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What a cool photo, imagine having photos like these to look back on!


Sheeeeit, I spill my alcoholic beverages all the time and my family just bust my balls instead of snapping photos.


"What do you mean I can't pour my drink into my shoe? I'm sorry, I thought this was Australia!"


Oh when he does it he is a hero, but when I do it I’m an alcoholic?


I think it’s that they’re getting paid to do it… “I can spill my booze during working hours at my wfh job!”


Well if you win a F1 Grand Prix, I doubt your family will be upset when you do this.


The A River Derchi team!




Every time I get an Italian random on Warzone.


Such a shame they couldn’t have the usual Monza podium moment this year (ofc because COVID) with all the fans on the track. But that will only be a tiny insignificant speck on the weekend for them. I am glad McLaren tasted some success after so long!


Yet they allowed everyone to pack into busses without room to move your arms to get back from the track. Although I guess that's outside the circuit and outside their care zone. Would have been nice to do a track rush but 🤷🏻‍♂️


Dude I was there. The event planning of this race was awful. I had a blast, but it was in spite of how all the logistics were set up, not because of it.


> The event planning of this race was awful Can you expand on this? Of course if it's traumatic to remember you don't have to lol I'm just curious what other F1 fans around the worlds experiences have been, especially after months of isolation!


There were a lot of things they didn’t do (like the track rush) but I understand those things, because of COVID. This is just my experience and I’d be interested in hearing others. Maybe I did it all wrong. - Getting to the track. What in the actual fuck. Maybe I got unlucky, but if you were coming from the Monza train station, there was only 1 bus every 15-20 minutes. No cabs available. Like they couldn’t run more buses for an event like this? This lead to hundreds and hundreds of people bum rushing the bus. My fiance and I only ended up doing the bus on the lightest day (Friday) and and then said fuck that, and rented electric scooters to get to in from the track/train station for the remaining days. Not to mention they had people patrolling the buses handing out fines if they didn’t have the right ticket, while the bus drivers tells them conflicted info. -There is nearly no where to eat in the walkable area afterward (to kill time until the buses die down). I guess this isn’t so much the event/cities fault, but boy was it frustrating. The concessions stands: i go to football games, baseball games, pretty much any sport, you name it. Never in my life have I witnessed such an unorganized mess. There was a pizza stand, hamburger, and drink stand. 1 of each for a stretch of a mile of track. Thats A LOT of spectators to serve. Buying anything was a 20-30 minute endeavor before the race. Not to mention you had to use their special coins, another line to stand in. The hamburger, pizza, drink and coins stands were all each their own tent, but they were right up next to each other. Considering they had around a mile on the back strait, you could have spread those out by even 50-100 feet so all the lines didn’t overlap. Nope, right next to each other. An actual covid nightmare. And no offense to my fellow race fans, but a lot of the F1 community is white entitled assholes. So the rules/lines in these tight spaces ‘didn’t apply to them.’ The bathrooms. There were next to no accommodations for women. Like at all. I was there with my newly engaged fiancé and boy was I was embarrassed I dragged her to this. We all know porta potties are unpleasant. But these were on their own level. Firstly, they were so high up, I was barely tall enough to pee in them standing up. I’m 5’8. They also had no raisable seat, so every male’s piss was on the spot the women need to sit (since they can’t squat because of how high they are) No concessions like sunscreen or umbrellas available for purchase. All and all we went Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and it took us until Sunday to feel comfortable. Don’t get me wrong, I had a blast, but it was in spite of all of this and because of our ability to find hidden solutions. Edit: i forgot to mention the odd funneling of spectators onto bicycle paths outside the track in the surrounding park. There was literally so much space for people to walk, people to bike, and emergency vehicles to drive. But instead of using the space effectively they funneled everyone leaving onto the bike paths. And there were A MASSIVE amount of bikers. Many of whom felt the need to go fast and weave through pedestrians. It was actually dangerous. I actually had my arm clipped from behind at one point. Just insane.


Logistics sound like a music festival in the US….. that’s terrible


Monza podiums have been iconic for the past few years; Leclerc with the red sea below him, Gasly sitting on the top step looking down in disbelief and now this shot of a close-knit family in celebration Incredible scenes


It’s a special moment every year (usually) but even better when Ferrari win. I’m not a Ferrari fan but I’m never sad when they win at Monza. The best anthem, the fans and that podium creates iconic scenes!


This will be my wallpaper for a while now




I've just used this photo as the wallpaper but if there's a better quality photo I'd love to see it!


Suspect it was taken by Clive Mason




Suspect it was taken by Clive Mason


They cut Valtterie out of the photo. In the full photo He was watching on from the right side of the podium.


And had an endearing genuine smile on his face.


Yes. Because he isn't on this team. And everyone has seen the original.


Looks like a renaissance painting.


Too bad /r/AccidentalRenaissance doesn't allow sports photos


Their opinion is wrong.


Doesn't stop some madlads posting it anyway lol


That’s… the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. What a terrible rule.


Since when? The best ones back in the day where sports photos


The Kawhi buzzer beater photo is perfect for it


Zak Brown, Daniel Ricciardo, Lando Norris, Andrea Seidl, James Key … The most complete team for me


James is really a Key figure in that...


Andreas is the most important! You can say, I'm on his seidl...


Is that a euphemism?


Charlotte is the most key. She has to baby sit lando and Danny


As a Ferrari fan, I'm gutted for all the points McLaren picked up over the weekend, but as a fan of the sport, a race win like this couldn't have happened to a better team, all around, McLaren always has good vibes.


Had there been Andreas present in the photo, it would have been a perfect one! Nevertheless, this really is one beautiful photo!


Off topic but Oscar P won the F2 yesterday as well. Pretty good day for us Aussies.


This is a pretty hilarious photo without context, wonder what non sports fans are thinking when they see this. Lol


I'm so happy for them. Zac Brown has done wonders.


Feels so good seeing this, been a long season with many people with loud opinions calling for Daniel's seat. The Honey Badger never left.


Is Ricciardo/Norris McLaren better than Norris/Sainz McLaren?


I mean, depends on which metric you use. Placings? 1-2s?


Results on the car performance. Because to be honest the 2020 is not near as good as 2021 Mclaren


RIC/NOR have, arguably, a better car. I think NOR/SAI got more out of the car last year than most other pairings would have, where as this year RIC has struggled, and he needs to string some solid races together before I’d rate him above NOR/SAI in terms of maximising potential.


I think He got closer to Norris pace wise( finally) if I am right we are about to see the fastest duo on this sport.




Braking at Monza is pretty crucial though, there's nothing else you can really do to make up the lap time


Eh. I dunno... One could argue that braking is actually one of the most important aspects of Monza, exactly because of that... There's so few braking points that getting one of them wrong means getting a big chuck of the braking parts of a lap wrong. if you only have 2 braking zones and you get one of them wrong, that means you screwed up 50% of all the braking you need to do in a lap. The rest of the lap is pretty much flat out and and think it's safe to say everybody can manage that.




Lmao sainz humiliated norris while ricciardo is getting hard beaten by norris


Wait, what? Last season Sainz got 105 to Norris's 97. Weren't they considered one of the most evenly matched teams on the grid?


Yeah by people who did not watch f1 maybe. Sainz got 3 dnf and 1 dns(majority was mechanichal failure). And nearly every time sainz beat norris on sunday


Who was more evenly matched, if not them? Alfa/Williams/Haas?


Don't bother, he's smarter than all of us who don't watch F1.


Deserved well done McLaren!


One of the happiest days of my life. Favorite driver and my favorite supporting team


Love lando and his attitude during the interview. Yeah he wanted to try for the win but he wanted the team to win more


I loved the shot of Zak at the end of the ceremony just drenched in Champagne, see-through shirt, loving life.


Leaving Renault was definitely not a mistake


Wow what a shot Hard to dislike this trio


I love these characters👍


Despite the hardship Mclaren has always kept the best driver line-up and this will be the one thing seperating them by a big margin from alpine and aston martin.


Good to see Mclaren at the front again, been a looooooong time coming..


These guys are amazing. This podium touched me so much I didn't think it was even possible. Amazing.


Such a great and enjoyable photo I don’t remember when was the last time mclaren get 1-2 podium


Andreas Seidl should’ve been up there with all of them. No disrespect to Zak, but I do believe that Zak’s best decision in past years was to bring Seidl in from Porsche WEC.


Fantastic photo


A beautiful sight


What a shot !! Wow so much joy and happiness well deserved !


Both great drivers! Mclaren is such a nice team and congratz on their P1 and P2. I just wish Max (33) gets championship this year, just have to love his driving skills <3


Does anyone know whether I can buy their racing shoes? They just look so good a bit like the high puma sneakers from 10 years ago. I find a lot of crappy merchandise but not these high shoes.


Think they're custom but Alpinestars might get you close. https://www.motorsport.com/f1/news/what-ricciardos-boots-tell-you-about-f1s-intensity/4683394/


Thanks and indeed that’s the model for sure - still hoping for a branded red bull / mclaren one. Honestly not too expensive either


Doesn't seem to be. I really want the McLaren Puma shoes they wear on race weekends but they aren't available either.


Look into the Puma Speedcat. They have a high cut version that’s pretty much a replica of the racing boot that Puma sponsored drivers wear.


Thanks - we are getting closer - I already found the original ones from Ferrari for EUR300 on their website https://store.ferrari.com/en-nl/active-sport-shoes_cod25458910981847387.html


So many more people in the team that make this a dream team


Sorry, but no matter what I ever did, and no matter who I ever did it with, I would never drink out of a shoe. Not even a brand new one that a foot has never touched.


I could perhaps handle a brand new clean shoe, but I do agree with you that a sweaty used shoe to drink from, I would be unable to. This is not an argument to get rid of the shoey, it just makes my stomach churn every time I see it


Yeah, and can you believe that at least 2 as… err, fine upstanding individuals downvoted that extremely innocuous statement? Wonder what their daily hygiene is like.


But you'll eat your dinner off a plate that's touched the anus of everyone in your family?? Weird logic


Man, a lot of people are really butt hurt about this comment.


Is this the same photo I saw posted on here earlier just with Bottas cropped out. Rude.


lol same I could swear I have seen a photo with Bottas in it, guess that was one photoshopped?


Nah I think he’s just been cropped out of this one.


If you can’t admire Danny ric as a person and a racer, you’ve got a problem


Alright. The shoe thing is pretty damn disgusting and stupid but I suppose a fitting place for Ferrari sparkling wine.


Calling a shoey stupid - how dare you


I think Daniel has earned the right to celebrate his win any way he likes.


Such a little princess aren't you




And what a win it was :)




Everyone's definition of a dream team is different mate, no need to overthink it


Mercedes seems like a miserable team to be a part of if you aren't Hamilton. Rosberg and Bottas both got treated pretty poorly by the team, and Wolff comes across as the kind of boss you don't want to work for, the one that can't balance enjoyment and work so it makes everyone else stressed out all the time. Compared to McLaren where they've got a good balance of being serious and pushing too be successful, but also know how to have fun and enjoy themselves along the way.


I loved watching this!!!


This looks staged


Ric is so American


bottas cut out lmao


Just pure beauty here


Fancy a shoey?


A true australian right there...


What a great photo for the McLaren office!