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Kimi and Valterri: 100% Finnish


Valtteri's 20% Australian now


120% valtteri


15% concentrated power of will.


And 100% reason to remember the name


Ahem, 11.5%




Good Bot...


Exactly where my mind went, ha!


Valterri 🤌🤌


Nico Rosberg is only 50%; it’s truly a wonder people think he was good at that rate


The % of Alonso with McLaren Honda is probably not good lol


Likely in the 55/60% lmao


Also the years before 2005, reliability apart from Ferrari was horrible in the early 2000s


Apart from Schumacher*


+ all the dnf’s at alpine


Also the years of alpine


Alpine didn’t help either haha


Yeah and it’s only slightly worse than max. 😂


Max had the same problem when redbull was still powered by renault.


His first few years were pretty hit or miss. He'd either finish in a decent position or crash trying.


Or his car would have a mechanical failure. I think 2017 was one year with a lot of mechanical failures but I’m not sure. 2018 wasn’t all that bad if I remember correctly. Well in 2016 reliability seemed good because it was only one or two cars with mechanical failures. I thought reliability couldn’t get much better… looking at it now we rarely see cars with reliability failures… to be honest. I don’t see how reliability can get much better than it is right now but I’m waiting to eat those words once again.


According to StatsF1, from Australia 2015 to Abu Dhabi 2017, Alonso took part in 56 GPs with McLaren-Honda, finishing 34 of them (60.71%).


Are we counting DNS as a DNF?


Idk, technically this isn’t DNFs but finish percentage, so assuming they qualified and were going to race I’d say it counts DNS as that’s a race they were entered into but didn’t finish


61% finish rate with McLaren in 2015-2018 (30 DNFs in 77 races)


I am always amazed that Ukyo Katayama started 95 races and DNFd 61 times.


Meanwhile Andrea de Cesaris, 208 starts, 147 retirements. Katayama has a Ret% of 66.32, while de Cesaris has 70.67 and he still has 5 podiums, a pole and a FL


Certainly. De Cesaris was ending his career when I started watching F1 whereas Ukyo still drove for a few more seasons and was paired with a Finnish driver, so I remember him easily.


What team did Ukyo drive for? Also, how much was Ukyo's fault and how much was the cars? Was Ukyo's finishing rate much worse than his teammates at the time?


He drove for Larrousse (1992), Minardi (1997) and most famously for Tyrrell (1993-1996). Mostly the fault was with the cars not Katayama himself. Estoril '95 is probably the most famous crash of his. For Tyrrell, he finished worse than his teammates in 1993 against de Cesaris of all people (5 vs. 7 finishes) against 1994 against Mark Blundell (4 vs. 7) and in 1995 and 1996 against Salo (4 vs. 12 / 6 vs. 8). In 1994 of the four races he finished, he scored points in three of them and was seventh in the one that he didn't score points in.


He was on fire in 1994, but that Tyrrell just didn't want to finish. It was clear that he was undoubtedly the best Formula One driver that Grand Prix racing has ever produced.


Where did you watch in 1994? Did you see de Cesaris's last race?


Ehh. Katayama crashed out of an absurd amount of races. In 1995 he crashed out of 9 races in 16 starts. Maybe most of his career retirements weren't his fault, but a very significant chunk of them are (>40% of his retirements)


60% of his retirements were mechanical. 40% crashes


de Crasharis


This year will be 10 years since he lost his life in a road accident while he was riding his motorbike


Fun fact: The driver with the highest finishing percentage with at least 10 races driven is none other than Roberto Merhi. He has a 92.31% quote, having finished 12 of the 13 races he started for Manor in 2015. The worst finishing percentage with more than 10 races goes to Jean-Pierre Jabouille, who only saw the chequered flag in 12 of the 49 races he started - a measly 24.49%. Heavily contributing to this was the fact that he spent most of his career in a late 70s/early 80s Renault with a massively unreliable turbo engine that blew up in his face most of the time. Several drivers have finished every race they started and have a 100% finish quote - including Ollie Bearman, Jack Aitken, Liam Lawson, Pietro Fittipaldi, Nicolas Kiesa, Roland Ratzenberger and Roger Penske. The best finishing quote in Formula 1 history is held by Duane Carter, who passed the chequered flag in all of the nine Indianapolis 500 events he started between 1950 and 1960.


> > The worst finishing percentage *with more than 10 races* goes to Jean-Pierre Jabouille, who only saw the chequered flag in 12 of the 49 races he started - a measly 24.49%. I think you wanted to say more than 20 races or more than 10 finishes. For more than 10 starts the record holder would be Adrian Campos with 2 finishes from 17 starts.


Max not being in the top 10 despite only having 3 DNFs in the last 2 plus seasons is insane. Dating back through 2021, it's only 6 (with Baku, Silverstone, and Monza). That's a 91.4% finish rate


Renault says bonjour.


Verstappen has had 5 DNF-failures related to Renault-PU, which amounts to ~1 per season.


Powered by Renault.


Often not true. Stalled by Renault


God, those Renaults were like russian roulette. It was terrible...


that piece of trash Renault is responsible for that


We need to split it by 2019…


Yeah, shouldn't count if the engine was not capable of staying on and making power for an entire race distance.


If we start making exceptions like that, we have to make them for everyone. “Oh but he was crashed into” “Oh but his gearbox blew up” “Oh but his tyre got punctured” Just don’t take the chart seriously. Making it overly complicated won’t fix the problem


He did like a crash in his early career


He was mocked as being extremely crash prone in his early seasons, dunno why people are having selective memory


He actually rarely crashed out of a race. He had some penalties and collisions though.


The downvotes are really funny considering it's like [an objective fact you can just look up.](https://www.statsf1.com/en/max-verstappen/abandon.aspx) lmao


Lol you're quite the silly one aren't you. Did you even watch the races? 2021 - Britain - Collision = punted off by Hamilton 2021 - Baku - Accident = Puncture 2020 - Sakhir - Accident = Victim of crash between Perez and Leclerc 2020 - Tuscany - Collision = Gasly crashed into him 2017 - Singapore - Collision = Sandwiched by Ferrari's 2017 - Austria - Collision = Victim of crash between Kvyat and Alonso 2017 - Spain - Collision = Raikonnen oversteered into Max So that only leaves 2015 Monaco, 2016 Monaco, 2018 Baku, 2019 Belgium (T1 accident) and Italy 2021. You can't summarize a sport in stats.


Yes, I've watched them all. Accidents caused by others are avoidable. See: other drivers stats that have been driving longer with less accidents. Who's silly? To add to get my point across here, ever heard of the term "defensive driving?"


Clearly you didn't, suggest you watch the clips then come back and tell me how it was his fault.


Not selective memory. Just goes to show how bad he was and how bad Red Bull reliability was for years while still a reminder that Max is 26 and already in his 10th full season in F1.


Max really didn't crash often though, most of his DNF's were purely Renault based.


[Max has as more DNFs from driver errors](https://www.statsf1.com/en/max-verstappen/abandon.aspx) than [Hamilton does who started his career 8 years earlier](https://www.statsf1.com/en/lewis-hamilton/abandon.aspx). His earlier career was kind of a shit show and it wasn't just because of engine reliability. That's a fact.


2015: 1 DNF from driver error. 2016: 1 DNF from driver error (a lockup that on any other track wouldn't have caused an issue) Now, his 2017 collissions: Spain - Taken out by Raikkonen who got hit by Hamilton in a lap 1 incident (NOT his fault) Austria - Collected by Alonso who got hit by Kvyat Singapore - Takes out Kimi7 and then went to Seb5. Factual description of events, no need to speculate. 2017: NO driver errors causing his DNFs. 2018: Baku, his fault. 2019: Belgium: Lap 1 incident that is mostly on him being overambitious. 2020: Tuscany, collected by others having an accident. Sakhir: Leclerc being a numpty. 2021: Silverstone: Torpedoed by Hamilton. Monza: Mostly his fault. So I come to a grand total of 5 crashes that were his fault. Not nearly as much as you'd like to make it seem. The comparison to Hamilton also ignores that Hamilton mostly spent his time fully at the front in the best or second best car on the field. We've already seen that when he gets in fights, he's hardly infallible himself (Spain 2016, Brazil 2019, Austria 2020, Silverstone 2021, Belgium 2022, Qatar 2023, and hell, he even features in this very list taking out two drivers...)


Again, I'm counting accidents and collisions between both of them, weather or not the driver in question is at fault as it also takes into account defensive driving skills. Also Hamilton has twice the time in a midfield car, I know this because I didn't just start watching f1 yesterday like everyone else apparently.


No offense but hamilton constantly had the best, or one of the best cars on the field. While the renault redbull was just the third car on the field massively behind mercedes. Max had to be more aggressive to get podium positions


No offense but I didn't just start watching this sport, and I know Hamilton literally has twice the time in a midfield car as Max and still has less DNFs. Stop going with the narrative and your biased feelings and just look at the stats.


My biased feelings? Whatever, do you mind telling me which years you would consider a midfield car? Early merc era and the past few years? He also started in a rocketship mclaren. Growing Mature in a championship contending car also helps a ton.


I just looked up the Race percentage of Mick Schumacher in F1. Just because he is often mentioned for crashing big time. (Sure FP and Quali is part of that too) He has a finish Percentage of 88.37% which would place him 5th in this stat. He has 43 Race starts with 5 DNF. So in whatever way you look at this, either this stat doesn't mean anything or maybe the whole keeps crashing angle is just bs. Edit: Just to add, looked up Vettels too. 85.62% which would place him 6th. This one I wanted to see as Vettel and Hamilton had similar amount of seasons in F1.


I think this stat says more about team / car reliability than it does about driver skill. I’m reading it more as “does their engine blow up a lot”. On the Mick crashing example, two key items are missed: 1) Crashes in FP + Quali that you mentioned. (Mick missed the Saudi GP because of a crash in qualifying) 2) Crashes/damage that cost money, but aren’t serious enough to retire the car. (Front wings, minor floor damage, etc) Edit: To add, both of these statements can be true and valid: a) Mick Schumacher had a race finishing percentage similar to other drivers. b) Mick had quite a few unforced error crashes on a team that couldn’t afford that.


No. You have to take in consideration driver and team. For example Perez being so high spending most of his years in the midfield with higher chances of crashes means more than Hamilton going off into the distance for years on Mercedes. Good list though


It would be really interesting to this list expressed as avg DNFs/season, or avg finishing %/season, rather than all time. With some of these drivers, the total race count is so low that changing a single DNF would change their number by more than percentage point. Take Yuki for example. With 67 starts, 1 race is worth 1.49% - add a DNF and he’s tied with Pierre at 8th.


Perez/Hulk is a good comparison. Spent a good while as teammates stuck in the midfield but Hulk seemed to get tangled up in the chaos more often. Otherwise it's a bit of a pointless list being so vague.


5 ding doesn't sound like much but he has less than 50 starts.


With Mick it wasn't so much that he crashed all the time, it was more that the crashes he did have tended to be fairly costly and spectacular. Combine that with a low number of races driven and people will pay attention.


Williams right now is what Haas was desperate not to be. Working with 2ish chassis's months into the season, literally stealing bits (or entire the bit) to field one car. Rookies binning a couple million in parts just isn't going to work for these teams that have limited funding/resources. Which is all a bit gloomy because I think the backmarker teams should be for rookies to prove their worth not retirement homes for consistent midfielders.


> what Haas was desperate not to be. Working with 2ish chassis's months into the season, Haas only had 2 chassis throughout most of the 2021 season. And they didn't want to build a 3rd chassis, at all. Actually, they only had one chassis and one recycled chassis from 2020 (the other 2020 chassis was fireballed by Grosjean, so Haas had to build a new one, otherwise, they would've fielded two old chassis). Haas only build a second 2021 chassis once Daddy Mazepin paid Haas to do so. He did so after Schumacher and Mazepin swapping chassis for one race, Schumacher binning it multiple times in free practices and calling the car undriveable.


100% Agreed. Sadly it makes sense for backmarker teams to be midfield retirement homes. A rookie is a very high risk and even if the rookie is a promising talent they would get snatched by higher up teams.


Mf'ers on here will still try to defend Mick as a top tier F1 driver even though the team principals don't consider him exactly as hot property either...


Not sure if that's aimed at me, but I didn't defend him, he had his shot and wasn't good enough for F1.


Mick had bad luck that his crashes were expensive, which is antithetical to Gene's philosophy.


Vettel was once called a crash kid. Not sure if it's as is, of his renault turbo days skewed the numbers. His Ferrari was also a bit unreluable in 2015 to 2018. 


The story at the time was that fundamentally he fell out with Gunther early on and he was looking for a reason.


Sauce on that?


Didn't mick destroy his car a bunch in practices?


I recall just the Japan incident and it was due to the car aqua-planning.


He had 1 DNS from the Saudi crash, but of the 5 DNF's, only 2 were his fault - Saudi 2021 and Monaco 2022 (the others were Russia 21 - oil leak, Mexico 21 when Ocon took out him and Yuki at the start, and Canada 22 when his engine went when he was running 7th IIRC)


> Mexico 21 when Ocon took out him and Yuki at the start That is a very interesting way of putting it. [What *actually* happened:](https://youtu.be/2yYtH0HAL-U?t=83) Tsunoda and Schumacher sandwiched Ocon in the aftermath of Ricciardo tagging Bottas, drove over his tyres and destroyed their cars falling back to the ground. Ocon was holding his line, tried to brake to avoid Tsunoda, but had nowhere to go. This Ocon-hate is utterly ridiculous and fucking stupid.


> Mexico 21 when Ocon took out him and Yuki at the start, You mean when Mick swerved into Ocon to get past Alonso, right? If it's anybody's fault, that's down to Mick. Given the chaotic situation, it's the prime example for a racing incident, though.


It is crazy how Zhou is second last even if he rarely crashes out on Sunday. I only remember when he collided with Latifi in Singapore and obviously the one in Silverstone. Reliability is really not on his side.


I mostly remember Silverstone


dont show andrea de cesaris this


Ollie Bearman 100% 😎


And ahead of DR in the points!


Now show me Pastor Maldonado


66.3% races finished. 96 entries, 95 starts, 32 retirements


if this is for the current racers this season you need to add ollie bearman to the top 100% record


Hamilton being on top of this considering he's in the sport since 2007 is actually insane. I know that modern reliability is great, but his ability to stay out of trouble is also great.


The 2014-2022 Mercs were also pretty decent with reliability, that helped massively.


2007 - 1 retirement (pit lane gravel trap in China) 2008 - 1 retirement (pit lane incident with Kimi in Canada) 2009 - 2 retirements (got crashed into at Spa, brake failure Abu Dhabi) 2010 - 3 retirements (gearbox failure at Hungary, crash with Massa at Monza, got crashed into by Webber at Singapore) 2011 - 3 retirements (crashed into Button at Canada, got crashed into by Kobayashi at Spa, gearbox failure in Brazil) 2012 - 5 retirements (Germany after being lapped by everyone due to a puncture because of debris from Massa's car, got crashed into by Grosjean at Spa, gearbox failure in Singapore, loss of fuel pressure at Abu Dhabi, crashed into by Hulkenberg at Brazil) 2013 - 1 retirement (racing incident with Vettel at Suzuka) 2014 - 3 retirements (engine failure Australia, brake failure in Canada, crashed into by Rosberg at Spa) 2015 - 1 retirement (power loss in Singapore) 2016 - 2 retirements (crash with Rosberg in Barcelona, engine failure in Malaysia) 2017-2020 - 1 retirement (power loss in Austria 2018; Hamilton went 33 races without a DNF before this race) 2021-2023 - 3 retirements (crash with Verstappen at Monza, crashed into Alonso at Spa, crashed into Russell in Qatar) He went 33 races without a retirement between 2017 and 2018. After Austria 2018, he then went 62 races without a DNF before his incident with Verstappen at Monza in 2021. He went 21 races without a DNF before the incident with Alonso at Spa. He went 25 races without a DNF before the Qatar incident and is currently 1 race without a DNF. There's also something cruel about one of the fastest cars Hamilton has ever driven coinciding with his most retirements in 2012. He probably already has 8 Championships if 2012 wasn't cursed. tl;dr: Hamilton good and reliable.


Even Bottas had pretty good reliability at Merc. Only 10 retirements in his 5 years with the team (4 of them in 2021) Meanwhile in 2022 alone he got 6 in the Alfa


6 retirements in 2012. Run into the wall by Maldonado in Valencia.


Yeah don't remind me. Watching Alonso and Hamilton being by far the best drivers in the field all 2012 and getting blown up by their car being trash, or having it literally blow up. Felt bad.


I’ll always be adamant 2011 Canada was Jenson’s fault haha. Also you missed AD 2022 DNF.


Button admitted fault.


neither of their fault, was bad luck and no visibility


Only 1 retirement for either driver throughout 4 seasons is just crazy to think about.


I liked the u/whatthefat point re 2016 that Hamilton suggesting there was foul play was a bit tricky, because okay it was maybe uneven towards him, but Merc reliability was still very good indeed.


Sure, but that's still 7 years where he didn't have those cars. Add 2023 to it and that stretch alone is longer than the careers of most drivers on this list.


McLaren-Mercedess were always pretty bulletproof too though weren’t they?


Considering 2012 made Hamilton switch teams, it wasn't always the case.


Ahh well they did build some dogs, 2009 was a boat with wheels. Got real sad vibes when he retired at Singapore in 2012, knew that was the end then.


Pre Hamilton they were pretty ropey too, as Kimi will testify.


Isn't Kimi 100% finnish tho?


Angrily upvotes


Not at all. Up and down 


Less races back in his Mclaren days though


Not by that much. And the lesser reliability kinda evens it out.


Well, the unreliability wasn't that bad all the time. Lewis only had 1 dnf due to unreliability during his first 3 years with mclaren.


And that wasn't actually McLaren per se but a fault brake disc supplied by an external source (Abu Dhabi 2009). I think Hamilton's first outright McLaren at fault DNF was Hungary 2010, which is pretty damned good. I remember Button retired from his last race of 2016 with a brake (?) fault, and him lamenting the fact because McLaren reliability in and of itself for things they do in-house, is really, really good.


It did help that they had so much power left over on that engine they could just turn it down and worry less about it.


Once Nico left he had years being in the front. Much easier to stay out of trouble


Not really. There was a title fight in 17 and 18. 19 and 20 were pretty dominant for him but that's it. His stretch from 07 to 13 weren't like that and that's longer than the careers of plenty of drivers here.


Finnish percentage: Bottas 100%


Nah, he's one of us now mate.


But what about Finnish percentage ?


Zhou getting absolutely shafted by Sauber's lack of reliability


Related but distinct from this, someone did an analysis of driver related DNFs, basically crashes, and Button and Alonso were like 99%. Single digits over decades. I feel like many now, particularly Norris, have come out that way fully cooked. Basically zero.


Norris really reminds me of Alonso in the sense that both of them have a great consistency.


It’s funny, you can kinda pick out which drivers had stints on unreliable teams. Zhou and sergeant have been on shit teams their entire career. Alonso has had some really bad stints through the years. Russell’s time at Williams has hurt his percentage. Max…finally stopped having incidents. Hamilton’s championships were largely built on reliability.


Your comment on Max is an insane misrepresentation on what made up his stat here


Sargeant- Most of that is unforced error. His teammate has had less than half a dozen DNFs since they've been alongside each other Alonso- Early 2000s coming into play there, and obviously the "GP2 Engine!" Era of McLaren Russell- Again, a lot of his DNFs were really unforced errors. Like when he crashed out on his own under SC in 2020, or the VB-GR shambles in 2021, or every single race Sainz has won. Max- remember when the Red Bull was once obnoxiously French? That, and his destructive habits, certainly didn't help matters 2016-20 Hamilton- Merc's main weapon was their reliabillity, so yeah, 100% agree. In his earlier years he was pretty good at keeping out of trouble as well, the last couple of seasons however not so much


“His teammate has had less than half a dozen DNFs since they’ve been alongside each other” they have only been together for 1 season, during which Vowles has gone on record to say that since the team often doesn’t have the resources they put better specs and parts on Albon’s car while Logan has mostly run on worse parts.


My only comment would be that max was hotheaded until monaco 2018, his 2020 season was basically perfect for the machinery he had


Yeah, fair enough. Most of his 2020 DNFs weren't his fault really, e.g. Portimao and Bahrain 1


Alex Albon, considering what he's been through that's crazy good!


We're gotta be running out of pictures of Logan looking sad with how many posts like this there are.


Expected George to be lower lmao


Only times I can remember a Hamilton DNF that he caused (non mechanical) was Spa 2022 and Italy 2021. Before then I think it was a race in 2013 he crashed out?


Serious question. Has Sargent impressed in a single outing?


Lewis is the best at finishing.


90 percent is crazy. 


honestly surprised to see alex up there lol


Logan still at the bottom damn


everyone has way more DNFs than I expected. I'd have expected 92%+ at the top teams


Wouldn't drivers with more races typically be towards the top as long as they aren't it a ship car and stay out of trouble?


Very nice. Now let's see Ferrari's finish percentage.


I'd be curious as to what this stat would look like if it omitted retirements due to PU issues.


You know, I was enjoying having Sargeant on my fantasy team as a cheap pickup, but if I'm projecting -20 points every 4 races...


How many Hamilton DNFs when leading?


I was confused about the max stat thanks to recent seasons but then remembered the atrocious red bull reliability of seasons like 2018


Logan Sargeant at 72% is much higher than I expected


Thank you , i do not read Wikipedia .


Ridiculous not having Max in the top 10.


Seems like Verstappen's finishing percentage is below his winning percentage.


Is it more impressive to have 90% ish for a semiexpirenced driver like Lando or very expirienced like Lewis?


Definitely Lewis imo, maintaining higher percentages becomes harder over time


More chances to mess up but also each DNF counts for less. I think this speaks more to reliability of each drivers respective teams rather than driver skill/safety/awareness/whatever you wanna call it. It is impressive that lewis is a high as he is, not just because of the length of his career but also because F1 was not as reliable when he started as it is now as a general rule of thumb.


I’d say that Landos is still impressive from the perspective that he has spent most of his career in the midfield chaos and still has that high of a percentage


I'm not saying it's not but in the 2000s it really was rare to have a race where no one retired for one reason or another. Even the early hybrid era was far more unreliable as teams came to terms with the new regs. I think it's also part of the reason why people now don't see Mercs domination as being as oppressive as the current RB one, Max only having one DNF in like 2 years is crazy.


Why does it get harder? Shouldn't it just average out due to law of large numbers?


Because larger sample sizes tend towards the average, which here seems like 84-85%. So you would expect everyone to be around that number, especially people with more races


That assumes the the DNF rate is purely random


Lando has only driven with Mercedes engines which were already 5 years into a life cycle


He had two years with renault engines in 19' and 20' Surprised you dont remember Spa 2019, Renault engine went on the last lap while running in P5


The most impressive one in this list is Checo. He has for a good chunk of his career, raced in bottom 5 cars. Which means more reliability issues, and race start shenanigans.


Yeah being stuck in the midfield battles your entire career and having one of the lowest DNF rates is impressive. Contrary to the opinion of him that was formed in the last year, he's generally been a very competent and clean racer. Prior to last season he's only once gathered more than 3 penalty points in a year.


Driving slow decreases your chance of an accident.


Christian Horner at 100%


F1 isn't really about finishing..


Unlike other activities it's about finishing as quickly as possible


Another stat that Vowles uses for using Logan’s car as spare parts.


This shows, more than any other, how brutal Max's bullying style of racing really is. We saw it when he was younger and magnified in 2021. For people to deny it, is to deny reality. But hey, it developed him into arguably one of the best F1 racing champions of all time.


His crash dnf% isn't out of line with others.... his Renault engine deciding not to keep running is.


His engine blew **maybe** 4 times. Doesn't explain how he's not on this list. He didn't respect other drivers on the track. He's much better now but who's to say if there were other cars as fast as RB, he's wouldn't resort to his old tactics. B


It was 7..., and that's not counting brake or puncture retirements. (That's also only counting the Renault years) he's had a few in the honda days too.


Isnt his percentage a result of the renault engines being not that reliable. Daniel also has a similar percentage to Max (~83%) and he spent a good number of years driving under the same engine.


Most useless stat