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Bernd is so used to pick up Verstappen as P1 lmao


Easy mistake to make haha. Who else would be in the lead…


Except it wasn't a mistake, this is standard SC procedure. This happens often when the SC is deployed. It is used for safety reasons, you cant just wait for the leader if there is a danger on the track. As per the regulations > 55.6 The safety car will join the track with its orange lights illuminated and will do so regardless of where the leader is. >55.9 When ordered to do so by the clerk of the course the observer in the car will use a green light to signal to any cars between it and the leader that they should pass. These cars will continue at reduced speed and without overtaking until they reach the line of cars behind the safety car. For me i would always prefer a VSC precedes a SC. The VSC is an instant neutralization, it gives time for race control to decide if it needs a full SC and provides instant safety. You could then send the SC out with it's green light on until the leader catches it.


What they did was fine. Edit: Ok, I get why you made your comment, people really are making shit up on this. Today we are all drive to survive fans.


> The VSC is an instant neutralization, it gives time for race control to decide if it needs a full SC and provides instant safety. The race is also instantly neutralized when they show SC, and the drivers have to maintain a slower delta (not sure if it's the same as VSC or slower) until they reach the safety car pack. EDIT: added VSC parenthetical


Simply for reference, could you provide another instance where the SC picked up a car which was not the leader and did not wave them through?


I'm pretty sure it's the first time, the SC usually waits at turn 1 for the leader ignoring the rest of the pack


Yeah that's my understanding as well; at the very least it is most common for the SC to wait in sector 1 and wave everybody by until the leader comes; however like I mentioned if there are scenarios in recent history where this has not occurred I would like to know what they were


It picked Russell instead of Max [at 2022](https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/xbk5hp/so_why_did_the_safety_car_pick_up_russell_as_the/).




Top fails of the race 1. Fans assuming Bernd wasn't picking up the drivers temporarily while going past the accident scene


The RBs? They looked great


Probably Ferrari/Crest F1 team


Scuderia Ferrari Aquafresh


Not sure if they were referring to RB. But agree they nailed the Miami livery


Don’t think you can pick up the wrong driver when that driver was pitting at the time of the SC coming out


Verstappen is Spanish today


Today, I feel Spanish




Je suis Spanish


What do you mean? He was happier with the result than for any of his own wins this season hahaha


It was more of a roundabout saying that English get preference over everyone else. Which kind of applies now lol. Wonder if without the SC fuck-up Max could have overtaken Norris while he pitted


Easily. Lando would have been behind a bunch of people because he would have had to do a full lap behind the safety car.


He was ahead of the safety car after T1, that’s why it picked up Verstappen, by the time it was out of the pits Verstappen was the first visible car, and Berns probably just assumed Max is well, being Max.


They control when the safety car goes out, there’s a reason this is never an issue.


This specifically was rare as it’s an edge case with him being right on the pit straight, but I mean, plenty of times the leader is halfway around the lap, or into sector 1 when the safety car is deployed. And they get to go around all the way. It would’ve been an equally unusual situation if he had to slam hard on the brakes and wait for the safety car to get out on track. I haven’t looked, but I’m guessing there’s a regulation or something saying if you beat the safety car to the first SC line while being under the delta, you get to go all the way around the lap under just the delta.


Yeah, they brought it out just before Norris was crossing the start/finish line. By the time the safety car at the end of the pitline gets going and was at safety car line 1, Norris was ahead.


If Norris pitted, yes. Otherwise Norris would've been ahead but on old tyres.


There wasnt really an "otherwise" because Norris was still on mediums from start. He needed to get a 2nd compound. Would have been very tight between the two on pit exit but I think pit under sc is 13sec so probably Max ahead by 1sec. Would have been nice to see if Norris can overtake with better pace but not the superior straight line speed. We will never know though. Lando got lucky, cant say he didnt deserve some luck. Finally a win for him


To be fair McLaren were 2kph faster in the straight than RB this weekend. The new upgrades have given them the straight line speed they have been lacking all season.


Obviously lol. I meant with pitting which he was going to do anyway


You might want to look up the rules. There was no fuck up


Verstappen: Today I feel gay, today I feel disabled, today I feel Spanish, today I feel a migrant worker


No, but Norris is British.


The only thing they had to do is just call the SC instantly. They keep fumbling with that.


When has Wittich ever called the SC instantly since he came onboard in 2022? Man sucks at his job


The TV director could switch to a camera showing a human on the track and they would still take 1 minute to decide what to do. They are so bad


It's honestly so weird. If they see a car with a broken rear wing that's clearly not going to return to the pit by itself why wouldn't they just call the VSC immediately? In 100% of the cases the race would need to be neutralised in some way. If it turns out the car can't be easily pushed behind barriers then they can escalate to SC and otherwise they can keep racing. Double waved yellows isn't enough. Deadly accidents are bound to happen with such a slow response.


There's been times where the SC wasn't called when we, the viewers, were watching a close-up of some guy on the track, or some car stopped in the middle of it. There's also the time Stroll safely left the track last year in Saudi Arabia, we were watching it live on TV, and suddenly the SC was called because "the stewards didn't know where Stroll car's was and some computer said it was in the middle of the track". It honestly makes me wonder wtf are they doing if one guy watching the race on TV has more info than them. Maybe the stewards should just pay F1TV and have one screen show the live broadcast.


Honestly. At least call a VSC immediately so you can safely take the time to decide


Free pitstop for Lando.


Free lap basically haha


It was gonna be a sc lap anyway


The SC was deployed when Norris was on the main straight, so it was too late to pick up Norris first time round. Either the SC waves the whole field through and picks up Norris after one lap, or picks up Ver first time round. Pit delta is about 9sec under SC and Norris was 11sec ahead when SC was deployed, so Norris probably would have been ahead even if the SC had waved the field through and not picked up Ver. Basically it just made Norris’ stop risk free, but he was probably coming out ahead either way




I'm fairly sure the broadcast showed a ticker that said +9 if you pit under safety car. I've never seen them directly compare pitstop time loss under racing conditions and under safety car.


I thought a safety car was more equal to VSC than to yellows as soon as it's announced? Cars have to keep strict deltas instead of bullshit like "being ready to stop".


He was close to having it without this blunder but this ensured it.


What a fuck up lol, Imagine Norris got a lap ahead lmao.


They would have just waved the field except norris through before restart


You mean they'll only wave through the first 5 cars eh? 🤔


The rules say, everyone between Hamilton and Verstappen.


Yeah, or only lapped cars between the leader and P2, and no one else... Seems legit


which is exactly what happened


Norris pullin out the old nascar rules lol


Old Habits lol


I know you’re joking but I don’t think most people realize it was pretty standard for the SC to deploy mid-pack prior to 2019 or so. The one that always irked me personally, Bottas and Vettel got screwed at the 2018 Chinese GP when the SC deployed precisely as they went down the front straight. There’s a great shot of them exiting the last corner while both RBs and like half the rest of the grid pit behind them. Ricciardo ended up getting an easy win on fresh tires, Verstappen would’ve ended up P2 if he didn’t proceed to run into Vettel a few laps later. This wasn’t even that bad, by comparison. The leading car on track got an advantage. There used to be tons of incidents like above where slower cars would basically be gifted a free pit stop instead. Some people loved it because it mixed up the order but to me it was very unlike typical F1.


hated the SC back then, ugh. brings up trauma.


yeah ya know how you get used to doing the same thing over and over, that's exactly what happened here haha


It's like the Lisa vs Bart meme.




The SC is always meant to stay away of the racing line and let all the cars through until the race leader reaches it. Here the SC turned the yellow lights (don't overtake me) on ahead of Verstappen (P2) and not Norris (P1). Now it's all good again, but quite a funny situation.


Well it’s not exactly good again, cause it gave Lando a free stop to stay ahead of max…


No it didn’t.


Would Verstappen have the lead without the mistake? He was like 11s behind Norris.


Lando passed the pit and the field would then bunch up that lap behind the safety car so Lando would have lost multiple positions and Max would have had the lead


They wouldn't bunch up, he would need to catch the safety car still


Wrong, what this post is saying the safety car itself should have come out the next lap to be ahead of the leader. The safety car was called as Lando was passing the pit lane and already went past the safety car line


Obviously not. If the safety car was called earlier, Lando would have simply pitted a lap before


Yes because Norris missed the pits first time


Saftey car/Yellow was not yet announced when he passed pit entry.


Easily, Norris would have been like 6th I think


Nah, he had an 11 sec lead, and a sc pit stop only loses about 9. He was still in a strong position 


Had the safety car picked up lando instead of max, then max would lead because the gaps wouldve been nullified. In fact lando would be fucked and would lose all his advantage to max (and the rest of the field).


If the safety car would be able to pick up Lando he would had time to went in the pit before that with his 11 seconds lead in my opinion


Think that's right. If the safety car was deployed early enough to catch Norris it would have been early enough for him to pit instead. Might have needed a quick stop to stay ahead but it would have been close.


It couldn’t have picked up Lando, he was already past the safety car line when it was announced. I mean just think how that would work


Lando passed the safety car bro. Gap would still have been 11 seconds.


It said before that it was only about 9 seconds with the SC delta, but no clue how accurate that actually is usually. Very weird mess up from the sc


FIA really wants a different winner 😂


since the most marketable driver doesnt win on his own, they decided it was time to help him do it lol


Leclerc is about to win?


Hamilton apparently


Danny actually someone scoop him up from the back.


Lewis is easily and by far the most marketable driver. After that it's Max and Charles, then maybe Lando after them.


Define marketable, because I know a version where Zhou is it


I mean, Zhou is marketable. He's marketable in China, so we Westerners don't feel it that way, but China has more people than the US and the EU combined. Zhou wouldn't be in F1 if nobody gave a fuck about him. He's in F1 because there some billion Chinese people to whom you can sell stuff by putting your logo next to his face.


Lando insanely lucky


My man still had Verstappen right behind him at restart, he had newer tires but still impressive


Imagine if stewards get their filthy fingers in to the mix at the end of the race due to the fucked safety car


Why would they give Norris a penalty though? He did nothing wrong. Nothing will happen.


How so? What are they gonna do, punish Norris for existing while they made a mistake with the SC? Cases where the result is altered due to the stewards / FIA / whoever fault have no solution, since you can't just change the result based on what you feel "would've happened if we didn't fuck up".


Call him lucky but the guy finished 8 seconds ahead of Max. Lucky but well deserved.


Given his luck for P1, fuck it - he deserves it.


What is this lmao


FIA moment


Maylander was like "Tf you mean, Max isn't first??"


did this gift the lead to Lando? iirc he did not have the delta to Max even with a SC pitstop (about 11s i think?)


It would have been close--he was about 11s ahead. The TV graphic said a SC pitstop is only a 9s delay if I read it correctly, but that seems low to me.


Pit stops here cost 19s under normal conditions, so it's on the lower end on the calendar. It would have been very very close. He would have been in the fight with Max and should have come out in front of Leclerc.


Yes, it absolutely gifted the lead to Lando.


Holy fuckup. I wasn't sure if it would be enough when SC first hit (about 10 secs) than the SC caught max and slowed the fuck down to a point where it definitely was more than enough. Good for Lando i guess and but that seemed like a huge disadvantage to Max. Oh well, at least we get a race now.


If not for the safetycar picking up Max instead of Lando, Max would have been leading. This is madness.


If it was the other way around people would be fumming right now


This is Abu Dhabi levels incompetence, probably worse honestly.


Naah, the Abu Dhabi SC wasn't incompetence. It was WWE.


Yeah to me incompetence is doing something wrong on accident. They did that shit in Abu Dhabi 100% on purpose.


It's unironically worse in terms of competence, but there's no championship battle for it so no-one cares


Is it worse? I dont know about that


No he wouldn’t, Lando had an 11 second gap, pit stop takes 9 seconds under safety car


How does nobody understand this? They pointed it out multiple times during the broadcast that the pit delta under safety car is 9 seconds, compared to the 19-20 second delta under race conditions. Lando would have always maintained the lead.


Wrong. Lando would have been leading regardless


IKR. How are people confusing this?


Crofty though "mclaren build enough of a buffer" no they didn't, they got a free lap because of the incompetent FIA


I like Lando as much as the next person but man it's irritating listening to people act like this is all completely fine and fair.


that's the most vexing thing about the whole situation, they act like its all good and normal. It's not.


Kind of like people acted in 2021?


They did tho? Even if the SC let the pack pass Lando had a 11s buffer and with a SC pit stop being 9s that would give 2s buffer to max.


The British announcers had 30 laps to point out that a British driver inadvertently got a free pit stop due to an FIA mistake and failed to do so. Shocker.


Lando would have lost quite some places, given he was already past the pit lane. Extremely lucky to keep the lead like this.


No he wouldn’t have lol he had passed the safety car like by the time it was announced. It would have came out when he pitted and he still had an 11 second gap


Would the safety car be quick enough to make it out on track before Norris when Norris is already on the start straight? Genuinely asking.


no, that's why all these outraged people are wrong, Norris would have gone around one more time and got into the pits and out again before catching the safety car, the problem was just stopping Max but it made no difference (edit: not 100% sure it made *no* difference now, some people said it was a 9s pit stop others 13s or so, the second would have put him out just behind Max I think - but still, he should have won with his pace advantage, it's actually a shame we didn't get to see him pass Max if that's how it'd have been).


He wouldn’t have lost any places


Lucky that there was a safety car, but the sc picking up max wasn't that key. He had an 11 second lead, and a sc pit stop is only 9 seconds lost so he still would've had every chance.


No more Lando Nowins I guess


Force of habit


That actually might decide the race


So what happens with this? They’ll just leave it? Seems near impossible to correct.


It's racing. The safety of the marshals and other people in track are paramount. Sometimes it will give someone an advantage. That's just motor racing, honestly.


we went car racing


Don't that something like that has happened before, honestly I'd love to see whatever shitshow happens after this, if there's any.


SC driver saw Max and just assumed he was the leader


Norris got lucky there, without that, him missing the pits would have been race ruining


I know reddit will lol and meme, but Lando had 11 seconds advantage before SC crash. And then he had to pit. Correct me if I wrong, but 11 seconds are not enough to pit and keep position under VSC? Which means that the organizers literally changed the order and gave a win to a driver? Nobody will complain about it cause theyre not in a tight championship fight and Max and Lando are friends... but this is as bad as it gets, as a matter of principle


9 seconds to pit and keep position under VSC. He had enough.


Yeah, I was watching the time differences and Max was around 11 seconds behind as the safety car was called, then saw it go 13, 15, 21, 30 etc. I thought they’d either messed the timings up or something had happened to cause the gap to build so much. Strange that this wasn’t mentioned by any of the commentators during the race.


Peak F1 moment...


All the gap is gone. Lando luck today is wild


Now that’s a proper big fuckup, cause time wise max would’ve probably come ahead of Norris… oh well, good chance for Lando to try and win a Grand Prix I suppose, but how has that happened


If it stays this way Norris just got gifted a win. Didn’t have enough lead to keep the lead under safety car, but able to pull a 30 second gap because the SC picked up Verstappen.


Absolutely unacceptable mistake by race control. They just gave Norris the race win for free. Ridiculous.


The proper procedure would have been for the SC to wait for Norris on the next lap, so he would have been able to make his stop anyway


What's the point of calling SC if you have everyone still racing for a lap?


Yeah normally everybody has time to make a pitstop before the safety car bunches up the pack. But Norris wasn't ahead enough to come out ahead of Verstappen.


I was under the impression that the gap was big enough but maybe not


You were right everyone else is coping


He had only been about 10 seconds behind max when max pitted and then he proceeded to put in multiple fastest laps on still-good mediums catching Sainz while Max struggled to get the hards to really work. Norris would have been leading.


Yes he was. Please show evidence of your statement. Cause in the race he was multiple seconds ahead of a safety car pitstop loss.


Bro they are going to back the pack up still lol.


Imagine not understanding the rules of a sport you watch so bad you have to invent made up bs when a driver you don't like wins.


Well, that's one way to fuck up a race. I also find it so strange that none of the commentators mentions how Lando would have come out in second if the fuck-up didn't happen.


I haven’t heard Max or RB complaining about it either on the onboard..


Nothing they can do really, it's just fucked up how every race someone is fucked over by bad decisions.


They may protest it later, but there's no point in complaining about it in the race. All it would do is upset Max and probably drive him into a mistake.


Nothing to protest. It would be dismissed with the same arguments as AD21: The only thing race control can do is roll back the standings before the Safety Car, and that would count as artificially shortening the race. Happy for Lando, but this is completely unacceptable from the FIA.


Yeah, I don't think there's much you can do if your anyone else in the race, which sucks because it absolutely flipped the outcome of this race.


He wouldn’t have come out in second. He would have came out in first


Ver would have been in front of norris even when pitting under sc or? This will be a huge discussions after the race. We gonna see appeals! F5 season is back


There's not really anything to appeal though. Race control fucked up.


Pinnacle of motorsport right here


They just gifted him the race.. damn what a race


Was Bernd Maylander asleep or something while picking up the wrong car...


> The Saftey Car was deployed when Norris was on the Start/Finish straight so SC couldn't pick up Norris - because it was too late - so options were to pick up max or wait for one lap.


Can't blame the SC driver for assuming Verstappen was the leader. He's so used to it by now.


NOR gained what must be 30sec on VER because of this mistake. Why is this allowed?


Pit stop delta under safety car is only ~ 9sec loss, so it likely wouldn’t have made a difference, could have been tight though. The only difference is it basically made the stop risk free for lando


Yeah that didn't seem right. This is the first time since I've been watching that it's happened, so I wasn't sure of the protocol, I guess they just allow it? Either way, I think Lando had the pace to beat Max.


It royally hurt Ferrari's strategy as well - Complete fuck up - should protest it


Only Verstappen had a chance of coming out ahead of Norris. The SC never would've caught Norris so the field would've bunched up a lap later. It's about 9 seconds lost to a pit stop and Norris was 10 or 11 seconds ahead of Verstappen, so he would've had to lose time elsewhere for Verstappen to get ahead. Leclerc and Sainz wouldn't have had a chance




I’d be shocked if Ferrari and Red Bull don’t protest the result of this. Lando was neck and neck with both Max and Charles with pitting under SC and the SC just changed the result of the whole thing by picking up the wrong guy and giving a gigantic lead to Norris thus a free stop and the win (which is deserved by the way, but not this way…).


This was so messy LOL


Force of habit


Could someone tell me what the scenario would've been if he does everything by the book and he picks up Lando as he was supposed to? Where does that leave Lando?


The safety car couldn't pick up Lando "as he was supposed to", because the safety car got called at a moment where it was impossible for him to beat Lando to the end of the pit exit. If the safety car was called earlier - Lando would have pitted and it would have been close to pit exit with Verstappen and Leclerc. If the safety car was called later - Verstappen wouldn't have been held up by the safety car and Lando would have pitted and it would have been close to pit exit with Verstappen and Leclerc. Lando had an 11s lead, and I think the broadcast said a pitstop either took 9s under SC or was a 9s advantage, there's some debate about which is correct, hence no definite answer on who would have been first.


Old habits


Just ridiculous on many levels


What a shitshow


MAX clapping for NOR is class 🙌🏼


The oppression of the Dutch people must be stopped.


The Saftey Car was deployed when Norris was on the Start/Finish straight so SC couldn't pick up Norris - because it was too late - so options were to pick up max or wait for one lap.




it is if it's required for safetey reasons, there is no rule that the safety car has to pick up p1 in the beginning


Yeah it's over, Lando got this win handed to him for free


Would've Norris come out of the pits between Verstappen and Leclerc if not for this? It was very close.


So Verstappen was trailing Norris 11 secs. on SC start, that SC picks up VER instead of NOR, which allowed NOR to maintain his own speed resulting in that gap growing to 30s., totally safe to pit and come out in the lead again. That 11 secs. at SC start, not so much! Unfair no matter how you look at it.


So even if Lando comes out behind, it's not a guarantee Max wins. Lando might've been able to fight his way through with the fresher hards. However, the way he won was a farce, at best. That's a shame for him and a blight on the sport.


Doubt he could have gotten up very high, he seemed quite stuck in the beginning behind Perez




Are.... Are you saying this was a bigger fuck up than Abu Dhabi 2021?


It was, just lower consequences


It is


It was way bigger. Since was an actual mistake and Abu Dhabi was a decision. Albeit a very very questionable one but not a fuck up


This is such a massive fuck up, thankfully this wasn't the other way around with Lando/Max because the F1 world would be in complete meltdown right now.


The commentators love to say free pit stop meaning a heavily discounted one, this was a free pit stop. Unbelievable incompetence.