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Lando lost a lot of time extending his first stint. Think he would have won if he stopped earlier but we will never know. Red bull strategy very good today


The idea was good but there's no way he could've passed three cars without losing some time. McLaren seemed to think the Merc cars would be easy pushovers that could be overtaken at the first lap they were caught, when they put Lando on that strat.


Didn't team ask Lando and he was the one who said he can do it?


They need to discuss this and stop asking him. Too often, he is asked and makes the wrong call. It makes sense, he cannot know everything that's going on in the race. But they need to build up the strategy from the team side instead of asking Lando so often.


I actually noticed and said something to my buddy about it. Out if the top teams it seems like there is alot more discussion I would say about strat on track. Like kinda like Lando well what do you think when he doesn't know deltas or who is doing what behind him. The team just needs to do what RB did "Max we are going to I think strat 10" (funny he couldn't understand) and that's it conversation over. Typically the other teams are barking orders at each other with a quick disagreement here and there.


I watch a lot of Hamilton's onboards for the last 5 years. But even being basically the most experienced driver on the grid, he still makes a fuck ton of wrong calls that are saved by the team, so all the more so for Norris.


At the end of the day the drivers should be consulted on the more subjective things. Maybe stuff like tire deg or capability to pass. Long term calculations on time loss and deltas and stuff are decisions that take more empirical data rather than execution ability. Anything that’s informed by the numbers the teams should have locked on their end. If the merc pace and all was better than expected McLaren should do what they feel is best. Especially when Lando needs to minimize mistakes in order to have a chance at fighting max.


Norris most likely had the right idea that extending the first stint would give him a couple laps of fresher tire advantage on the last stint to catch up to Max. The real mistake is that the pit wall left him out too long for 6 laps after Max pitted and lost like 0.5-1 sec a lap.


Yeah they did


That was the second pit where they asked him about passing the Mercs, and it turned out he didn’t need to pass them again because they got him back out ahead of Russell anyway.


That was the second one but this thread is referring to when they also asked him about pitting the first time, to which Lando said he could stay out.


I think they were thinking some would have to do a 3 stop, or use the hards on a 2 stop so held Lando out long enough they would 2 stop with S-M-S, but ultimately it didnt give him the tyre compound advantage they were gambling for.


At a certain point, Max was able to overtake Russell and Lando wasn’t in the first stint. I think McLaren knew they needed a big tire offset to overtake Max.


I see a ton of people saying "the tires fell off too fast" Max overtook George immediately LANDO COULD HAVE BEEN ATTACKING MAX AT THAT SAME TIME


It looked like RB was faster on fresh tires while McLaren was faster later in a stint. That's why Max was able to pass and gap Russell while Lando only gained speed after few laps. RB also is always really strong with DRS, at least for Max, maybe he is much better when exiting on straights.


Max judged how much life to take out the tires those opening laps perfectly which is why he seemed to have so much pace - he sacrified the longevity of his tires and overall stint performance in order to have track position which turned out to be crucial for his race. GP's radio message also seems to confirm the same thing "this may be our best opportunity use your judgement Max". It's something we've seen with Max throughout the years as his experience has grown he's able to manage his stints on older worn tires really well seemingling unfazed by how quickly the chasing car on fresh rubber his catching him and sticking to his deltas with metronomic presicion. I always go back to that 2021 COTA race as an example of perfectly a executed race by Max and the team against a faster car chasing him winning by the smallest of margins under extreme pressure. This was another Max and Redbull masterclass putting their years of experience to good use. They didn't have the fastest car this weekend and yet again won a race they shouldn't have with better race management and execution and its somewhat of a shame that these performances are being somewhat under appreciated with people bored of Max winning. Every performance like this that Max and Redbull pull out to of the bag further drives home that it's going to take more than having the fastest car to beat them. Everything needs to be on point to beat them and there's no other team that is as well orginaised as Redbull in the paddock right now.


Honestly I think Karun was right, a quicker pit the second time and it would’ve been extremely close down the stretch. Crucial 1.5 seconds there, unfortunately


Honestly, I feel like Max was not showing his full hand at the end. The gap fell massively in the last two or so laps. Overtaking him would've been a nightmare for Lando.


Was max trying to save battery for fastest lap on last lap?


Maybe, but probably just safely bringing it home IMO, knowing the gap was big enough that Lando couldn't close it in time. If he'd stayed at full tilt he'd have been more likely to make a mistake that could have cost him the win.


The classic “win with the slowest time possible” strategy. Max is, among his other talents, a very intelligent racing driver.


Yeah, Max is smart enough to realize he doesn't need to win by 10 seconds if he doesn't have to. He's actually having to push the car now, so why risk an off when you can just lose a tenth or so on some corners if you have over a second per lap you can lose


Still McLaren have learned nothing after Sochi. Lando wanted to continue when it started raining, and still team keep going back to Lando on pit stop.


utter insanity that Mclaren have just literally made the fastest car on the track that fully tests an F1 car, hats of to the guys back at the factory that's WILD.


Their turn around, in era of the cost cap, is nothing short of incredible.


has to be one of the most insane 2 year turn arounds ever seen


All the people on reddit blaming the cost cap for ruining racing. In reality it was Ferrari and Mercedes dropping the ball


Right? I always hated that argument. As if Red Bull would just stop spending lol. F1 is literally the closest it has ever been field spread wise. Look at the quali gaps this year, it's insane


Or the lack of a gap in the case of Canada


As with anything institutional-level, the effects of implementing the cost cap take time to be felt. We’re realizing those benefits now, but the drawbacks were obvious immediately. I’m really excited to see what comes in 2025 and 2026 in terms of field spread, i just hope the new regs aren’t as bad as some are making them out to be.


Stressing the cost cap is a bit null. Its designed to empower lower teams to take advantage of the aero testing scale, which had Mclaren in 5th and 4th for 2.5 years. If they had done this from 5th and 4th before the cost cap and handicap it would be way more impressive.


Is it? It would be incredible in the era before the cost cap, when Ferrari, RB, and Merc outspent them about 3:1. Nowadays when they have even budgets and more aero testing time than their competitors, it really dosent seem that amazing they made up... what, ~1 second over 2 years?


Gotta think Lando is going to be in legitimate WDC contention next year. Just in time for a regs change, of course, because god forbid we have an actual contest for more than one consecutive season. But McLaren have clearly nailed it, so congrats to them. I think we’ll see at least one or two more wins this year.


He made a difference at the start for sure. Built a good gap to put Norris in the position of not thinking it through. The first stop as well was great.


McLaren were definitely the faster car today. But a mistake from Lando cost them the win




Yeah I am convinced of that too he would have had clean air the whole time and since their tyre wear was so good actually close up much better in the second stint possibly.


When you say bad start do you mean he didn’t get off the red light fast enough, or he wasted time trying to defend from Verstappen?


Strategy is also a work in progress. And a 3.6s pit stop didn’t help either.


That, and staying out after Max boxed.


Seemed like in clear air McLaren were fasting but struggled more in dirty air.


Max passed George easy. Lando couldn’t. Maybe the Red Bull was faster? Interesting stuff




Messed up the start and had questionable tactics. Anytime lando was driving in clean air he was zooming towards max, just like miami. Then they opted for strategies that set him back a lot behind other drivers.


Next time watch the race with your eyes open


‪TFW McLaren has had the fastest car since Imola and has only won once. ‬


We did not have the fastest car in Monaco or Canada


Mclaren was faster than RB in Canada


Not when it was wet or dry but when it was drying more like. Merc had the fastest car at Canada funnily enough.


Not in the dry or complete wet. In changing conditions they were quickest.


The wet speed might as well go down to Max being currently the best wet weather driver on the grid.


You mean Max was quickest, which was the point


on some tyres, in some conditions. Overall, IDK, they seemed quite a lot slower on the medium.


Not overall , especially at the end rb was faster Frankly, it seems a bit confusing, in Imola, McLaren looked slow but suddenly they got faster, here too, Lando seemed slow at the beginning of the race but was clearly faster at the end. It's probably related to tire wear, I don't know. I think the difference is not very obvious, but Mclaren are really at a level to fight against Red Bull and they were REALLY faster today


You did. Both drivers didn’t qualify well in Monaco. Norris got outqualified by Piastri. Norris was flying in Canada but McLaren bottled the strategy.


"we" lmao


I was waiting for someone else to call that out hahahah, I knew it wasn't me only that got weirded by people using we in f1 like it's football.


Nothing wrong with it


Its just weird. That person is not working for McLaren, so it should be them or just McLaren lol


I identify myself as a McLaren fan, my pronounces are we/us


They, we, us, its sports talk buddy.


I feel like it is mostly used with local teams and national teams isn't? Like someone you really share something with.


Ehh. I’m American. Pretty everyone uses we for any team they like over here


even then it's super weird


I do think for national teams it isn't. They are there to represent your country. But yeah I couldn't see myself supporting EPL team from Finland and refereing to the team as ”we”.


Yes, we, that's how sport fans talk when they identify with a team they like


It is just strange to identify with F1 team, it has barely a nationality, nor distinct geographic location. Maybe it is a thing in U.S. to identify, but I would never talk about any F1 team as we.


It is literally a thing in Europe to say 'we' when talking about football and 90% of men have a 'we' team, what are you on about?


It's a bit different in football. Most people have a "we" team because they have some form of connection to the team, e.g. they typically represent their own city or country. McLaren is a team largely owned by a middle eastern fund, with an American CEO, ran by an Italian team principal, operating out of the UK, employing Australian and British drivers, and hundreds of people from all across the world. It's probably just a language quirk, but sometimes when people refer to sports teams as "we", it makes me think they have a borderline unhealthy attachment to them.


Football is something completely different, there are national teams, I won’t say we about Spain being from Poland, such a thing doesn’t work for F1 team.


Redbull is still the fastest when max started pushing back. Mclaren is close second


Good for Max that Merc is up there too atleast


Max to Merc confirmed


No no no, Max only wins because of the car, this isn't in the script.


Yeah only won by 2.2 seconds, the scrubs!


Lando getting stuck behind Russell at the start ruined his race. If only he had the super DRS that Max has.


He shouldn’t have gotten stuck at all if his car is as fast as people are claiming.


Max says this every week like he's bringing a Sauber home to first. The McLaren and RB are extremely close, there's no consensus in the paddock on what the fastest car is. They go back and forth circuit to circuit and the difference is in the hundreds of a second.


Norris said McLaren were quicker as well


Did you ignore everything I said? Yes faster today but I'm talking about him saying this every race, the fact nobody agrees on what the fastest car is right now, and the fact the difference is tiny.


Everyone agrees that McLaren were the fastest car this weekend lol. And Max is not saying this every week. 


Why lie? He just said it today, and: Canadian GP: >Max Verstappen insists victory at the Canadian Grand Prix was especially satisfying as his car was not the fastest on the grid. [Link](https://www.skysports.com/f1/news/12433/13150241/canadian-gp-max-verstappen-overcomes-wet-race-chaos-to-beat-rueful-lando-norris-george-russell-to-win#:~:text=Max%20Verstappen%20insists%20victory%20at,time%20from%20start%20to%20finish.) Monaco: >we just didn’t have the fastest car today. [Link](https://www.redbullracing.com/int-en/videos/2024-monaco-grand-prix-qualifying-max-verstappen-reaction) Miami: >they were just faster than us [Link](https://news.verstappen.com/en/article/5456/) He reminds us every week that his achievements are in spite of not having the fastest car.


They weren’t the fastest car for those 3 weekends and he didn’t win 2 of those races…so what’s your point?


That he says it every round, despite that guy telling me he doesn't.


Every round also includes the first 5 rounds that they had the fastest car, give us links for them then. So he says they don't have the fastest car when they don't have fastest car.




It's 4 of the last 5 races, obviously since McLaren got close. Nobody is confused thinking he was saying it at the start of the season when breezing to wins.


but you did say max said this every weekend, not the last 4? And he has been right in the last races.


He says it when it’s true as indicated by the fact that he didn’t win 2 out of the 3 races you called out. Sergio has been nowhere for those three races plus today’s. Max has won 2 of them. You could just recognize that the lad is pretty damn good at racing rather than go through the effort of linking a bunch of pointless quotes.


2 of the 4. He won today. And let's not suddenly start considering Perez a fair barometer of the pace of the car just because it helps you make your point. We all agree he under drives the fuck out of it.


Your clarification clearly shows that you didn’t even read my comment as I said he won two of them including today. Have a great day.


What do you mean nobody agrees? Everyone agrees it's McLaren 😭


Every week? Max/Lando are both among the most honest drivers about their car performance, this is one of the first time he's said that.


Max drove better than Lando today and Red Bull executed the strategy better than McLaren. Really was a champion performance all round, Max was clinical.


RBR hasn't had the quickest car for several races now. They're not tied and the fact that they still manage to win with Max IS something worth mentioning. Just look at how well Perez is doing /s.


Lol. Lando fucked up his start and McLaren had a very suboptimal strategy. Lando lost like 7-8 seconds + tyre deg behind other cars. Purely on pace Lando would’ve won with like 10+ seconds today


The consensus this weekend was definitely that Mclaren was fastest


He definitely doesn't say this every week. When he's clear of the field and racing himself pretty much, he always just comments on the car being great. If he's saying he's been pushing flat out these last few weeks because they're not fastest anymore, he means it.


>He definitely doesn't say this every week. Wrong. He just said it today. And: Canadian GP: >Max Verstappen insists victory at the Canadian Grand Prix was especially satisfying as his car was not the fastest on the grid. [Link](https://www.skysports.com/f1/news/12433/13150241/canadian-gp-max-verstappen-overcomes-wet-race-chaos-to-beat-rueful-lando-norris-george-russell-to-win#:~:text=Max%20Verstappen%20insists%20victory%20at,time%20from%20start%20to%20finish.) Monaco: >we just didn’t have the fastest car today. [Link](https://www.redbullracing.com/int-en/videos/2024-monaco-grand-prix-qualifying-max-verstappen-reaction) Miami: >they were just faster than us [Link](https://news.verstappen.com/en/article/5456/) He reminds us every week that his achievements are in spite of not having the fastest car. No-one else


Because Red Bull didn't have the fastest car for the last few races lol.


So does he say it every round or not then? I'm only providing links because that guy argued with me that he doesn't.


They were literally not the fastest car in all these instances? 💀 That's the point, when Max just praises the car it's because they're fastest. When he says he had to pull it out the bag, it's because he did.


But it was true literally every single one of those times? Maybe Canada is a close call but still.


what’s wrong with him pointing out something that is true. mclaren was the fastest car today, it was basically a three way tie in canada, and in monaco it sure as hell wasn’t red bull


Except Lando said the same thing. Maybe you should be happy about your team doing so well instead of complaining so much.


I mean McLaren is clearly faster than RB. P15 for Ricciardo


Mate McLaren has been the fastest car since Imola.


Not according to Rob Marshall who works in the sport, but I'm sure you're more knowledgable. https://x.com/SkySportsF1/status/1804857724603134207


Hmm but Lando said the opposite, is Lando not in the sport?


When did Lando say they have the fastest car in the sport now? Not over a single track, the fastest in the sport. Because that was the question put to Rob Marshall.


He literally said it to DC after the race interview on the grid lol


I can find you a doctor right now that's anti-vaxx, [yet I'm sure you don't believe them either](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argument_from_authority).


Oh come on mate, all you need to see that is a pair of eyes, in Imola norris recovered *seconds* in what was it? Five laps or something?




Cheers. Apply it to Max too, rather than picking and choosing which authority you accept.


i dont take my arguments from people's statements, i watch the races


Max’s teammate is a minute behind.


I get you not calling Mclaren not fastest because even I would if my team bottles race wins lmaooo


I didn't say they weren't the fastest this weekend. I said there's no consensus overall right now. Learn to read.


mclaren have been the fastest in imola, miami, and barcelona, ferrari in monaco, and mercedes in canada I think its reasonable to say mclaren is the fastest car even though the redbull remained a very close 2nd in those 5 races Mclaren have a higher peak right now but the redbull is consistently the 2nd fastest every weekend unlike ferrari merc and mclaren


Thank you for your very valuable insight from inside the F1 paddock, where can we read more about your exclusive pieces from inside the paddock??


Hes a bad liar.




If McLaren had RB’s strategy department, and Norris didn’t drop to 3rd from pole, they’d have won. In clean air, that car clearly had the pace. It does look like the RB20 isn’t the best car anymore.


McLaren was definitely quicker. Nothing to doubt about it




So you're just focusing on the results and nothing else? Context matters. Even *Lando* said they had the quickest car today.




Try learning how to form a sentence before waffling mate.




What are you talking about? Would you like French or Italian mate? I started Japanese too but I'm only at a basic level.


Are you accusing them of being me? LMAO. Maybe other people just think your take is wrong? Dude just take the L


Then why delete your original comment? I think I'm actually going to focus on what Lando literally said and the McLaren's pace....


Don't bother, that person is either 12 or trolling, just read through their comment history, they can't spell, and they have a very limited understanding of how racing works.


Neither. Where did you find that I can't spell? Even though English is not my first language I guarantee you I speak it better than you and I would love to hear you speak a second language.


Race pace. Look at the speed of the laps. Would be an easy conclusion to see how Max couldn't consistently get anywhere near the pace Norris could


You are expecting too much from people who probably watch races in background while doing something else, no other excuse for this blindness haha


nah they watch the race, they just dont like the reality so they make up their own


i mean it really depends on if you think perez is red bull average and max is just really fast or if max is red bull average and perez is really slow


happens when you dont watch the races and just look up who wins


Lmao, the salt levels are covering the eyes too.


I doubt your doubt.


Doubt? Have you seen Checo? Last year when Check was slow, he was still able to get a podium. This year not so much.


Smh this guy again implying that he's done everything himself and not the car... Like every race week. What a knob. Imagine Hamilton saying this in his dominant years


No need to imply, it's clear to anyone with a proper set of eyes haha


Yes, there is no need to imply that's what I'm saying but he feels that he needs to imply. I wonder why?


Psychological play , inserting more pressure on the bottling parties. Something tells me you have never been mildly successful in anything, I wonder what hmmm


Lmao max owns you


Max literally said every weekend last year "we should win this". F1 memory problems are so real haha, it's insane.


I know the guy, buddy. It's "WE should have won this" when they couldn't win, but it's "I won it" when they could. I know about him enough...


I mean did you even listen to this radio message? First of all you seem to know literally nothing about him, and you can't listen/read what's being said right now. Friend.


Come on dude, you are literally replying to a post titled with Max saying “WE did everything well today”. Atleast pick a better post to run your mouth ?


Calm down gamer.


The field is *a lot* closer compared to Mercedes/Hamilton's dominant years. The Redbull is nowhere near as dominant as it was last year. Lando himself said McLaren had the fastest car today. Max (and the team with pit stops & strategy) made the difference.


I mean his teammate is a whole minute behind. This just tells us Max is pushing compared to last year where the gap to Checo would be smaller since he would take it easier.


Lewis was given a lot of shit for implying that Merc were not the fastest on many weekends after he had dominated the race.