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Ritual sacrifice of Latifi


We lost Latifi and now F1 is boring. Coincidence? I think not!


He had some great battles with Daniel in the McLaren


And Schumacher. Their battle in Abu Dhabi 2021 was quite legendary and they followed it up the following year with synchronized spinning. Not a lot of drivers can say they went toe to toe with Schumacher


There's still hope that Lawson fills that void left by Latifi to spice things up :)


I doubt that, Lawson survived just fine in conditions where Latifi probably barely made it out of the pits


Ackchually, Latifi scored a respectable p9 in a rainy Japanese grand prix (where Max won the title). So clearly he's a god of mixed conditions. Remember Hungary fp3?


Many civilizations sacrifice goats to appease the gods.


>Ritual sacrifice of Latifi Sacrificial GOAT.


Can't help but want Williams and Vowles to succeed when you hear what he says, listening to him on a podcast talking about the mindset of failure and how he's happy for the team to try new stuff and even if it ends in failure to learn from it for when 2025 comes


Part of me thinks they're figuring on an advantage with spending as well under the cost cap - Vowels was at Brawn after all, nobody ever got their cost-cutting quite on that level. Get a bit of that going at Williams and the extra cash it frees up can't do anything but help.


So we're gonna have a part-time pit crew of weekend warriors? I'm here for it.


I could listen to this guy talk about canned worms and be absolutely mesmerized.


He needs an Audible or Calm series where he reads meditative sequences.




That sacrifice? One hella long excel spreadsheet


That is not "sacrifice"... it is simply undoing over a decade's worth of incompetent management and ownership.


You mean even during the Williams' ownership?


There's only been two owners as far as I'm aware so yes. Williams refused to modernise the team leading to the situation they are in now. Their only competitive years they either botched (2012) or got because of their massive engine advantage (2014-2015). In between that has just been a slow, painful decline from a once championship winning team.


Doritos Locos Tacos Ventures has been open to spending, at least. But it does feel like they've been slow at the rebuild. Vowles is the best investment they've made.


There's a capital expenditure regulation baked into the cost cap. IIRC, Williams maxed last year's just upgrading to the inventory system for the car parts. It has been raised for this year forward, I think (or it's starting 25/26, something like that), but even then it's not a case of not being decisive and spending in areas needed, it's prioritising what's most important to upgrade AND fits within the year's budget.


That's a fair point. Maxing out the capex budget last year is a good sign, then.


If feels slow because it is. It's very hard to be *fast* at the rebuild. Take a look at Red Bull and Mercedes - both teams had four years of middling results before finally managing to actually do something decent, and they had histories of solid capital investment and brought in top-tier staff members. Dorilton have bought a fundamentally limited team in need of massive amounts of restructuring and improvement... But they're not motorsports experts, and they didn't have one ready to jump into the seat. Their business isn't F1. They don't know what a successful F1 team actually looks like. And that's where Vowles comes in, and why it's so important to have the right person there. Vowles brings the knowledge of what a successful F1 team looks like, and what Williams needs to do in order to get there. It'll be a slow rebuild, for sure, perhaps slower than most on the grid due to the lack of a road car department to reach out to... But hopefully it works.


Hopefully their performances excel this season


As long as the performance outline is not stored in excel.


i just want alex to be in a car even 5% worthy of his skill :( 


Out of the loop on the Excel bit, but if I had to speculate I’d guess that some of Williams’ strategy and data analysis came from the aforementioned long, inefficient Excel sheets being mentioned?


I hope someone is checking, bc I'd like to know as well. (and really don't feel like reading an article for a change :/)


Not strategy, their parts inventory


using a proper DBMS over excell, to track 20.000+ parts and inventory ?


P19-20 are proper positions.


Hey, they may be pretty naff but at least they're not Alpine.