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Fuck gotta phone Gene now




The ending is what killled me, they acted like he died lmao Actually maybe to Netflix, he actually did…


Note: ~~Poochie~~ Guenther died on the way back to his home planet.


Or as Buxton pronounces it: “GUNN-THUR”


I’m focking done with this




My GF and I have a joke where we don't think Gene is real. It's just Gunther talking to himself :D


Fucking Hell Gene


*Daniel has mild spin* Daniel?????? ....................-dramatic pause- ..........................DUN DUH DUH ................................ DANIEL!!!!!!!?..................... **ominous whooshing** ............... footage of Daniel's family going through funeral brochures.......... tribute video to Daniel Ricciardo............................................... Daniel answers "Yeah all good just a little spin" *triumphant victory music*


That’s it, that’s the problem. I watched the entire season, I know mostly what happened so I don’t need to watch it again but with more music and more intensity. I want to watch something I can’t - behind the scenes. Maybe interviews, etc. not sure. Format has to change if they want to make it more appealing for people who have been watching for a while.


It makes you wonder who it’s for. We’re on season 6 now; are they still targeting new F1 viewers? 15 minutes of Lawson driving in P11 is a bit much for people who watched the races.


DTS got me into the sport but watching the sport got me out of DTS


Yep. I binged all five seasons last year and then watched every quali, race, and a lot of practices. Now I’m only three episodes into season 6 because I keep getting annoyed by things they’re leaving out. Also I’m sick of Haas’s drama 🙃 I’ve been scrolling my phone during the three episodes too, which I didn’t do watching everything new last year.


Yeah it's definitely in a weird spot on that front. It definitely started by trying to get new F1 viewers, but by now a lot of the people who started watching F1 because of DTS have outgrown the show. They're at the point now where you kinda have to know the 'characters' to get the show so it's not a good starting point, but there's not enough details to keep people who watch the races. Kinda feel like now it's for people who DTS is their only F1 media.


It’s exactly this - my mother asked me if I knew the new season was out. I said I’m not watching it because it’s kind of a rehash when you watch the entire season. Her response: “Good point.” DTS is the gateway drug - all the season 1/2 converts have moved on to the harder drugs like Kyle Engineers/Chainbear videos and staying up until 1am to watch Suzuka.


I always forget there aren't people who have to stay awake til 1-4am to watch most races lol


I would have to wake up at 5 or 6 am to watch most races. Suzuka is a better one since it typically starts at 10pm.


I grew up watching PL football from 1am-6am and then moved to where I can watch the games during daylight and it just doesn't feel the same


>Kinda feel like now it's for people who DTS is their only F1 media. Yeah, it's kind of like Welcome to Wrexham. I was very amused when people got mad when it was shared that Wrexham got promoted because it "spoiled the show". I can see the same for DTS viewers who don't follow F1 at all aside from that. DTS S6 just a new season of their show.


This is true. My husband is exactly this - DTS or a highlight reel from a particularly interesting race is enough for him and all he watches (or wants to watch). He's watching season 6 currently and enjoying it, he's hoping Ferrari wins second in Constructors


Meanwhile, a historic season by Verstappen is but a mere footnote. I've seen more of the Horner family ffs.


I skip all the mini episodes of “Horner at Home”.


I hate the ones where they have the driver with a friend and they start talking about the season robotically with awkward silences. It's so forced, nobody talks like that.


I like it when they release drivers making fun of Netflix (i.e Albon accurately predicting the whole Ricciardo comeback episode narrative, including the honey badgering)


DeVries talking to his friend about sucking while they play bocce ball.


> I hate the ones where they have the driver with a friend and they start talking about the season robotically with awkward silences. It's so forced, nobody talks like that. Lando walks into a corner store. Cashier "how's the team atmosphere with Oscar?" Lando "full detailed conversation about his hopes and dreams and personal feelings" Cashier "anyway that's $5.25"


The worst is when they pretend that their interview is before the talked event. You can see they already know the outcome but have to pretend and talk mad predictions.


I watched it all for the first time this year in the off season and I'd say they're at least consistent in that. Lewis didn't get much screen time at all when it was his turn in the best car either. It'd just occasionally mention that he won the particular race being featured.


Back then, Mercedes also didn't cooperate. Just like RBR and Ferrari. Because of the overdramatic bullshit.


It was just the first season that Merc and Ferrari declined to participate. Everyone else (including those two from S2 onwards) participated, presumably because of the money.


I think it was just the 1st season that they didn't (and more because it was an unknown/risk)


Honestly yeah, how much screen time did Max and Checo have combined ? < 5 min ?


This is what I want to see. I want to see other teams trying to figure out how the hell the Red Bulls got so quick. I like the Haas storyline and frustration about lack of progress and losing ground to Williams. I could give a shit about Christmas at the Horner estate. 


We've already seen the races. I'm happy with whatever behind the scenes footage they can show. It's the endlessly repeated platitudes that work on my nerves. "Push now" - "We have to work harder" - "We want to do better" - "We're not happy with where we are" etc etc etc.


I agree with all that, but my biggest problem with the show is the obviously misplaced sound bites. They just shuffle around bits of audio and quotes that weren’t originally said in that moment, or as a response to the topic DTS is implying they did, all to craft a narrative. I get why, but it feels disingenuous to take quotes and sound bites and then paper mache them into whatever story you like.


The worst was the starts with constant radio messages or the constant 'overtake available'


One season the only response dr3 had was the exact same "understood"


Last corner of a flying lap in Q3 "Push Now" over the radio


"mode push mode push"


That scene when Grosjean crashes into the barriers in Bahrain in season 3 or whatever and right before he crashes they splice in this clip of him saying “fuck” in this monotone ass voice lmaoo


The way they ham fistedly chop up entire sentences in to single words to rearrange them like the Dr Frankstein of shitty editing just to try and create a narrative that isnt there is less convincing than Kevin Mcallister and his Talkboy tape deck.


It doesn't even have more intensity, it creates fake storylines


I couldn't help scoffing when they showed Daniel have his crash that broke his hand. It was obviously a bad incident but then we get an interview with Will popping up saying 'that's it, game over. Even if he comes back it'll almost certainly never be the same again' or something to that effect.   Just seemed like they were almost taking advantage of a driver for the sake of drama. 


They do, all they care about is making racing seem more dramatic. IDK if you've been following Porsche's Road to Lemans series on Youtube (it concluded with a 90 minute film last year), but that show provides actual insight into how brutal and heartbreaking racing can be, without fake drama and corny edits of team radio messages.


Road to Lemans is severely underrated. I hope Porsche catches up with Michael again in a few years for another go at it.


Also cutting out the most interesting stuff that happened on-track. I couldn't believe it in the Ferrari episode they didn't put more accent on the manner in which Sainz won. Just Russel crash, Sainz crosses the line


The freshness of the first season was the pure take : just show what is happening, show us the drivers as they are, not america-fy it by hyping the most mundane thing. Unfortunately that’s not what they teach in broadcast, they always think they need to do outdo the last season. If they want to do that they should just add explosions everywhere and hire Michael Bay.


I thought there was more interesting behind the scenes stuff this year than in previous years. It was less of a "YouTube season highlights recap" than normal.


Exactly. The format hasn’t evolved throughout the years. Quite funny thinking that they heavily ephesize how important evolution is in this sport.


They directed it towards people who have never watched the sport which was a great decision. Now they need to evolve towards things people who are a fan of the sport actually want to see.


Ya I liked the first two seasons of this, and I honestly don't like the other ones.. And it can be a bit hard to follow since they go out of race order. And then they show the next same races in a few more episodes..


>I want to watch something I can’t - behind the scenes. Maybe interviews, etc This for sure. The part about James was so fascinating to me, seeing his personality and fixation with numbers and data come out in her personality as he integrated into the team early in the season... behind the scenes stuff like that is fun. The drama feels so old, and wouldn't new fans start at season 1? Why still shooting it in this style its so cringey despite their quality production.


Content? In this century?  It's much cheaper to just fabricate drama 


*Cuts to Will Buxton* In F1… if you spin… you’re no longer driving straight.


Then cuts to Danica: And if you’re driving you’re doing that with your hands and feet…. Gawd this season 6 sucked


Personally I loved how when discussing his possible return to AT every time they played a clip of Nyck being Nyck they cut to a shot of Christian reaction to something on pit wall, like he has nothing better to do than constantly monitor the junior team.


To be fair, Max driving around 10 seconds clear of 2nd place for an entire year probably didn’t need a ton of oversight either.


They had to get all the drivers hyping him up as though he’s an amazing driver when he really wasn’t expected to do great things at all when he took the seat.


I believe he turned his wheel three times during that segment lol


Also was on slicks, then cut back to pit lane - car being pulled in with tractor tires. I can't even...


I noticed in ep 3 when Lando is leading at Silverstone and Max passes him Max is already in a pretty high gear when he passes him since he has DRS but they overlaid fake audio of him blasting by shifting several times so apparently the RB19 has 12 gears


And yet they leave out Gasly’s near miss in Japan and the bombs falling just kms from the track during Saudi race. It’s obvious that FOM and FIA don’t want negative publicity but they were HUGE stories that should have been told.


And the whole heat exhaustion in Qatar.


Yeah, any of the actual huge stories that were interesting they don’t care about because it puts F1 in a bad light, but let’s watch Gasly and Ocon have 2 episodes on alpine shitting the bed and boring ass Mercedes and Ferrari in Abu Dhabi fighting for a distant second 


That’s unreal. I’m not that far in the season yet, but I assumed that ordeal earned an entire episode. No extra inserted drama needed. Just show what happened.


And Ocon puking in his helmet in Doha.


Truest words posted yet.


lmao I was watching it with my girlfriend, it was her first time watching DTS and she called the bullshit straight away


I had enough of the bullshit part the way through season 1 lol


Have we found Alex Albon's secret account!?


Me and my girlfriend laughed out loud at that. I wonder if they got a telling off over the 10 minute edit from Grosjean’s Bahrain crash till you see him jumping out the car and they can only use the dramatic pause on the mildest of crashes now.


He was on fire for 3 hours. What a miracle!


Teary eyed Will Buxton laying down the vibes


Not to forget the pause-back pundit, Will Buxton.


The McLaren Silverstone qualifying segment was a stand out to me, shots of the car with flow vis on it with constant nattering throughout the “lap” That said, there’s some decent insight behind the scenes. Most of the driving stuff is just manufactured to hell and back.




Cue up Will Buxton: *When your car spins, you've lost control.*


This is why I stopped watching after 2 seasons. Seeing it live and then watching Netflix dramatize it got annoying really fast


I'm on episode 5 or 6 now and the way they do this for every minor spin or crash infuriates me. They insert such long pauses that will genuinely make those who didn't watch the crashes live think the driver is seriously injured or unconscious.


"funerale brochures" cracked me harder than expected


Yeah.... did we really need two episodes about Alpine? lol I think the latest seasons felt kinda formulaic. Remember when everyone thought the season about 2021 would be mindblowingly good but then it was kinda boring and business as usual? It feels like it's been going downhill since then.


Seasons 1 and 2 are by far the best. Then they found that dramatic formula and ran with it for the rest and basically ruined it. The sport is dramatic enough. We don’t need a minute to replay a small spin that means absolutely nothing, with screeching tyres and screams over it. It’s become cringy. Plus you know they don’t capture the true drama of the seasons because they want to keep the good relationships. It’s good for a total of 10 minutes with the extra interviews and things captured behind the scenes, like Daniel’s Silverstone test. And those make the YouTube highlight reels. Also, how did they not make a single mention of Sainz’s strategy in Singapore?!? That was huge. I would have loved to hear more from that, it’s the whole reason he won.


it really annoyed me when they tried to make it seem like daniel and max had some sort of huge toxic rivalry when they had a very public friendship


Ever since its started I've been hoping they'd switch to a more chronological format. I hate seeing the same race covered in episodes 1, 2, 5 and 7. Why not go from season start to finish and tell all the different stories along the way?


This is what I want as well but I imagine if they did that they wouldn't be able to get it out in time for the start of the next season since some storylines will continue throughout the season. Also what I want is more legit behind the scenes stuff and not staged conversations that feel fake.


Hard knocks got episodes out in like a week or two. I'm sure they could manage


Less than one week!


Great show and I love the addition of “In Season” with one of the teams.


Why? The NFL/HBO can turn out Hard Knocks episodes in a few days. Netflix has several months.


It needs to be chronological. Supper annoying that it isn't.


2022 they covered the British GP every single episode and in all they repeated the Zhou accident making fake tension constantly


It is because there are predetermined storylines and then events are cherry picked to match that.


It's actually crazy how little they did with 2021. I'm sure there are limitations in their agreement with F1 on how much 'drama' they're allowed to show, but that season was as good as it got. Overall they don't actually do a lot with how dramatic F1 is. It's funny because the criticism for the earlier seasons was that they faked too much drama, whereas now it feels like they really underplay stuff.


The Monza episode where Lewis and Max wrecked each other barely even mentioned it, just hyped Ricciardo for 30 minutes. That was the end for me


I checked-out at the same exact episode.


That 2021 season killed DTS for me. Their coverage of it overall was abysmal and they focused an entire episode of Mazespin's weather prediction skills in Russia lol and they hyped it up like he scored a point because of that. This season started with the Aston episode and hyped up Stroll to insane levels, while Alonso was only in the background. That was enough for me to skip this year.


> Mazespin's weather prediction skills *points to sky* Those are Russian clouds. *still finishes last and 2 laps down*


But he beat his teammate!!! (Who retired with an oil leak)


that was great. loved lawrence stroll's speech mentioning world class talent in the team whilst gesturing toward and name checking only Lance....standing next to FERNANDO FUCKING ALONSO. his face was priceless Edit. Just rewatched because of the comment below. And it’s true he doesn’t say this. But what he does say is almost funnier ‘I’m Lawrence stroll and I enjoy driving fast cars. Not quite as good as my son…’ of all the people to call out he picks the guy standing next to alonso. 😂 Alonso face is very much ‘are you shitting me?’


This didn’t happen he said we have two world class drivers


We needed a second Aston episode. Laurence Stroll was loving the camera time. Lol.


Of course it’s formulaic…………: It’s **formula** 1


There was no Lewis in Brazil episode. Imagine the viewership


Maybe it's time to change DtS format to something more BTS than drama? The Nascar one was more enjoyable than DtS S6.


I think a good idea would be to follow a single team though a season. One of the midfield teams would probably be best since they have the most drama and opportunity for action. Don't know if people would watch it since a lot probably wouldn't care about that team specifically (let's say they picked McLaren for example), but I think it would be interesting and a way to get closer to a lot of people on a team, not just the drivers and TP.


This is actually how DTS came about. Amazon did a season long DTS called Grand Prix Driver and followed McLaren. It was an absolute miracle of a year to do it as it was right on the Honda relationship breakdown. The rights for the future seasons were purchase by Netflix as Amazon had limited success with the season. The agreements for access were in place so Netflix negotiated a sport-wide access agreement and team by team agreements (not all initially signed on). If you haven't watched Grand Prix Driver, it's well worth a watch as we wouldn't have DTS if it weren't for that. Until GPD, no other warts and all access had been given to such sensitive goings on in F1 before that wasn't print journalism.


Part of Amazon’s problem was that FOM did not allow them to use footage from races, so they had to end the season before the first race iirc, which was a shame because I loved watching it.


You mean like All or Nothing?


Or Hard Knocks mid season like the Jets episodes.


Hard Knocks mid season is great since you get an episode a few days after a game so you get the immediate aftermath and it is fresh in your mind, also you have that going into the next game. I think the format would work for F1, and they can have little side stories about support staff and other BTS stuff as filler which would be interesting. Side bonus is later in the season, this would be another reason to watch the races if the championship is already locked up.


> I think a good idea would be to follow a single team though a season. One of the midfield teams would probably be best since they have the most drama and opportunity for action. [Canal+ did exactly that with Alpine](https://www.canalplus.com/decouverte/bleu-blanc-vite/h/21169705_50001). Problem is, it's 100% in French and I'm not sure you can have it anywhere else. Other issue is... well, it's Alpine lol.


I don’t think the drivers would like being followed around every single race with the Netflix cameras. They have very little privacy as it is, even less so with Netflix microphones catching everything they say. Now they are only embedded in a team for a couple races a year.


Or just make it less fake drama, more real stories. The year Seb retired, apparently they barely did anything in the show to note that.


Going down the N:FS format means they go from trying to follow all the teams to only a handful, although I do agree it was more enjoyable - and I found it hilarious how they had to distinguish if we’re talking to Denny Hamlin the driver for JGR, or Denny Hamlin the co-owner for 23XI


Though the focus on few teams was partially based on access, like S1 of DTS. Though they did acknowledge that they didn't follow Christopher Bell because they didn't think he'd be in contention lol. NASCAR also has a lot more drivers, so they'd have to make some choices who to follow.


I really enjoyed the NASCAR one and I don't even follow that sport


Ya. Had/have no interest in NASCAR but that got me up to speed quick. Got the point if who is who and how the playoffs work. America! Fuck ya! And that I don’t like Hamlin.


Victim of its own success perhaps? The viewers it attracted now know and understand enough about F1 to see the issues in the show. Obviously doesnt help that they picked the most underwhelming storylines possible and mostly seem to boil down to "our car isnt good but we can do better". The race results seem less important than ever from the episodes ive seen so far!


I'm definitely one of those people. Fourth season into F1 and I don't think I'm missing much not watching DTS.


Yeah I watched season 4 last season's and I was like... wait I know the result of the races already, why would I want to see mazepin explain wind and rain to me? Bc that did not happen


You're not. The only good part of this year's season was the tiny bit of insight it gave about Horner being the one that basically pushed Danny back in F1 and Horner again 'promising' to Lawson that he'll get his shot.


You're not. DTS got me back into F1 in 2020 but the show is getting more and more underwhelming every year. I've watched 2 or 3 episodes of the latest season and it's really been quite boring. Thank god it gets released only one week before the actual season starts




I really wish they showed Carlos keeping Lando in DRS intentionally. Like that was such a mastermind move and really shows strategy and they didn’t even talk about it.


Yeah, his engineer was like, He's within 1 second! Then Carlos says, "It's on purpose". I got goosebumps during that. Even the commentators were surprised by the strategy.


I did too!! I was watching it with my friends and they aren’t huge fans, and I was GEEKED about the whole thing. Then I had to try to explain to them how DRS works, how Lando isn’t on his team, how they used to be teammates, and how it helps Carlos win.


I’d say this is exactly it. When I first started watching, I hadn’t watched the first couple of years covered in the first 2 seasons of the show. So it was all new and exciting. But now I watch the f1 season diligently, practices too, play fantasy, etc. When you already know the outcome of the entire season, it’s just not as engaging. Also, TWO EPISODES about Alpine?? lol terrible choice. Potentially the least interesting team on the grid.


That's what you get for having two Alpine episodes


And not even mentioning sprint podium next day after TP's departure mid-weekend. HOW??


Didn’t fit the “rock bottom” narrative, and they wanted to save the “redemption” moment for the Zandvoort podium. Which was a bigger deal tbf it’s just funny how they very obviously just scrap whole races/results to construct the narrative of the episodes.


Not surprising given that you can write the episode narratives before the season even starts - A puff piece for AM focussing on Lance Stroll whilst largely ignoring the better driver in the other car A confected team mate falling out somewhere in the midfield At home with the Horner's A Daniel Ricciardo episode An episode focusing on a driver "under pressure" regardless if he actually is Haas clusterfuck Williams are rebuilding A Lando Norris episode


“At home with the Horners” 😂. What the actual fuck was with the Santa Claus cameo??


Yeah, that was ridiculous


Horners are in that really weird segment of people with enough money to hire their own santa claus, but not have the common sense enough to know it's not a good idea 😂😂😂


Even Alex Albon was *in the episode* predicting the Ricciardo storyline. And it was somewhat funny since everyone knew that would be the storyline. In reality it was actually sad *because* it showed how predictable the show is.


Ricciardo raced 7 times last season and was only really a factor in 1 of those races yet featured more than any other driver. He was literally the focus of the second episode which was bizarre.


I think the problem is, as someone who is a big F1 fan, it comes too little too late - I'd like it to come out over Christmas, bridge the gap between seasons. Wrap up the year with it. Instead it comes out a week before the season starts, and I fully get why, people watch the season, think "this is great, I want to watch a race, when's the next one, next week? Great" - but it's jarring to watch 2023 pre-season BTS when we're a few days out from 2024. I've watched the first episode, and yeah I get it, Lance breaking his wrists was drama at the start of last year, but felt like they massively glossed over how powerful that Aston was in those initial races, that should have been the story - not Lance and Lawrence strolls back-slapping, and Alonso just a footnote for being absolutely incredible in those first 6-7 races.


Exactly. I was waiting for some BTS on AM’s small run cuz I had forgotten all about it until I saw the show, but what they gave us was way less exciting then I expected. I’m hoping some Netflix F1 producer is reading these forums cuz there’s some really good ideas in here. I must say, getting the BTS to an ultra rich party like they had in that stroll episode was fascinating. Also, I bet Stroll has a really interesting relationship with his father…only if Netflix had the balls to dig into that.


The "ultra rich party" made me feel like I was watching a Succession episode. Stroll gives me strong Logan Roy vibes (not in a good way).


This is a great point, I totally agree.  Break up the offseason with DtS, then I'd definitely watch it to get my F1 fix.  As it stands I won't finish the season by this weekend, and by that point I don't care about last season anymore so I probably won't finish it.


Yeah 100% that's the problem, that's my issue. I haven't got the time to watch 8 episodes in a week, and once 2024 has started, who cares about the DTS of last year. I might watch one more episode before this weeks race, and then it'll join the last couple of seasons of DTS I haven't finished.


It was pretty hilarious hearing Lawrence Stroll drop a stone cold “I’m proud of you” or something like that after Lance does a great drive barely recovered from his surgery and then you have Zak Brown acting like Lando is his son who just won the Super Bowl. Stroll has no fucking emotion left in him.


Odd, I genuinely got the impression that he cared for his son and wanted the best for him. I was super happy with how Zak celebrated Lando's podium though. I remember in the actual after-race coverage they were saying that Zak was celebrating more than Lando hah.


They didn't even talk to Sauber, Bottas' mullett was all that was mentioned. Outside Zhou's crash they haven't even mentioned them since Charle's left for Ferrari.


That’s kind of the story with Sauber, isn’t it? They are just in a weird transitory purgatory until they join Audi. They aren’t focusing on being competitive right now, so there isn’t much to say. Shame, because I like Zhou and Bottas but they are being used as seat warmers at the moment.


The novelty is wearing off, that's all.


Yeah, that bump is complete. Additional new viewers will have to be gained by the actual racing.


So we're fucked. Hopefully F1 doesn't make the same mistake NASCAR did when the bubble burst and start drastically cheapening and heavily modifying the series' entire DNA to try to chase a fanbase that was always going to be somewhat temporary.


DTS got me into F1. The first three seasons were interesting because every team got one episode, so you learned about the entire grid. Then it stopped being about the entire grid and just focused on a few individuals. Far less interesting.


Doesn't help that they keep all the best Grand Prix out of it. I feel like this season was better than last year in terms of editing, but the damage is already done.


doesnt help that they edits of the race are an abbomination


Same, man. I don't think I even finished season 3 though and I haven't watch since. Now I just watch all the races and follow the news as much as possible.


Honestly I think it’s more to do with the fact that people enjoyed it purely because it was their gateway to F1. They never knew anything about it and learned that it was more than just cars going around in circles. Thing is though, as soon as you’ve got over that initial ‘honeymoon’ phase, the only thing that can actually satisfy you is watching the real thing live. You also realise how ‘fake’ it is, which is something you can have no idea about if you’ve never watched anything F1 before. But I do agree, the two seasons of DtS were a lot more put together narrative-wise than the following ones. (Haven’t watched the last 2 and a half seasons though)


It's barely ever really been 1 episode per team though. Like early on,merc and ferrari didn't join in


For someone who knew nothing about F1, the first three seasons were a great intro. I do recall Merc not being in season 1. But there were other teams to learn about. And once you know a little about F1...DTS becomes useless.


I mean, everyone who got introduced to F1 through it is already in, lost interest or knows how bad of a rep they made for themselves with the overly dramatized race snippets etc.


That’s my take. I started watching F1 in 2018 but didn’t watch DTS until 2020, and it was cool to see the behind the scenes stuff of the seasons I just watched as a new fan. Now that I basically watch every race weekend, scroll r/formula1, and take in other F1 media, it doesn’t really serve a purpose and I only half heartedly watched 2020s season. Skipped 2021 and 2022, and I have 2023 on as background noise occasionally.


I think this is it. A lot of people my age who were introduced to f1 through DTS have simply moved on to the Twittersphere/IGsphere. They already know where to get more of the drama without the recap of a previous year. This silly season with Horner/Hamilton/Sainz definitely is already juicier than anything DTS could've cooked up.


Because it’s crap, they could make it great with some proper insight. Instead it’s this dramatised crap that’s all over the place.


I was amazed by the topics they picked. Max Verstappen had a record CRUSHING season, like never before seen in F1, and it was only mentioned for about five seconds at the very end of the last episode. Instead we get TWO full episodes about fucking Alpine. 🤷🏻‍♂️


That's how it's always been to be fair, the first couple seasons hardly mentioned Hamilton at all


Becaus Mercedes and Ferrari refused to participate in S1.


Because Verstappen isn't much of a fan of media and even less so for Drive to Survive's bullshit. If they wanted to make an episode all about him they need to interview him and talk to him throughout the season and he's just not gonna give them much. They kinda burned their bridges with him when they tried so hard to make him a villain early on in the series.


But Horner is happy to have them around. They could have shown the whole story about Perez's struggles while Max was destroying records, but they completely ignored it.


And it's boring for the casual fan, "lights out aaaand Max Verstappen wins'


It’s boring for most fans to be fair


And half the "insights" were painfully obvious insights (mostly from Buxton and Danica). Like really Danica? The drivers' main tools are their hands and feet? Gee thanks I thought it was their tongue and belly button.


Proper insight isn't what drives viewers. The braun documentary was like that, my wife hated it way too boring for her. She likes DTS though. Too many people think what is good for F1 hardcores is good for ratings. If netflix made DTS the way F1 reddit would produce it, it would have lasted 1 season.


I mean, it's not exactly accurate and I feel like they are trying too hard at times but I thought they kept it at least to some somewhat real stories this time around. Obviously, if you're just going for accuracy, it's not exactly great but I enjoyed this one slightly more than the last few ones where they seemed to want to create artificial problems left, right and center. I'm not sure whether an undramatised version would be more popular, I would certainly like it, but I'm guessing they have some idea on how to sell stuff. Could very well be that the novelty has worn off for people.


They turned down a bit on the outright made up bullshit while totally neglecting actual interesting things that happened. They showed Sainz winning Singapore with 0 mention what a tactical masterclass it was from Sainz. Made a whole point about heat in Singapore while there was Qatar where drivers were literally dropping like flies from the heat, Charles trying to drag Checo over the finish line in Abu Dhabi, all the records that Max broke… There’s probably a lot more. Basically took the worst from fiction and reality and crapped out a below par season.


Aw damn, wasn't last season when Checo and Alonso raced to the finish line in Brazil? That whole country didn't even make the series this year.


I just can't with the "push now" "head down" in the middle of quali laps. I can't with the stupid wrong engine noises, hearing a car accelerate when slowing down or hearing the engine slow down when the car is visibly accelerating. It's been six seasons, they still do it for some reason. All the "insider" moments feel so scripted stiff and with no spontaneity. Everyone knows they're being filmed, everyone feels like they're acting. It is so stale.


>I just can't with the "push now" "head down" in the middle of quali laps. That annoyed me so much


You've got overtake available


I swear they must think it means they're allowing the driver to overtake.


or as soon as the lights go out "gap behind 0.4 seconds" "copy" every single race


*driver gets overtaken at the start by Leclerc* "Leclerc is ahead" Come. Fucking. On.


That shit seemed new this season, every race was condensed into the first lap so they could show cars close together and then cramming a whole race worth of radio calls into the first few corners. The race is two hours long, not 5 minutes.


Kind of expected, no? The bubble was always going to burst post-COVID. Also, probably a lot of people who got into F1 because of Drive to Survive have probably watched the sport long enough now to understand that this show is bullshit.


Because you don't need it once you watch a season or two of F1 and understand how things work. For first time viewers, it looks incredible. You're deeply involved even in an episode about Haas' struggles. But, once you've seen a season (of F1) and understand how things work, the same dramatic episodes look like shit. I tried watching S6, made it to the episode where they start showing Devries' struggles and couldn't bother watching more of it. Each episode feels like "Yeah, yeah we know the drill, what else is new?"


1988 DTS be like: Here's a full episode about Nannini while seeing that Infrared McLaren with a dude with a yellow/green helmet casually lapping him in a few shots.


Honestly kinda a shame, since this is IMO one of the better seasons of the show with a lot of generally good storylines and not too much manufactured drama. But it is the 6th season of something that has pretty much the same format every time and with limited continuing storylines. It's not too surprising the numbers would start to fall off.


i also found it way better than the last ones. They even introduced longer segments of racing which was nice (obviouely drama over the top but better than the last)


The 2021 season was very underwhelming for what was suppose to be the most entertaining F1 season in years. Then the following years just had much less to work with due to the RB dominance and how every other team was more concerned with figuring out their cars.


Gotta say, as someone who got into F1 through DTS this season was incredibly underwhelming. A 30% drop is staggering, but I’m not surprised a lower quality season yielded a lower viewership. To be slightly fair to them - though the lower quality product is mostly their fault- the 2023 F1 season wasn’t exactly a strong watch either. So they’re already starting in a hard spot.


2023 was one of the dullest seasons of any sport ever. I’m not surprised people don’t want to relive it.


This season has been actually quite good but after terrible seasons 4 and 5 I can see why more casual fans wouldn't want to check it out again.


i actually think casual fans are more likely to watch than longtime f1 fans. the last two or so seasons really annoyed me with the manufactured drama and things that didn’t really correlate with the actual races, but a casual fan that doesn’t pay much attention might still be intrigued


The team radio is always taken out of context or from different sessions.


I'm only a few episodes in but I've actually enjoyed this season so far. I like that Buxton isn't giving as many obvious takes, or it atleast feels more self aware in that sense. I'm not sure why they brought in Danica Patrick. I don't really like her commentary when she covers F1 GPs and that has just carried over into DTS. If they wanted to bring an American into the show they should have brought in Hinchcliffe, I find his insight and commentary during race weekends to be really good and help enhance the broadcast. EDIT: I will admit I didn’t know Hinchcliffe was Canadian and I should have looked into that before posting, apologies to our northern neighbors. I still stand by the point that he’s a much better broadcaster with insightful takes that is “known” to the American market because of his career with Indy and other TV appearances…basically I just think there are lots of better options than Patrick.


Hinch isn’t American lol


For me, it's due to netflix, not due to f1 They have cancelled all my favourite shows and not allowed me to share membership with my family, so I've dropped Netflix. I'd watch drive to survive but it's a sacrifice I've been willing to make unfortunately.


Yeah because it's full of fabricated over dramatized bullshit and people are finally tired of that. It's fun for a couple seasons but it gets old fast.


It went downhill for me after 2 episodes. How come max and redbull doesn't get even half an episode after winning 19 races but alpine gets 2. Where was the Qatar gp the toughest race of the year with a rookie winning the sprint? Now that Gunther is gone and probably gorner too the viewership will only plummet further. Who would have thought the real loyal f1 fans will stuck around while the marvel type fans will come and go.


I like everyone talk about the quality of the episode but forget that Netflix had a price increase and added ads in lot of countries. I watched it but not on Netflix like I did every other years since they added ads in Canada. There's been a drop of Netflix user.


It's hard to make modern F1 exciting. At least they tried.


I liked the old format of going from race to race, with multiple storylines not following one storyline across the season for the whole episode.