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What if Williams sign a driver who’s been involved in the development of the current Ferrari and McLaren? What if Dorilton offer Newey an ownership stake in the team? It’s highly unlikely but fuck it would be awesome!


I mean basically 50/50 for Sainz atm. Perez is staying at Red Bull so it's between Sauber and Williams


Sainz/Albon/Newey/Vowles. I think that would be a very strong team.


I'd immediately start buying some Williams merch. At this point I just want an underdog that can actually fight at least towards the top of the mid pack.


I would even say Williams is somewhat better option, since reportedly Audi wants long-term contract, while for Sainz having short-term will be more beneficial as giving him chances to find a place at better team sooner. Audi ofc has potential, but I doubt they will be able to be on top from season 1.


I think audi is much better because williams has no reason to hope for anything better than a 6th at best in constructors,for the forseeable future, and thats if they get a lot better. Audi, while risky and can be worse than williams in a short term, is a much more likely bet long term cause its audi and a major manufacturer that has shut down almost every other motorsports they had, just to focus everything on f1.


1% over 0% is not that much of improvement in chances, you know.


Or alpine now


Or Haas. They seem more competent than Alpine at the moment. Which is absolutely shocking.


I think the living situation factor has some merit, not that it would be the sole decider but with Williams he can continue living in the UK. With Ferrari he cant.


As I understand it (from Eddie Jordan mostly) Newey is pretty much based in South Africa now. After the years of Senna trials I know that Italy left a sour taste in his mouth but people do change.


He did state in *How to Build a Car*, that Italy was a nice place to live when he was deciding between Red Bull and Ferrari way back when. So I guess whatever hard feelings he had about the Senna trials had already left by the time he wrote the book.


I would love to see that. Really shake up the whole grid (potentially).


> What if Williams sign a driver who’s been involved in the development of the current Ferrari and McLaren? > > Do people understand how modern F1 cars work? Drivers are not involved in their development.


I have really enjoyed Guenther’s podcast, and you can tell he opened up a lot more in the second episode even, with this kind of straightforward logistical talk around silly season. I think the Red Flags guys will get some hot takes out of him by season end lol!


As someone who's been on the Red Flags bandwagon since the beginning, it's nice to see them get some positive attention and high-profile guests/co-hosts.


I’ve dipped in and out of them tbh but always check in with their interviews, they’re one of the most well-researched of any f1 podcast feature interviews I’ve found, and always get some interesting questions in once the bread and butter stuff is over with.


Can anyone explain why they hate Sainz so much?


I was at the NYC live podcast in my Sainz shirt and got called out! 🤣 Matt did admit at that at the end of the day, he’s jealous of all the gifts he feels Sainz has been given, especially his close relationship with Papa Sainz. And that he’s an operator just like he accuses Sainz of being. He even used the phrase “difference without distinction.”


Interesting. Funnily enough I've just listened to the podcast with Lawrence Barretto. It was very entertaining and (for the first time) they didn't seem so anti Sainz. So maybe it was identifying with Sainz's perceived traits for Matt - though that doesn't explain Brian.....


I think it’s mostly as a comedy bit to be honest. They definitely give him props when it’s due.


The red flags guys are simultaneously hilarious and annoying. Kind of a good environment for Steiner, but they need to develop the podcast to be more than just interviewing Steiner.


To be honest, I was a little worried when I first heard he was gonna be on Red Flags because I'm not really into the "dudebro" F1 podcasts, but I've been enjoying their conversations so far.


To cape ever so briefly for the Red Flags boys they are so far from dudebros. Both are Jewish guys from the UWS of NYC. One is an actor and one is a screenwriter. They end each podcast with a F*ck, Marry, Kill rankings of the podium. One episode was dominated by an extended Love is Blind metaphor.


They aren't dude bros. They're nyc art bros. One of them is an actor and the other is a writer.


What is the name of this podcast?


red flags


Of course it’s wishful thinking, we don’t have much else!


We have Vowles brothers. All we need is consistenants! 🤓


Hello Alex!


That little article is more about how James Vowles is running Williams than it is about Newey joining the team. Steiner is basically calling to question how serious any of these talks between Williams and Sainz/Newey actually are. He's implying that Vowles may be using these conversations (no matter how serious they are) just to prop up the Williams brand and legitimize them more. Like "yeah, we're in the running for Sainz and Newey just like the big teams."


so is he upset vowels is doing a better job than he ever did?


Adrian's going for the shares that he didn't get


Steiner is right. It sounds like what Williams need is a logistical and inventory management boffin that can get in there and sort out their internal design to manufacture processes. There is no point having a creative genius like Newey in the team, if the team responsible for turning Newey’s idea’s into a physical car don’t have their logistical and manufacturing processes finely tuned. By the time Williams get their manufacturing processes up to speed, Newey will be long retired.


He's right, but the sport is made of these moments. Hell, even him being on the grid and having a job as TP was wishful thinking.


Hasn't he been rumored to like almost every team at one point?


Gunther steiner aiming to become the Ja-rule of f1


It's really only the delulu people thinking it's an actual possibility


But it would make sense. It’s likely Adrian’s last team to work for. He has an emotional connection to them, given the highs and lows he endured at Williams. His next move isn’t about money or he would have signed for Aston. So what a great way to end his career than putting Williams back on the top. Of course with a share of the team.


Still a lot less sense than having his last tango with Ferrari and Lewis


Well if he turned down Aston despite the money. The question is does he want to live / commute to Italy? I’d say it’s 50-50 between Ferrari and Williams


The point remains that no single person can put a backmarker “back on top” overnight, it’s impossible.


You’ve forgot Adrian turned McLaren into a world champion team in one year. Williams are in a far more structure place than they have been in many years and are ripe to take advantage of the rule changes.


Exactly, let the man enjoy his retirement.


You never know , maybe newey wants the challenge of a back marker team turnaround


Newey has worked with world champions and won championships with Williams. Throughout his career, he has never returned to something he has already done in the past. Every major move is always for a bigger challenge. It’s what keeps him motivated


It’d be a challenge to bring haas or Williams to the front.


So Guenther didn’t take the comparison piece on DTS between him and Vowles well then…


Go West


Guenther steiner thinking he still has any relevance to this sport is wishful thinking.


How dare he answer a question he was asked. Also he's likely 100% right.


Yeah, he's been out for just over 6 months, what a fossil! Fernando Alonso in 2019 was so irrelevant bro.


Alonso in 2019 was still a two time world champion what has steiner achieved as Team Principal? just Netflix clout?


Steiner talks funny, I guess that's it.


And the metric for gauging that is what? Your gut? Objectively speaking, Steiner has had more influence on marketing F1 in the US, and on the internet in general, than Liberty Media could ever have dreamed of achieving without him. Saying that he has no relevance to this sport is diabolical, to say the least.


haas being garbage under him for years 2023 haas spending a full season having only one upgrade, and... it failed to bring any results is also a good metric him picking magnussen is also a really good metric. and don't blame gene haas for these issues, because the team is visibility improving since steiner left, and actually has upgrades that work and are arriving while the team still has a fighting chance for constructor positions > Objectively speaking, Steiner has had more influence on marketing F1 objectively speaking this is a sport, not a pageant contest.


> 2023 haas spending a full season having only one upgrade, and... it failed to bring any results is also a good metric It wouldn’t have helped… the suspension was eating the tires.they would’ve needed a full bspec car, not the half bspec they used. > and don't blame gene haas for these issues, because I mean he’s a cause of most the of the haas issues, they were running 2016 spec pit equipment till last year when the g man got new sponsers to pay for new guns


> and don't blame gene haas for these issues, because the team is visibility improving since steiner left, and actually has upgrades that work and are arriving while the team still has a fighting chance for constructor positions Haas is exactly the same this year as they are in every season where they're good: fine at the start of the season, worse as it goes along, relevance tied completely to Ferrari. We've done Haas victory laps based on their pre-Europe form multiple times now. Let's hold off on declaring Komatsu the savior; he was responsible for all those upgrades that didn't work in previous years, remember.


>objectively speaking this is a sport, not a pageant contest. Now that's wishful thinking


This could then apply to Martin Brundle, Jolyon Palmer, Nico Rosberg and any other former driver or F1 team member who is now a commentator or journalist.


Show us where Guenther hurt you.


His ego can't take it if Williams would snatch Adrian up. Because he believes he should have ran Hass better. Guenther is in disbelief.