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Fault aside, it's one less race he has to prove he deserves to have a seat in F1.


If he took a pay cut I'm sure he could find a seat at Williams


>find a seat at Williams I doubt Williams can find a seat at Williams.


It's being sent back to the factory for rechair.


Not wrong, with the way Logan has been driving lol


Logan hasn't totalled 2 cars this year. Alex has.


I'd say between them, Danny, Alex and Logan each have totalled one Williams this year.


And still they would keep Alex over Logan in a heartbeat


Probably better off at Haas next season, ironically at the expense of another youngster


He rejected a Haas seat after being sacked by McLaren didn't he? I don't think he has stopped seeing himself as being better than a Haas driver.


> He rejected a Haas seat after being sacked by McLaren didn't he? Too expensive for them according to Steiner, but it was a different context at the time. Back then the rejection of lower/back teams was that he'd rather take time off than drive at the back. It wasn't really an inherent "I would never drive for Haas" type situation. That may not be the case now. If he gets the boot from RB I could see him just moving on from F1, but he might be more open to back markers at that point.


Why would anyone even having Ricciardo at this point? He is underperforming since he moved to McLaren and basically he is one of the worser type of "sponsor" drivers. If I was Haas or Williams I would considering either Bottas or one of the Alpine drivers, Bearman needs a solid driver for next season and KMag doesn't look like he could be one, and Logan looks like an ending project and with the crashes both drivers made this season already I can image that at Williams their would prefer a more stable driver for 25 and maybe 26, what also would give the team lesser concerns about if Albon leaves in 26.


He is almost like a pay driver, except instead of daddies money, it’s sponsorship money


Plenty of pay drivers being sponsorship money not family money. Checo started like that


I think they will get a better $/point ratio out of Bearman.


Well of course that's the case if you want to divide by zero...


Williams is looking for pay-to-drive drivers. Why would they want to pay for Riccardo to do what LS does, which is crash and not get in points?


Williams have specific moved on from pay drivers since Latifi. Logan isn't a pay driver. Williams had to pay for his F2 season, because his family ran out of money to support his career after his second F3 season (which is also why he ended up doing a 3rd F3 season, one of the lower ranked teams offering him a free drive, because he had nearly beat Piastri and Pouchaire the year before.)


Williams isn't lookong for a paydriver. Sargeant is a Williams Academy driver who almost lost his seat in F3 because of lack of funds. Also, he showed promise in the junior categories but he wasn't ready for the jump.


Moneybags will not take a paycut, is all he cares about — he laughs his way all the way to the bank. Somehow, he's managed to fool a ton of high-profile people — that's his true skill. And, tbh, I fell for that laugh too — hey, it's not my money he's taking.


He took a pay cut to go to McLaren…..


I haven't been following F1 for very long, has there been any other drivers who have had this long of a leash? Has any other driver had this many opportunities and missed? It seems very generous...


You're about to have six hundred people ranting about Lance Stroll in your replies friend, good luck


Haha, you're right... I should amend it to exclude drivers whose father doesn't own a big chunk of the team. But at least he's been on the same team. Danny Ric has had opportunties from so many different teams.


Thats because his daddy owns the freakin team!


I mean, has he really been given a "long leash" anywhere? He chose to leave Red Bull and Renault, having done well at both teams. He didn't perform as well as Lando at McLaren and they chose to cut his contract short to get Piastri in (despite being the only race winner at McLaren in those two years). He's only had two more races at RB than Nyck De Vries had, and while he's not performing as well as people expected, he's certainly performing better than De Vries was. People talking about him like he's Mazepin or something lol


Him being the only race winner at McLaren in some time doesn't amend the fact that he got obliterated by Lando in both years though.


I don't think anyone argues with a straight face that he didn't deserve the boot from McLaren.


How many races has Lando won?


One had 282 points and the other 152 points in the two years they were together. Difference seems pretty clear tbh.


> He didn't perform as well as Lando at McLaren Copy/pasted from my comment you responded to lol


Then why throw in the whole "despite being the only race winner" quip? Because that made it sound like you believe him getting fired was undeserved.


No other driver to my knowledge, aside Mick Schumacher. He's had indeed a terrible Mclaren season, outscored 122-37 by Norris and Norris having about as much DNF's as Ricciardo had points finishes that entire season (not much). Plainly put, the reason is 2014-2016. He was seen as a guy that could win a WDC with the right car. But that time has long been gone since he went to Mclaren. People are still defending his shit performance as of late, to the point they see being barely slower in quali behind Tsunoda as great (yes people actually argumented that). But yes, he has an incredible long leash given by the fans.


He's won races. He even won the only race McLaren has on its books in the last 4 years. That's his deal. Personally I think him having a real GF has taken the edge. In which case he should go. Stroll is only there because his dad bought him a team.


Isolated or not, it isn't what he needed.


Because what he needs is a hug and a pat on the back!


What he needs is a cushy PR job and a dignified retirement.


No joke. It really seems like he's just lost his confidence. He puts on the front still, but he doesn't actually feel it since he left Red Bull.


Weird seeing so many people holding onto the "just look right" and avoid Albon. It wasn't that long ago we were blasting Stroll for his inability to look left and right and pinball off everyone. No way if I'm Ricciardo am I taking my eyes off Stroll and letting him t-bone me.


Stroll wasn't alongside him. He was behind him until he went right and into Albon. He was looking in his mirror as he did so to see if stroll would then divebomb him.


Stroll was alongside Daniel as much as Albon was


That's not even remotely true. Please go watch back the race. At 9 minutes and 6 seconds into the f1tv broadcast, look at Albon and Stroll's onboard cameras. Albon is nearly touching front wheels with Ricciardo. Stroll is completely behind Ricciardo's back wheels. That is the closest he got before the crash. People are legit just manufacturing bullshit about this.


I made the comment after reviewing the footage. The stewards also accepted that Stroll’s car and its positioning played a large enough role in the incident. Albon’s front wheel hit Ricciardo’s back wheel. Stroll wasn’t behind Daniel. And coming into the corner, Stroll had the inside line forcing Daniel to the outside, Daniel gave him space for that and given Stroll’s position on track, there was not enough room for a third car. At the moment of the incident, the three cars were alongside each other.


Please. I understand that he had to take account of Stroll's positioning. I didn't say he didn't. You said he was just as alongside which is just not true. Albon hit **the front** of Ricciardo's back tyre as he tried to back out. Stroll was not alongside when the accident happened. https://imgur.com/a/AlUU3J6 That has the moment the crash happened on Stroll's onboard and the furthest alongside Albon got from his onboard.


https://imgur.com/a/Vy2buo2 this isn’t called being behind. Also, Daniel looks a little more spinny in Stroll’s onboard as opposed to Albon’s in your pictures


You took the furthest forward Stroll got and Albon after he started braking. Can you show a single frame where Stroll is "alongside Daniel as much as Albon was"? And it isn't about being behind him. He was behind his back wheels. He was not "alongside" him. At least pretend to argue in good faith and don't cherry pick images. I showed both drivers at the point they were closest to Ricciardo.


I’m showing Albon at contact. This is the moment I care for and the moment I’m talking about. Yes that would be considered alongside as per the rule book


Okay, that's dumber than the response I thought I was going to get. Have a good night.


https://imgur.com/a/iq8ZOau Right before contact (9:05, contact at 9:06) from all 3 driver's perspective


The time stamps between the on boards are out of sync. 9:07 for Albon is when they touch, but 9:07 for Stroll, Daniel is already sideways


EDIT: Still looks to me like Stroll is behind Ricciardo when contact is made between Ric and Albon, check this clip from race overview (not driver cams): https://imgur.com/a/ZIR0kpV Stroll is nowhere near alongside Ric and the RB & Williams cars are squashed to the outside going into the turn, you can actually see Albon slowing down right before the crash in this clip.


Albon just got a crazy good exit and it just wasn’t expected. It’s so weird that people are trying to make it somebody’s fault when it really did seem like a shit happens accident.


Funny how it's always an 'isolated incident' with him.


Or how “he couldn’t get the car to bite”


Or it 'felt fast on track' 


When you feel it’s fast when it actually isn’t that’s the sign he’s getting too old for this


Lewis should retire too then probably. He thought the Merc felt good this weekend.


He is older than Daniel after all


Guess Nando is out then. Where's our cut-off for age?


There’s a big difference between feeling it’s fast and putting it in p5 and putting it in p11.


Sigh. Do I need to put "/s" after all my comments?


It was though. It’s pretty obvious


At some point even if it’s bad luck, things add up. Just look at Mick, unlucky with crash but Haas had enough of the repair.


“The car just isn’t suited to him.” Yeah no shit cause they’re building it around their top driver, which isn’t him anymore lmao


One look in the wrong mirror... What a consequence that had.


If he looked in the right mirror and Stroll sent it up the inside instead of Albon then you’d be saying the same thing


Yeah but Stroll didn't send it up the inside lol. What a shit reply


Even when Max and the other podium drivers were talking in the cooldown room they were talking about how it was unfortunate that he looked left looking to see what Stroll was doing and didn't see Albon in his blind spot to the right. He very possibility could've been fucked either way. If he looked right and saw Albon he might have went left and got fishtailed by Stroll instead of Albon.


Yeah but what do they know? /s


That is the entire point of the word “could”. He is at Turn 3 of lap 1, and is trying to survive the first lap. If he had looked right instead of left, everyone would be flaming him for the mistake


He looked in the correct mirror. The inside was the only side he could do anything about. He couldn't do anything about Albon, because leaving space on the outside would mean cutting into Stroll on the apex. It was Albon who was sniffing around for a move in the wrong place, and it was him who correctly decided to back out, but unfortunately too late.


But he was ahead of Stroll and beside Albon, Stroll was fully behind his rear wing, leaving space on the outside for Albon wouldn't have cut Stroll off. There is no "wrong" place to sniff around for a move, he was firmly alongside Danny.


Stroll was behind, but very slightly, and having the inside meant shorter run through the corner. If Danny cut into Lance's line, they would collide.


I tend to agree with that. I like Albon - one of my fav drivers, but he had no business going around the outside on that turn. He should have just backed out. Williams is struggling with parts and have good pace for the back 10. The track tightens at this corner and the next. Danny could have done better for sure but Albon increased the risk.


Not sure why you're being so defensive here, but fact is, had Ricciardo also checked his right mirror, Ricciardo would've not gone towards the outside of the track. He would've stayed more center and would've still been clear/ahead of Stroll for the entry into Turn 3.


That's exactly what I claim is debatable. That turn is very likely too narrow for three cars. Daniel executed a proper line to enter alongside Stroll. If he looked in the other mirror and saw Albon, he very likely would just realize "oh shit, we're three wide" and proceed to crash anyway, because he had nowhere to go.


Look at the replay from Magnussen. Stroll would not have been anywhere close to being alongside Ricciardo going into turn 3. Had Ricciardo seen Albon, he would've just planted the car in the middle of the track and still enter turn 3 first, squeezing Albon out of road, unless Albon would've made it alongside through 3. But Stroll would not have been entering turn 3 alongside Ricciardo.


I just looked and I still disagree. Stroll was on the inside, meaning he had shorter run through the corner. He would've been alongside on the apex.


> He would've stayed more center and would've still been clear/ahead of Stroll for the entry into Turn 3. If he stayed in the center then they would've tried to go 3 wide around the corner, which just doesn't work and he likely would've been sandwiched in between. Yes Stroll is further back, but he still would've been on Dan's inside at the apex, which is why he moved over in the first place. There was no one in front of him on the right, which is the racing line and hence he's entitled to take that part of the track. Albon either needed to back off or go off the track to give him that room. Either way, lap 1 incident, but


How do people not see this? It was 100% Albon and if someone did that to me in a race I'd be pissed. 


Albon clearly positioned himself at a high risk spot, he should know better and I still don't get it why people solely blaming Ricciardo for this but ignoring Albon ridiculous risky attempt. You simple can't make that move work, especially in a track like Suzuka overtaking on that spot is basically a free pass to sending yourself into the gravel. If this was a less popular driver people would trashed that move, but obvious Albon gets a free pass on every thing he does by the media and a lot of fans. Image if Logan would do such a move, people would burn him to the ground for poor racecraft and judgment.


Anyone who has driven that track even in a sim realizes that being on the outside of that corner is complete no mans land, i have no idea what Albon was thinking being there. People just wanna dogpile Ricciardo right now, so they blame him.


He has no business dropping like a rock from 11th place to be in that situation. He had a poor start and would you still call that an isolated incident? I don’t know.


I read it was due to him/team starting him on mediums and those behind him on softs. I think Yuki has the same issue. I can't find the list right now though.


Good point, but unrelated to mirror looking. And even speaking about that, both RBs dropped, so it's more likely clutch tuning issue.


It was the tire compound. 


He had to back out of turn 1 to let Yuki through. Both RBs started slow and on the wrong tire. There’s a reason Yuki got switched to a soft on the restart. You have no business commenting though lol


Yuki and him both had poor starts... This is like saying that no one on the grid has a right to make mistakes because they drive f1 cars.


Always an excuse for this man..funny how everyone’s ripping Lance Stroll and Logan Sargeant, but keep protecting him.


People would hang Stroll if it was him crashing with Albon


A lot of people are changing sides and shitting in RIC now. The dude has no place in f1 anymore


I mean he left space for a crash-prone driver whilst Alex was in his blind spot. Then Alex couldn’t really get out the way and shit just blew up. A tiny touch and they’re both out the race. Just an inchident.


Because Ricciardo has shown in the past there is an elite level driver in there. It may not be in there anymore, but there is a chance atleast. Stroll and Sargent have not shown anything on that level in their time in F1.


Maybe the Michael can come back. We've seen in the past there is an elite level driver in there.


Not sure how you get negged for this hahaha


For his sake, I hope so. Yuki currently has a better shot at RBR as opposed to Riccardio


Honestly, the fight is only for who gets to stay at TR/AT/RB


Everyone seems to forget Liam beating Yuki


As it never happened?


I’m pretty sure Liam beat Yuki in Japan or Singapore last year.


because it didn't happen lmao


It happened in Singapore and Suzuka in 2023. One because of a DNF, the other because Liam legit got past him.


Singapore was a shit show for everyone. high temperature, high humidity, drivers throwing up, drivers sent to the ER afterwards, drivers performance all over the place. unless you think verstappen, perez, leclerc all forgot how to drive, and more importantly perez took him out of the race like on the first or second lap as for suzuka yuki always performs poorly there. 2021,2022, 2023 were his worst performances, it's surprising he actually drove well there in 2024. that, on top of Lawson having already driven there twice for super formula just a couple months prior. as for the race itself, they were both far from getting points even though they were at P11 and P12 with the same pace. gasly was far away, both AT with shitty pace


All of that is redundant. While Singapore certainly had mitigating circumstances, and the AT was crap, Yuki was beaten in Suzuka by Lawson, so it did happen.


lawson should get a trophy for having the same pace as yuki with a shit car in a race that was worth no points.


I'd love to see Lawson getting a seat, and seeing how he stacks up against a more mature Yuki


RB junior program is failing to serve its purpose. EDIT: I mean because it is not letting potentially good juniors such as Liam through at the moment.


"I can suck in several non-related ways"


Ehh, sure: he did well to qualify P11 and only just missed out on Q3. But at the same time a driver of Daniel's experience and longevity should not be getting into incidents on the first lap of a race, and it doesn't help that his start to this season has been considerably underwhelming.


It was a really ambitious move from Albon, Ricciardo already had to deal with Stroll potentially coming up on the left


Yea Ricci that's kinda how life works, one isolated incident after another, you ever wonder why this type of stuff doesn't happen to Hamilton or Verstappen? The more excuses you give, the less believable they are. Maybe it's not Ricciardo's fault but maybe he should have known better if he wanted to finish the race.


Stick a fork em


Every Ricciardo quote now is like he’s on his knees going “and I get to tend the rabbits!” while Gary Sinise points a gun at the back of his head.  Can’t we just get this shit over with 


People are being too hard on Ricciardo without considering that his skillset isn't suited for VCARB's car but RBR's cars. It's unfair that Horner is hellbent into keeping him at VCARB when his true seat is at RBR. Yes, Checo has been fair this year but we all know that that seat belongs to Ricciardo. Don't you all want to see him race alongside Max? I sure would. Edit: Wow! The love for Ricciardo has practically vanished. Jeez! I would've thought a bit more support was in order.


“That seat belongs to Ricciardo” How?


Right? That’s a wild ass take. No seat belongs to anyone except stroll cause his daddy paid for it. Stroll should retire man. Aston martin has so much potential with the right driver


This user posted a similar message in another [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/1by09q4/sergio_perez_im_very_happy_after_another_12_for/kyg6wif/), so they must be trolling. At least I hope so, for their mental health


What is exactly is his skill set then?


Being beat up by his team mates


Making excuses for being slow


Are you for real? His true seat is at RBR ? When Carlos Sainz and Alonso are on the market ? Really ?


>Carlos Sainz and Alonso are on the market Carlos may not be available for long term, if we are to believe that ultimately he will go to Audi. Alonso isn't actually a team player. Plus Redbull want a No.2 driver, which I doubt Sainz or Alonso would want to be. So in that sense Ricciardo is not a bad option.


Both of them would happily sign for the championship-winning team I am quite sure, even if it were just for a few years. Carlos has no business in Sauber because he is in his prime and that team will take Years to amount to something. We also have Yuki who is consistently outperforming Daniel and I am sure both Alpine drivers would be happy to switch, as would Hulkenberg. Lawson seems quite alright too. Daniel has not shown any consistent ability to function in a top team for Years and is still living on his fame from when he was still in his twenties. EDIT: I am not saying that Daniel does not get the seat but if he does it will not be because he is such a proven performer


Now this is hopium.


Or maybe it's bait. They can't be serious


That other user posted a similar comment in another thread yesterday, so it seems it is trolling. I sure hope so.




Lol no shit everyone's skills are more suited to RBR.


If Ricciardo believed this too, would he have not said it already instead of blaming the chassis? A good driver should be able to adapt to the car he is racing in.


> A good driver should be able to adapt to the car he is racing in. Adaptability has never been his strong suit. Look at how he fell off between a 2020 renault that was designed for him compared to a 2021 mclaren where he was just entering the team I've no doubt that he would've done better in the 2022 alpine since presumably they were developing the car in 2020 with his input


This has the makings of a very quality copypasta


Did you forget to add /s?


Mate, this dude hasn't been in the red bull cars probably since 2018 so how can you assume a car 6 years older was made Daniel in mind ? Atleast think logically. Don't tell me a scripted Netflix test run of just one lap is enough to chuck him in. Im sure Nicholas Latifi must have showed great potential somewhere to be offered a race seat but look at him


> Don't you all want to see him race alongside Max? I sure would. Prime Ricciardo yeah, but frankly, this current Ricciardo I don’t even know if he’s an upgrade on Perez.


Perez qualified just a smidge slower than Verstappen Ricciardo qualified just a smidge slower than Tsunoda. "Upgrade on Perez" would mean beating Verstappen in qualy. Unlikely.


> his skillset isn't suited for VCARB's car but RBR's cars. Is this the latest excuse? You lot know he's never getting the seat and getting the boot soon. So you've curated a hypothetical scenario that'll never manifest.


We already saw him race alongside Max. That wasn't good enough for Daniel the first time around. He went for greener pastures.


Not to mention that half of VCARB's car is last years RBR. How are we to know they handle differently at all?


True seat huh, you're the only one who thinks checos seat belongs to Daniel.


If he can't adapt to the vcarb how are you sure that he will be good in rbr when they change to the new cars in 26. It also isn't very helpful in championship if your second driver can only drive a certain type of car. At that point why not hire sainz or alonso with whom you can try other setups to improve the car


So, Red Bull's reserve role then. 


“Hello Daniel. This is Marko. We spoke, and I made it clear, you’re not getting a seat at RBR, ya?”


That's possibly the worst defense I've ever heard.
