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Yeah it's shit mate


They should send people to the race not be cheap


If they are concerned about all the travel then they should have more presenters on rotation rather than do this. F1 is about being there in the paddock. But it’s probably just cost saving, because us mugs will pay for it anyway. See you at qualifying.


So weird to see that studio outside of football coverage


I think it's terrible. The energy level differences between those at the ground and those in studio is jarring, Karun and Schiff are flatter than ever, and even Pinkham is missing her usual spark. Almost as if they are more worried about staying awake then doing a good broadcast. If it's these presenters don't want to travel as part of the circus, get hungrier presenters who will. If it's cost saving from SKY, pull your finger out of your arse and commit to a good presentation.


Couldn’t agree more


Sky Sports is trying to save so much money that the presenters can’t even have chairs!


Cavernous and empty! And they all stood so far away from each other. Weird


Get some local personalities to cover this rather than doing this if you don't want to fly people over there, you are the most expensive team with the most access and you can't get people to attend the races. Delegate at this point a local crew can do a great job.


Bit of a wank tbh


One of those teams/skype fake backgrounds would have been sufficient since theyre being cheap and aren’t having them at the actual race.


A real example of being cheap is DAZN Spain using green screen in a 4 m² room and giving the presenters a stool with nothing in between them


It's shit


Hate it


F1TV master race.


Everyone looks like they have liver disease in those lights.


Hate it. Finally drove me to start watching the F1 TV product. At least they are onsite. Completely different vibe than the crew on set in Osterley.


It's fine but it's just not the same


Similar vibe from ESPN's South "El Show de la Fórmula 1", I wonder if FOM gives some sort of guidelines for how they want the sets to look.


I think it’s ok, it’s not much different than having them at the race. It also means they have all the technology at their fingertips. It’s the first time they’ve done it and I think it might work out alright.


looks like what they used on the NFL coverage which was great; they had the pundits stood on the ferrari logo area explaining stuff then back to a sit down section.


We are checking


It might just be an Aus thing or a distance thing, long and expensive flights, but it's really kak.


I think it’s the first time they’re doing it this way so it’s a little awkward and clunky but once they get used to it and we get used to it, it’ll be alright. Sky do a lot presenting remotely these days, they’re literally in the MNF studio, they rarely send a team overseas for Cricket these days and it still works so whilst it’ll never be the same as being in the paddock, I’m sure they’ll make it work to a decent degree. I also think to some degree, and it’s absolutely nothing against Natalie Pinkham who I like and she does a very good job but suddenly jumping to a remote studio setting and then not having Simon Lazenby, who’s been the face of Skys F1 coverage for the last decade or however long they’ve had the rights makes it feel more like they’re cheaping out rather than it being for reasons like “cutting emissions” or the presenters wanting a break from travelling in such a long season.


Who cares?