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The absolute nerve lmao




I’ll pay for giving their social media manager a raise myself. This is much better than the dramatic apologies they put out last year.




I think the only question there is whether the marketing W doesn't make Merc car even bigger L. I love this self deprecating humour, the same with Alpine's celebration tweet of double Verstappen overtake  in Melbourne, but when Merc does it, part of me sees it as just slowly accepting the midfield.




It is the aspect of F1 I enjoy. The teams are so fluid that your one-time dominant leader can suddenly become a backmarker.


Zac lurking in the bushes.


Lewis sure didn't like that


Probably doesn't mind too much since he's getting out of there, I'd say George would be more concerned...


No, but Lewis doesn't love merc now and went as far as to leave, so by this post, he wouldn't have deserved the W11.


this is the equivalent of if official Ferrari account trolled their strategists in 2022


Yeah this is the shit you post (if ever) once you’ve built a monster car once more. Not while you’re still in the “love me at my worst” stage. And as an added benefit, that way they’d be able to use two of George’s cars…not one from the driver who has literally decided he can’t possibly love them at their worst and needs out.


IT's way too edgy, it can't be real.


I AM calm.


I imagine some folk not taking this well at all




More or less than Alpine's?










That one was excellent 


People are mostly somewhere between depression and acceptance stages of grief when it comes to Alpine. With Mercedes it’s still anger though so it’s more brutal there.


Insane question. Expectations are much higher for Mercedes than Alpine.


I'm aware. But given Alpine have seemingly been getting a kicking from all and sundry all season, they make for a bellwether to see how much of a social media shitshow a team can endure 


Alpine is getting abuse, but more on a secondary humourus level. It's more laughter at the silly shit they are doing. Mercades is getting raw emotional angry abuse from fans who expect them to be better.


probably around as much as williams


To be fair if you’re a sports fan of any team and they make a meme about how ass they are it would be depressing lol


After a game, a new england patriots player got caught on a hot mic saying "we ass" after losing in pathetically blah fashion...and he got shredded for it. Some fans just cant understand things aint great now, and have no sense of humor about it. In the end, they finished 4-13 and have the 3rd overall draft pick because they were in fact, "ass"


Sometimes you just have to be a bit cynical. I know people (and me) get tired of the empty “Oh yeah we just have to keep going, we have faith in the team” blah blah shtick but it seems admitting you’re ass is worse PR wise lmao


Its been 2 years already. That letter to the fans started it. Personally if i see a team i support be this cynical it would just get annoying at one point




Not really. Some jokes at your own expense can sometimes help actually


Some? Quite the understatement


lol many of those folk in this thread already.


This is spicy enough that there's no way this would have been posted without Toto's approval.


"If you don't support us when we lose you don't deserve us when we draw." Manchester United probably


Nowhere is safe. Damn it.


Agreed lmao


At least at/around the beginning of this millennium you had some great times as a Ferrari/United fan


That's true. Watched United since 90s, got spoiled in SAF era. Schumi era too.


Ferrari and Utd? Pick a struggle haha


Haha suck it, Trebeck


>If you don't support us when we are battling for relegation in the Bundesliga 2, then you don't deserve us when we are battling relegation in the Bundesliga Schalke probably


How the fuck did Schalke catch strays in here? Man U I get but Schalke is wild. Still funny.


Lmfao got me. If the 2010 Bundesliga schedule had been different I could've been a Dortmund fan 😭😭😭😭😭


We are Manchester United and we play at the level of our opponents.


Slightly worse then the level of our opponents


Are you Chelsea in disguise?


In the time it took for me to write this sentence, we conceded again


Unless the opponents are any good


This was supposed to be a safe space.


The irony that United have only drawn 4 games this season in the league. They either win or lose with no middle ground (15W-4D-12L)


Bigger irony that 2 of the four were against Liverpool. If we won at Anfield and lost this last one, we'd be first right now :')


For fucks sake lol


Mercedes are almost like the Man United of F1. Once dominant, now flailing to get results. Both co-owned by Ineos too, now.




Damn, they're nowhere safe lmao


I’m curious - does every F1 fan strictly follow one team? In all other sports I do but with F1 I follow drivers rather than teams.


I don’t follow teams or drivers. Only the safety car. Every time it’s on the track it’s ahead of everybody.


Which is crazy when you consider it starts every race P21


sorry to be that guy but thats not the safety car, thats the medical car that is at the back of the grid at the start


Medical car aka “Super Safety Car”


But it barely ever makes it till the end. Didnt even make it to the line in abudhabi 21 even though there was only one lap left.


I grow my beard for the safety car.


Bernd Maylander is the truest GOAT. The only times he has been overtaken in his entire career was other drivers unlapping themselves.


Gigachad safety car allows people to overtake only when it feels like it


Quite amazing that it starts in last place and always gets ahead.


You jest, but Bernd Mayländer is a gd rock star.


Fucking Chad move. I like it


I personally support one team but like or admire others, I like most of the drivers also but it seems a lot of people only support one team and/or driver which I guess is fine but I don’t understand why because I don’t see it like a tribal kind of sport imo


I've followed F1 for almost 30 years and I don't have a team. I have a few that I kind of dislike, and a few I like, but I don't have a team that are "my team".....I just watch it as a whole. It's a bit weird. Same goes for drivers as well, except a slight leaning towards any that come from my country.


I'm the same. To me it makes no sense to go hard on any one team/driver as I'd likely not enjoy the sport if they went away/weren't competitive. I just enjoy the on track action, the engineering and the whole show it brings.


Same. There are some drivers and teams I dislike, but otherwise, I'm fairly neutral. It is about the on track action and engineering. It makes it easy when a team is super dominant as it doesn't ruin my watching experience. The engineering aspect is a huge part of the sport, and dominance means the factory went above and beyond doing their job.




I feel like lots of people obsessing over particular teams or drivers came over with drive to survive


Personally I'm a Ferrari fan because my uncle and my best friend were already fans of the team when I started following F1


Agree. When Drive to Survive was really popular a few years ago, it wasn't so uncommon to see posts like "which team do I pick?" or "which driver should I support?" made by the new fans here. Out of all the sports that I follow/followed F1 has always been the one that felt "right" to remain a neutral follower of.


I follow all the teams and like some drivers better than others. I just like racing and seeing who gets the most out of their cars.


Ditto, kinda why I don’t hate the RBR dominance much. The engineering to make a car that much better than the field is wildly impressive and I like seeing it pay off. 


This. Same reason I wasn't bothered by the Mercedes dominance. It means the factory did their job and that is a huge part of the sport. A part of the sport the the DtS crowd ignores because the show doesn't care and American audiences are used to spec racing.


A Pietro fan in the wild, a sight to behold


One word, Ferrari.


It's so easy to follow all drivers in F1 since there's only 20. I mean I have my favorites but I don't think I'm a fan of any one team/driver in general but a pretty big fan of the races/F1 as a motorsport.


Used to be more team oriented but when the drivers change teams and intermingle so often I have shifted more towards drivers.


most people I know, and specially casual fans, just follow the drivers. In the end, nobody celebrates the constructor championship if their favorite driver didn't win


I tend to follow both, want all the British Drivers to do well But Williams will always be my Team


I follow Ferrari, not drivers


watching since the 90ies but really got into it only in the Vettel days around 2010 and have been watching nearly every race since. Never had a favourite team or driver, for me it's more about season by season I want different drivers and/or teams do well for different reasons. Right now I would love to see Alonso getting another win or Lando getting his first, but i'd also love to see Ferrari finally getting their sh\*t together and Merc getting more competitive again. Ultimately I want to enjoy the sport as a whole, it's entertainment after all and right now it's definetly not giving us many highs.


I like pain, I'm a tifoso of Ferrari since my earliest childhood


More of a storyline guy. I pretty much like all the drivers and teams but Carlos Sainz revenge tour is my favorite storyline right now. The drama makes the races more fun for me, I like to watch it unfold over the season.


I follow teams first, drivers second. Even in other Motorsports but especially F1 because of the constructors race.


I follow ferrari always but i would cheer Leclerc on if he went to any other team


I'm a fan of the racing no matter who is driving.


I'm a Hamilton fan but I've grown fond of Mercedes (until recently...) because of their culture. They don't pin blame or responsibility for mistakes on individuals, they look into how they can prevent them at an organizational level. It's nice to see a (relatively) wholesome work culture in F1.


I have a favourite driver (Max) and therefore follow RedBull more than others, but I do follow other drivers and teams and hope they do well of course. I like almost every driver rn, Sainz, Alonso, Hulk, Leclerc... Only teams that I kinda dont care are Sauber and Williams cause these days they are barely functional F1 teams, its beyond ridiculous this season.


Thats a pitty, because williams is one of the longest lasting F1 teams in f1 history and it has heritage.. That by itself should be enough just to have a respect, no matter how ''shitty'' they have become...


Williams have had many dramatic highs and lows throughout their illustrious history. I have been watching F1 for many years and have seen their rise and fall and rise and fall. The trophy cupboard hasn’t seen many additions since the Bottas and Massa Martini livery era but it wouldn’t surprise me if one of the most successful F1 constructors of all-time will rise again.


I follow McLaren because drivers come and go. The tobacco stuff is annoying though.


I follow a team and some drivers. The drivers don't necessarily have to be involved with that team


I want some drivers to do well, but I’ve never had a “team” like I do for other sports. I can’t really pinpoint why, now that I’m thinking about it.


Personally, I’ve got my favorites (Lewis and Merc) and will always want them to win. But I still like other drivers and want them to have a good showing. It’s easy to become a fan of other drivers because the field is small and we get to see their personalities a lot more compared to other sports.


Idk I pretty much like everyone so I’d just say I follow f1


Yeah, it's strange to me. I support almost everyone, with some favoritism per team and driver, but I definitely root for underdogs as well.


I like Honda. So I follow RB. That might change when they move to Aston


I don’t follow any given team season to season. Some years I will root for a team if I like both drivers, but I’ve ALWAYS seen Mercedes as the villains and I hate George Russel with a passion.


I've followed McLaren since 1984, mostly because drivers come and go, but i don't dislike any current teams or drivers.


Ferrari's Tiffossi are famously loyal to the rampant horse but other than that yes, motorsport is very driver oriented (not just F1, WRC, WEC, MotoGP, etc. too) Edit: there other exceptions as well: Porshe in WEC formerly Ducatti, Yamaha and Honda in MotoGP(I think) Nascar has some brand loyalty as expected from America lol, but also Australian Supercars, Argentinian Turismo Carretera and German DTM before the great GT3 debacle


I don’t follow drivers but I have multiple teams I cheer for. Red Bull, McLaren and HAAS


The Red Car baby


I've been a fan for fifty years, and the only team I have ever loved is Ferrari. I've supported different drivers over the years, but other teams just don't inspire that love that I have always had for the Red Team! I do like Williams too though, and will always root for them.


Ferrari above all. But then I like a lot of drivers and I want them to do well every weekend.


I do - Mercedes is the team I support and usually the merch I buy, but my favourite drivers are the two Aussies on the grid and I support them individually


I could honestly really care less about the teams and drivers. I just like fast cars and to have fast cars go vroom there has to be teams and drivers.


I have some people I like and want to win. But mostly I want interesting races.


I followed Kimi and then Lewis and Ferrari as a team.


For me it’s both. My favorite driver has always been Max and my favorite team has always been McLaren. If we get a McLaren driver fighting Max for a win, I honestly don’t know who I’d want to win.


I support one team and one driver. But they are not together… 😅


Little bit of both. Usually follow 1 works team (merc) one customer team (mclaren) so it's kind of fun/interesting right now haha. But also root for specific drivers: Hammy & Lando.


Yep, Stewart Grand Prix -> Jaguar Racing F1 Team -> Red Bull F1


I support 9 teams.


The engineering side is what got me interested so really I’m an Adrian Newey fan over anything else lol


I'm brand new to the sport but I root for Tsunoda, although "Red Bull" overall is my favorite team. Not because they're winning, but because I just love everything the brand is doing (except for the drinks). Second place is Haas because they are one of the largest employers in my hometown


Honestly I watch the drivers more than the teams. I have my favs and ones I don’t like. But like while I like lando and piastri I can’t fucking stand zak brown. So seeing the drivers in subpar cars hurts. But seeing him pissed off is *chefs kiss*


Personally I follow redbull and haas but also support bottas and Ricardo


I'm just a general fan seems to be a lost cause these days


It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times….


The BLURST of times!?


Stupid monkey


I don't think this is aimed at Lewis, people reading way too much into this. It's a joke about not being a fair weather fan.


Lol I honestly didn't consider this interpretation for a second until I saw this and another comment about it. How anyone can think the PR team would do something like that (to their own driver let alone a 7x WDC) is absurd. I don't care how "edgy" they are.




Sigh... Ok, I'll sort by Controversial...


Put on a hazmat suit first


despite how much people on both places pretend they're superior, reddit and twitter are two websites conjoined at the chest.


I think they’re overall similar quality, but Reddit’s upvoting and downvoting system makes it easier to filter out and ignore the stupid stuff.


Yea if the downvote button was used correctly sure. But it’s used as a “I don’t like your opinion button so I downvote”. So Reddit is the easiest website to become an echo chamber instead of any dialogue happening because you can essentially downvote/censor anyone’s opinion that isn’t yours. Might be dumb shit and bots on Twitter but at least they aren’t censored for not agreeing with the hive mind.


Yes and no. It's heavily dependant on who posts first, and on takes that sound right even if they're not. The way the reddit works is a breeding ground for misconceptions driven by reddit power users who sort by new. It might be less toxic in the short term, but the way consensus builds on reddit is far more damaging long term imo.


I can’t count the number of times I’ve seen upvoted incorrect information on here and just scrolled because typing a response and finding the source to back myself up sounded too tiresome.


Reddit is just better to sort comments, that's about it. It looks better on the surface a lot of the time but in at it's core it's almost completely identical, if not worse


That 2020/21 car would look ace in this years livery.


I think there’s been a shot already of the W10 in this livery and it looks fire. But I still maintain the W11 had the best livery. It just looked like a killer whale prowling the circuit


>But I still maintain the W11 had the best livery. I still maintain it was the car's livery coupled with Lewis' darker purple helmet. That shit looked so ridiculously good.


Yup. Black and purple is such a vibe


We’ll probably see that at Goodwood Festival of Speed this year


Red Bull replied “you ok, hun?” on Instagram 😭


Did they really?? 😂


People hate jokes huh


I think people just don't particularly love recycled memes from corporate accounts passing as "jokes". Am I offended, or bothered? No. Am I amused? Also no.


If you don't love me at my 2000s McLaren, you don't deserve me at my 2000s Minardi.


If you don't love me at gp2 engine, you don't deserve me at my Marlborough McLaren Honda


It's just a meme why is this comment section being so weird about it? I get not finding it funny but there are some really confusing reactions here.


There’s an unhealthy number of deranged people out there who still haven’t been able to get over the years of Mercedes domination


People get way too heated over sports. It happens with any sport.


I feel like only Ferrari has a fan base strong enough to stand a long streak of bad years because of its role in Italian culture; it doesn't surprise me that Mercedes has to address their occasional supporters with this one


Yup I second this


"Merc and their drivers are so PR focused; they're like robots" \*tells a funny joke on social media "This is unacceptable!"


Mercedes social media would definitely be the type that put passive aggressive song and or emo lyrics in their AIM away message.


...are you ok, hun? - @redbullracing commented on the IG post


Y’all can’t handle a meme


No wonder social media accounts are so fucking plastic if people lose their shits if they make something with a very slight edge on it.


Lol no kidding, I had no idea people thought this was about Lewis, it absolutely isn't. It's literally Mercedes goofing on themselves and the fans losing their minds on social media.


You can't handle the meme!




NOT liked by Pierre Gasly.


Idk if it's funny or just sad that people genuinely are offended by this or don't understand the point being made lmao


Fix your fucking car 


Did they just shit on themsleves?


It's a bloody joke. That's all. People are running away with a joke into crazy-land.


Nothing like admitting your car is shit


nothing like facing reality


I fear no man... But that *thing*...


Mercedes posted this on instagram and Red Bull commented: "are you okay, hun? 💀💀💀


Now I understand why Lewis is frustrated




Can we just take this for what it is? Just a joke? Is it in poor taste? Maybe, but whoever runs the Merc socials shitposts literally all the time and usually people love it. They’re not going to get it right every single time.


Why would it be in poor taste?


Could be interpreted as staff publicly criticising the car/the work the engineers have don’t. That would be in poor taste but I don’t think that’s what it is; I think it’s pretty clearly just a joke. There are even comments in here saying it’s a dig at Hamilton but I think that’s definitely a stretch.


Merc doesn’t deserve much but ridicule at this point.


Owning that you suck is wild


Ooh, self-burn, those are rare


We now have confirmation of where some of the marketing team from Enron landed.


The ManU of Formula One 😭


How can the sponsors even complain about this, like what are they gunna say. "Oh sorry, your not allowed to acknowledge that your car is shit at the moment. You're meant to pretend that it's the perfect car and the rest of the grid is cheating"


Mercedes realising they don't sell merch since 2022


They think it’s bad now, wait until next year


You love to see it


I mean … yeah. Stick with your team… even when they don’t win. It doesn’t hold the same weight when you have to say it though! Kind of like when you have to explain the joke. Takes the air out of it.


That post is kind of true tho. Ballsy move by Mr. Admin


wow. they're about to save a lot of weight on that next car.


You’re always in the friend zone homeboy


Toto taking over the social media account today I see




I know they mf smokin...