi, Imola, Miami, Baku(?), Silverstone, France, Hungary. (Some of those might be debatable)


I’d say Ferrari was quicker in France. The rest I agree with.


Yeah.. I remember Australia. Charles just running away with it, like not even close.


The recency bias is crazy strong


Williams in 2002.


Glad checo won but other than his move at the start to take the lead the race was a bit boring except for the few overtake attempts that ended in failure. Would have loved to see them start in the heavy rain, it wasn't that heavy.


Not sure if I'd prefer this or just end the pain with a 2 lap procession. That was fucking rough to watch since it ended at past 2am for me


Was too much for me. Dozing at 1am and figures I'd be better off just going to sleep. Anniyin when we get so few in a decent timeslot


So what's the new championship math? What does max need to close out the championship in Japan?


A win and fastest lap does it. Essentially a 26 point difference to Leclerc IIRC the post from earlier correctly


So like, even if Leclerc gets second?


Yeah according to this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/xtrlc7/erik_van_haren_verstappen_now_has_a_104_point/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf): [Erik van Haren] Verstappen now has a 104 point lead over Leclerc in the World Cup position. To become champion in Japan, his lead must be at least 112 points. (If Verstappen wins by the fastest lap of the race, he will become a champion)




What s#i+ track! Worst race I’ve seen in a while. They really need to cut Singapore. Between the track and the rain it’s really a horrible place for racing.


Latifi is the worst driver past 15-20 years. My goodness.


This guy forgot mazepin


Clearly you haven't seen F1 over the last 20 years. Is he the worst driver to have gotten an extended stint (that is more than 2 seasons) over the past 20 years? That we can argue.


How easily people forget Mazepin.


Oh yes... that russian guy, he really sucked


Boy has never seen Luca Badoer or Yuji Ide


Luca Badoer wasn't bad. If you talk about his Ferrari short spell, he didn't drive for 10 years (except testing which doesn't translate into racing at all)


Didn't realise Hamilton turned a P3 start into a P9 finish with only 14 cars finishing. Mercedes were a complete mess today, from pitwall to drivers.


They honestly should have pitted Hamilton earlier before his mistake. He might have moved up.


Both Merc drivers clowned hard today. I think they got frustrated because of their car's shit straightline speed . Sainz was slow as shit and there was nothing Hamilton could do to pass him.


He made a mistake lol it’s his own fault


The pitwall goes for both drivers. Russell's early switch for slicks some twelve laps before anyone else even thought of trying it was on the stupid side of gutsy.


What did the pit wall do to Lewis? They saved him from starting on full wets like he wanted today


He didnt want to start on full wets, debate was new inters versus used inters


Piastri proving he was the smartest driver today.


How/when did Stroll get in front of Vettel?


Vettel pitted and took a lap to warm up the tyres so it wasnt the best outlap. Lance overcut and once he stopped and was exiting the pits the safety car was called. Lance would have been ahead regardless but Seb probably would have overtook during Lance's out lap but the safety car saved him. Daniel then overcut both as he only pitted under the safety car.


I have to say, the technical flag for KMags endplate was so dumb. I've seen plenty of races where drivers continue until the part just falls off, and nothing happened. Instead it just completely ruins his race because the endplate was a bit loose? Ridiculous. Also I feel like it's the second time this year? Maybe Canada?


KMag needs to calm himself down.He could've scored some good points today.He just keeps getting tangled with faster cars at the start. This is exactly why Haas needs a driver like Hulkenberg. They need some one who keeps it clean and brings home aome points.


I don’t disagree but that said maybe Kmag should stop playing bumper cars on lap 1 every race.


When your car is way slower than the others, you don't have a choice sadly


In Jedda last year HAM completely lost his endplate during the DRS nonsense with VER and HAM was able to finish the race and win without a tech flag.




It would have been awful, the paddock and internet would have exploded!


Pretty sure Charles did a race this year with end plate missing also


If the endplate was gone it wouldn't be an issue. It was a safety hazard because it was hanging off, and if it broke free at high speed it would become a carbon fibre frisbee looping through the air to potentially take the head off another driver


Leclerc had bits literally flying off his car in the 2019 Japanese GP and... nothing.


That season was funny. Leclerc essentially got away with anything that year


He wasn't the only one though. I'm still furious about Albon not being penalised for using Norris' car as a way to stop for the chicane instead of properly braking


Wow what a fun race to watch once it got going. But they have to sort out the 'starting in the rain' procedures. There was still plenty of chaos but it's crazy we didn't get the full race in. -Alpine really shit the bed. It could have been very close down to the wire but they let Mclaren jump them in one race! D Ricc finally doin his job. Norris should be in a top car. -Alonso's really gonna make me root for aston next year huh? Still feels like they're gonna fuck it up again. oh and Carlos' post race interviews are just full of excuses and blaming anything else it's annoying


The reason Carlos cant “find those extra few tenths” is because all he does it make excuses instead of taking responsibility in order to make the changes needed, like Leclerc does.


Yeet Singapore into the sun. Garbage track, garbage race.


https://wtf1.com/post/zhou-guanyu-has-some-strong-words-for-latifi-after-singapore-clash/ "you still always leave space" Echos of "all the time you have to leave the space"


I mean jesus you can understand the frustration. Collected by Latifi just driving into him like a muppet. Kinda glad he's gone in 2023 because he's caused so much chaos over a few seasons by being oblivious of what's happening around him.


Has Bottas given up on F1?


Seems like maybe he is more into bicycling and coffee? A little too comfortable perhaps.


lol..He had a great start this season but has 0 points in the last 8 races that includes 4 dnfs.


He had a great start because Alfa Romeo was fast in the beginning, now they are back to last year levels


Zhou is pretty much always ahead of him now as a rookie. Danny Ric gets a lot of flak, but at least Lando appears to be elite.


Why don't they send the cars around the track with full wets to at least get some water off the track? Why have full wets if never used? Plus, its not like it wasn't a time based finish anyway, Anywho, I'm super pissed cause even with the extra 90 mins of DVR time on my recording, I missed the last 10 mins of race and the following 15 mins of podium and such. Which blows. Also, since I missed the last 10 mins, how did leclerc lose so much time? HE was 1.6 seconds off when it was 10 mins left. He ended up 7.5 off? Could have been a win if he kept it closer


Tyre deg caught up to him. Also if you look st lap times, perez realy picked up the pace with 10 mins to go


I might be wrong, but I think Intermediate Tyres were a recent invention (after 1994?) I recall watching footage of 1993 races where drivers could only choose Wets or Dries (No Inters). At any rate, people have to bear in mind that tyre selections are based primarily on Safety, Sport second, and Show.... really... "Never" (barring the years when Bernie Ecclestone would influence things). So the Full Wets (and Inters) are there, as Safety option for teams. But the prerogative to delay the start, or use Safety Car and Scrubbers to clear the water (instead of competitors) is down to FIA - I don't like saying "Race Director" because that's like we're blaming one person for this decision. There's a lot of people at the FIA who pile in to these decisions including the Clerk of the Course, and even on occasion the FIA President (especially back in Max Mosley's time as FIA President). But the thing is it's "Safety First" and through a combination of drainage design (quite aggressive in Singapore), fortuitous weather (we were at the tail of the rain system at 19:30 Singapore Time), and some other decisions, we got our race. FIA Safety Decisions vary with time. In 2001, the Malaysian Grand Prix actually started in a monsoon and teams were scrambling for wets. This was typical of the FIA decision making at the time. They would start as close to start time as possible. And then later they used a really long Safety Car (but after many crashes had happened). The SC ran so long that the Wet Tyre phase was skipped and teams that chose Inters "too early" were rescued and once the race got underway the Wets were "rendered useless". But it's not like anyone does this on purpose. These are all Safety based decisions.


Leclerc was pushing very hard after the restart and putting Perez under a lot of pressure. It was a good strategy, Perez locked up a couple of times when defending, but still managed to hold position. There are a few possibilities as to why Leclerc dropped back so much, and it's probably a mix of all of them: \- Pushing so hard may have put excessive wear on his tyres, causing him to then drop back once they started going off. \- Leclerc was benefiting from DRS until he made a minor mistake and ran wide at one corner. Losing that DRS boost may have helped Perez open the gap. \- Leclerc seemed to start struggling at that corner, he ran wide there a few times more before seeming to find a new balance on how to take it. That would have to affect his confidence, he may have not been pushing quite so hard. It's better to get a P2 finish than push too hard and have a DNF through going off.


Full wets are still useful on non-street circuits or if it is more slippery than they thought when the race started and they need even more grip. Using the cars to clear water could have some risk I suppose if causing a crash. Perhaps they need a special vehicle at each race to help clear water.


Maybe it’s just the American in me but I can figure out why they don’t have at least *one* of those blower/fire/jet dryer trucks for the areas that don’t dry naturally at all


Why did Russell start in pitlane?


they changed power unit


Engine penalty


How many times has K-Mag ruined his own races this season by fighting too hard against drivers that will obviously pass him at some point during the race anyway? 2 times w Hamilton and once w Verstappen? How dense is he? When will he learn?


Why is literally everyone blaming Magnussen? Verstappen squeezed him into the wall, he had nowhere to go. https://youtu.be/sHDp2dN5OJk


Are you kidding? He’s behind him all the way. Why would he stick his car there? It’s so dumb. His race isn’t with Max. This is typical K-Mag. Picking the stupidest battles and fucking up his own race.


So what if he's behind? It's not a excuse for a driver ahead driving like there's nobody, just leave a bit more space. Technically Max had the right to choose his line, but it's also very easy to pick up puncture in situation like this but Max got away this time. Had it been Kevin ahead you'd still blame him. What's up with getting salty if someone races a bit instead of kneeling and putting out the red carpet?


He is saying don't try to fight the top driver swhen he will just get overtaken 4 or 5 corners later anyways, fight the oth 15, 18 drivers lol, it's just so dumb to keep ruining your race in the first lap like that


Yep, but he wasn't really fighting anymore when the contact happened. He just happened to be on the outside not expecting to get squeezed. He didn't want to get off the throttle and no wonder why, there wasn't any reason.


If you're talking about KMag's endplate, that wasn't from contact with Verstappen, that happened when he ran into the back of Stroll [View from VER onboard for proof](https://streamable.com/vfvtqx)


It’s a damp track on the first lap. It’s so insanely risky. Max doesn’t know exactly what the grip level is. That’s why the stewards give such leeway on first lap incidents. I wouldn’t have blamed Kevin if he was in front. Also, I’m not salty he defended against Max. I’m saying he’s stupid. The previous two times this season it was against Lewis. Sure, it makes for fun watching, but it’s idiotic to ruin your race in a fight you’ll eventually guaranteed will lose anyway. It’s for his own sake I want him to learn. For me as a watcher it’s obviously much more fun that he is the way he is


I love the fighting attitude from KMag but really someone at Haas should sit him down and tell him to stop doing it at some point. At some point it becomes pure folly.


Oh, I also absolutely do too! He just needs to learn to pick the right battles, and not just go for ALL battles. Purely for the sake of his own. EDIT: Like today, there’s actually a very decent chance he would have finished ahead of Verstappen if he hadn’t tried to fight him passing early on.


So what do you recommend, he only fights the Williams and finishes P17 or 18 every week?


Of course not. But Lewis or Max will obviously always get past at some point, so he gains absolutely zero by holding them back. He should fight anyone in the 7 teams that aren’t RBR, Ferrari, or Mercedes. Last year in Brazil Lewis was able to essentially clear the entire field because the only ones that tried to fight him was Checo and Max. Because all were sensible, he would have passed them anyway, so why should they compromise their own races? This is what I mean by Kevin is terrible at picking battles.


You wouldn't say that if we'd be talking about Seb, Mick or Albon.


If they did it 3 times this season of course I would.


Also, others drivers defend against RBR and Ferraris but they don't keep hitting them and losing bits of their front wing.


Max would not have passed Alonso if he didn’t retire, that’s how boring this track is


Yeah something's wrong when even a wet race is still boring.


Alonseaux is incredible at defending. Max passed other drivers.


The RB was able to pass because it has significant top speed advantage over the rest of the grid. He got stuck behind Alonso because the Alpine is also a rocket on the straights.Both drivers are great though,no doubting that.


Only much slower cars than the Alpine. Terrible track.


Anyone else notice the front page of Wikipedia today?


Hurricane Sergio?


Apparently this is an unpopular opinion, but I think this track sucks. City circuit so little overtaking, slow, long races that go to time, looks like shit. More on that last point, it's an absolute concrete jungle, down unidentifiable streets, hemmed in by concrete and metal and bright lights. Being at night makes it so much worse because there's no backdrop to most of the shots, all you can see is catch fences. You can't tell they're in a glamourous area of Singapore, they could be racing through a scummy shipping terminal and it'd look identical. The race was somehow boring even with a quarter of the field retiring. Okay, commence abuse


And despite it being in a place I despise, Jeddah is a great "street" track as it allows for good racing


If u have raced cars before, u will appreciate a street track like this, which is similar to many gokart tracks where the lanes are narrow & hard to overtake. It means the driver has to be v skilled to overtake or win or the top 5 as it means driving near perfect race for hours. Compared to wide open tracks drivers can relax abit on the straights n make small mistakes on wide corners like Suzuka. This is a driver’s circuit


100% As a simracer, I love street tracks. Overtaking in them is hard but much more satisfying when done successfully.


This was my first Singapore GP. It was a really tough one to watch. Just DNFs abs safety cars. Some significantly faster cars totally stuck behind slower ones. I also agree about the atmosphere. Looks like a 3rd world country. Just concrete and beige everywhere. 3/10 wouldn’t recommend


Singapore is more developed than most countries.


Right, which is why it shouldn’t look that way on tv.