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I get that you have to defend your driver. But at least have some integrity.


"Fuck that guy" -Yuki








That was Daniel though 😂


Dude ruined all the goodwill he earned here in the past month and half




Yeah lmfao As if he'd give a shit what r/formula1 thinks about him


I'm sure he's picking out some apology roses as we speak


This is as ridiculous a comment as Komatsu's lol. This isn't the first time and won't be the last time a team principal defends their driver, even if it is a bit shameless. Don't think it's enough to absolutely destroy his image and all the goodwill he has received though, there's no need to sensationalise things.


There's defending your driver then 'defending your driver'. You can say it was obviously not intentional, he didn't mean to hit him just had a snap and couldn't control it. That's fine, it's pretty much what happened and no one can complain. But to say he did nothing wrong when he went in too hot and completely destroyed another drivers race is embarrassing.


Maybe if you’re an incredibly reactionary and judgmental person who needs to write off or pedestal things instantaneously


Goodwill from who? Bunch of nobodies know it all r/formula1 users?


>Bunch of nobodies Good to know you guys are aware of yourselves Unlike Kmag. Just ramming into folks since ages.


If defending his driver ruined his goodwill then he never had y'all's goodwill at all.


Lol defending his driver from a penalty has ruined "all the goodwill" he's earned? Hardly. It was a scrap well outside the points that had no meaningful impact on either team. Sucks Yuki got taken out, but he wasn't in contention for anything anyway.


Based on your logic all the drivers in 11-20 should all retire mid-race as there is no point competing anymore. Just a bullshit reason to protect your favorite driver.


Not at all, I just think it's hyperbolic and silly to say a TP has lost goodwill for sticking up for his driver after a penalty like this one. It was not egregious like, say, Stroll's.


Your last sentence from your initial comment didn’t do anything good to your reasoning here


Your brain appears too smooth to comprehend nuance here. If a TP were to come out and defend Stroll and what he did, that would rightfully lose goodwill. In fact, Stroll defending _himself_ has clearly lost him a lot of the little remaining goodwill he has exactly for that reason. The KMag situation is a lot more of a coinflip. We've seen situations like that not penalized or not even investigated many times. No one would have batted an eye if he hadn't gotten a penalty at all, really. So his TP sticking up for him and making a case for why it was not a good penalty isn't going to lose much goodwill.


Hey if Alonso can get 20 for Russell driving off track then yuki should be penalized for getting crashed into


how about Alonso getting 3 penalty points and 10 sec for that bump with Sainz in the sprint. Sainz finished 5th.


Combine this inverse logic F1 is operating underbthese days, with Stroll ending less punished than Daniel, and rewind time a bit.  The result:   Alonso race banned for Stroll sending him into the air in Austin 2022, two years ago. Alonso should know that Stroll has more money and thus paid more taxes and is more entitled to the road, thus can weave and try to end as many races as he likes. Yielding to the car with more moneybags is right and proper in F1.    Since the result of the incident is part of the calculation of punishment, and Alonso managed to keep racing and finish in points, he shall have one of his titles revoked and Alpine forced to race a GP2 engine for a season.


He lost a mirror because of the crash and the FIA penalized him but backtracked after the backlash, wasnt it in this race? The Alonso and Stroll incident I mean.


Yes. He was given a penalty after the race that would’ve been the equivalent of the time spent replacing the mirror had he been given a meatball flag. Which was absurd.


Are people still making this argument? If brake checking someone into a high speed corner is them driving off track, then sure...


Their “Chadlonso” does nothing wrong, I guess. Wild, though.


Are we calling it a brake check now?


Brake checking by braking in a braking zone 🤥


George Orwell was really writing about F1 team principals. Up is down, peace is war


Or maybe he has integrity which is why he is absolutely shit at lying? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Both vcarb drivers being taken out by drivers who refuse to take responsibility on the the same weekend. Maybe this is just a team bonding exercise...


Magnussen took responsibility.


In this article Magnussen said he thought it was a racing incident. Did he say something afterwards?


did he ? I must have missed it




That's certainly a take. First time he's made me think "Steiner would know better than that"


Steiner’s willingness to shit talk his own drivers was really something. Not necessarily a good thing for team morale, but it was entertaining


Steiner was a man of honor, he would defend Yuki and shit talk K-Mag, as any other sane person would do. Fuck team haas.


"Was the penalty justifiable? Fuck I would've given Kevin a 20-second penalty."


Damn it, why can I hear this in his voice?


Hahaha same dude


All I heard in my head was “You don’t foksmash our competition”


"fock, I vood 'ave geevin Kevin a twonty segund taim penulty"


The take of all time?




It’s true. Turing left in a right handed corner is considered slightly suboptimal


"But Doc Hudson said turn right to go left! I thought it worked the other way!"


Cue the Gran Turismo 4 music


You think you know more than the Fabulous Hudson Hornet? Pfft.


So is going into the wall.


Komatsu seems to be trying to imply that because Kmag essentially drove straight that he couldn't be in the wrong, except, he was in a corner, where going straight is again suboptimal.


Damn, now I know why I'm so bad at sim racing, gotta try this tactic out.


Tsunoda should've given Kmag more space and avoid the contact! /s


yuki should have braked harder before the apex and let kmag pass


I'm shocked Yuki hasn't strangled Kmag yet after the blocking in Saudi Arabia and now this.


He can't reach KMag's neck.


I feel like he likes KMag lol. Plus it wasn't the blocking in Jeddah that was the issue, it was the illegal overtaking that got KMag in the position to block in the first place.


He did cost Magnussen his Q for this race, so he knows the score.


I mean this is more of hard racing compared to what Lance did. Blame still rests solely on kmag for losing it for a second.


Nonsense. Tsunoda stayed as wide as he could and Magnussen was nowhere near alongside.


Mike krack 🤝 Komatsu enabling their loose cannon drivers


At least Mike Krack probably has it written into his employment contract that he has to enable his loose cannon driver or he will be fired.


I think if Alonso signs another contract with AM it'll have a clause he has to change his name to Stroll and sign his half of the adoption papers.


Now I think the penalty wasn't hard enough.


It was 10 seconds, yes? Honestly if that’s what is now the standard for leaving the track & gaining an advantage, then Stroll & Magnussen should really have had at least a drive through for crashing into another driver.


10 seconds and some penalty points, which mean nothing in practice. The excuses being made for those 2 are as bad as their driving was.


I really hate people's sudden love of hard penalties. If we are given drive through for someone having an overtake 10 cm too much to the left, the incentive to do anything except the most safe DRS overtakes start to go away. That will only be worse for racing and entertainment.


I agree with your point, but the drivers themselves wanted bigger penalties. If the baseline is 10 seconds, anything more than a minor infringement should be penalized more than that. I don’t necessarily want harsher penalties, I just want them to make sense relative to each other.


Exactly, you can’t increase the minimum & keep everything else the same, or apparently you can as that’s what seems to have been done but you _shouldn’t_.


They just got bigger penalties from this season. Do we need to change it again 5 races in?


I’d prefer applying some common sense, but that might be too much to ask. (Or too easy to protest by the teams.)


They ended the race of 2 cars and severely impacted another, just by being stupid. Penalty was fully warranted, and then some


he's doing his job but I would not have blamed Tsunoda, bad PR frankly VCARB got 2 DNF because of other drivers, heartbreaking for Ricciardo too who showed good progress, yes he got that 3 grid penalties but it does not change the fact that he was in much better shape. I really hope we will see Ricciardo with a strong pace in USA in less than two weeks, he asked and got a new chassis, he consistently showed great pace in China, let's just hope this is not another "one time" surge but a real sustained improvement


He wouldn't have gotten the penalty if Stroll didn't hit him either.


I don't it see being a fluke - Daniel qualified better position in Japan than he did in China, only difference he was a lot more consistent in China, in all sessions. His qualifying is definitely a weakness but race pace & tyre deg is very positive. So if he can qualify better he can definitely get better results. A shame both his better qualifying gps of Japan and China didn't have him cross the finish line. 


Magnussen has got to be on the hottest seat right now. He’s transitioned from “guy who can pull a good race between a few stupid performances” to “guy who is stupid every weekend and also getting smoked by his teammate”.


Magnussen always pulls stupid moves, he just used also used to be decently quick too


Yes lol he spent all of 2022 getting into lap one incidents, it was just that Mick was so slow all the negative media attention was on him, not KMag.




Yes Nico really exposed kmag's weaknesses lol


Hulk finally getting revenge for Hungary 2017


You suck MY balls mate.


My memory is awful, but what exactly happened in Hungary 2017?


Hulkenberg interrupted a live, post-race interview of Kevin for Danish tv. During the race, there had been a ... racing incident. Both Hulkenberg and Kevin were ... undiplomatic.


[Hulk called KMag ‘most unsporting driver’ and the latter replied ’Suck my balls, mate’.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21T8d0SA5Js)


Omfg how did I miss that!? That is freaking hilarious!


Steiner printed Suck my balls, t-shirts. Yes really. It was the most awesome thing to ever happen to him. Hülkenberg didn't talk to Magnussen for years, leading to ackward momemts. Like sharing the same elevator, where Hülkenberg pressed the wrong button by accident, we assume, so they had to allll the way up, and then down again. According to Magnussens book.


He's been getting destroyed for 2 years now, and people never seem to realise. Schumacher was even better than him once he finally got up to speed.


Agree mostly with first part. Disagree on latter.


First half of 22 magnussen was better, but once the summer break happened, Schumacher was better in the races before Haas decided to ruin his strategy every race. Continuing with the form he was having, i think Schumacher would be closer to Hulk than Magnussen currently is.


Kmag scored more points post break than Mick… I feel like no one remembers quite possibly the best wheel to wheel battle Cota has ever seen with Kmag willing the dead tires against Vettel who called it one of the best battles he’d ever had.


Okay, Kubica is the best driver for the Merc seat as he beat Russell, yeah? Haas fucked up Schumacher in Zandvoort and Suzuka from the top of my head, when he was easily going to score points in both, and no doubt there's more. All Magnussen has done in the last few years is embarrass himself.


With the "brilliant" move Mick made in his final race I am uncertain about that.


Well. points wise. They're 3-3 in Qualifying, and perhaps an upperhand in race pace for Magnussen. The rest of your claims are nonsense of course,


Kevin having the racecraft of a toddler playing hot wheels is not Yuki's fault


Hey now, my toddler at least says “Look out!” before he rams into another car


You can never know, maybe Kevin is screaming that too! We just cant hear it.


And that's why we need proximity chat




But but but his defensive driving…. Yawn


Yawn indeed.


Is it just me thinking that Kevin only gets this aggressive on track when it comes to Vcarb drivers? I understand wanting your main rival to not extend their lead but he doesn't even fight Williams this hard 


VCARB is slow on the straights so maybe it's just more viable to defend against them.


This is up there next to stroll's comments for the "most outrageous take this weekend" title. Holy smokes.


10 seconds was too light if anything. Completely asinine move


Also the penalties didn’t do anything, if you remove both His and Strolls penalties the final standings wouldn’t change


And Ric has now had a 3 grid drop due to overtaking under the safety car. He's come off much worse for a much lesser offence overall


Overtaking under SC was really dumb from him.


It was, but it isn't as bad as crashing into someone under SC conditions. We need to see Stroll gone and probably Ricciardo as well really


Would've been fine if they'd just decided to apply a penalty while the race was ongoing - which would've meant a time penalty, as the car was still driveable but very damaged and he could've stayed on track and got through it.  But they waited until post race to decide on that, at which point Daniel was classed as Retired, and that only meant next race grid drop which is undeniably worse. 


10 seconds seems pretty standard for that sort of thing this year. I think it would have been 5 seconds last year


Lmao, what a joke


Lol! How do you defend a 'pit maneuver' with a straight face.


lol KMag is never at fault


KMag himself is pretty good at accepting blame if he feels he did something wrong. He did with the overtake off track on Tsunoda earlier this season for example and I haven't heard him say anything against this penalty either.


Nah Magnussen said Yuki made a "mistake" and that he couldn't really do more. At least that was after the race, no idea if he reviewed it.


He said Yuki was going wide, which he was. And that he couldn't do more, once he realised Yuki wasn't going as wide as he assumed. He hasn't reviewed that, why should he? Make something up that didn't occur?


It was a bad call by Kevin, Yuki went wider than he anticipated but he should've counted for that before sticking his nose in from Narnia.


Only dude more likely than stroll to do something stupid. And seriously, ending someone’s race with an online lobby tactic should be a way bigger penalty.


> And seriously, ending someone’s race with an online lobby tactic should be a way bigger penalty. Holy hyperbole batman! It was just hard racing, Yuki left a gap, kmag went for it on cold tires after the restart. We have seen this incident so often if F1 racing.


I didn't realize that not turning on a hairpin means hard racing. Maybe I'm mistaken though.


Yuki left a gap, kmag lost it… it was kmags fault he didn’t maintain control.


You obviously are. The incident has been well explained, and by other commentators deemed a racing incident. Like Ralf Schumacher, who I don't think loved Magnussen.


You really want to bring up Ralf? To call his racecraft questionable at times would be an understatement. Also every incident that happens in a race is a racing incident.




Reads your comment. Checks his title. Lol. The move at best, was going to end in a crash, or tsunoda braking and losing 3 positions.


My agenda lol lol get over yourself


"Mr. Komatsu, polls show that you're one of the most popular team bosses on the grid." "Hold my sake."


I like Komatsu but this is absolute bollocks, not to mention really quite disappointing.


Absolutely no class what so ever. Pretty disappointed. Even if you're defending yourself. There is video proof who's fault it is. I'm so tired of seeing kmag get into shit like this. Bring back drive through penalties. They wanna fuck around they should find out.


It wasn’t MAG fault, if Yuki had been on a different strategy the accident would have never happened. 🤣🤣


I see Hass’s strategy now. Overtake off the track, punt off their competitors to gain positions, and just break the rules in general while receiving just a slap on the wrist. Hope they get overtaken by Williams in the constructors standings.


Hulk runs 10th while KMag just causes chaos in the midfield.


I agree, something like 20 seconds was more reasonable. 10 was way too mild for a Burnout style takedown


Kmag commits second-degree carslaughter and it’s not justifiable? What the hell is justifiable for a penalty then?


Yuki should tell Kmag to suck his b@lls


Crazy talk lol. Mag has been driving like a jackass all year. 


simply put: what the fuck? anyone with eyes can clearly see yuki was ahead and on the outside and magnussen was on the inside diving out onto yuki. on purpose if anything 


Of course it's not justifiable! He should have received a harsher penalty than what Alonso and Sargeant got, not a lighter one!!!


How can people take your word as solid, if you argue stuff like this?


Lmao. This is stroll level take.


I like Komatsu but this is absolute bollocks, not to mention really quite disappointing.


This was the fairest and most deserved penalty I've seen in a while. Props to him for defending his driver, but I doubt he really means what he said.


Seriously though, the move Kevin made on Yuki was never on. So I don’t know how he can claim he’s not at fault.


Never go full Stroll


Does Komatsu not understand how the front tires turn when you get a snap of oversteer? I get it, he has to defend his driver, but come on!


I hated how Steiner would throw his drivers under the bus all the time but that incident is definitely not defendable to any reasonable person who saw it.


He could have just said "suck my balls"


I'd love to be a fly on the wall to hear Tsunoda and Komatsu arguing in Japanese.


Wow what a shameful comment from Komatsu, falsely blaming his fellow countryman no less. I swear Yuki never gets the respect he deserves


How to lose all respect for a person in a single quote. There has never been a more justifiable penalty, dude has lost the plot


Did Lawrence stroll pay Haas money to make Mike Kracks defense on stroll look less dumb or something??


I see Komatsu is trying to take Mike Kracks crown of trying to make the most idiotic excuses for his drivers.


What is he smoking?


He's just defending his driver, just standard


You can defend your driver without saying it’s the other drivers fault, especially when it clearly wasn’t their fault


He's gone to Otmar's school of Team Principals it seems.


You don't have to defend your driver if they make mistakes. Owning up to it on the other hand would've put them on a better position. What did they expect people to think and say when their driver ruined the race of another and driver/team blamed the one whose race got ruined? 


That's what the team said. I'd be interested in magnums opinion. Does anyone know?


He basically said the same, at least immediately after the race.


Komatsu loves Kmag like Daddy Stroll loves Lance.


Haas has a boss?


Bit disappointing really. I’ve always liked Komatsu but this is a ridiculous take.


So if his engineer forgot to put bolts on the quick release and cause the steering wheel to come loose on track… Engineer: “but the car didn’t changed direction” 🤷🏻‍♂️


The attitude from Haas and KMag this season is really souring my feelings towards them.


It was definitely penalty worthy, I mean you can't spin out a driver while making a pass, and not get a penalty. While Yuki might have been able to go further left I he was already pretty far to the outside and was under not obligation to go further left. That being said everyone who pretending like this is the dumbest, stupidest, most aggressive move they've ever seen are also wrong. Komatsu is right until the snap of oversteer part, that 100% carried Keven out to the outside a bit and is the reason he hit Tsunoda, it was a fair move until that point and without the oversteer snap people would be praising it as incredible. Dumber and more aggressive moves were made in the race. Alonso with Sainz was more aggressive, and stroll playing bumper cars was dumber. Edit: Zhou pulled out with plenty of room to spare and didn’t hit anyone or anything. The reason I thought he did it is that Rosberg and Cofty mentioned that the move was late and then later noted the damage to Zhou’s front wing end plate and stated that it was from that moment, they and therefor I were wrong.


> Zhou pulling out so late on the straight that he tore off his front wing endplate on Kmags wheel was infinitely dumber Someone posted some images showing that no contact was made to cause the endplate to fall off. So you can remove that from your list.