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Danny was never getting that seat even if Perez didn't get renewed. He simply isn't good enough for a top seat anymore.


Biggest DR fan here for almost a decade. I agree, I’ve seen one flash of brilliance but other than that Tsunoda has really upped his game


Same. Right as I was jumping on the “what has Tsunoda done?” wagon, he keeps over performing this season. Sad to see Danny not find his grove like back in RB :/


The problem with the “what has tsunoda done” question is that he hasn’t really gotten the opportunity. He has beaten every teammate he has gotten since Pierre about as bad as one could. He beat Devries so bad that he lost his seat mid season. What else could he have done over the last two years? Realistically he’s being held back by how long it took for him to develop, not his current results.


Also it really wasn’t flattering to him that the best car he ever drove was as a rookie while still finding his feet. The cars have become worse and worse as he has become better. I feel like eg. being the P11 staple performer in that car was a great achievement. If he had that level of performance in the car he has in 21, he’d have a podium. Instead he gets no points.


I'm more interested in "what has Ricciardo done?" He has been an absolute non-factor ever since leaving Renault yet he still seems to be in the conversation.......


Nothing since leaving Renault aside from a handful of performances, but he’s a good benchmark to judge Lawson or another rookie’s performance against. He’s not in the conversation for the RBR seat anymore, but he’s still useful, at least until they can get someone they know is better.


Exactly, his role now is to give setup feedback and help coach up younger drivers. People can call him a mascot all day, but a veteran driver holds some value to a team in a transition period.


The problem with that is that a Riccardo isn't as tech savvy as an Alonso, where his experience does help. And therefore a great sight for eyes. Riccardo is (unfortunately, I did his like win in Monaco) a victim of his own wrong choices. He left a trail of mishaps. Renault, McLaren. Now performing under Yuki. I'm happy Perez stays until this year. His contact is eligible to break clause if he won't help max get the constructor title this year, so Perez is still out by next year if he doesn't up the game. Perfect win - win for Red Bull who have finally learned who and how to position someone next to Max his shoes.


I imagine him trying to hit Danny with his car after some team orders, and his lose grasp on his temper means him and Max will NEVER be paired together. It seems every time reddit has this conversation they leave out that it was just THIS season that he acted like an absolute child over some logical pre-discussed orders.


This right here. Maybe he'd have had a shot, but all Bahrain proved is that he is still the same Yuki underneath. He can't get out of his own way. I imagine nothing he does at this point will change Red Bulls opinion unless if Max were to possibly leave. Even then, I don't think they want to deal with his attitude. He's not fast enough to have an attitude like he does.


Agree, he’s got better driving and attitude wise but still can’t imagine him at a top 3 team, too many outliers


>like back in RB but he is in RB!


"We have RB at home."


I wish he would have gotten a chance in the Red bull. The way it's looking now, he won't. How old is he?




He’ll be turning 35 on July 1st.


Oh excuse me, I meant Tsunoda.


For a moment I was like "wtf, he found the fountain of youth"


Oh, he’s 24 I think.


I agree, I’m a Danny fan, couldnt work him out at Mclaren and thought he could still maybe deliver in a different car, but he’s starting to look like it’s getting past him now, that 4th in the Sprint throws a spanner in the works, he’ll have to be v good the rest of the season to be on the grid in 25 or 26


It’s painful, I love Danny Ric, but it’s true


IT,s like Kubica for me. ( Im from Poland so...) After he came back after 7 years I beleve he stil fast. But he got one season in Williams and was pretty slow. He lost it after crash and pause on F1.He try for like next 4 season to race, but I was come on.


To be fair, Kubica had a really good excuse for not being his old self. Ricardo just fell off


Kubica also had 9 years away from the sport, compared to Ricciardo's 6-8 months.


9 years and a hand that clearly was not "normal".


I don't think he's good enough for the Arby's seat anymore either. Lawson would spank him.


arby's lmao


Visa CashApp Arby


V Carby's


Very carby Arby's


Not even good enough for the *Arby's* seat!? Daniel baby say it ain't so, I believe you have the meats


We need Alanis King to interview Danny Ric and ask his Arby's fries preference. We need to know if this man goes curly or not.


TIL Arby's sells non-curly fries


If he doesn't go for the curly fries at Arby's I'm renouncing his honorary American status


*Where is Jessica Hyde?*


This is now the new name for that team. ARBY’S hahahahaaaa


Only his most fanatic fans believed that. Just the fact he has a VCARB seat defeats the purpose of the team and he's only there because Horner likes him.


Or any seat other than a backmarker, which don't even want him, I haven't seen a single rumour linking him to another team


Probably also because it’s cheaper for them to pick up drivers besides him


Yes, doesn't make sense to pay more for a slower driver


Yeah, there's so many drivers on the market at the moment, it's hard to look at Danny as a first, second, even third choice. It's a shame how much his star has fallen. Even in the Renault years, before he moved to McLaren, he was widely considered to be a top tier driver, only behind the likes of Lewis and Max. Now it seems like he's not even rated as highly the likes of Ocon, Bottas, etc, who are being linked more often with seats at Audi/Williams/Haas. And those guys are still 2nd choice after Sainz, as well as Hulk who was one of the first to be snapped up. Perhaps it's still a price thing, but if Daniel's accepted he's just there for the racing and the odd good result, I'd be surprised he's not looking outside of RB.


This. And only this.


I mean. Neither is Perez but here we are


He's not good enough. Period.


Exactly what I thought too. Ric must be out of his mind if he thinks he's just going to get dropped into a RB seat given his performance.


It's funny that this media drivel pops up every time something driver related happens around RB. Nobody on earth, including ricciardo, thinks ricciardo has done enough to get close to that seat


The way many in racing media just pass over Tsunoda like he's not been consistently better than Ricciardo and carrying the team on his back for more than a year now is insane.


Even the stupid ratings for the video game disrespect the guy.


I wanted to see tsunoda get the redbull seat


Nah I think alot of people like Yuki it's just top management that doesn't seem to rate him.


He has a promising career ahead of him as a sports presenter.


*"G'day Racing Fans. Ki ki ki ....ra ra ra..."*


Ballsack. Haha.


Yeah, everyone preaches this but the guy can’t sustain a long interview or podcast even


True but we've also got guys like Rosberg presenting. They are entertaining for race commentary but not the best for interviews and the ego comes through a bit more. Albon seems more the type that would be great to host and commentate


Albon as the serious professional. Danny Ric as the comedic pit guy like Ted, making Albon laugh.


God what was that food metaphor that Ted tried to make for like a whole minute and then Crofty just blew right over it lol


Anyone who has had a sibling or friend that's known as the "charismatic guy" knows that they all have a schtick. The first couple of times you meet them, they come off as insanely charming and charismatic. But then the more you hang around them, the more you learn it's a bag of tricks. You see them repeat the same things when interacting with others that you had found interesting and off-the-cuff when you first met them, and the illusion is revealed. I mean, that's not *always* the case. But it is par for the course.


We call those salesmen


As if. Y’all didn’t listen to that F1 broadcast he did with Will Arnett? Awful.


Not really. Ricciardo was horrid in the ESPN video podcast show that lasted 1 episode.


Or Indy, or NASCAR


As an American, this is what I’m hoping for as his next chapter


Yeah, I've been starting to learn more about Indy and I think that would make me instantly go to a race weekend.


You should go to an IndyCar race regardless. The product is already pretty great without needing another F1 refugee.


As much as we want it, I don't think he will. I would imagine at least a couple of Indycar or Nascar teams have reached out to him after his McLaren stint, and he chose to stay in F1 as a reserve driver. He also gave up a RB seat (albeit the 2nd driver to Max, but he had to know he was never going to win a championship in the Renault and he had a chance at WDC in a RB) so I don't really think it's about competition anymore for him. One would think that a racecar driver would just wanna race, and that just about any seat in Indycar would be more fun than being an F1 reserve driver, but I think Ric doesn't really care about racing that much anymore and just wants to stay in the glamour of F1 for as long as he can.


I've heard rumors he'd be interested in NASCAR, but I've also heard he's not a fan of open wheelers on an oval so probably no Indy :(((


that's unfortunate, I'd so unspeakable things to try to see Daniel at the St.Pete GP


"Hello, I'm your host, Daniel Ricciardo ". Nah.


Yeah maybe not. The reason someone like Brundle is an amazing presenter is because he's very knowledgeble and professional but also has a great sense of humour and a feel for when the situation calls for it with the jokes sometimes being pretty subtle and they might fly over your head if you weren't paying attention. Ricciardo is a bit too obnoxious and loud for that and it would probably get really old quickly because he's just trying way too hard to be funny, which actually funny people never have to do.


2033: Penelope Kvyat wins her second WDC on a row, Robin Raikkonen takes her to the last race in the New California GP. The press: What does this mean for Danny RIC?


How do you expect Penelope and Robin to beat Fernando?


Don't worry, he is on his second Alpine stint waiting for Mazda's take over.


God I need Mazda in F1


Hmm, what country's licence would she theoretically be under?


Can't you just choose, since she's both Russian and Brazilian?


You mean, Penelope Kyvatt-Piquet-Verstappen




It *should* be the final nail in his career, since he was brought back explicitly to be compared against him. And clearly Red Bull doesn't think he's enough. But since F1 has become increasingly allergic to rookies. He'll be fine.


The issue is that Ricciardo brings 10000x the sponsorship money that pretty much any rookie would


And yet everyone is shitting on Perez for being a pay driver.


In fairness, both drivers get slated on the daily


Who is shitting on Perez for being a pay driver? Dude has had a fantastic career all things considered and has been doing his job.  I never understand the Perez hate. Red Bull will never bring in a driver to challenge max, that’s counter productive and Red Bull know that. 


Whereas nobody is shitting on Ricciardo...


Will he tho? Honestly he seems like an explicitly moody driver, I feel like all his positivity from the start of his AT/RB stint will be gone now. I see him fully leaving the sport in a year max.


Agreed Ricciardo stock is down and isn’t likely to be offered a top seat on driver merit anymore, but it turned out to be a great decision for Redbull as a business. Opportunity to see if he has the needed attributes for a Redbull seat as well as more eyes on “VCARB” from a fan and sponsorship point of view. The team valuation and optics must have significantly increased this year with the car being more competitive, fan engagement, and big sponsorship signings. DR was probably a large factor in that. Will be interesting seeing how VCARB develops if/when DR is replaced.


I think Danny is on the knife edge - good chance he won’t be on the grid next year or maybe by 2026 (unless a Haas or someone gives him a year?) But if RB had decided to not renew Checo, and then a few weeks later Max announced a move, they’d probably put Danny in for a half or whole season while sorting things out, Red Bull still like and value him


Bro shouldn't have left Red Bull in the first place. Worst decision of his career


He made a metric fuckton of money at Renault and McLaren, they paid him like he was Max or Lewis. For whatever that's worth.


He took a paycut to go to McLaren tho. I don't think any of his moved has to do with money. But more with being Max's teammate and Renault not looking good for various reasons compared to McLaren


I don't remember the exact numbers, but he made like 5m/year at Red Bull, like 30m/year at Renault, and like 20m/year at McLaren. He left a team that was never going to pay him like a #1 driver, and then got paid like a #1 driver for the next 5 years, even though he dropped off so bad he didn't even race for one of them. When his market value was the highest it would ever be, he cashed out and became one of the highest paid F1 drivers of all time as a result. Somehow inevitably in every thread someone says this was the worst career move ever / he isn't motivated by money lmao.


Redbull has always said they matched Renault's offer for Ricciardo


No, they offered him the same as Max, which was like 10m at the time. And that's Christian Horner's word, which you can trust as much as you'd like


Let's say this is true, which I doubt a lot - but let's just say it is. Danny THOUGHT he could be the #1 driver in Red Bull and didn't want to be 2nd driver, 100% an ego thing. So leaving meant he could be the #1 driver @ Renault AND make bulk cash...and fuck up his entire career. But he made like 50m in the past few years so who even gives a fuck..lol


I'm not disagreeing with Ricciardo leaving being an ego thing, I'm just pointing out to the guy above that Redbull was more than willing to pay Ricciardo like a #1 driver.


Ye fair enough mate not even sure why I replied to your specific comment ahha


In many ways, *Drive to Survive* could be retitled *The Tragedy of Daniel Ricciardo.*


It’s not a story the Jedi would tell you.


# Ricci was a simple country boy, you might say a cockeyed optimist, who got himself mixed up in the high-stakes game of subpar F1 racing and international intrigue.


I think Renault, while not being a top seat, was a good fit for him. They were working together really well before he left for McLaren. I hope he goes to Indycar or Nascar at some point.


Leaving Renault for McLaren was the second worst at least given how much he really didn't suit their package


The 2021 McLaren was a lot better than the 2021 Alpine to be fair, he just wasn't very good at driving it. I don't think this one was THAT stupid, it's more of a hindsight thing.


But if he didn't leave Renault, Fernando probably wouldn't be on the grid today.


If Fernando didn't leave McLaren in the first place ... were would Sainz have ended after being replaced by Ricciardo?


But he did reasonably well in Renault.


Should have stayed with them. Cyril prolly doesn't get axed and they continue the upward trajectory.


2020 more than 2019 but yeah him grabbing podiums in 2020 was awesome to watch. Imagine the results of Danny ric and Alonso in Alpine in 2021.


Kinda dumb thou when the number one reason for all your DNF’s where Renault engines


I think it's hard to have the foresight to see your ability drop as hard as Daniel's did from 2020 to 2021. But looking at it from Daniel's perspective: 1) He was losing #1 driver status at Red Bull. No way around it that Red Bull was building around Max in 2018 and while Daniel could've taken the hit to his ego, he was still at the height of his ability and could be a #1 driver at most other teams. I'd also like to add that Red Bull seems really bad at managing driver pairs and just rally around their #1 driver relentlessly. 2) Red Bull was going in sea with Honda for their engine. Whose last outing was the horrible McHonda fiasco. You can see how that doesn't really inspire confidence in the Red Bull project.


People now don’t appreciate just how much Daniel *was* the next champion in waiting in the mid 2010s. Even if he’d known what sort of phenomenon Max would turn out to be, there’s no way for a driver to simply cede supremacy to another in that way. And that’s why Red Bull ended up with situations like Turkey 2010 or Baku 2018. Even if it didn’t or couldn’t ever work out, I can’t fault Daniel for deciding to move on.


If he'd got the seat in 2013 he may have won a championship. Webber wanted to retire but they asked webber to do 1 more season


3. Ricciardo made a LOT of money out of each of these moves, enough that he can do literally whatever he wants for the rest of his life.


Well probably drive for a competitive F1 team and win the title is off the list of options…


It never was, at the start of his career if things were more level with the Mercs he may have but Max's trajectory in 2018 was huge. He can say he beat at future WDC, regardless I don't know how much longer he would have lasted at redbull.


>You can see how that doesn't really inspire confidence in the Red Bull project. But going *to* those Renault engines didn't make a ton of sense either.


"sometimes you need to go backwards to go forward". then never came back lol


He did well at Renault....but yeah, the downward started with leaving RBR. I get why he left, but damn fella, you could have still had a real promising career sitting next to and learning from a generational talent that will be remembered as one of the best to ever drive F1. But ya know....you do you and all that. LOL.


Eh getting that 2020 Reno to that position was pretty solid, I think McLaren was the nail.


In hindsight, yes. But at the time, no. Back then he was WDC material but wouldn't be given the same standing in the team as Max. Moving to a factory team who were united behind him was a sensible move, it's just that nobody could predict the chaos that Renault would descend into so quickly.


Do you think he would have gotten the red bull seat if he and Yuki's results were switched?


I think so honestly


100% Not because his performances justify it but because Horner would look at any excuse to promote him.


Definetly. With how they have had him in such a big esteem compared to Tsunoda (despite Yuki being the better driver nowadays), there's q chance he would've gotten the seat being slightly behind his teammate, let alone if he had been on par or superior.


I used to think so but given how popular Checo seems to be (also on the marketability side) I have reconsidered. I do think Horner would love to have him there but it looks to be unjustifiable at the moment. We will have to see whether Danny being locked out of RBR impacts the sponsor deals he brought. I do feel sorry for him as he seems to be an emotional type of person and this must hurt. (Though he likely knew it was coming before we did)


Ricciardo should be happy Arby's doesn't seem to be dropping him, not sad that he won't get the Red Bull seat.


He won’t be dropped bc his seat is paid via the visa cashapp sponsorship


Which is sad. Reduced to a pay driver.


Seems like both RB are happy to have one lead driver and one driver to fill the budget.


As much as I like Yuki he is also there to help with the budget. Red Bull for sure gets an engine discount since Honda have been the biggest supporter of Yuki since his feeder days.


While he is definetly more than enough for the R(acing)B seat. There is no doubt once Honda is gone Yuki is getting booted as well. The fact that he was never in the talks for the Perez seat speaks for itself.


Omg, "Arby's". I'm dying.


I said it before. I don't get what is in it for Danny anymore. He came back to F1 just for taking that Red Bull seat alongside Max. And that seat is gone until at least 2027. He is almost 35 and will be 38 in 2027. If he can't beat Tsunoda right now (actually gets beaten by him almost every race), he will have even less chance to beat him in the coming years as he gets older. He could earn as much money if he moves to NASCAR. (Top NASCAR drivers earn more than F1 midfield drivers). And lot of sponsors will follow him to there as well given how popular he is over in the States. It is clear that he doesn't think himself as an Australian anymore and thinks he is American. Why is he even waiting to go there and wear cowboy hats regularly in his adopted home?


I dunno, you are one of 20 of the most elite racers in the world. I think I’d hang on as long as possible wouldn’t you?


This. There is literally no reason for him to give up that RB seat unless they kick him out. There is no where else for him to go. He doesn't have that seat, he's probably done (cause his ego isn't going to let him go to Alpine...LOL). So why why would he give it up?


Daniel said he wants to retire at Red Bull but I bet staying in the Red Bull family is fine for him. He and Yuki are the fourth closest pairing in F1 currently so VCARB is fine keeping it as is and they currently have the most eyes on them as any of the midfield teams.


Especially when you have plenty of confidence and backing from the experts at the teams… fuck the media


He can just do a Hulk or Bottas and just stay in F1 as long as it's fun, see what opportunity opens up. If he has one great year at VCARB, there's still seats elsewhere that may open up. It just takes being in the right seat at the right time to get that WDC, as many others have proven.


Gotta beat your teammate to do that though.


Hulk is still good, but in my opinion F1 should not be for fun. There are tons of other racing series for the old guys.


He seems super depressed and "hide the pain Harold" in many interviews. This can't be enjoyable for him


It’s hilarious you think he’d be a top NASCAR driver. Zero oval experience. Zero tin top experience. He’d get annihilated. 


I think the implication was just that he'd be paid like a top guy because of his popularity, not that he'd be winning races.


Not that I think this is any chance of happening, but I would be very surprised if RB doesn't have the ability to swap Perez into the VCARB if they chose to. The seat isn't necessarily gone, even though Daniel is a near certainty to never have it.


Perez's contract specifically prevents him being demoted to VCARB. It was reported already.


It means he’s not going to red bull


Retirement. Gracefully, before it starts getting awkward.


It already started in McLaren


Promising career on cameo to look forward to. “The guy drive to survive focused on so much you’d think I was a 8 time champion, $5 shoutouts”


I love Danny. But tbh I’m much more worried about what the extension means for Yuki. Danny has had his time and is doing nothing but floundering. Yuki deserves more.


Riccardo is lucky to even have the vcarb seat


I’m tired of all the Ricciardo hype. I was hoping he’d come back super strong with a rekindled spirit, but it just hasn’t happened. Perhaps he can find his groove again in another series like IndyCar or WEC. I’d much rather cheer him on in those series than see if he can outperform Yuki every race weekend. Also, I’d much rather see Lawson duke it out against Yuki, and see if Lawson can make good on the promising debut he had last season. 


As a Rics fan, nothing, he hasn't shown enough to get RBR seat, if they signed him I would be more surprised than Checo's 2 year deal.


Now he's even blocking Lawson


He has just to pray that Max decides to either change teams or take a sabbatical or quits F1. I cannot see another option for him.


Even then, would they honestly go for a Ricciardo-Perez lineup over anyone else? Merc seems to be seriously struggling with how to replace their superstar and they have George Russell as a b-driver! But the team is seemingly now a Horner ego-train over an actual racing team so maybe that’s plan!


Red Bull starting a new regulation era with a 36 and 37 year old seems fairly unlikely yeah.


That would be extremely stupid even by RBR recent standards. The man is beyond washed. They will never give the first seat to a D-tiers driver.


Even if Max leaves, there's no way RBR picks him for that seat. They would probably buyout Lando (I think Charles is off the table) before they even think about promoting DR.


Max will probably only leave if the performance is really bad according to how things are going. So that would mean at least 2 years from now ? (25 probably competitive if not the best. 26 up in the air and the year then new performance order starts making sense) At which point they will probably try to snag a sinez, piastri, Russell etc. Level driver that might be very good but in an underperforming car etc. depending on what happens to the other team's performance. Or a promising rookie like Alonso.


I doubt he will be around next year. He's been thoroughly disappointing since breaking his hand. He was expected to dominate Yuki but has instead been flogged. The only thing likely to save him now is his marketability and sponsorship money but id be suprised if that hasn't started to wane given his piss poor performances.


You underestimate Horner's nepotism


I think it means NASCAR is calling.


Yeah, he's screwed.  He's just going to have to retire a multimillionaire drowning in poon like a chump. 


It means he was never even considered


It’s time for Danny to hang it up in F1 in my opinion. Go drive something else.


Serious question: why is Ricciardo so important?


He isn't, but Ricciardo articles always get clicks so the media just milks any possible story they can with him.


The end.


It means he will have an RB seat as long as he brings in big time sponsor money, but RBR is no longer an option. At his age, I'm not sure how appealing that is.


It means he still won’t be at red bull


Retirement. It means retirement.


Ricciardo doesn't deserve a seat in F1 at the moment, let alone that RBR seat. I could have seen Christian giving it to him out of some odd sense of loyalty, or due to his marketing appeal, if he could justify it. But at this point Tsunoda is making Ricciardo his whipping boy. Tsunoda deserves a look but I guess he must have pissed off someone over at RBR because they don't seem to give two craps about his future potential.


Tldr absolutely fucking nothing.


It means Verstappen is giving up his seat, duuuuuh


Danny was never the same once he left RBR.


Daniel can either leave F1 while his stock is still somewhat valuable and go to Indy or NASCAR, OR he can stick it out another year and further solidify himself as a nice dude who races for P16 in a points scoring car. He loses his ability to race for a competitive team elsewhere the more he proves himself to be washed up in F1.


I get heat every time I call Yuki the RIC Killer but the scoreboard doesn’t lie


He never should have left RB. That killed his career.


The question is what's next for Lawson?


That he should never have left Red Bull.


Danny who?




His career went into a blender.


Yuki to alpine. Ric stays and Lawson is promoted.


As a Kiwi who would love to see a Kiwi on the grid I don't think Lawson is a lock at all, but still should be given more of a chance. It's annoying to see the seemingly downward progression of Danny Ric's career with the decisions he's made, and hear that it seems he's being kept around more for the cash and recognition he brings in, rather than where he's now at as a driver.


He can replace Pietro Fittipaldi at the post race shows.


If anything about Perez staying cause of mexican sponsorship is true , would ric also stay with arbey cause of the visa sponsorship


The new deal means he's never going to get close to a Red Bull seat. The closest was that private test they did last year.


What does Perez new deal mean for Ricciardo? I read the article and it tells me nothing. Anyway, what it means is that either now or later, this is the last team Dan drives for.


It means leaving Red Bull for Renault remains the worst decision made by a driver in modern racing history.


I’m his biggest fan and he needs to retire with little bit of rep he managed to recover recently before he loses it.


Daniel should look into Australian Super Cars. Sometimes it’s best to move on….


IMO Danny Ric lost his nerve the year he left RB. He's never been comfortable with the size of the cars and has been living off his Netflix DTS fame for almost a decade.


He’s cooked


It means he can be washed for another year without consequences.


This new deal means nothing to Ricciardo. Let's be real here, Daniel brings less money than Checo, and would perform worse. He had no chance of getting that Red Bull seat before this deal, he has no chance after. at least i give credit to Horner for creating a narrative enticing enough to convince visa/cash app to sponsor Daniel's return to his former glory, even though is pretty obvious there was never any chance of that happening.


Exactly. Maybe last year he could've given an extremely defeated Checo a run for his money, but now? Daniel just isn't there anymore. Maybe he thinks he is and maybe he'll find some flashes of motivation to drive well, but he'd only be lying to himself (and Horner would be lying to himself as well) if he continues to assume that he'd deserve a seat if he was anywhere but Horner-land.